00:25:48 https://paste.myconan.net/482811-b6438122.txt 00:35:41 gingeropolous: 18.04 is EOL and we don't have CI for it anymore 00:36:07 could be that the old compiler doesn't like how the code is written 00:40:12 but gcc 7 should still work so looking into it 00:51:44 gingeropolous: can you try to apply https://github.com/selsta/monero/commit/0340e9ee6285f9959cba4efbdf56eeb775f4be43 01:43:20 Would it be bad to say we shouldn't try to apply /s 02:25:40 selsta, that worked. i could compile https://github.com/selsta/monero/tree/gcc7-fix 02:26:11 lulz. i think selsta is aware of my git skills 02:26:45 hrm, so maybe i didn't successfully apply 02:27:57 well i cloned the repo and then checked out that gcc7-fix branch 02:28:36 yeah that commit is on top of all the recent merges on the 25th. yeah. i think succesffully tried to apply it 02:28:48 did it fail somewhere else? 02:29:11 nope 02:29:19 post logs again 02:30:41 https://paste.myconan.net/482831-035d81e0.txt 02:31:06 so did it fail? or did I misunderstand your previous comment 02:31:44 it did not fail. 02:31:52 ok good 02:32:08 i interpreted "hrm, so maybe i didn't successfully apply" as it failing again that's why i was confused 02:32:39 gotcha. no i was beginning to question whether i actually compiled what I was supposed to compile. 02:32:48 yah know because im a git master 02:32:59 you can do the following 02:33:11 git clone normal monero repo 02:33:26 and then 02:33:27 git pull origin pull/9044/head 02:33:39 this pulls the PR I opened with the fix 02:33:53 oh i didn't see you opened a PR on the monero repo. 02:36:48 i just gotta do this do-release-upgrade i guess 02:36:50 so scary 02:37:05 thats what i should be for halloween 03:31:29 hello friends 03:33:16 was in the old monero room 03:33:23 a while ago 03:33:24 so kind of out of the loop now 03:33:27 if theres anything new 11:43:58 if I use e.g. UnstoppableSwap to change some Bitcoin into Monero, and then later the Monero into Bitcoin again, will the Bitcoin now essentially be untraceable? 11:47:04 the bitcoin still have a history from before you got them, which is still visible 11:48:09 also, depending upon how you do it, it might be possible to connect your original bitcoin with the bitcoin you get later, e.g. if the sums line up and are somewhat unusual it could be possible to guess that they were swapped 11:58:45 yeah, but that history wouldn't have anything to do with me I take it 11:59:21 and I see, so change the sums around I guess 12:02:38 what about the history of the bitcoin you atomic swapped to? :( that history is yours now 12:05:33 strong disagree 12:05:59 that's like saying the history of a banknote you receive as payment is yours at that point 12:06:28 it's not up to you to agree or not :D 12:06:38 even if it were once used as payment for assassination and rape you didn't have anything to do with that 12:07:00 cash != btc and yeah, send your reasoning to whoever blocks/withholds your coins after atomic swappin' 12:07:37 that is their prerogative, my only question was whether it could be traced through the swap itself 12:09:20 Generally speaking, it cannot. But there are special cases. 12:10:10 As someone mentioned above, paying in and out the same uncommon amount. Also, if UnstoppableSwap sees very little use. 12:10:50 Or if it rats on their customers, if it's a centralized service. 12:11:34 If none of these special cases (and possibly some others) apply, then you're down to the ring signatures: 12:11:59 Your first monero tx created two outputs (typically), one went to you, the other was change. 12:12:46 It's likely that for an exchange, change can be determined by an observer, as I imagine it'll get reused very quickly, and the tx using it will have change that will get reused very qiuckly, etc. I'm speculating here though. 12:13:39 So, to be conservative, which output is change is known. The second monero tx will have the non-change output from the first tx in one of its rings, alongside 15 (IIRC) other outputs. 12:14:07 As a first approximation, each of those 16 ring members is equiprobably the real spend. 12:14:50 So there's about a 16% chance the two txes were made by the same person. 12:14:56 Well, on behalf of. 12:15:08 er, 6%. 12:15:12 well, that sounds like it wouldn't be that hard to possibly trace after all 12:16:46 Also, as your original output gets included in other people's rings, every such tx by others has a 6% chance of being "you" spending it. 12:17:01 (as seen from an observer) 12:37:00 Can anybody recommend a VPS service with crypto as a payment method? (xmr is preferably)) 12:41:45 monero.town runs on a vps paid for with monero iirc. ping monerobull: 12:42:26 I think they only accepted LTC 12:42:56 use the trocador link on monero.town sidebar with payment mode 😄 12:45:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://www.monerodirectory.com 12:46:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Go to hosting 12:47:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also 12:47:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Servers.guru 12:50:46 Thanks 17:18:04 Is it a bad idea to use the monero my package manager ships? I did the who pgp verify thing the first time, but I'll have to do it each time there's an update. 17:34:28 depends, for the daemon there is less risk when using a package manager