00:44:55 Full noders, what's the full node size of it RN in GBs? 00:54:57 as of 10 days ago mine was 141GB 00:55:20 d​arkreaver ^^ 00:59:17 Thnx! 07:15:17 My both full nodes are 165 GiB now 08:56:48 166G monerod 09:02:26 We really need a realtime dashboard somewhere with the current blockchain file size, updated every 10 seconds :) 09:04:22 I wonder if it would be possible to do that without downloading the whole blockchain 09:09:46 Hmm, not sure. Of course you could listen on the network for new blocks and check their size, but the blockchain file grows a bit more than the size of the block when it gets added 09:10:49 if only I could get a hand on a VPS with a big enough hard drive- 09:12:18 monerod also doesn't resize data.mdb with every block. It gets resized once every couple of weeks 09:13:34 Right 09:13:35 oh yeah, that also might be a big problem when building a web app like that 09:17:27 How often does bitinfocharts update? 10:10:49 Have one 10:10:56 Or 2 10:12:42 https://monitor.ditatompel.com/d/xmr_metrics/monero-metrics?orgId=2 10:17:27 Anyone knows where can I buy Monero without KYC?? 10:18:00 Dozens of ads in local monero without KYC. Some have it. Just avoid those 10:19:01 local monero is probably the best choice imo, just make sure to be a bit careful 10:22:02 ok thnk you 12:04:34 165GB? hmmm 12:04:44 I just synced the last 11 days / 8k blocks and my lmdb file increased ~0.5GB and is now at just over 141GB 12:05:23 not much else of size in the bitmonero folder 12:05:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So we average everyone out and thats the total 12:12:08 yep >165G here 12:12:56 maybe it began its life as a full node then pruning began later? strange 12:13:11 It depends on which 8th of the chain you keep. 12:13:39 always a full node here 12:13:58 The 8th is defined by height, so a node will keep all tx data for a couple weeks IIRC, then stop for 14 weeks, or thereabouts. 12:14:08 Oh. I am so silly... :D 12:14:38 i learned something tho thanks 12:31:44 https://cuprate.github.io/monero/database/pruning.html 12:31:54 Hey. Dead link :( 12:33:59 boog900: 12:35:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ran off 12:36:08 took the book down as I want to rewrite some sections but here is the raw page: 12:36:08 https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate.github.io/blob/main/src/monero/database/pruning.md 12:36:33 Thanks boog 19:35:14 Is there an up to date document describing the current fees / dynamic block size mechanism? I could find ArticMine @articmine:monero.social: videos and a document from 2020 (in issue 70) but I could not find anything about the changes in the HF since then. 19:55:16 https://github.com/ArticMine/Monero-Documents/blob/master/MoneroScaling2021-02.pdf 19:59:03 Thanks 🙏 20:50:50 UwU 23:00:20 Oh, hello 23:00:44 Monero observer is back I see 23:05:48 Yes! What did I miss plowsof? 23:06:57 I'm glad you're back. Many things have happened 😄 23:06:57 Plowsof can summarize it 23:07:30 Anything 'breaking'? recanman 23:08:43 Not much I would know off the top of my head, but I still have been writing [The Monero Standard](https://localmonero.co/nojs/the-monero-standard). You can get a summary of many things that have happened, but I'm sure there were things I missed 23:09:43 80 million Monero outputs, and sixth anniversary of LocalMonero are a couple of things 23:10:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> nioc change name on IRC 23:10:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> nioc changed name on IRC 23:10:49 Thanks, already browsed some of your recent issues. 23:52:41 Ofrnxmr took over with 15 alts for ~ a month, after he got banned, unbanned, and banned again. 23:52:41 oh, and sgp left cake 23:56:24 Alt's rule 😎