07:36:52 file video_2023-10-29_15-02-31.mp4 too big to download (27734588 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:36:52 video_2023-10-29_15-02-31.mp4 07:36:55 PSA: Someone's been buying Google Ads for the keyword "LocalMonero" to show at the top of the results and redirect to a phishing website. If you've accessed our website through clicking that sponsored link your account is at risk. Change your password immediately and enable 2FA! 11:05:33 Wassup the good people of the monero community, I've got a proposition that might just tickle your fancy, imagine a foss tool that made it easy to build personalized activitypub websites. I think that would be a huge step towards the circular economy we always talk about while maintaining our ethics. Eventually maybe it would be a full-blown CMS like wordpress but for starters it 11:05:33 could be a simple site generator, not necessarily only for static websites, but it would allow for users to write a custom theme once and then make updates using markdown, org-mode or even plain ol html and run it through the generator and boom, you've got a website with a fully functional activitypub implementation. We can add other functionality as we go along, I imagine people 11:05:34 would want to be able to quickly publish a hidden service for example. Or personalize their feed. On that note, the main reason for this activitypub side of things is the federation we would get if people used this system. We can host private servers as well and maintain network privacy if so desired. What do y'all think? Would you want to use a system like this? It's FOSS. What f 11:05:34 eatures would you hope to see? What is the desired UX? We can also adapt it for educational/entertainment content as well. Just thinking out loud is all. I would love to hear some feedback though. Long live MONERO!!!! 11:18:11 :( rip paragraphs 11:25:03 I tried to be as concise as possible, did I hit the character limit? 11:27:09 I see everything (I think). It just got split automaticaly into four messages. 11:36:17 Well, there you go, for a second there I thought my magnum opus was going to be lost in the sauce 11:36:59 As long as it's open sauce. 11:39:20 You never really know what you're going to get with propietary sauce that's for sure. based.cooking anyone? 11:44:23 But guys what do you think about using activitypub this way though? Same infrastructure just superpowered 11:49:24 try also in Monero Community Dev 11:50:31 (Or maybe post a link to the message in community dev, instead of reposting. Up to you) 11:51:32 Alright, I'll do that. Thanks 11:52:50 https://tenor.com/view/funny-cat-what-huh-lol-gif-18663216 11:53:35 On that note, what kind of businesses would people like to see? I mean, it's easy to but a lot of tech stuff but more than that not really. I want to push the creation of this market cause I think this infrastructure makes sense for this. Imagine monero amazon minus the consumerism, what would you actually like/want/need to buy to use monero completely? 12:03:46 Aren't there like plenty of site generators ? I admit I'm not particularly knowledgeable about this, but I've seen like a lot. 12:04:09 Since you're posting here, I assume it'd be monero related somehow, but you've not said *how* it'd be. 12:10:02 Sorry for that, the big idea is to use activitypub. I agree tat there are many site generators out there and many support markdown, org-mode etc. So that's not new. However, if we use activitypub we can federate our websites so that when updates are made they reflect in the other websites that are federated as well. atm activitypub is mainly used for social media ie mastodon. Or e 12:10:03 ntertainment eg funkwhale, pixelfeed etc. This is good but the UI is very distracting and as a business you want to do branding for your products. Similarly, most online marketplaces eg amazon maintain their own branding and don't allow the seller to customize their landing pages or the presentation of their products. Now imagine if we took amazon's social graph and funneled that 12:10:03 traffic through these federated websites we'd have the circular economy for sure. Also, activitypub is an internet standard embraced by w3c and is uncensorable, provided your running your own servers. That's the big idea 12:10:25 So, monero is the main form of payment and will allow for cross-border payments as well naturally 12:11:19 Ideally, if serai gets up and running we can have automatic settlement in any currency but for now I'm opting for local monero to help those who want to cash back out and in 12:11:26 activitypub = BLOAT 12:11:33 rss/json feed/atom is enough 12:15:19 Perhaps, but the problem is that rss feeds do not federate. In the sense that you want the other instances to see what you've posted correct? Now imagine if you do not have the followers of a particularly popular blog then you don't get the sales. But if you reach out to the blog's owner and federate, you can get the same traffic if it's a single instance. However, I plan to run o 12:15:19 ne of the main instances to allow for maximal federation a la mastodon.social in a sense. I will also provide the configuration necessary to run your own main instance as well. All you would have to do is open the app/website and everything seemlessy updates and the UI would be of your own choosing. I think that beats the experience with RSS 12:16:29 naturally, your users do not need an account and the generator will also provide an rss feed 13:26:24 There are stable plugins for popular CMSes like WordPress or Joomla that add the ability to publish to ActivityPub feeds, e.g. https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub 13:26:42 That being said, RSS also works. RSS's biggest failing is its lack of popularity and public knowledge of its existence. 13:43:59 Ah yes. WordPress, the single most hacked framework in the history of the internet. Let's all use that 🤣 13:49:25 As the BBC would say: "Other content management systems are available." 😋 13:50:21 All I'm suggesting is that people don't reinvent the wheel 13:51:17 And by large part, the only reason that WordPress installations are vulnerable is because they remain live but unmaintained. As of WordPress 4.0, WordPress installations automatically apply security updates by default, which has largely solved this issue. 13:53:57 Last I checked, the CVE list was rather long. Let's see how it looks now. 13:53:57 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=wordpress 13:54:17 `There are 7101 CVE Records that match your search.` 14:03:23 The vast majority of those pertain to third-party plugins. 14:04:26 Not much you can do about a platform being popular and thus attracting poor third-party development 14:10:16 Well.. The plugins are there, and they are being used in a shitload of sites. 14:19:58 Yes, and that would almost certainly still be the case if Joomla was dominant and they were Joomla plugins instead. 14:20:49 It's like saying "Windows has thousands of vulnerabilities" when the vulnerabilities are actually in software written for Windows. 14:48:47 That name change is funny 14:50:40 just realized i cant change my @, rip 14:51:42 Just register 5-10 alts, like the rest of us 😎 14:52:20 true 14:52:44 Account multi-homing/portability is on the roadmap, and there are discussions of / plans for per-room profiles, so pretty soon you will just log in using OpenID and get a random ID that you can create aliases for. 14:57:08 It's going to be a cold day in hell, before I get an OpenID ☃️ 15:02:27 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Norway#Climate - cold enough ? 15:06:21 lol 15:11:26 Well, that's pretty cold. 15:11:26 Last time I was in Stockholm, during winter, it was close to -50 Celsius. That was cold. After the first shock, when going outside, you don't feel the cold, or pretty much anything at all 🥶 15:13:49 What's an OpenID? 15:18:21 From a scale of 1 to 100 XMR, how safe is it to store XMR in the cake wallet on grapheneOS on a separate profile with no play services or anything? 16:16:29 Idk how hard to crack the bg sync feature is 16:16:53 Rn id say i dont like the way cake does background sync (unlocking spend keys while device is idle) 16:17:53 rule of thumb: don't carry more xmr in your phone then you would dollars in your wallet 16:18:09 Should he done like this 16:18:10 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8617 16:18:33 My phone is worth more than the dollars ib my wallet, probably haha 16:19:57 But yeah. 16:19:57 lol. 16:19:58 also, you can tap to pay phones that are locked lol, so while were on subject of money on lost phones, make sure to move crypto and to also disable google/apple pay, etc 20:55:36 Depends how strong you pin / passphrase for that profile is. I would not use a pin but a strong passphrase and then I would say very secure, but not life changing money secure. 21:53:45 If only I had life changing amounts of Monero 😅 21:58:44 what would you do with the money @mhx:matrix.org? 22:02:13 Get to the second step on Maslow's hierarchy of needs! 22:12:18 If Monero is valued as much as Bitcoin, we're good. I still don't understand why Bitcoin is worth more TBH. 22:14:55 Similar reason why facebook and google got so popular. 22:28:57 Facebook and google offers products that are sleek and easier to use than the alternatives. I don't think Bitcoin has that advantage over Monero. I find Monero as easy if not easier to use than Bitcoin, with all the added be edits that I'm sure you're aware of. Bitcoin basically only has the first mover advantage and network effect at this point, but so did myspace and altavista at some point. 22:29:55 Facebook is terrible 22:30:08 Instagram dm's, when i had ig, were terrible 22:30:31 like, horrible. Made nonsense that the same comoany could have so many different levels of "bad" 22:31:34 Evenwhatsapp fucks up the "note to self" feature 22:31:58 What alternatives are you using now that are better? 22:32:14 to facebook? 22:32:40 Fb, if, whatsapp 22:32:42 Fb, ig, whatsapp 22:33:15 I use fb messenger and whatsapp with normies 22:33:54 Mostly whatsapp, fb messenger is terrible in comparison 22:34:05 Fb search is broken as hell 22:34:27 Marketplace is probably the biggest, and they cant even do cstegories or filters properly 22:35:06 I deleted fb long before that was a thing :p 22:35:36 I have fb installed for 2 reasons: 22:35:36 old ppl 22:35:37 marketplace 22:37:54 Anyway, as far as monero compares, its never gone viral 22:37:55 But what alternatives are better from an ease of use perspective? 22:38:16 To facebook? Craigstlist, but nobody uses it 22:38:45 To messenger? Signal, whatsapp, text, email, phone calls, just abt anything ia better than fb messenger 22:39:58 And im talking about the quality of the programs, not the ethics 22:40:34 Needless to say 22:40:51 The reason btc is "so big" is because its inflated lol 22:41:11 You can buy 100x more btc than you have money for, remember 22:41:36 The value comes from potential liquidations 22:42:25 Thats why huge candles happen. Its when peooke get their positions liquidated, and 100x more money than they had disappears 22:42:38 .. margin trading 22:42:49 delisting monero means a lot less of that 22:43:29 There were definitely some short monero liquidations today. Lemme see 22:46:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/AMknUpHxxRzZNSbvZSEHYEuk 22:47:04 https://www.cryptometer.io/data/binance/xmr/usdt 22:48:02 Still, the distance from the value of XMR to the value of BTC is so ridiculous. XMR should at least be a couple thousand $. That I would be able to accept even though I wouldn't agree with that either 😋 22:48:07 Someones been converting etg to 230 xmr regularly 22:48:17 Eth 22:49:38 Were adding about 300k net /hr to the MC (on binance) 22:50:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/mCKDcGipHFuAGXDtyhiFdCBv 22:57:35 Well, I guess I'll just continue to use Monero for what it's supposed to be used for... money. One of the few cryptos that actually can be used for that in the real world. In fact, the only one I've ever used to actually buy something to this day. 22:58:52 Would be nice to have my stack inflate while I'm at it though! At least I could use it to buy more things, not only to sell for a profit 😂 22:59:13 Should do that through my trocador link 😆