04:07:57 https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard/weekly/71 05:21:54 Who mines on Monero testnet with about 80 kH/s at times, only to leave after that and bringing the network to a standstill? Is this good for something? 05:44:58 Maybe someone trying to be cheeky? 05:52:38 Or maybe someone experimenting with the difficulty adjustment algorithm 05:52:54 (Maliciously...) 05:56:40 Well, you never know. Somebody could be testing a new miner, in good faith. But then they should manage to bring the hashrate down after finishing 08:14:28 Wow, 3 testnet blocks in the last hour. It can only get better. 08:36:56 FWIW when I test I run with --fixed-difficulty 1 --offline, and pop/flush after I'm done. 08:37:14 That way I get blocks whenever I need them using generateblocks from the python console. 09:33:49 And now the xmrig that I run has donated some testnet hashes :) 10:10:49 hello 10:10:53 got a question 10:11:08 I have been reading through the multisig doc 10:11:55 and what would be the consequences of exposing initialisation data ? 11:08:28 Monero crunches are more frequent now. Getting every 3 days on Trocador 11:08:49 Currently having some delays on XMR purchases right now 11:32:29 Can you use the same initialisation data for multiple multisig wallet ? 11:57:07 s​eikoqq1:matrix.org: I think that currently only our "resident" cryptographer UkoeHB could answer your questions; anyway I can't 11:57:47 Is this more than curiosity, do you have some scenarios in mind where you would do something with the answers, act somehow on them? 11:59:56 yeah 12:00:16 trying to combine monero multisig with byzantine fault tolerance 12:01:42 when you creating a multisig wallet, let's say you want to have 2/3 or something like. The other parties might not be available at the same that you are sharing your initialisation data 12:01:43 Jeffro256 made some great contributions to the multisog doc @ monerodocs , is that what youbare reading? https://github.com/monerodocs/md/pull/56 12:14:49 I may be mistaken, but I think UkoeHB tried something similar. Did you already watch his MoneroKon Prague presentation regarding this? 12:18:27 no, I haven't 12:35:38 I get 404 when clicking on "View the transaction here" (https://localmonero.co/tx/5dbd3a47b1174d0442aed9f4ad87e5704b2b905e35a2e4e288649b422c1aea8b) 12:39:34 rbrunner, would you help me to a link for it if possible ? 12:44:08 I don't think you can, since generation is deterministic (you can export a seed that can be reused to recreate). 12:46:26 I'd work with two different sets of owners. You'd get different wallets. But I would not trust that it's safe unless a cryptgrapher assures us it is. 12:47:28 I think he's talking about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrjKDuyFv0Y&t=140s 12:49:37 https://localmonero.co/blocks/search/5dbd3a47b1174d0442aed9f4ad87e5704b2b905e35a2e4e288649b422c1aea8b 12:51:24 https://localmonero.co/blocks/tx/5dbd3a47b1174d0442aed9f4ad87e5704b2b905e35a2e4e288649b422c1aea8b 12:51:47 We'll fix the link, tanks. 12:51:50 We'll fix the link, thanks. 12:52:36 thank you 13:07:52 I see "spend secret key is no longer the sum of multisig key shares" in the git log. So it may actually be OK now... 13:43:51 rbrunner, thanks for the link, the guy in there obviously not the easiest person to understand 13:44:49 SNeedlewoods: thanks for the link. I'm lost in the 2nd part of the video but I will watch again 13:55:10 Well, he had to cram a lot of stuff into a relatively short session. 16:40:35 seikoqq1: Not to be self-centered, yet I've already done that if you don't mind bucking standards. 16:42:32 I know koe appreciates ECDH DKG for small multisigs, for a few different characteristics which you may expect. If you're just looking for something which already exists to get up and running, and don't mind not using core Monero, I have some code directly relevant. 16:43:07 And if you want large multisigs, it'll have better performance in several orders of magnitude. 16:43:57 I want one-step multisig where some parties might not be available 16:44:16 but might be available some time later. 16:44:53 I'm now trying to understand Koe's way of boosted multisig 16:45:13 Ah. Then you need async BFT... 16:45:19 My code won't help there, best of luck. 16:50:11 but what was your code doing ? 16:50:27 but what's your code doing ? 17:38:58 k​ayabanerve, hello good day i am fiddling with your code on full chain membership proofs. Are you willing to answer a few questions? 17:55:16 That was not me, just another guy whose name starts with a j and ends with 3 letters ;) 18:00:36 wow sorry jeffro256 , the name broke my algorithm... thanks johnr365! 18:01:33 lol 19:04:00 Ends with 3 numbers* 😝 20:39:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> N S A 20:39:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 00 20:42:36 256 is a generic round number, get over it ;) 20:44:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Build a bridge and get over it muahaha