02:39:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> clone wars 05:34:26 Hello , i was trying to prune a full size blockchain copy with blockchain prune utility bundles in extras folder , but it says "blockchain already pruned" but it clearly doesn't seem it has made a pruned copy of blockchain 05:34:31 What am i missing here ? 06:32:16 Does monero have mev? 06:42:41 asf 06:46:15 mega electron volt ? either fix the typo or define your terms. 06:47:25 when monero superconductivity? 06:48:49 Monero is already super conducive to keeping one's privacy in money transfers. 06:49:04 monero is room temperatuer superconductor 06:52:20 what would it realistically take to be able to pay directly in monero, at your local supermarket / convenience stores and gas stations? and just to keep the scope actually realistic instead of everyone throwing a million hypotheticals lets just pick a random state in the U.S. and even a random county there too... I'll just say in Florida, and pick a random county there. Ideas? w 06:52:20 hat is truely and actually stopping a few supermarket chains, convenience store chains, and gas stations THERE, from straight accepting monero direct payment? 06:53:10 The fact that it'd cost money and close to nobody would use it. 06:53:35 true but dont they add payment methods all the time 06:53:45 The fact they have no clue monero even exists. The fact that once they have it, they can't use it as easily as USD. 06:53:46 granted yes its because that payment method will be massively used 06:54:03 well you can already pay for mcdonalds in el salvador with bitocin. so the quickets current implementation of monero for mcdonalds would be atomic swaps for bitcoin 06:54:04 (though there are things like globee which can auto convert to fiat) 06:54:33 i think it'll take a few generations of crypto native to get there, don't hold your breathe 06:54:44 sorry i shouldve been more specific, by 'accpet monero directly' i mean providing a monero pay to address, while in the background they could just be using an auto convert service 06:55:47 im not up to speed on atomic swaps... in the end are you still hampered by bitcoins abysmal confirm count and times? 06:56:11 Maybe people constantly asking whoever they do business with "can I pay in monero ?" might help at least get it on people's radars. Especially if they can explain what monero is in the rare case where they're asked "no, what is it ?" rather than just told no. 06:56:31 yes if they use an auto convert service thats a good method too. probably will take a large payments processor to create that system which won't happen for a while imho 06:56:59 "Can I pay in Monero ? I'd rather buy here than in *other store that already accepts monero* if you do" 06:57:01 https://monerica.com/ list of places that accept monero 06:57:26 nice this is a good script thanks 06:57:55 And "other store that already accepts monero* is actually a bit easier since there are companies that can monero-proxy-buy-stuff for you IIRC. 06:58:26 Now the range of things you can buy is probably fairly small, but it's a start. 06:59:06 Most replies will just be "no" though. Maybe all of them. Until enough people do. 07:00:08 so then my question transforms into the "well how do we start right now, fast forwarding to the 'most people are asking in physical stores to pay with monero'" 07:00:36 there are physical real life meet ups for monero somewhere right? 07:00:41 what do those people do there and actually talk about? 07:00:52 If you get to fast forward to that, I get to fast forward to "link them to that nifty scalable automated software that does it for you" :) 07:00:54 if the us goes into hyperinflation it will accelrate crypto adoption 07:01:59 yea i dont mean magic overnight its done, i mean instead of just talk how can we get more people to actually go out there and ask 07:02:29 I guess someone who knows the internals of corporate payment stuff would look at a minimal set of changes needed to add monero to that payment stuff... 07:03:04 You'd need that for chain stores, like franchisees, who likely don't do their own payment stuff themselves. 07:03:46 yea and those are kinda what matters more than single mom and pop stores 07:03:53 since its great some tech savy person adds monero payment at their store 07:04:07 For small privately owned shops, there was (or is ?) kasisto, a UI for monero payments. 07:04:19 but the reach is so infinitely small compared to any kind of chain 07:04:24 I seem to recall it being abandoned. No idea if it got finished. 07:04:42 probably exactly because of what im saying 07:04:57 Well, realistically, you'll need small stores first. They're movable. 07:05:56 yea and im just talking out my ass anyway, i dont have any kind of business management experience at any scale 07:06:05 Look at, say, the green movement. Didn't start by making a govt go green, but by changes in individuals. Who were seen as kooks 30 years ago. 07:06:06 i do just want monero real life overnight 07:06:30 go to grocery store pay in monero, go to gas station pay in monero, pay utility bills from home with monero 07:06:34 thats the end game 07:07:17 Well, for the overnight thing, then I suggest maybe changing tack and investigating brain freezing tech. Not much chance of it working, but you'd get a chance at the "monero accepted overnight" srenaroo. 07:07:58 scenario. What a nice typo set. 07:08:10 yea except i like nature and dont wanna wake up living on alderan 07:09:28 But, that's, like, far, far away... 07:09:34 oh or not Alderan.... Coruscant was the city planet in star wars... 07:09:45 not a nerd for it 13:08:25 this comment on a CCS proposal discusses BTCpay servers' scripting ability (and links to an example autoforward/autoconvert script https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/398#note_21773 13:13:09 does bitcart have this same scripting ability mrnaif ? or does it already contain some kind of autoforward/convert option? 13:20:22 Well, btcpay doesn't contain scripting ability as far as I know. They introduced payout forwarders some time ago though 13:20:22 But they allow to view balance and maybe even trade on exchange from their UI, I think it's scope creep 13:20:23 We have a language for checkout automation but it's not integrated because we don't know if a python-like language with sandboxing and additional functions to easily e.g. send email is a good idea for end users 13:20:23 But you can always write a plugin to do it 13:20:24 and there's payouts, so technically the script which handles is running at notification_url of invoice can create and approve a payout by calling api 13:20:24 then it will work the easiest way probably 13:21:36 Ah wait, the payout way probably won't work for now. But utilizing that custom script is still possible I believe 13:25:08 thnx for the info. there is also a real risk of the CeX removing the Fiat coin e.g. binance removed £GBP and looks to be doing the same for EUR 15:52:43 <-​coffeeplease-:matrix.org> This is a nice initiative. https://github.com/ASchmidt1024/monero-for-merchants-booklet 23:34:01 hey I'm curious 23:34:01 Are there any monero wallet generators that allow you to add your own entropy?