03:05:49 Hello monerobros, I created a Kuno to accept donations for the channel, and I would be grateful if you could take a look ☺️. 03:05:49 I have a channel focused on posting arts and translations encouraging the use of Monero in Brazil. I hope to continue contributing to the community, Monero is a good project and its use should be increasingly encouraged here. 03:05:49 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/5ia2/ 03:05:50 https://t.me/MoneroPropagandaBR 03:29:43 Kys 03:29:57 Jk ❤️ 03:30:07 Monero propaganda BR is very good 03:51:06 thank you ❤️ 04:28:15 Gene7au U R newb I NiCe U Be Me 10:15:21 how good is monero 10:18:46 like super good 10:18:56 omg true 10:18:57 like totes amazeballs 10:19:03 slay 10:23:37 just really bad as an investment 10:25:33 depends what you're investing in. id say its a pretty good investment for change 10:31:57 the s&p500 is winning by a longshot 10:35:57 my average yearly return on monero is ~3.7% 10:37:22 and that is including a bunch of coins that i got "for free" by mining ETH, massive gains from nfts, etc 10:50:29 #monero-markets is calling .... 10:58:21 i almost forgot about the strict no price/market talk meta 11:01:16 Someone asked about how good monero is and I answered it's a bad investment 🤷‍♂️ 13:22:45 hello, monero newcomer here :-) i am a software developer who managed to miss the whole cryptocurrency story until some months ago. so i am new to all kinds of crypto, but have much experience developing software i general. monero caught my interest. i would like to explore things deeper and then maybe i'd like to dedicate my time to cryptocurrency development. 1) did i come to th 13:22:46 e right place here? 2) are there still opportunities to work full time for monero project via the crowdfunding tool on getmonero.org? 3) where can i get information how the mining process can be set up to really mine something (couldn't get a single reward so far) any hints? 13:23:42 no way 13:23:49 nioc: 13:24:37 meow_the_hash_cat: check out gupax.io for mining 13:24:39 sorry didnt get your point? 13:25:02 dont worry about it, nioc has been talking a lot about cats recently 13:25:10 dont worry about it, nioc has been talking a lot about cats lately 13:26:05 while we have a few ccs funded devs working fulltime on the project, i dont think its the best place to get started 13:26:45 i think https://bounties.monero.social/ could be a good start for you 13:28:54 thanks i will take a look at the suggested starting points, i will check how far i get with them. thank you for now! 13:30:44 if you have any further questions ask our secretary plowsof :D 13:37:52 the perfect blog post from rbrunner for youmeow_the_hash_cat https://www.getmonero.org/2023/02/02/seraphis-jamtis-developer-opportunities.html 13:44:55 plowsof: great, i will come back to this one, when i got comfortable with the existing code base :-) 13:54:07 Block 3,000,000 is about 24 hours away... 13:56:11 isnt cake doing some giveaway if you can guess the last x chars of the block 13:58:55 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20231008#c287599 14:00:20 nice 14:00:26 ill have to get a tx in there 14:00:42 ping me pls thanks 14:03:30 I'll try to remind you.. My advice would be to sign the tx ahead of time and broadcast it once 2999999 is mined 14:07:16 need to refresh my memory. it can be done via wallet-rpc (do_not_relay:true, get_tx_hex:true with transfer, then you can broadcast the tx hex data with send_raw_transaction) but for the cli you start it with a do not relay flag, and it will save the signed tx to file in the same dir... 14:09:12 --do-not-relay 14:11:13 you'll then see "Transaction successfully saved to raw_monero_tx, txid <...>" 14:11:22 that is ... too involved 14:12:12 watch it be one of those blocks that gets mined in 3 seconds with 2 transactions 14:12:52 raw_monero_tx will contain the hex that you can paste into here https://xmrchain.net/rawtx 14:14:51 hm 14:16:42 or you could send orly_owl your seed phrase and he can handle the rest 14:42:47 https://www.themoneromoon.com/p/the-monero-moon-issue-63 15:30:57 Is there something I can do to fix the extreme unresponsiveness of the monero cli? It's almost unusable for me. Is this a known issue? 15:33:25 Is your daemon very busy (such as syncing historical blocks) ? 15:39:58 monerod, right? 15:40:08 @mhx:matrix.org: 15:43:30 Yes, monerod takes forever to sync too, and the cli wallet can take minutes before it responds to a command. 15:46:41 hi 15:47:49 i have an issue with monerod 15:48:11 hi relay ;-P 15:49:30 rpc server is saying "method not found" for everything 15:49:50 and i don't think so it is connecting to other nodes properly 15:50:04 if monerod is syncing, and if your storage is very slow, it'll hog the main lock to add blocks to the database, and the wallet will have to wait its turn. 15:50:44 So if you want to refresh your wallet, you want to avoid your daemon syncing while you're doing so. 15:51:06 Exit/restart with --offline is best. But of course you'll have to refresh again once it's actually synced. 15:51:10 the issue is im using public WiFi or hotspot 15:51:28 Also, buy better storage. Spinning HDDs are very slow for syncing, SSDs are much better. 15:51:41 im seeing tons of logs from monerod but im not sure if they are errors or not 15:51:50 so 15:52:05 is it an issue im using WiFİ or mobile hotspot? 15:52:31 if my monerod connects other nodes 15:52:37 it will work 15:53:03 but my computer is not reachable by IP address 15:53:32 so is monerod supposed to work with a router and without port forwarding? 15:54:44 damn 15:54:49 it works but you wont get incoming connections without port forwarding 15:55:38 moneromoooo: do you have an idea? 16:07:14 MeowingCat monerod doesn't need to be publicly accessible for you to query the RPC interface - it reaches out to other nodes over p2p connections and can serve it's data to you locally 16:10:35 which RPC method are you using? the node bootstrapping shouldn't be an issue - I temporarily renamed my lmdb directory to have my node sync from scratch and I can still get RPC responses https://irc.cloud.lzahq.tech/uploads/88c80bd702f5c9f7/image.png 16:22:40 Early block spans are very quick to sync. Most are empty. 16:45:12 lza_menace: so i can use it behind routers 16:45:24 but im not sure it is working properly or not 16:45:30 there are too many output 16:45:42 it made me crazy 16:58:59 it is saying "handshake failed" after something 16:59:01 damn thing 16:59:10 i really don't understand why everything is buggy 16:59:20 i think it is working now 17:00:13 User error 17:00:15 curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"create_address","params":{"account_index":0,"label":"new-subs","count":2}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 17:00:18 when i do this 17:00:21 it is saying "method not found" 17:00:23 :(((( 17:01:58 turn that frown upside down 17:02:24 you are talking to your Monerod 17:03:26 unless you have your monero-wallet-rpc bound to port 38081? 17:03:40 and did you open/create a wallet first? 17:03:55 one second 17:04:19 --rpc-bind-port 38081 i have this 17:04:28 isn't this monero-wallet-rpc? 17:04:33 For monerod? 17:04:34 is there another RPC server? 17:04:40 siii monerod 17:04:42 Slow 17:05:21 you need to consult the monero-wallet-rpc department instead of the monerod department https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#create_address 17:05:36 Monerod startup command flags or config 17:05:36 wallet rpc startup command flags or config 17:06:04 it is saying "method not found" for curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"create_address","params":{"account_index":0,"label":"new-subs","count":2}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 17:06:21 You said that already 17:06:33 Didnt say this though 17:06:40 damn 17:06:41 wait 17:06:51 there is a "monero-wallet-rpc" executable 17:06:52 damn 17:06:54 where is that 17:06:57 :((( 17:07:04 ... 17:07:11 do we have to explain that monerod is a daemon? and not a wallet ... like how much help do you need 17:07:18 lol 17:07:31 Its in the same folder as monerod 17:07:32 so "daemon" means the same thing for both 17:07:41 monerod app could have both 17:07:47 could do that in many ways 17:07:52 a daemon is a generic computing term but aroudn here we mean the "node" 17:08:06 node and wallet 17:08:15 it means "service" "server" and things like that 17:08:18 daemon 17:08:19 damn 17:08:41 monerod is the node (cant ask it to create an address because its not a wallet) 17:09:04 is that frown turned upside down yet 17:09:18 looks like it's solved 17:09:36 Meowing refer to this page for monerod RPC: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html 17:09:47 thanks! 17:10:00 and this one for monero-wallet-rpc https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html 17:10:06 MeowingCat ^ 17:10:22 run monerod in conjunction with monero-wallet-rpc 17:12:29 so Bitcoin client is actually a node and also has wallet fundamentals 17:12:36 how could i know how you designed this thing? 17:12:44 :((((( 17:13:06 actually i did this things before but im so stupid i forgot things 17:13:29 thank you 17:13:42 Bitmonero? 17:13:58 idk what wallet fundamentals means 17:14:23 node and wallet are different for separation of concerns/duties 17:14:37 actually i checked it 17:14:42 like "monero rpc" 17:14:58 for is there another "monero rpc" thing because 17:15:09 it is called "wallet rpc" but 17:15:26 as "rpc" meaning there was resources about only "wallet rpc" 17:15:33 but you said "it is monerod rpc" 17:15:52 so is monerod's RPC too is a HTTP interface? 17:16:23 and do nodes communicate on that isn't there a custom protocol? 17:22:30 not sure i can help any further 17:22:53 rpc == api 17:22:59 monerod has an api and wallet has an api 17:23:20 monero-wallet-cli is a command line wallet client 17:23:33 monero-wallet-rpc runs a web service with api 19:03:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Is there a book “monero for dumbies” ? 19:04:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Is there a book “monerod for dumbies” ? 19:06:43 Maybe "Mastering Monero" ? 19:07:00 It's not a man page if that's what you're asking though. 19:07:59 Wondering what a dummy would want to learn about Monero. Wouldn't that rather be first "Cryptocurrencies for Dummies" and then Monero? 19:10:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> More talking about the above convo about monerod daemon and wallet 19:10:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> “ cryptocurrency for dumbies” first line use monero 19:13:58 So that would be "How to get Monero up and running on your system, for dummies?" I don't think that would give a whole book. 19:15:35 Xyproblem.info 19:15:47 Plz 19:16:01 n thx 19:19:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> My book name is for catchy 19:19:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ©️ 19:19:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> My book name is more catchy 23:01:00 Revuo Monero Issue 189: October 5 - 19, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-189.html 23:22:43 hi! 23:22:45 i am thinking of going into Monero and i am interested in what kind of Crypto Exchanges There are that support Withdrawals and Deposits that do not collect data on anyone at all (security and privacy oriented). An example is Signal and Session for chatting but in Crypto aspect of Getting money to and from Monero Crypto wallet to and from bank card. 23:23:34 does anyone have any suggestions? 23:23:46 *pls ping when responding*