09:51:15 Did p2pool stop working for a couple of days? I couldn't run p2pool in Gupax for a couple of days but now it works again. 09:55:48 Is there a way to buy ChatGPT with monero 09:55:54 p2pool itself never stopped working 10:05:41 Hi all . We need your recommendations. I'm looking for a mobile and desktop application that uses i2p. 10:05:49 Hi all . I need your recommendations. I'm looking for a mobile and desktop application that uses i2p. 10:06:38 monerujo is a great app but it doesn't have i2p 10:07:45 Weird, i didnt change anything and it works again 10:18:07 https://monero.observer/pokkst-rebrands-mynero-mysu-wallet-with-v0.4.2.1-release/#fnref:6 10:24:43 AFAIK p2pool does not have a single point of failure (Across all the partecipants). The components, there, are: *your* monerod, *your* miner, *your* p2pool instance as well as connectivity between those and Internet itself. The failure you had is to search across those components. 17:29:05 How to sync the Monero blockchain through Tor? I've read https://github.com/monero-project/monero#using-tor but is there any way to do so without using torsocks? 17:34:25 Yes 17:34:37 `--proxy=` 17:35:46 This only needs a running tor daemon right? 17:35:59 Correct 17:39:32 Alright thanks a lot for helping 17:40:15 That is only for blockchain sync though, btw 17:40:52 Or rather i should say, it doesnt include onion services for tx relaying 17:43:15 `--tx-proxy=tor,,disable_noise,32 --anonymous-inbound=_your.onion_:18084,,32 --p2p-bind-ip= --in-peers=0` 17:44:28 So I have to specify a specific node to actually make a transaction? 17:44:34 no 17:45:03 It will relay over "clearnet" over tor exit nodes 17:45:28 Using tx-proxy sends them over onion, and faster (when using disable_noise modifier) 17:49:07 So I have to make a hidden service so that people are able to send me funds? 17:49:44 If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly 17:49:46 Only if using anonymous inbound 17:50:15 And if "people send me funds" = "other tor nodes using txproxy, relay their tx to my onion node" 17:52:05 If I'm not using that, then transactions in which I'm the recipient run through the clearnet right? 17:52:48 Over tor exit nodes, from clearnet nodes 17:54:24 And tx which youre the recipient have nothing to do with your node. The whole network receives the tx. How your wallet is connected to the node, determines how the tx is delivered to the recipient 17:57:44 So --tx-proxy specifies outbound connections and --anonymous-inbound specifies inbound ones? 18:17:20 `--tx-proxy` allows outbound onion/i2p tx relaying and `--anonymous-inbound` broadcasts your onion to allow inbound 18:57:21 I get it now 18:57:21 Thanks a lot for helping me with my understanding 18:57:22 I hope my novice questions didn't annoy you lol