09:30:32 I think it will surprise nobody to hear that so far I haven't received a single pico 09:39:38 Totally unexpected 10:07:17 Can't win if you don't play 🤷‍♂️ 10:08:50 The next person joining the chat could always be sitting on unspendable millions ;) 16:47:00 So that guy was a fed or a bot? I want to be on inside of these jokes so bad 17:01:08 He was Botta Fedd the bounty hunter. 19:18:33 And he didn't send me a y coins 😞 19:18:33 And he didn't send me any coins 😞 19:25:45 An interesting point that was briefly mentioned earlier; how does one publicly post a receive address without compromising security? 19:27:10 create sub address specifically for that purpose and remember to not use it else where? or just make a new wallet because they're free 19:33:23 I guess a better question would be, what dangers can arise from publicly disclosing like mb did earlier? If you move everything from that wallet into another private wallet before sending, will I be in the clear or will this potentially leave me open to vulnerabilities later on? 19:34:21 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its just a public address. Not unless its a view key 19:37:25 I'm only concerned because I don't see that many receive addresses in public domains 19:51:23 there are no monero addresses on the blockchain. each transaction uses a one time use stealth address. so posting a public address has no security implications e.g. we cant see if that address is receiving monero on-chain as all tx's to it use stealth addresses. its only a problem when you use the same address for all your sock accounts 19:52:37 disclosing the private view key on the other hand - we can watch when that wallet both spends/receives 19:53:10 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/stealthaddress.html 19:54:55 Giving out addr in public attracts dust attack 19:57:56 ah yes, didn't think about that - now we're into deep waters 20:01:53 relevant research https://monerofund.org/projects/eae_attack_and_churning 20:02:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Free pen testing 20:07:24 Wallets just need a ignore dust option enabled by default, won’t stop EAE if someone send bigger amount unless users churn and track outputs 20:10:59 s​ide-trips: just don't post the address multiple times in public places esp anythig tied to personal/doxxed accounts 21:00:59 Revuo Monero Issue 188: September 28 - October 5, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-188.html