00:40:33 does anyone know if there have been any membership changes to the core team since 2018, back when binaryfate joined? 07:34:38 hello 07:34:49 i was looking at bip39 but i don't remember something 07:34:59 how do you go from characters/numbers to binary code? 07:37:48 hex to binary, found it 09:51:38 does anyone know if there have been any membership changes to the core team since 2018, back when binaryfate joined? <-- no 10:12:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Please send resume to jobs⊙go 10:21:04 hello everyone 10:22:38 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/zqk1/ 10:57:03 @law do you have any evidence of you approaching merchants already? 10:58:32 also where / when was that picture taken? Nigera central business district for example looks like any modern city 11:25:32 law: 11:25:32 ``` 11:25:33 Our objectives are twofold: 11:25:33 1) Identify potential merchants and professionals who can benefit from Monero. 11:25:34 2) Educate individuals on affordable and secure remittance solutions in Nigeria using Monero. 11:25:34 ``` 11:25:35 isnt the same thing as `onboard 5 merchants` 11:26:46 Have you found a supplier for the materials youre looking for? Flyers, bags etc? 11:27:02 (Why would a merchant want these things?) 11:28:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Oooo free mug 11:28:10 I figure a merchant would want a POS, a node.. 11:28:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thats more of a defcon bag :0 11:29:43 Also, how are internet speeds in nigeria? And data amounts? 11:30:02 If running a node is expensive, youll need lws instances 11:30:30 If internet is expensive / slow, users may need lws/mymonero as well 15:13:47 The internet connection is good and not expensive 15:14:32 It's basically like a gift or what not, and also spread word about monero 15:15:27 Educate me what does it mean? 15:24:32 Identify + educate 15:54:09 Yes 15:59:13 How does that = onboarding? 16:00:34 You can educate and shower with gifts, sure. But at what point do the educated actuallt start accepting monero? 16:01:25 Most people have unlimited lte internet on their phones? 16:01:35 (for syncing wallets) 16:01:42 No, they don't 16:03:26 might need lws/mymonero if large data isnt widely accessiblen 16:04:13 What are prices like? 16:10:00 For comparison, for unlimited data, in India it's like 7.25 USD (600 INR with Jio) per month for unlimited data, but in the UK it's like 25 USD (20 GBP with Smarty) per month 16:10:23 the picture they used of Nigeria is laughable 16:10:59 So here in the UK, most people have plans with a fixed monthly allowance, e.g. I have 5GB/mth for £5.40 (~6.60 USD) 16:11:00 still didnt say where/when it was from... or if they have any experience of approaching merchants , zero evidence. i can copy and paste this myself and rename the city 16:11:52 On the flipside, almost all home internet plans in the UK are unlimited, and cost around the same amount, e.g. I currently pay £20/mth for 150Mbps full-duplex FTTH, unlimited usage. 16:19:51 Also have phone plans for $1/gb or less, sometimes unlimited 16:21:45 Nobody is against nigerian adoption, but before throwing money away (probably pay you more than asking), i need to know how realistic the goal is 16:22:15 there are several Nigerian localmonero sellers/buyers https://localmonero.co/sell-monero-with-ngn-in-nigeria 16:25:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/KSzBKoQfJNcMabBNhrpjDrqr 16:25:48 But only "1" nigerian node (offline) 16:26:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TUZxBUbmwuZXQymTIEmeaQhy 16:26:36 mobile data reception in Oyo (the city they plan to approach merchants in) 16:29:04 Looking at map for other locstions, its hard to read 16:29:24 looks like its mostly streets that are marked eirh coverage, but nothing inbetween 16:30:06 So i assume there is coverage along that road, and but how far away from it? Who knows. Maybe the others are towers 16:30:34 so the picture of Oyo is not laughable, i take it back. im thinking of the bigger cities such as Lagos (which also have slums but the city centre is built up) 16:30:55 mobile reception in the bigger cities wont be a problem 16:31:28 Cake Wallet + remote node is enough for a local merchant to accept Monero. 16:32:42 How about the buyer 16:33:20 Need the mobile data 16:33:20 (checking nigeria it seems 1gb/88c usd. Similar to usa) 16:33:21 we can't even confirm mobile data reception at monerokon venue. why am i holding this project to higher standards 16:33:54 Skip sync would save mobile data: https://bounties.monero.social/posts/79/0-121m-add-a-skip-sync-feature-to-a-monero-wallet If the store has wifi, the buyer could use it. 16:33:55 i wish law best of luck, just advise that it would be better to flesh it out with some evidence 16:34:28 I had suggested a solution for a 1 time sync from merchants node 16:34:43 Nice, that would make mobile more usable 16:34:44 Specially that I use a different seed for mobile, that I only use when I travel to have some extra backup change 16:35:09 btw anarkiocrypto, it's nice to see kuno pulling in projects and donations, thank you for your efforts 16:35:25 Last time I used my mobile wallet, I just deleted it and recreated it from seed, using current date to skip the sync 16:35:32 Basicslly.. walk in store, scan a qr with cake, cake adds a temporary node and a temporary wifi network (not sure if the latter is possible) 16:35:48 +1 16:35:49 I used to be limited to 5 GB/month tethered mobile data for phone and desktop (difficult to find a KYC-free sim card with more data, can't make a home internet contract). Now I have a second hand sim card with 30 GB/month which is more than I use per month. 16:35:59 4rkal thanks you too 16:37:28 > I just deleted it and recreated it from seed, using current date to skip the sync 16:37:28 Same, I "skip sync" like this often (and import TXIDs via scan_tx) to avoid waiting 30-60 minutes and wasting 500+ MB (1 month of blocks from remote node, using Whonix Workstation VM on 10+ year old laptop). 16:38:16 Scan_tx, iirc, only skips til the first tx, then syncs as usual 16:38:42 If a user messes up the date and misses a tx, doesnt that screw up the wallet? 16:38:55 > t's nice to see kuno pulling in projects and donations, thank you for your efforts 16:38:56 Kuno belongs to Radanne since August. It is no longer my project. You can thank Radanne here: https://twitter.com/r_a_d_a_n_n_e 16:39:18 THANK YOU ANARKIOCRYPTO 16:39:24 I think it might. 16:39:25 Personally my phone wallet is always at 0XMR except when I travel, then I skip sync all and then add funds 16:39:29 📢 16:39:41 Scan_tx doesn't sync at all. It just fetches the specified TXID from the remote node. 16:39:56 Again, ^ 16:40:10 could be wrong, but this is how i remember it being implemented 16:40:39 If you miss a TX, sure, you can't spend it if you don't know it exists. But if you only buy/earn Monero once per month - just sync that day or that TXID. No need to waste time and data to sync the remaining 30 days. 16:41:24 I have used scan_tx multiple times. It just fetches the single TX. First you must restore from seed with restore height = today's date. Then copy and paste your TXIDs into scan_tx. Saves a lot of time and mobile data. 21:19:27 Why is there no easy guide on how to install lws on top of your node? That is such a no brainer for mobile wallets. 21:19:56 It works right? Mymonero uses it. 21:19:59 there's a dockerfile for deploying it iirc 21:23:34 On github it only tells how to build from source. To complicated for most people. 21:24:21 Thank you 21:25:38 In the bitcoin space you have projects like raspibolt where they instruct you how to install the bitcoin stack with the command line to build your own node. 21:25:38 We should have something similar for monero where it teaches you how to install monerod, monero-lws, p2pool, xmrproxy all on one box. 21:26:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They are all seperate projects 21:26:20 Yes but all monero related. 21:26:36 sure but the dockerfile for monero lws is in a different project, maybe it could be PR'd to the same repo 21:26:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But i do agree with you in lws 21:26:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its not simple 21:26:51 bitcoind, electrum, dojo are also different projects 21:27:29 Do you have a link for this dockerfile? 21:28:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws/blob/master/Dockerfile 21:29:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You might have to change the ports on the bottom 21:29:12 Would be nice to have a node at home that you can connect to via LAN, and when on the road via a Tor hidden service. If you use lws using Tor is not an issue. 21:35:30 like a hardware node ? 21:35:34 like a hardware node ? plug n play ? 21:35:35 I have never used docker so o would have to investigate. 21:35:58 Yes on some old x86 laptop or PC. 21:36:20 Not something to buy, but to set up yourself. 21:36:31 o 21:36:32 Like raspibolt or minibolt for bitcoin 21:41:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Whats Doug’s one called ? 21:41:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Moneronodo 21:42:07 Nodo 21:42:36 https://monerosuite.org/ 21:42:41 Makes it pretty easy even for non-techies 21:56:10 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Seems that NOWPayments is able to provide a way that lets anyone pay with FIAT for it to be automatically converted to crypto for you 👀 21:56:34 Is that thing still alive? 21:59:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Soon™️ 21:59:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Dunno where its at 22:03:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> If doug could attended community meetings with updates maybe that would help? 22:05:24 e​rembax: services like mymonero and rino have a proprietary implementation of a lightwallet server - there was an existing one on github but pretty outdated and broken, not usable - vtnerd's works well as a backend, but the only client that can work with it is the MyMonero web application 22:05:31 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws 22:09:13 i have a proof of concept project with lws packaged with monerod, mymonero-js web app, and a custom flask app i wrote to be an admin panel for the lws backend: https://git.cloud.lzahq.tech/nerodev/monero-lw 22:11:15 i have that PoC hosted here if you wanted to see it (kind of slow/busy vps, be patient): https://lws.lzahq.tech/ 22:11:29 it works as expected, syncs wallet in the background 22:11:34 recently someone called everoddandeven undertook this monero-lws + android related bounty https://bounties.monero.social/posts/90/ , theyre working on this monero-java branch https://github.com/everoddandeven/monero-java 22:17:21 nice work lza_menace! 22:20:58 had help from cryptogrampy as well, had to remove some cruft from mymoner: https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/mymonero-web-js/commits/master 22:21:54 encountering a connection error when confirming the 1st 7 words of my seed on your PoC 22:37:33 should be fixed plowsof 22:38:08 however, the wallet won't sync until I go into the lwsadmin backend (flask app) to allow syncing (or issue API requests directly) 22:39:05 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws/blob/develop/docs/administration.md#commands-of-admin-rest-api 22:39:15 `accept_requests` 22:41:29 oh i see, thank you (able to confirm seed at least) 22:42:11 that's the part where mymonero and rino have other services which have you send funds to an address - once received they'll allow syncing from 0