02:26:03 was the "remote node able to modify the fee" thing ever resolved? 02:26:46 i think it was 02:54:49 I've recently been listening to debates between small blockers and large blockers regarding the merits and demerits of both design decisions. I've also been listening to conversations regarding drivechains on Bitcoin. What would have to happen for consensus to change in Monero (people in this room's mental judgments) from a relatively large block is better mentality toward the pre 02:54:49 ference for small blocks? 02:59:35 If my understanding is correct, the current rough opinion of people here is that the blocksize can continue to expand without issue, so long as improvements in sync time, upload time, and storage space outpace blockchain growth. My question is what would have to happen for people to change their minds and notably "tighten" the algorithm that governs block size increases 05:24:02 f​r33_yourself:monero.social: I find your question a bit confusing 05:24:45 For me it's not about "opinions" or "changing our mind". There are clear and working mathematical formula that govern short-term and long-term growth of Monero blocks 05:25:46 and you can - as I see it, without involvement of anything subjective - calculate what happens with which amounts of transactions 05:26:24 I think the story with opinions would not play out on the field of block chain growth governing formulas, but on the field of fees 05:27:08 If it should turn out that it's very likely parties used the very low Monero fees to just spam the Monero blockchain 05:27:42 maybe enough support would materialize for a substantial rise in fees, to make the spam more expensive 05:30:42 Screenshot_20231013-072709.png 05:30:44 Yes it's on Android I noticed it. 05:59:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yep 05:59:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Off centre 20:21:42 Thanks