00:25:25 Monero gets a few mentions in a paper published in the ACM Computing Surveys. 00:25:28 Botnet business models, takedown attempts, and the darkweb market: a survey - 00:25:28 https://backend.orbit.dtu.dk/ws/files/289728739/Survey_on_Botnet_Economics_3_.pdf 06:03:12 https://nitter.net/zooko/status/1709989111808070095 lol 11:33:50 Hello, anyone can need help me on set up Monero on iMac? 11:34:56 I Got Daemon blocks remaining like stuck and sync is really slow 12:14:48 Monero Support 15:18:39 Hello, anyone can need help me on set up Monero on iMac? 15:19:17 Sorry anyone can help me on Monero on iMac? 15:23:45 Is it possible that I still downloading the blockchain from this morning? How long it takes? 15:26:37 depends on your drive and internet speed 15:27:25 last time on SSD and with a mid-tier cpu took me like 8 hours 15:27:57 on a raspberry pi with HDD it can take months 15:29:01 Hello, thanks for you replay @m-relay, ok, I got a iMac a good internet connection (fiber) and now enough space 15:30:01 So I have to aspect like to have some news tomorrow? I Hope 15:40:02 yeah marco__, it takes a while 15:44:55 "status" in monerod will tell you how far it's reached downloading If you're using monero-wallet-gui, you can enter commmands for monerod in the settings screen IIRC. 19:32:05 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/916#issue-1974562104 19:32:10 Bad news 19:36:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> There all over it like a rash in community 19:48:43 It looks bad feels bad it will itch 20:14:42 Is it finally the death of Core Crowdfunding System? 20:16:32 Probably not, but the core team members can be changed 🤔 20:16:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Logrotate core daily 20:17:03 monero, poorest crypto project out there, just got a whole lot poorer 20:17:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Logrotate core members daily 20:17:16 I hope they do get changed absolute incompetence or theft 20:17:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can we ask vik for a loan 😬 20:17:37 we still have 8000 xmr 20:18:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> For jet? 20:19:48 jet took off without us 20:21:56 anyone did forensics on that hacked laptop/server whatever the private key was on? 20:24:33 also there is no October in the story :D 20:33:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 🔜™️ 20:34:11 just roll back the blockchain 20:34:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Im a only believe when nioc tells me! 20:35:33 bob, Cat is on the case https://www.sadanduseless.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/tin-foil-cats18.jpg 20:47:22 Definitely not, it has been over a month. 20:50:03 2 months... 23:09:49 howdy\ 23:09:55 howdy 23:10:30 i opened my wallet this morning and found 2000 monero in it 23:10:38 very confusing! 23:13:34 Consider making a donation to the CCS fund? 🤣 23:13:51 And maybe check the transaction id