07:54:17 c:frei.chat idk but stormycloud is a realativly new player with an okay reputation. 10:22:32 PSA for p2pool miners who use --socks5 proxy and a 3rd party (malicious) node nodehttps://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1757ms3/psa_for_p2pool_miners_curls_cve202338545_can/ , is Monero effected? 11:21:12 gingeropolous - About https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/174np1s/needing_to_syncupdate_every_time_you_need_to_make/k4d6omd/ 11:21:12 I wrote about a skip sync feature here: https://codeberg.org/anarkio/ideas/src/branch/main/monero-skip-sync.md (Also: https://bounties.monero.social/posts/79/0-121m-add-a-skip-sync-feature-to-a-monero-wallet) 11:21:13 It's possible with current commands (auto_refresh = false, refresh(current_blockheight), scan_tx), just not implemented in a wallet yet. 11:21:13 Syncing 1 month in Feather Wallet in Whonix Worktation (10+ year old laptop, slow and limited internet, remote node) takes 30~ minutes and 500~ MB. Multiple times I needed to copy my TXIDs, restore the wallet from seed (with today as the restore height) and import each input with scan_tx (mainly to save mobile data, waiting 30 minutes is not bad). Skip sync (+ scan_tx to import kn 11:21:14 own TXIDs) would help a lot. 11:27:43 thanks anarkiocrypto, iirc after you raised this suggestion it was put onto feathers todo list by tobtoht. as long as the wallet stores a list of "blocks we didnt scan" (for UX) it should work perfectly 11:32:05 plowsof afaik, Monero node and cli/gui wallets don't use curl 11:33:04 ah thanks sech1. hopefully hinto can get to updating GUPAX asap 11:33:39 gupax just downloads the latest p2pool release when it's available 11:34:02 oh, nice 11:34:06 but I looked into this CVE further, and I think p2pool is not vulnerable to CVE-2023-38545 because it doesn't enable HTTP redirects (they're disabled by default) 11:34:40 worst case scenario is that "people will update p2pool to the latest version" so its a win-win 11:37:10 and yet another reminder to run your own node 11:48:45 tfw you are a 3rd party node enabler :( please forgive me for my sins 12:03:26 so this curl cve just enables people to trigger updates or what is going on? 12:17:15 hello 12:38:59 where does workgroup meeting happen ? how to join from matrix side ? 12:39:45 anarkio, thats awesome. 12:40:36 yeah storing which blocks were skipped for future scanning would be a must. but if you need to transaction immediately, then you can load wallet and do it. and then as the wallet idles it can scan the backlog 12:44:27 Scanning the backlog would waste limited mobile data, so there should also be an option to use only 1) scan_tx or 2) sync a specific range of blocks only (e.g. October 1 - October 3) and skip the rest. 23:57:24 indeed