01:47:17 The shitcoins in cake don’t hurt you if you don’t create wallets for them. 01:47:58 They hurt even less if you use monero.com :D 01:48:30 A better comparison is Monerujo vs monero.com. They are both monero only wallets. 01:49:56 Huh? 01:50:38 In the message before that the guy had a boredape profile pic 01:50:43 (was a joke) 02:10:46 Another question: I have a friend intrested in getting involved with Monero and he asked me the following: What are the precise security and privacy tradeoffs associated with connecting to someone else's node (unknown) vs. running one's own pruned or full node? 02:11:57 I told them that all I knew for sure was that a remote node provider can see your IP address when you connect and I remembered the high fee attack that occasionally happens. What are the other risks of connecting to an unknown node vs. one's own node though? 02:49:54 There's basically no downside to running our own node as far as I know besides the hardware and electricity cost. Because of the way the p2p gossiping protocol works, and mining, there's no way to know from which node a transaction originated from. 02:52:02 Thanks, it's more so that I'm trying to understand the risks one incurs when they *don't* run their own node 02:52:19 That way I can explain it to my friend 03:14:54 To be a ghost with a pulse, get in a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, by watching a scary movie alone in the dark, and when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it.- Daniel Alan Gabriel- ghostpeople⊙gc 04:42:06 👆️ don't do drugs, kids. 04:42:51 Yah I don’t like that feeling 05:09:05 Each block has, in addition to its normal weight, a ‘long term weight’ calculated based on the pre- 05:09:05 vious block’s effective median long term weight. A block’s effective median long term weight is 05:09:05 related to the median of the most recent 100000 blocks’ long term weights (including its own). 05:09:06 longterm block weight = min{block weight, 1.4 ∗ previous effective longterm median} 05:09:06 effective longterm median = max{300kB, median 100000blocks longterm weights} 05:09:07 If normal block weights stay large for a long time, then it will take at least 50,000 blocks (about 05:09:07 69 days) for the effective long term median to rise by 40% (that’s how long it takes a given long 05:09:08 term weight to become the median). 05:11:58 Just so I'm clear, does the above passage from ZTM mean that the maximum long term median is presently 300kB tops, or am I misunderstanding and there is in fact no limit cap, but rather that the long term median can continually and indefinitely increase by 40% every 69 days? 05:30:22 I wanted to see how long it would take for the chain to grow 1 Terabyte per year if blocks were full from now moving forward. If my math and understanding of the Long Term Median were correct and we had full blocks, then 1 year from now the chain would grow by 0.136 Terabytes, then in year two of full blocks it would grow by about 1 Terabyte. So it would take two years of full blo 05:30:22 cks for the chain to have grown by 1 terabyte in a year. This situation doesn't seem likely at all in the short term, but I was just curious how Monero's chain would grow under a full block scenario compared to BTC with the 1 Megabyte cap. BTC with full blocks can grow a maximum of 0.05256 Terabyte per year (if my understanding is correct) 05:33:06 If 300kB is indeed the max on the long term median block weight, then Monero's chain at max could only grow at 1.5 times that of Bitcoin's per year assuming full blocks on both chains 06:42:07 would like to know thid aswell 07:06:30 There are multiple attacks that a malicious remote node could perform, such as telling your wallet to use an insanely high tx fee, or messing with you when you're trying to send one (by forcing you to rebuild the tx, 07:07:29 so you risk exposing your true spend if you pick a different set of decoys) 07:07:51 There are some mitigations in place, but it's not a perfect system 07:08:19 (In the core wallets, at least - iirc) 09:32:51 Max in that context means the maximum of the values so at minimum the effective long term median is 300kB 13:37:46 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/QQnCvdXDncCwhmHyeyjCWRIb 13:37:52 someone just got liquidated big time 13:37:58 eth and btc did the same thing 13:42:22 how is bart simpson meant to skate up that wall 14:31:43 Oh 14:31:56 Sec approves ishares BTC spot etf 15:00:23 just bought my first ever btc to "invest" 15:00:52 ill sell it in the evening once the US people realized the ETF thing 15:04:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pvzTilyovjPkzedWTFkIzcvr 15:04:41 WHAT DO YOU MEAN 15:07:21 I FELL FOR THE ETF MEME 15:39:44 BSV did a twofer. 25% 😬 19:48:16 Is there a maximum number of inputs for a monero tx? 19:49:42 Implicit based on max block size. 19:50:09 And, I guess, about 4 billion, technically. Whichever is smaller. 19:50:22 I know which one I'd bet on. 20:12:44 4 billion in 2 out p2pool consolidation 20:54:15 hahaha 20:54:22 no kidding 21:31:31 I'm mining on p2pool mini and need to consolidate a lot of outputs. 21:40:52 my personal experience is that up to 144 inputs it works 21:41:47 Even up to 147 inputs: https://p2pool.io/explorer/tx/1fc0a4ece6ffd50177b4f0b47d155ec1034b6948cb567be7a751bf7cfeb344d8 21:42:13 Wallet will automatically split it into multiple transactions if you have more than that 21:43:34 \o/ I can try to squeeze 3 more next time I sweep :-) 21:52:41 if you find a lot of shares on mini you can also just mine to the normal p2pool to save some consolidation-cost 23:27:32 Normal p2pool doesnt save on costs (last i checked) 23:27:52 Harder to find a share, but then you get spammed with small payouts