03:16:45 helo 05:03:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sith? 07:44:58 >Synced 731288/2956546 (24%, 2225258 left, 0% of total synced, estimated 1.1 years left) 07:45:04 > 1.1 years left 07:45:09 is this normal? 07:46:57 If you're syncing to floppy. 07:47:36 Wait a bit, 0% means you just started monerod, it probably took a bit to download its first blocks, which might skew the guess. 07:48:04 In any case, use a SSD, they're *much* faster to sync with that spinning disks. 07:48:28 i use an ssd 07:48:35 SSD should sync in a couple days, spinning disks in a couple weeks. 07:49:32 >you just started monerod 07:49:41 not really has been running for a few hours 07:50:20 Something's wrong then. Run "top", and post the third line (or second ? the one with "wa%" in it). 07:50:46 Also, run "status" in monerod, check it does have a few connections at least. 07:51:10 Also, run sync_info, post the line with lots of 'o', '.' characters in it. 07:52:38 %Cpu(s): 5.1 us, 2.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 55.4 id, 37.2 wa, 0.2 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st 07:52:39 this? 07:53:32 37.2 wa is very high 07:53:35 Yes. 37.2 is very high. Looks like your SSD is the bottleneck. 07:53:39 you SSD can't keep up 07:53:55 Is it connected via USB or other chicanery ? 07:54:04 nah just sata 07:54:08 it can be just old SSD 07:54:19 i do sync btc node too tho 07:54:19 sata? Yep, it's old and it's probably much slower than when it was new 07:54:44 1 year is much slower than a spinning disk would be though. 07:58:03 ill tinker some more and get back to you 07:58:04 ty tho 08:11:08 ssd seems shot 10:51:56 How would I start monerod at boot in Linux? 10:52:18 "./monerod --ban-list block.txt" 10:53:48 do you have systemd? 10:53:55 Usually, a new shell script in /etc/init.d that handles at least start and stop. If that directyry's empty, you're on your own. 10:54:24 randyr: yes 10:54:36 I'm on Ubuntu 10:54:43 Debian blah blah blah 10:57:41 [Unit] 10:57:41 Description=Monero Full Node 10:57:41 After=network.target 10:57:41 [Service] 10:57:41 User=monero 10:57:42 Group=monero 10:57:42 WorkingDirectory=~ 10:57:43 StateDirectory=monero 10:57:43 LogsDirectory=monero 10:57:44 Type=simple 10:57:44 ExecStart=/usr/bin/monerod --config-file /etc/monerod.conf --non-interactive 10:57:45 StandardOutput=null 10:57:45 StandardError=null 10:57:46 Restart=always 10:58:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Monerodocs still down 10:58:53 make one according to your needs place it when u place ur systemd unit files then 'systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start monerod' 11:03:13 randyr: ty 14:08:49 Yea I remember monero docs being down when I was setting up my node like a month ago. Had to use web archive to view it 15:47:53 hey, what happened to monerooutreach.org? it's gone 16:54:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Monero github should fork it and add it to getmonero 19:37:10 wtf, another one 😢 19:58:27 Hello, does monerodocs.org work for you ? I'm not able to connect to it. 19:59:15 at least seems to be loading slowly; waiting to see if it times out 20:43:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Negative ghost rider 21:48:20 monerodocs.org not loading for me either 21:50:29 Loading for me.. 22:12:33 Also loading for me... 22:12:34 I did see many complains lately about monerodocs not working 22:56:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Censored! 22:56:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I lie 22:56:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its alive for me now 22:57:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Gonna archievebox that site 23:40:44 oh, yeah, it's back