05:15:20 \>drops a functional xmr marketplace and crowd funding platform 05:15:20 \>doesn't accept any support, not even for server cost 05:15:21 \>"I am always such a burden" 05:15:21 \>refuses to elaborate further 05:15:22 \>leaves 05:15:22 My dude, you're the opposite of a burden and most xmr folks would like you to hang around here occasionally, even if you decide to do zero dev work. And if event thats to much, please know you can always come back. 05:19:25 It is not about programming. I am a fugitive, "illegal" in all countries (no country prints a passport = no way to get a visa anywhere). Even anti-CBDC people despise me. Neighbors in real life don't trust me. Even with more money, you cannot bribe someone to trust you, that will only make them more suspicious. Even a therapist who teaches social skills would require ID. It is the 05:19:25 end of the road. Fugitives can't stay in hiding forever. But this is an inappropriate topic for the Monero chatroom. 05:21:37 If someone is despised because they sell drugs or they get into fights, they can stop selling drugs or fighting people, and they would be accepted. I am despised because I exist. There is no country or culture that accepts an undocumented person. No way to compensate for "lack of proper ID" through skilled work, volunteer work, joining a church, etc. (it isn't even possible to joi 05:21:38 n a church or volunteer work without ID). The only thing people accept would be my death. 05:23:59 I wrote about this 2 years ago: https://vonupodcast.com/know-your-customer-kyc-the-rarely-discussed-danger-guest-article-audio/ but still people despise me. Even Resist_CBDC despises me: https://twitter.com/Resist_CBDC/status/1703977685356364257 There is no redemption or rehabilitation. I cannot do dev work if I am arrested while sleeping on the streets. And like I said, even with 05:23:59 more money, I can't bribe a roommate or landlord to trust me. 05:24:32 This is all I will write because I don't want to spam the Monero chat, and this is significantly off-topic. 07:35:47 anarkiocrypto: can't see your tweets m8. followers only 08:19:26 Just recently picked up 'Mastering Monero' from Serhack. Monero has a much better vibe than Pirate Chain so far. Looking forward to learning more, this place seems pretty chill so far! 08:49:18 anarkiocrypto: depending where you are there are communities of undocumented people, you may just need to find the right people 08:52:31 I still don't understand why you want to cut ties with people who trust you 08:59:18 "Communities of undocumented people" are based on ethnicity/nationality here. People may trust someone who is e.g. Ukrainian or Roma, even if they don't have a visa. But no one trusts a guy without a country, background, family or identity. He is seen as an invader wherever he goes. But I don't want to spam the Monero chat with my personal issues (which I have been spamming since 08:59:18 2021, without success). 09:00:36 Regarding ID and official documents: I'm pretty sure there are some loopholes depending on you local jurisdiction. You may need a layer to find those tho 09:00:54 I do not fit in with the world. People told me as a kid "you will never survive in the real world" and they were right. Programming skills aren't relevant. You can't earn your way to personhood. It is based on circumstances of birth, not actions as an adult. 09:01:45 Regarding ID and official documents: I'm pretty sure there are some loopholes depending on you local jurisdiction. You may need a lawyer to find those tho 09:02:01 There are no loopholes, just indefinite imprisonment if you are lucky (they can't release you until they "ascertain your identity", which is impossible if you aren't in any country's database) or left in a cell without water or with violent people (I am physically weak). 09:02:30 have you consulted a lawyer or any other help about this? 09:03:25 I can't help but weigh in on the idea that you can always affect your circumstances if you satisfy the right requirements. Just because someone claimed to predict your future in the past doesn't mean they may program YOU. Your decisions and labor can disrupt the prophecy 09:03:26 I want to stop this spam. It is inappropriate and unfair to real contributors like moneromooo and rbrunner. 09:03:51 anarkiocrypto: things are different in different places so I do not want to tell you how it is. just people do care about undocumented people.. and often it is other undocumented people and allies 09:04:25 I don't know which country you're residing in but I know cases of immigrants without valid documents getting help. 09:05:04 yes, me too. 09:05:04 Imagine if moneromooo wants to kindly give tech support, but there is just a fugitive's schizophrenic ranting disrupting the room. I will stop and I apologize. 09:05:09 Definitely do this. 09:05:31 Immigration lawyers or relevant organizations will know 09:06:39 There isn't a solution. I have dealt with this for 10+ years. I contacted lawyers and NGOs when I was younger, also Flag Theory, there is literally nothing for runaways like me. 09:06:48 we have a dedicated support room Monero Support 09:06:49 And quite frankly idgaf if someones tech support question gets drowned out, there are things that are more important 09:07:40 nice. agree. 09:07:57 They would just say "go back to the village where you were born, you aren't welcome here". The abusers would attack me, as they did when I was a child. Homelessness is more dignified than being forced to live with abusers, so that is what I will choose, until my luck runs out. 09:08:07 we have a dedicated support room #monero-support:monero.social 09:08:08 And quite frankly idgaf if someones tech support question gets drowned out, there are things that are more important (in this case its you) 09:08:21 Really, I am a "dangerous criminal" and have no rights. No one wants a crazy guy loitering around their country. 09:08:46 I will leave. I'm sorry for the disruption. It is vastly inappropriate for the room. 09:09:13 people dislike leeches, who want handouts with nothing in return. But you have proven that you are willing to work, and you are skilled in high in demand fields 09:10:38 No country issues a work visa without an existing passport. Stateless passports aren't printed in reality. There is no way to compensate for "lack of legal identity". This is something you are given (or not) at birth, and there is no way to earn it as an adult. The world is not setup that way. 09:11:05 https://anarkio.codeberg.page/blog/roadblocks-to-obtaining-government-id.html 09:11:33 I really just want to go. You are very kind, but your kindness is sadly wasted on an irredeemable fugitive. 09:11:58 fake passports exist for such cases 09:12:09 better than your current state, surely 09:14:17 I have tried and failed to get fake ID for the past 10 years (since I became 18 and ran away). 09:14:37 If a mod is here, they are welcome to kick me. 09:15:36 how does one "fail" to get a fake ID? 09:16:00 You're in a downward spiral loop. People seem to suggest that you're a competent developer or contributor in some way, I hope you tap into that resource to move forward. Best to use what skills and resources you currently have 09:17:59 Move to the US. Not hard at all to get fake papers--quality depending on how much paid. 09:18:35 I don't think I ever employed someone who was actual a citizen, lol 09:19:32 I don't think I ever employed someone who was actual a citizen 09:23:55 > how does one "fail" to get a fake ID? 09:23:55 From ages 18-21 I was concentrated on lawyers / NGOs (didn't work). I found "World Passport" and was saving for it (but was living paycheck to paycheck). I was too naive and didn't know it wasn't accepted in reality. In 2016 I looked at DNMs for fake national ID cards, but couldn't afford it (the listings that I saw, I later found out they were scams, noticeably bad quality or eve 09:23:56 n outdated). In 2018 I had money, but was scammed, and the other vendor went offline. Then I lost work again, but could go back to paycheck to paycheck in 2019, when I started to save for another fake (which was OK quality and vendor was trustworthy), but before I could afford it, the vendor disappeared. Since then it's a cycle of trying to save money (but barely able to afford re 09:23:56 nt), then emergencies or lost jobs or rent increases wipe out my small savings, and the vendor disappears before I have enough money. (BTW, US fake driver's license wouldn't work, it needs to be an EU national ID card with hologram.) 09:24:06 I can understand it. People just try to "find solutions to the problem" instead of providing the community that he needs. 09:24:26 There is no way to go to the US, I don't know how to stowaway on a ship. 09:24:49 You probably have more chances and mobility if you're in the EU 09:24:49 I don't need community, I have no social skills and can't interact with people. The truth is, I tried many things since age 18, but all have failed. Here is a list: https://anarkio.codeberg.page/blog/roadblocks-to-obtaining-government-id.html 09:25:52 I am in the EU. I was born in Europe but I was too criminal (due to running away from abusers) to be able to register myself at age 18. 09:26:27 At age 18, I was already too dangerous to be trusted. 09:27:16 I really don't want to waste people's time. It is a loop of repeated failures since 10+ years. I am prepared to lose the apartment and try to find hidden places to rest where no one will see me. I do not want to drag Monero down with me. 09:27:24 We all need community and a place to belong. But most just see Monero as a hobby or a utopian escapist dream for weekends and evenings after work. 09:28:13 I choose to spend my time however I like to. 09:29:38 I don't even know the country of his current residence, which makes it very hard to provide any tangible help. On the other hand I don't want to be too pushy 09:30:21 I never had close human contacts. Despised, attacked, harassed and threatened ages 0-18 (tolerated online by Americans around age 14-15, only had internet access because people were technologically illiterate and didn't know you could talk with people online, otherwise they would have banned me from it) and after age 18, my low social skills meant I was suspicious everywhere. 09:30:41 Apart from these, have you tried applying for refugee status/asylum? Because that's what you need. Other methods listed here either don't apply to you or are illegal. Either way, countries have nowhere to deport you. 09:31:28 What can go wrong during asylum applications is deportation and this isn't possible in your case. 09:31:52 If you need a native speaker for translation/negotiation work I sure we can find someone in this community, no matter where you are 09:32:01 I am white. A whitey doesn't get asylum, he gets told to fuck off and stop pretending to be marginalized (at best), have the cops called on him for being a fugitive, or sent to the psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia and delusion of persecution. 09:32:37 it also would just "solve the problem". For him agorism is not just a larp. Why can we not just create this agorist utopia around Monero where people like Anarkio can belong? 09:32:42 If they can't deport you because nowhere wants you, they keep you imprisoned indefinitely, or simply forget to give you water, or house you with aggressive/violent people (I am weak). 09:32:57 https://index.statelessness.eu 09:33:55 I am in this situation because I was unwanted as a child and if you are a shitty kid who no one wants, no one is going to register you as an adult. You don't get a second chance. 09:36:38 There is no orphanage or social worker for adults. I don't even have an ethnicity. For example, Roma people have a community. I don't have a community. I am not e.g. Russian, German, Roma, Jewish, or anything. Just some strange parasocial pseudo-Western internet culture, which isn't a physical place and isn't even real. 09:36:59 I am tired of harassing people with my failures. If Plowsof is here, he can kick me. 09:38:36 solve the immediate problem now, build utopia later 09:39:18 I don't see any harassment 09:40:52 the immediate problem is that we are not building utopia now. 09:43:00 timeline for building utopia is decades 09:43:40 it can be built in an instant if people start believing. 09:44:22 Whats the definition of utopia we're working with here 09:44:43 its different for each of us, I guess 09:45:05 It is not decades, as described here: https://anarkio.codeberg.page/blog/survival-outside-the-state.html But I am tired, I am a bad spokesperson for agorism, and understandably there is no sympathy for a fugitive who was even banned from the Catholic Church (there is no way to repent). 09:46:17 (this chat is proof of the sympathy) 09:46:59 So the answer is no. You didn't try to apply for asylum? 09:47:03 I hope you break out of the loop you're in man 09:47:42 Here is an example of the real world situation: https://index.statelessness.eu/sites/default/files/UNHCR%2C%20Faces%20of%20Statelessness%20in%20the%20Czech%20Republic%20(2020).pdf More countries: https://index.statelessness.eu/themes/detention https://index And these people often have birth certificates or expired IDs. I have nothing (i.e. I am not a real human, but some demon who 09:47:42 has possessed a human body). 09:48:39 I don't believe in demons 09:48:46 I am white. A white person has no reason for asylum (apart from e.g. Ukrainians, LGBT people from Eastern Europe and political prisoners like Snowden and Assange). What the hell would I even give as a reason? That I am an unwanted bastard? 09:49:02 I hope everyone else breaks out of their loop. Anarkio is the one who broke out of it and he presented Agorism in an authentic light. 09:49:05 They would either laugh in my face or call the cops on me. 09:49:33 No? 09:49:36 There's literally no reason to do that 09:50:09 Yes. I am a damned whitey. I don't know what type of scam I could tell them. "You're white, you are a citizen of some European country, why the hell are you here?" 09:52:25 I don't know the details of his status on Monero, but people suggest he's made major contributions to the community or development of the tech. Sucks to see him struggling with concerns about his skin and feeling like theres no options to move forward, there has to be a way but there appears to be limiting beliefs 09:53:39 Look at this: https://index.statelessness.eu/themes/detention 09:54:22 maybe get a spray tan & larp as a syrian or watever 09:55:13 yeah so we should stop trying to find "solutions to his problem" and build a community where ethnicity, race, gender and government ID does not matter. I dont see why this is so hard to understand or would take decades. We can do this right now. 10:00:26 we could? 10:03:20 needs a critical mass of people to work, and we don't have that yet. We don't even have this critical mass for monero, and thats an easier sell then your utopia 10:04:19 Any thoughts on Jeff Berwick, guys? 10:05:30 You are displeased? 10:15:21 our utopia. If we want Monero to succeed we need to create a community where you can belong without a specific race, gender, nationality and so on. Government ID should not matter. I am not saying we should live in the forest somewhere or start a commune. ocean eudaimon36 say: get a fake passport, pretend to be Syrian, sneak across the border into the US, that is easy. or from 10:15:21 Siren contact a refugee NGO and ask for help. All of these answers are basically: get a passport and government ID. 10:16:41 well it sounds like thats his goal 🤔 10:17:01 I agree with you, bud, though the law creates huge hurtles to "just living in a community" 10:17:25 BUt you are totally correct that everyone needs community 10:17:54 Even if just here with us goofballs... 10:18:27 needs some girls tho else its gonna be le very gay 10:19:02 lol 10:19:20 well, gay men tend to enjoy a higher quality of life 10:19:34 hahahah 10:21:19 what happened to "Code is law". We should go back to this. Many are still stuck in their national or political bubbles. We should make our own Monero bubble that is better and where things are different. 10:22:18 it shouldnt be a utopia that is "decades away" it should be here now 10:23:11 code is law concept is interesting, never heard that one 10:23:27 Still need a physical place for it. Online isn't sufficient for authentic human connection. If we can all pool together and buy a little bit of the third worl, I'm game 10:23:32 Still need a physical place for it. Online isn't sufficient for authentic human connection. If we can all pool together and buy a little bit of the third world, I'm game 10:23:54 Get me the hell out of the US... 10:25:18 I dont think that is the answer. People should stay put. Because eventually the goal is to take over everything. 10:26:15 Nice response 10:27:54 henlooo frens 10:32:35 I suppose we have different views of the coming future: for me, XMR is a way to successfully navigate the fall of civilization. 10:33:37 for me personally there is only two currency systems of the future, the public/monitored system , which bitcoin has already won and the private / dark one . which Monero is defacto leader and winner of 10:34:10 How do you guys feel about Pirate Chain? 10:34:33 I personally think pirate chain is a scam. for many reasons. 10:34:37 or atleast not fair. 10:34:50 It seems sketch for some reason, I don't know enough about it 10:35:08 its def scetchy 10:35:31 i did a big research into it in the prev run but my research showed unfair and scam tier. 10:35:48 can't really remember the exact reasons. not enough memory to store everything. 10:36:01 pump and dump or something 10:39:08 does anyone actually use piratechain? 10:39:16 i'd be concerned if i saw it used anywhere 10:39:21 no. 10:39:21 but i don't 10:40:13 They claim to have like 5 vendors that accept it if you want their niche services lol 13:32:13 something going on with the network? 30 minutes and zero confirmations 13:32:59 of coarse when i type this it gets 1... but yea is this the norm now or something? 13:33:46 No. There were many transactions in the last hour, blocks were full 13:36:10 i thought monero had a dynamic blocksize to try to avoid that problem 13:37:01 Dynamic blocksize takes more time to kick in 13:37:21 Transactions already cleared from mempool 13:38:46 makes me imagine going to work one morning and stopping by some gas station that accepts xmr payment directly at the pump 13:39:24 but oops, a few random people were making extra txs that morning hope youre all good waiting 30 extra minutes for the money to go through 13:40:10 (applies to any blockchain so not a stab against monero but yea.... future not looking pretty) 13:45:12 zero-conf is good enough for these kinds of payments (< $100) 13:45:16 Zero-ghost: A smart gas station would accept 0-conf. If they don't, paying a transaction fee above the minimum would probably get your tx into the first block. 13:45:27 so you only need to wait 5-40 seconds until merchant's node sees your transaction 13:45:54 and it'll take more than 40 seconds to refuel, right? 13:47:03 sounds nice in theory, but if we look at all merchants out there across the different countries of the world accepting any various crypto, what % of them are accepting zero-conf? 13:47:34 maybe gas station A accepts zero-conf, but i stopped by gas station B that doesnt 13:48:42 gas stations that don't accept zero conf cant compete and go out of bizz. 13:48:47 That's the magic of a competitive market: more consumers would go to gas station A. Anyway, BCH has "double spend proofs" on 0-conf payments. wonder if XMR could do something like that. 13:49:50 the "more consumers would do 'X'" line has been proven false for just... too many years now 13:50:04 or else we would see people demanding to use monero since its truely the only real crypto 13:50:52 but people sit there puking excuses about how bitcoin still works and is king (it doesnt, and isnt(technologically)) 13:51:29 Monero doesn't have replace-by-fee, so zero-conf is relatively safe 13:52:12 Bitcoin has replace-by-fee, so many BTC merchants avoid zero-conf 13:52:55 XMR usage by CoinCards customers has increased a lot in the last months/years. Almost exceeding BTC. So the "better tech" is winning there at least. 13:55:35 if monero would get accepted on bitrefil that would be great 13:55:42 never heard of coincards ill look it up 13:56:00 In July 2022 XMR usage was 19%. Now it is 35%. https://twitter.com/CoinCards/status/1555286172385116164 https://twitter.com/CoinCards/status/1698028901308768392 13:57:39 yea looks like a good service, but i instantly get the gut feeling they will disappear in a year give or take 13:57:44 purely because of supporting the privacy coins 13:58:15 not because they rug pull, but because they get a "call" in the middle of the night... "close up shop or..." 13:58:54 can you quantify 'more time'? 14:08:21 The short term median is a 100 block window, and will make the first adjustment in 50 blocks (~1h 40m) in response to a sudden usage spike/step function. 14:08:21 But people need to pay higher fees for the scaling algorithm to really kick in. Taking the case earlier this morning, pretty much everyone still paid minimum fees so the block size never went much over 300kB. This could continue for a couple of hours, have an adjustment happen, and little would substantially change for the congestion. 14:08:22 Users have to pay more than the minimum fees if they want large blocks. If everyone just pays the minimum, they'll have an extended period of what happened earlier. It will just be a bunch of minimum fee transaction trying to fit into roughly the default 300kB blocks. 14:17:43 essential reason is because if nobody is available to pay more fees for the transaction, a miner is not available to pay the 'block expansion' fee either? 14:25:35 Yes. 14:28:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kPMwFKYZrgMwNRSJyGQYKXNr 14:29:10 in the GUI 'automatic' like above. 14:29:10 what it does? 14:31:00 https://guides.cakewallet.com/docs/monero/#monero-fee-levels "x1 or x5, depending on network activity" 14:31:24 I don't know what "depending on network activity" means 14:32:17 At some point the get_fee_estimate RPC call to monerod will get you higher base fee levels. It happened on stagenet recently 14:34:16 Fun fact: wallet2.cpp isn't fully indexed by GitHub search because it's such a long source file. 14:34:50 Some of the fee estimation code is at the bottom of wallet2.cpp 💢 14:36:54 If the mempool is 600mb full of double spends that will never get mined the, the automatic fee is artificially high 14:37:33 It ensures your tx is in the next block is my understanding of automatic fee 15:06:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vzhVTJJplHqJDlQRNAXrwhxo 15:09:37 seems to have priority = 0 15:09:37 then looking at this method here: 15:09:38 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/90294f09ae34ef96f3dea5fea544816786df87c8/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp#L7910 15:09:38 the multiplier should be 1 15:09:41 but I don't know if am missing one piece somewhere from the GUI to the wallet.cpp method 15:11:09 got from: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/blob/f650e963630f49b44a2ef16211f565555b9f159e/pages/Transfer.qml#L689 15:31:06 digging in more, am now 99.999% sure that automatic in the GUI, if nothing has been changed in the CLI is the same as 'low': 15:31:06 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/1509 19:17:40 Hi. I am trying to develop a self hosted Monero payment processor which can generate invoices and connect to freshbooks. The solution should be as simple as possible so that other businesses can adopt. I am also looking for consulting myself as a resource for other businesses to reach out to for getting them setup on this system. 19:18:46 The solution should be self hosted and non kyc. The only functional system I can find is Nowpayments but they are kyc 19:19:04 BTCPAY monero server is too complex 19:23:52 *I'm looking for a solution for my business, as well as dev implementation and crypto accounting consulting resources to provide to my member businesses* If you're interested please let me know and we can talk solutions and pay 19:43:59 walraven: If BTCPay Server is too complex, I don't know if any solution will work for you. Look at Bitcart. mrnaif is a developer of it. 19:44:12 Maybe try to connect with this person: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/383 22:50:39 So monero is not building for me im aarch64 linux 22:50:54 lots of incomplete type errors 22:51:05 this is after a recent system update 22:51:08 should build fine 22:51:13 did you do a clean build? 22:51:17 can you share logs? 22:51:19 also currently installed binaries can't find certain binaries 22:51:31 should have been, sure just another try and i'll share 22:52:41 huh weird there was no new release, so if anything it's a system update problem 22:53:31 log comming in a sec 22:54:29 https://bpa.st/N6BQ 22:54:34 this is building from AUR 22:54:50 line 146 makefile... but no additional output 22:56:18 wait a sec what is this 22:56:19 why is this building v0.15 22:57:20 no error in your log 22:57:34 something off with your local setup 23:00:34 no i think i got 23:00:47 no i think i got it 23:01:01 alarm peple aren't packaging monero for some reason 23:01:30 but it builds fine for aarch64, so i just needed to clone repo of community package and now i can build 23:02:23 no idea why they don't package it. i should be freezing deps and treating this like a stable distro 23:02:33 anyways thanks ppl 23:03:43 We live, we love, we lie