03:17:46 comradeblin After adjustment, can Bitmain’s latest machine be used? 03:40:46 hello everyone 03:46:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hi doctor nick 05:33:46 Hello everyone! 05:44:41 Glad to be here! Does anyone here also learn esperanto? I love monero for a ton of reasons, and it using esperanto for its name is one of those reasons. Love to see it. 07:51:18 I remember having seen a block explorer which could display the RandomX program for a given block, I thought it was xmrchain.net but I could not find that info on a block page, so it might be another explorer, does any of you have a clue? 07:57:39 Sorry, I don't. do you happen to remember any other details about it? Keywords? style? anything? 08:00:19 Hmmm it WAS xmrchain.net, but it seems this feature was removed :-( Here is an archived block page with the RandomX source code link present https://web.archive.org/web/20220824104828/http://xmrchain.net/block/2651801 08:01:11 The randomx URLs now lead to this error message: RandomX code generation disabled! Use --enable-randomx flag to enable if. 08:02:21 You can just run your own explorer and enable this flag 08:05:16 Sure, I just wanted to do a quick demo and show RandomX code, not worth deplying my own explorer, the web.archive.org link will do 08:05:33 if I manage to find one 08:06:44 https://web.archive.org/web/20220816104146/https://xmrchain.net/randomx/2376740 10:43:05 hi 10:58:18 yes, it can. This was not an asic, nor an "ARM" chip ban update, it was a compiling/architecture update. 10:58:45 afterall, bitmains machine is not an ASIC 14:03:11 Hi everyone, I have a couple more questions regarding remote nodes, i.e. connecting to someone else's node. How does one's wallet software know that the block data it is being sent is accurate? Let's say I connect to a malicious remote node and I should have received a transaction in the past 24 hours, but the remote node sends inaccurate block data so my wallet doesn't show the t 14:03:11 ransaction I should've received. 14:05:26 Also, when you send a transaction via a remote node, how do you know that the node isn't lying and saying they sent the transaction, when in reality they did not? 14:05:29 yes, this can happen with a malicious node 14:06:03 if it's a concern to you make sure to run your own node or connect to a node you trust 14:07:34 That makes sense. I'm wondering about a future time where the blockchain could hypothetically be much larger though and it's more difficult for people to run their own nodes. Adoption is still low, so it's not an issue but are there any mitigations in mind for a future date where it is less feasible to run one's own node? 14:08:26 it would for example be possible to connect to multiple remote nodes and compare their data, but this isn't anything currently implemented in monero 14:08:42 that's not fool proof but would allow for detecting a single malicious remote node 14:10:32 Yes, it would be a pretty safe mechanism though. For example, let's say someone is sending you 10 XMR but you don't run your own node. They say they sent it, but when you sync from a remote node your wallet doesn't show that you received the transaction. To try to figure out whether the sender is lying to you or the remote node is lying to you, the best method would be to connect 14:10:32 to other remote nodes you know about and resync your wallet 14:13:21 If this sort of thing became a potential issue in the future (say a future where we are consistently getting 1 million transactions per day or something like this), would it be feasible to implement in the wallet software a method of syncing from different remote nodes as you mentioned? Or would it be quite challenging to implement that in the future if needed? 14:16:12 Feather might do something like this (the opposite) with multibroadcast 14:18:32 light nodes may just need some funding to make them a reality https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/69 (2GB~ on disk with no risks associated with using remote nodes) 14:19:05 Time to re-read the bitcoin white paper (Section 8: Simplified Payment Verification) 14:19:36 Multibroadcast helps defend against block hole attacks. 14:20:35 My understanding of Bitcoin SPV is that when you connect to someone else's node they can't lie to you because the chain is transparent. We can't do this because our chain is opaque 14:20:38 if you need a copy https://moneroresearch.info/index.php?action=resource_RESOURCEVIEW_CORE&id=1&browserTabID= 14:21:21 The original definition of black hole attack was nodes refusing to send txs that they received in the stem phase of Dandelion++. But you would extend the definition to include cases of a node refusing the send a transaction it receives from a wallet. 14:22:45 The chain is less opaque than you think. All txs are in the blockchain for everyone to see. Their contents are mostly hidden, so a node needs to send every tx to your wallet instead of just the ones you request by address. 14:24:34 Correct, I remember one of you guys saying that in the past, but that doesn't prevent the remote node from sending fake or bad block data. It does make it difficult for them to tamper any particular tx because they wouldn't know which tx of all those tx's is yours 14:25:04 so a safer approach for a malicious node would just be to relay entirely false block data if their objective was to mess with someone connecting to it 14:28:55 With SPV you have the block headers with hashes. You cannot fake that if you compare the responses between honest and malicious nodes. 14:39:58 Wow, I am very impressed by this solution. This seems like it would be very useful to new users in a hypothetical future of very high adoption of big blockchain. Koe's light node solution here seems similar to a pruned node, but even quicker to spin up (validates old blocks slowly in the background). Does anyone know the approximate storage space saved from this proposed light nod 14:39:58 e relative to our current pruned node option? Pruned node size is about 1/3rd of full node presently, but I'm curious how much "lighter" the light node would be. 14:47:58 I reread and Koe said it would be 1/5th the size of a BTC full node is implemented for BTC so I imagine the storage space requirements would be similar for Monero? Pruned node = 33% of full node, Proposed Light Node = 20% of full node 16:47:51 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> How do you use the `monero://` ? I want to make a clickable link that will open the monero app and pre-fills my wallet 16:51:28 monero info here Shane on Conduit.rs ⚡️ 16:51:29 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/wiki/URI-Formatting 16:52:18 just make an href link with "monero:addresshere" as the URL is the simplest way 16:54:28 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/User:Kreyren 16:54:28 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Doesn't seem to work 16:59:06 http://monero:87YCw3f8urfQEK5ZynYCeQ6G2Sp41vzwJTmBwb8s981TGVWLhiFGC2zWssN1Pwd1HhD3gYjkXWtC8EQhiyZFogUVVascYqS XMR:87YCw3f8urfQEK5ZynYCeQ6G2Sp41vzwJTmBwb8s981TGVWLhiFGC2zWssN1Pwd1HhD3gYjkXWtC8EQhiyZFogUVVascYqS 16:59:11 Is what you have listed 16:59:49 Drop the http://, no? 17:00:05 https://ccs.getmonero.org/ 17:00:20 See the link on the qr code is linked to 17:41:31 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/UJfhaz5y6A9xAoGM3fUaKqI3bfAiwqPu 17:41:32 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> it does this when i try that 17:50:05 What are the most trusted remote nodes? 17:52:30 your own one running at home on tor to avoid port/firewall issues 17:54:24 Yeah I plan to run my own node soon but I'm not a situation to do that right now. I'm trying to set up a wallet to make a quick txn 17:55:44 are you using tor? if so, these have good uptime https://xmrguide.org/remote_nodes 17:57:10 Thank you so much for sharing this 17:58:50 if you want to diversify your node list, here is an android node http://ofrnxmrqhjqb2zwl2zafkyv7cd52k5yrnivlu37mo7a7qsd4a3tva5id.onion:18089 18:13:13 another quick question 18:13:31 Can the outputs of all my sub addresses be cominbed? 18:20:23 consolodate all your outputs into 1? yes, if you do a sweep_all / send max balance to self 18:22:28 If monero is all private then why is it recommended to use different sub addresses while receiving the coins from different parties 18:24:13 I guess it's because when using the same address for two services/ exchanges etc. All the services I use can be revealed if one of the services can find my identity yeah? 18:24:19 I think it makes sense now 18:25:05 yea, the service can only link your "identity" to that service only, and no others 18:25:43 basically to each service you're just an anonymous person using their and their service only 18:25:45 haha this monero thing is pretty good. 18:26:03 The more I learn about monero, the more I get mind blown 18:26:11 If you dig your way more into it, youll start to like it more and more each day ;) 18:26:40 The more I learn about monero, the more I get my mind blown 18:26:55 For example I didn't know why inputs and outputs were a thing, why not just send the exact amount. Then it clicked in. 18:42:38 also just to confirm, If I do the sweep all txn then I would only pay for any extra txn correct 18:46:52 You pay a fee for all txes. The fee is based on tx size, so the more inputs, the higher the fee. But it's still very small. 18:47:57 And monero-wallet-cli prompts you to accept the fee (if you've not changed the setting) before sending it. 18:48:07 I *think* monero-wallet-gui also does. 19:00:23 yep the gui displays the fee (and red warning text if its hig 19:01:06 +h) with a confirm/send button - at least one person who has seen the high fee warning, still confirmed and sent 19:05:01 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Help i need a creative reply to this shit 19:05:05 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/0WDnA2KeaVIChiUplq1Zmfg9L2L9LG3y 19:05:07 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> (i paid with Bitcoin) 19:14:35 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> nwm you slower than bitcoin processing a payment i just screamed that i am the bank and told them to increase the fucking timeout 19:15:01 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i was thinking about trolling them for like multiple replies but i need that shit to work 19:26:08 Wrong room 19:26:23 #bitcoin 19:29:44 ask in r/Bitcoin 20:02:23 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i paid with monero it got atom swapped to btc 20:07:23 So ask the swapper