00:27:06 though youve been answered, Localmonero.co Nullify: 14:56:31 Happy 3 million Bocks 🥳 15:20:35 6 million by 2024 trust the plan 15:21:17 Hey good people. I am a complete foreigner to crypto world. I decided to jump on the only real  cryptocurrency, monero, and I have a question or two, if that's okay. 15:22:56 seems like the correct channel so don't ask to ask 15:23:04 So, localmonero seems like the easiest path to get my hands on some monero. It seems SEPA EU transfer incurs the least amount of royalties. Do I have to pick a seller from my country? Or anyone from EU would work? 15:23:15 Yea, I was already typing. I am a bit slow, sorry. 15:23:22 :) 15:24:17 I would assume that anywhere in the EU would be fine although I am not from there 15:24:24 SEPA is not quite EU wide. The set of countries is similar but not identical. Do check. IIRC wikipedia has the list. 15:25:00 Might even still work with the UK actually. Something the derange bunch might have failed to tear down... 15:25:55 Of course, you got to keep in mind that if you send money, then don't receive monero back, you'll want to check with your bank first what you can then do. 15:26:17 ie, would your bank be able to pull the money back from the other side, and what evidence you'd need to provide. 15:26:24 Hah, it seems like you are right about the UK. They seem to be still in the SEPA circle. 15:27:01 Right. Well, the sellers seem to have excellent feedback and history. That should enough of a guarantee, no? 15:27:15 Of course, you can never be too careful, I know. 15:27:57 localmonero admins usually handle scammers pretty well 15:29:12 the xmr is in escrow so no one has access to it until its released it or if a dispute is started and the admins decide who gets the xmr 15:29:33 theres no auto-release afaik 15:29:46 That's reassuring. So, that should clear everything up. 15:30:16 the xmr is in escrow so no one has access to it until its released or if a dispute is started and the admins decide who gets the xmr 15:31:43 And my second and hopefully last question: Any opinion on revolut? I have only started knowing about it like two days ago. But it seems like a popular paypal alternative amongst crypto bros. 15:32:38 compared to paypal its a godsent because at least they provide a really good ux while robbing you if you break their tos 15:33:35 i think crypto trading is against their tos because they have their own crypto thing but ive been doing kraken withdrawals on a revo business account for like 3 months and they dont seem to care 15:34:05 im not sure if only crypto trading as in speculation is banned or crypto as a whole 15:35:46 I thought they have a whole section in their app for buying and exchanging crypto... I think? 15:36:23 Regardless, I am not seeing any immediate red flag about them. 15:36:33 yeah last time i checked it was some garbage where they didnt really allow you to buy any real crypto that you could send to any real wallet they just had a crypto investment thing 15:39:32 Oh well. Thank you for the answers! 17:19:20 https://ovenadd.com/r-cryptocurrency-moons-moon-price-prediction/ 17:19:41 Goes up to 2050 17:56:28 "by Sandeep Jadhav" 17:56:37 rumao rumao roru roru