04:36:01 "Screenshot 2023-07-08 at 12.16.2..." <- 121px ??? Do you have any idea what that looks like on a 2048px monitor? 06:20:43 I had to zoom out 12:12:15 "Where's the one where you bet on..." <- monero dot win i presume 16:57:03 hey quick question, are there any legal implications for running a monero full node? 16:58:27 I just can't find a definitive legal answer 17:03:31 "hey quick question, are there..." <- As always, the law depends on where you are. At a minimum, you need to tell us what country you're in. 17:03:33 its cool. first ammendment. 17:03:41 JivanPal[m]: Germany 17:03:52 which makes it even weirder because there are conflicting laws 17:03:56 compdec[m]: The UK says "what's a constitution?" 17:04:07 Depends on the jurisdiction. In all western countries its not an issue, but if you are in a politically spicy environment you should consult someone who is familiar with local laws 17:04:23 ceetee[m]: the issue is whether your node runs illcit transactions 17:04:27 > In all western countries its not an issue 17:04:27 Don't be so sure. 17:04:33 or transactions that were used for illegal things 17:04:55 yes you as a node operatos aren't the focus but you could be charged for aiding the illegal activity 17:05:16 Germany is not an issue at all 17:05:22 ceetee[m]: what do you mean? 17:05:32 A large share of nodes are hosted in germany 17:05:53 ceetee[m]: this sounds good already but I really need some law or passage 17:06:00 sorry I am just this way haha 17:06:22 there are no laws in Germany forbidding you to host a node 17:06:25 tux: In general, the answer for Germany seems to be "crypto is fine" 17:06:40 tux: Obviously these are illegal; it doesn't matter what currency you use to conduct them. 17:06:50 sure but there is GwG an anti-money laundering law that could mingle you as aiding the illcit activity 17:07:22 but I am not Saul Goodman so I don't really know if what I'm saying or understanding is really true 17:07:25 Wikipedia has a nice summary article, I would point you to the references therein if you want more details or specific legslation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cryptocurrency_by_country_or_territory#Germany 17:07:39 tux: Okay, so don't launder money 17:08:07 JivanPal[m]: thank you I will read it. Regarding money laundring I certainly won't haha but people using my node might and that is the issue 17:08:21 Such implications happen with fiat all the time, too. For examples, thousands of international students get implicated in money laundering scams. 17:08:28 tux: you are not involved in 3rd party transactions at all, meaning you don't have any influence or knowledge about what is happening 17:09:16 tux: Crypto users don't use specific nodes. 17:09:18 The nodes collectively form a network, and users use the network. 17:09:42 thank you both, really thank you, I will read through the wikipedia reference links, that's what I was looking for. Thanks again! 17:09:54 s/examples/example/ 21:15:28 "or transactions that were used..." <- If that's the case, blacklist the offending addresses 😂 23:46:35 Any alternatives to xmr.to? Or anywhere to buy prepaid visa/mc with xmr? 23:49:52 kycnot.me for exchanges and what not, and monerica.com has producs/services which accept Monero + other cryptos as payment. seek "Giftcards/ Pre-Paid Cards" 23:50:34 (maybe there are sellers on Localmonero offering what you need)