03:41:28 There are stable plugins for popular CMSes like WordPress or Joomla that add the ability to publish to ActivityPub feeds, e.g. https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub 03:41:28 This is great news, I don't have to build it then. My question to you then would be why don't people use it then? activitypub sonuds like an easy way for admins to create circular economies to me. If there was a federated way to inform each other of what's in the market, shouldn't that help? 11:02:12 I think you need to more carefully define "people" before you can get a proper answer. If you just mean people in general: ActivityPub is simply not popular/well-known in general. 11:02:12 If you specifically mean people interested in Monero: I don't know, you should ask them. Perhaps they think that other existing social media platforms and tools are sufficient. If someone can come up with an application/use-case that is appealing and can't be achieved through other existing, popular means, perhaps there's some good work to be done there. 12:01:29 I think you need to more carefully define "people" before you can get a proper answer. If you just mean people in general: ActivityPub is simply not popular/well-known in general. 12:01:29 If you specifically mean people interested in Monero: I don't know, you should ask them. Perhaps they think that other existing social media platforms and tools are sufficient. If someone can come up with an application/use-case that is appealing and can't be achieved through other existing, popular means, perhaps there's some good work to be done there. 12:01:30 Fair enough, I figure then the trick would be to create the infrastructure and use it myself as well as promote it myself if I feel there's a business case to be made there before the masses rush in, its FOSS anyway. It would be a question of getting enough merchants as well as traffic in that case. Settlement can be automated so it would be like a personalized clear-web bazaar of 12:01:30 sorts. tbh I do think there's potential, expecting others to take the risk would be ridiculous. Let's see how it goes then 15:33:34 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/zqk1/ 15:35:08 law: any videos of you approaching merchants already? 15:38:33 Ban 15:39:12 Kindly answer qs from last tine u begged 15:39:13 not yet. I'm still raising funds, I'm going to start on the 1st of november. 15:39:20 Time* 15:39:28 1) Logistics for visiting the merchants in Oyo, Nigeria. 15:39:50 2. Do you run a node, sir? 15:40:01 you have 0.8xmr, which is 50% of your goal for onboarding 1 merchant. have you done anything with it? 15:40:44 any evidence at all of you being outside? in Oyo?... the bar is pretty low because you have shared zero evidence 15:41:19 Sir. I can do it from my bed 15:42:10 The onboarding is set to start november and its going to run through out the month 15:42:33 i reside in oyo 15:42:58 ``` 15:42:58 cp /etc/tor/torrc . 15:42:59 exists=$(cat /etc/tor/torrc | grep -E "[01894]{5}$" ) 15:42:59 if ! [ -z "$exists" ] 15:43:00 then 15:43:00 printf "$exists \n skipping\n" 15:43:01 else 15:43:01 printf "Adding Tor HS for Monero rpc and anonymous-inbound" 15:43:02 ``` 15:43:13 Whoops 15:43:13 paper with time stamp in front of a steetsign pls 15:43:19 ^ 15:43:39 I take it as a no 15:43:49 are you talking to me? 15:43:59 3. Do you know of any nodes in oyo for use 15:44:14 @david yes 15:44:20 https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=anqrybu9mvo is this the correct Oyo? 15:45:30 evidence of being outside, with a mobile phone and the ability to communicate 15:45:57 i dont 15:46:14 2. Pls 15:46:24 ^ 15:46:36 If also "i dont", fix that 15:47:54 0.8xmr is enough for a nice node 15:48:09 the merchants in Oyo may also ask you questions 15:48:25 Like "how do i send a tx" 15:48:38 "if there are no nodes???" 15:48:55 hold this phone and say cheese 15:50:42 glitter finance vibes 15:51:55 i don't understand this 15:52:07 Write the cyrrent time 15:52:22 And your username, on a piece of paper 15:52:41 Then go outside, hold it up near a street sigh 15:52:47 and take a pic 15:53:01 Proves youre in oyo 15:53:04 Write ypur user name, current date and time on a piece of paper and photograph it together with a city street sign 15:53:17 Or at least know someone there 15:53:34 That way we can see that you are currently in the city 15:53:38 I own a personal computer. 15:53:42 or at least have made an effort to make us believe 15:54:06 that is a town in Oyo. 15:54:32 Law, were not assholes 15:54:50 youd have 500xmr if you'd speak up 15:55:27 But i wont send ya 0.00004 xmr, if you dont plan to put it to good use 15:55:38 So far, i see wasted $ 15:55:53 If i see a node pop up in oyo 15:56:02 Ill believe you give af 15:56:45 Does your personal pc have ssd storage? Or do you have an external ssd? 15:57:10 Its all about "Don't trust, verify" 15:57:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/UfnUnUbbdbEtLSAmtXnvuvoU 15:58:09 Thanks. Now im hungry 15:58:34 Need to take the pic outside, near a street corner 15:59:03 Feel free to send in a dm if you dont want to show in public 16:01:23 can i send you a picture of my student ID to your dm? 16:01:43 yes 16:05:33 outside proves location. Student ID could be somebody else. Also: do not give out more personal info then needed 16:07:44 outside like how? snap a street sign and post? 16:09:07 yes. It'd be good if we see a bit of the street as well 16:09:31 you can send the picture to ofrnxmr: or plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: both are highly trustworthy 16:22:08 i sent plowsof a dm 16:37:38 A street sign outside with that paper would have been ok. I dont feel comfortable or need to see your government/student ID so for your own privacy i wont preview the image 16:41:12 Nigeria isn't like where you're from, most places here don't have street signs except more urban places like lagos 16:47:35 yeah I didn't think about that, sorry 16:48:47 Geoguessers do not require signs 16:51:24 Received in dm. Plowsof accept invite 17:17:08 can confirm, Law is based in Oyo 🫡 please do keep us updated over the next coming days 🙏 17:18:43 I sure will, there'll be a thread on every stage of development 17:19:40 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/zqk1/ 17:30:06 Arghhh... My home server is gone, again. Last week I drove the 350 Km down to Pattaya, got the thing up and running, drove 350 Km back up here, just for the fucking thing to die on me two days ago. I'm fucked. 17:33:15 any idea on what caused it? no way to turn the server off and on again remotely? 17:36:16 which wallet does he use? 17:36:49 I've been on the phone with the ISP the last two days, trying to figure out what's going on. 17:36:49 The router is set to forward traffic to the server, DMZ style, but the server seems dead. 17:41:13 The server was running mainnet & stagenet nodes, plus a bunch of RPC wallets. 17:41:13 Running mainnet node on my Danish server going to cost a fortune in traffic fees.