12:44:58 Hey people, noob here. As I understand it non-custodial wallets mean that the private keys are on my device and on my device only, right? What are the benefits of downloading the whole blockchain to my PC? 12:46:05 I use Monero.com on my Phone, where it says "syncing blockchain" - this cant possibly mean it's downloading it, because I dont have 100GB+ of space 😅 what does it mean then? 12:46:14 You have a node you can trust, not having to trust some internet rando. 12:47:24 It means you will run out of disk space before the sync has finished 😆 12:47:27 And so I would think I would want to do the same thing on pc, because its more lightweight than downloading 100GB of Blockchain (also impossible when using feather on TailsOS) 12:48:04 what am I trusting? am I breaking Moneros privacy by trusting another persons node? 12:50:18 A remote node will see your interactions with the blockchain, and you have no way of knowing if the data you get is actually the truth. 12:53:55 Oh, you are using that cake thingy. I have no idea how that works. 12:53:56 You are probably using one of their nodes. 12:55:57 The wallet has to scan the blockchaib looking for incoming transactions - and when it does, it requests the full tx details from the node. Therefore, a malicious node operator could record which tx details you're asking for, and know that you own some input/output in that tx 12:57:20 There are some mechanism to add some "noise" into those requests in most popular wallets, but it's not a perfect system. By running your own node, you avoid the issue entirely (assuming that you can trust your own hardware) 12:57:51 (Also, a pruned node is currently ~60GB) 12:59:51 ``` 12:59:51 2023-09-28 12:58:24.886 I Synced 1376128/2984142 (46%, 1608014 left) 12:59:52 2023-09-28 12:58:25.015 I Synced 1376148/2984142 (46%, 1607994 left) 12:59:52 status 12:59:53 Height: 1376148/2984142 (46.1%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 143.50 MH/s, v5, 50(out)+34(in) connections, uptime 0d 3h 5m 53s 12:59:53 print_net_stats 12:59:54 Received 29404936060 bytes (27.39 GB) in 4056960 packets in 3.1 hours, average 2.51 MB/s = 62.85% of the limit of 4.00 MB/s 12:59:54 Sent 209876931 bytes (200.15 MB) in 72124 packets in 3.1 hours, average 18.38 kB/s = 0.45% of the limit of 4.00 MB/s 12:59:55 2023-09-28 12:58:57.159 I Synced 1376168/2984142 (46%, 1607974 left) 12:59:55 2023-09-28 12:58:57.255 I Synced 1376188/2984142 (46%, 1607954 left) 12:59:56 ``` 13:00:05 Plus, there are a few different malicious attacks that a node could perform against a wallet (like telling the wallet to use an insanely high tx fee, or provide fake data to trick it into revealing which outputs belong to you) 13:02:59 "and when it does, it requests the full tx details from the node. Therefore, a malicious node operator could record which tx details you're asking for, and know that you own some input/output in that tx" Are you sure about that? 13:03:41 I thought when you initially scan, the remote node gives you everything you need to get the info from every transaction. 13:04:09 It does give you everything you need. 13:04:32 It did not use to, many years ago. Maybe that's where the distinction comes from. 13:05:40 Hmmm, then why do I recall people talking about a method to add noise to wallet scanning, by requesting tx details for other txes that don't actually belong to you? 13:06:30 Possibly for things like rescan_spent or scan_tx ? You'd have to go back to the claim to see the context. 13:06:52 IIRC, that's for block explorers and when you are doing a scan of a single transaction, a new feature 13:07:12 Oh, that could be it 13:08:19 In constructing a transaction, stuff are needed from the node, right? 13:08:56 Yes. 13:09:09 Output keys and masks. 13:09:58 That was the trusted part I was thinking about, when remote node are used. 14:46:51 w​rought959: "syncing blockchain" on a wallet just means every block is being checked for txes against your wallet, it's not actually downloading the chain to your phone 15:53:43 tha shiat 15:53:55 i had to jump through 2 new rooms to get to this one 15:54:37 y'all should make a matrix space to keep track of these room changes 17:12:36 lord_fomo matrix monero space https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 18:00:59 Revuo Monero Issue 187: September 14 - 28, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-187.html