01:45:46 Will the "retroactive funding proposal for FCMPs" get merged? 01:56:24 Should have ask for funding on “What's Next” section and it would have been funded by now 01:56:50 Should have asked for funding on “What's Next” section and it would have been funded by now 02:01:45 Yes, it was recently updated to include a Resolution 02:06:00 Still asking for “completed” tasks, i was saying if they had come for funding on things to do it would have been funded by now. 02:10:22 We had a vacation ccs previously, which was funded and they left 😅 02:10:41 Not sure same would happen again. 02:34:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> With the monero telsa too 02:55:29 How about the "I don't like my day job" one? 03:08:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Merge 03:09:46 Fusion* 11:55:58 Yes 11:56:55 Replied to wrong msg. 11:56:55 Yes 13:20:56 Atleast had some goals and it wasn’t claimed, was it ? 13:21:49 That was the core funding it themselves, was a joke 😂 13:22:19 I don't know. I didn't follow how that played out. 13:25:32 Can someone give me XMR? 13:26:00 Put more efforts 🤪 13:44:55 I hear some people give you monero if you give them fiat or bitcoin. You could try that. 13:45:14 There's a site called localmonero where these people hang out. 15:10:58 best way to get free xmr is still mainnet-faucet 15:43:29 where 0.o 15:46:03 https://freemonero.notascam.ipromise.trustmebro.in/ 15:47:13 while searching for it i found this 15:47:17 https://monerotech.info/Wallet 15:47:17 rbrunner: this is very cool 15:48:48 do you mine on this chain yourself? 15:55:33 someone recently asked where to find mainnet-faucet and I'd like to keep the legend alive that such a thing exists 15:58:49 SNeedlewoods: https://community.rino.io/faucet/stagenet/ 15:58:51 https://tools.rino.io/faucet/testnet/ 15:58:58 nvm found it, thanks 👍 16:01:58 Only 4 people know where it is 16:04:16 if we convince people the mainnet faucet doesnt exist then we can continue siphoning Monero from it 16:04:53 You and your 3 alts 😂 16:05:33 And I'm not going to tell. 16:11:29 if you want to see a person using an actual alt making pull requests to their own repo https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/321#note_20297 16:11:43 at least the new proposal has used "My rates are" instead of "Our rates are" 16:21:42 Is that legit? 18:35:05 When trying to sweep a single output it hangs for a little and then says "Error: RPC error: failed to get output distribution" is this because my monero node is slow? 18:50:31 I figured it out :) 18:51:01 Man I <3 monero, it justs ... it makes sense. 18:52:44 I run xmrig on a couple of machines and already got 15$ in profit. I can pretty easily transfer monero from 1 account to another. It works 100% in my CLI. And aparently it has some extra privacy things? And the community is always so nice. Why don't more people use this awesome currency, the devs literly managed to make a mundane thing like currenct, cool. 18:53:46 I only regret not takeing the time to learn more about it sooner. Makes me think, what else should I know about before its too late? Feal free to DM me, but I digress. Thanks :) 18:56:32 :) 19:31:44 welcome in MaddieKalan :) 20:49:54 Hypothetically if I laundered big money using xmr and keep it in Monerujo for 2 years is it safe? 21:04:28 Safe in the sense that the money will still be there or safe in the sense that you won't be in jail? 21:11:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sounds like entrapment officer 21:15:41 guy is a FED 22:24:30 money laundering™ may result in a number of side effects. it's recommended you talk to your primary care doctor before beginning any money laundering™ activity. 22:29:53 Getting "big money" in and out of monero is the hard part 22:31:16 Monero will do its job but you'd rely on shady centralized exchanges that could freeze your funds at any time during that crucial part 22:32:05 Also, putting money into monero and leaving it there is hardly laundering it 22:33:02 What the fuck do you think the IRS will say when you show up with "big money" in xmr while the max volatility was like 3$ up and down for the last 3 years 22:35:02 Not even North Korea is laundering their crypto hacks through Monero, they just send it through tornado and from there to a binance account kyced with fake info 22:38:14 Maybe seraphis should be paywalled behind a subscription service 22:38:48 Lmao 22:38:48 Ignore that, I didn't mean to send that 22:40:10 Firstly I am a big advocate for privacy with that being said I don't use exchanges to do anything with XMR there are a few ways I beat the system but not a centralized exchange. XMR can be used to do things just like BTC remember I use Monerujo with the sideshift feature so I can spend other currencies I don't need to be holding illegal money and making myself a victim of self incrimination 22:44:07 That's like saying you're laundering 10 million in cash by spending it on groceries and gas 22:46:41 Yes but it's currencies I am just asking if it's safe enough once it went into the XMR system keeping in mind that I do try to be a ghost 22:47:32 So you just want to privately store your wealth and occasionally spend it? Monero is pretty much perfect for that 22:47:55 So why the talk about laundering big money lol 22:49:36 Because I kinda stole it. I accidentally accessed a wallet with eth bags and I liquidated it then I got XMR and I am just afraid so I join this place for advice. 22:50:16 Lol 22:50:36 Someone told me that over 1M is laundering so this is why I am here. I can do as you said I can store XMR and occasionally spend small portions. I appreciate it you are in no way a Bot. If you are a bot then AI will eat us alive 22:51:29 Cool but I'm pretty sure money laundry doesn't start at a specific dollar amount 22:52:05 That's just what the masses think everyone says a million dollars is alot of money 22:53:04 If I was helpful, would you mind sharing some of your newfound wealth? If you have any other questions about monero I'm always here to help 🫡 22:53:04 43XmrbuLLWD3JGHg8CRCdPBCrYB1CLZMBXfiDoeyoqF24cruNGFXqDpFExckKxDo9ggmgKGazwsdPcJtee1AqhRyCRn7JqZ 22:53:41 Why didn't you use a stealth address? 22:53:42 Because I like my vanity address 22:54:19 It doesn't really matter, it won't show up on the Blockchain and I'm posting this in public, from my account 22:54:53 It's not like anything becomes more traceable 22:54:55 Okay cool I'll tip you but remember it didn't come from me. It's the ring signatures 22:55:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> T address? 22:55:30 This isn't zcash 22:55:41 The ring sigs are so damn confusing 22:55:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> :/ 22:56:09 For the longest time I didn't realize they were per output 22:56:09 Like, I knew they are 22:56:26 But I thought I could find the sender address via xmrchain.net 22:57:08 Cody said there is a bounty on it. Any chance they cracked it? 22:57:34 Highly doubt it 22:58:19 Chainalasys had a "monero tool" but it's assumed to mostly operate on input from cooperating centralized exchanges and psyops block explorers 22:58:25 Chainalasys had a "monero tool" but it's assumed to mostly operate on input from cooperating centralized exchanges and psyop block explorers 22:58:41 Cool I'm one of those persons if it' gets broken I'm getting alot of years let's hope it remains until my time come 22:59:06 Lol 22:59:18 You better be on Tor rn 22:59:26 You have been here for a long time. I assume you got it back when it was under a $1. What's your outlook for XMR at $150 today in a few years? 22:59:53 I'm here for nearly 3 years 23:00:04 In the beginning it was 170€ 23:00:08 If it's untraceable what's an IP Address gonna do they can say yes I did transaction based on an assumption but no hard evidence 23:00:12 Then it was briefly around 300 23:00:17 And then it was 140 23:00:41 I wouldn't worry about the transactions but what you're writing here 23:01:22 What am I saying, everything here is roleplaying on a ship Minecraft server 23:01:23 This is just our chatroom because Minecraft chat doesn't allow emoji reactions 23:02:02 Oh you mean like that discord is safe isn't it. I don't think they can do me anything for speaking garbage who steals ETH and buy Monero who laundering and talk about it 23:02:27 As long as your shittalk can't be linked to actual events it's just shittalk 23:02:28 OKAY 23:02:55 Although in some jurisdictions that can get your house raided, not in the US though 23:03:07 My pc is off now but I copied the address I'll tip you when I power it on again 23:03:24 I believe as long as your shittalk isn't hinting at someone being in immediate danger 23:03:27 43XmrbuLLWD3JGHg8CRCdPBCrYB1CLZMBXfiDoeyoqF24cruNGFXqDpFExckKxDo9ggmgKGazwsdPcJtee1AqhRyCRn7JqZ 23:03:45 That is my address yes 23:04:19 Yes a Scout always keeps his promise 23:04:20 Enjoy the game stay safe 23:05:08 We will see about that. stay safe. 23:05:41 Someone once told me they work for the feds and offered 1 million for the monerosupplies customer list 23:06:45 Too bad I don't have a list, otherwise I could totally be sitting on some beach right now 😜 23:32:59 And keeps at least 2 months savings in monero 23:56:36 He can also learn about openalias and send dirty xmr to anhdres.com 23:57:05 Since we all got into the laundering business