00:14:44 It's hosted on Kyun? 00:14:57 no i was just kidding 00:15:02 Oh, ok 00:15:18 but it would be cool if it were 00:15:25 shit serves like 800 tb a month 00:15:34 Wow 00:15:36 that would be 800 eur 🤑 00:16:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Invidious google meta 00:16:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Invidious google metadata 00:21:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Any didnt youtube send a legal demand to invidious? 00:23:08 yeah they issued them a cease and desist but since theyre not using the youtube api they basically told them to fuck off 00:23:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ahah 🖕 01:28:01 #monero:monero.social just dowloaded the Monero GUI onto my Tails OS. I was expected to see a bash file to run the app, but there was none (checked the extras directory). Any idea where it is? 01:30:24 you probably downloaded the source 01:32:30 https://downloads.getmonero.org/gui/linux64 01:32:46 get it from here its the monero-wallet-gui 01:32:49 get it from here its the monero-wallet-gui file 01:32:53 it was the "Linux 64-bit" 01:33:00 or monero-wallet-gui.AppImage 01:34:14 thanks - but it's now downloading a duplicate 01:35:34 then you got the right tar 01:36:00 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kyun.host/msSrxzCJXouXVEqGVQwbCzLq 01:36:48 ok thank you 01:37:18 no bash file to run but I can just use the Applemage 01:37:35 theres no bash file since its not a script 01:37:53 in linux files dont usually have extensions like other systems 01:38:02 monero-wallet-gui is an executable file 01:38:21 if you open up a terminal in the extracted folder you can open it with ./monero-wallet-gui 01:38:40 you probably have to chmod +x monero-wallet-gui first 01:38:43 but the appimage will work the same 01:44:36 #monero:monero.social Anybody know where I can find .onion nodes that work? 01:49:28 monero.fail keeps a list. 02:00:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> App image is high tech, open it and see the script 02:00:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ./ 05:39:03 My invidious instance hasn't been working for months. You're supposed to rotate ipv6 but I haven't set up ipv6 infrastructure and I don't have the time to 05:39:26 Youtube blocks invidious instances by ip address 05:39:34 But they don't block ipv6 subnets, they block by address 05:39:41 So it's infinite 08:46:08 anyone know the status of monero on Sideshift and its Monerujo integration? XMR has been removed from the website (old news), but it's still in Monerujo. what's more, I can generate a valid order from within Monerujo. the order can be viewed in a web browser (https://sideshift.ai/orders/) and looks legit. has anyone tried it since the delisting? for now I'm cautious about 08:46:08 send anything there. 09:19:29 dont do it 09:19:34 i dont think it would work 09:31:44 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> The headphones i bought for my first XMR profit broke 🥹 09:31:59 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> The headphones i bought from my first XMR profit broke 🥹 09:32:31 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> what's sideshift 09:59:43 it's an instant exchange 10:01:11 chaser: use Trocador if you want to swap monero :D https://trocador.app/?ref=YFJL36Szy7 10:08:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No affiliate link? 10:08:49 I knowbthis way, my emphasis here is being able to use it from within the send flow of my monero wallet. 10:08:50 also, the correct url for Tocador is http://trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion 😉 10:08:50 (and exchange referral links are bad, they let observers map on-chain activity to social graphs) 10:12:06 ^ 10:13:13 everyone should just use my link 10:13:22 then you cant do social graph analysis 10:13:24 ./s 10:47:42 If the order appears, it should work. They've delisted XMR from their exchange months ago, but they promised it would continue working for Monerujo users. That said, experience creating orders is spotty at best. We're working on a new release with different exchange options, will have it ready soon. 10:54:39 thank you! I appreciate the first-hand info 11:00:47 Morpheus: \*wink\* 11:42:20 Yeah there's Trocador for swaps haha 11:44:52 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> why that over fixedfloat 11:46:03 You can use fixedfloat through trocador 11:46:38 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> why 11:46:49 Trocador acts as a proxy and has in most cases insurance against swappers acting in Bad faith 11:46:57 (for example freezing funds) 11:47:53 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de/IpRPaVCxDdNd6Bmhppp48Y5vbDlu7R0W 11:47:54 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> 👀 11:48:03 It also gives Ms you the best rate across many different swapping services with some helpful stats, for example how long swaps usually take or what the provider does regarding AML 11:48:34 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> fixedfloat does that already though 11:56:04 trocador keeps exchanges honest. Exchanges do more or less the same, and with a trocador they are exchangeable with a single click. So if they backup their rates, force KYC or keep funds if you refuse KYC, they will loose their ranking position. 11:56:27 *jack up their rates 11:56:36 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> oh i see 12:00:04 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Speaking of which does anyone have experience with paying via mail? 12:00:25 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> like you send money in a post and receive XMR 12:00:42 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> bcs it's real pain to get XMR for cash without KYC 12:09:15 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> and BTC ATMs are getting expensive af 12:15:56 build your own monero ATM XMR ATM 12:16:25 https://atm.monero.is/ 12:18:27 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> hmm i know how to do the electronics, but no idea how to manage it economically 12:20:55 idea is that the local exchange rate "floats" depending on supply and demand at the machine. More people want to buy xmr? Prices go up 12:21:43 Not sure if software supports it yet, but a atm fee is also realistic. Meaning it pays for itself over time 12:23:34 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Hmmm 12:23:40 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> do you know the cost of the BillyOne UN1 ? 13:05:58 this is a very unrealistic suggestion for anyone who doesnt by chance, idk, run a restaurant or bar 13:10:24 I like advertising for community projects 14:04:03 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> People suggesting laser cut wood boxes... 14:04:15 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Makes the whole thing laughable. 14:05:04 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Unless its right up in your shit its going to be vandalized immediately to extract the computing shareware within. 14:05:14 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Unless its right up in your shit its going to be vandalized immediately to extract the computing hardware within. 14:05:31 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> Unless it's right up in your shit it's going to be vandalized immediately to extract the computing hardware within. 14:06:46 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> And hello everyone! Here I am! 14:06:48 <3​dprinterthing:tchncs.de> 🤗 14:22:33 Laser cut box is fine if the device is in sight at all time, eg. a bar or café 14:23:04 And if there is a design for a laser cut box, it can be easily adapted to a plasma cut metal box 14:33:29 wow, monero has over 400000 lines of code! 14:36:31 more like basednero 14:38:49 thats what im saying. its cool but obviously not the best way for the average person to get xmr 14:39:47 aka your advice wasnt very helpful 😅 16:05:27 not a problem if you can weld a case or grab premade enclosure :) 16:11:51 hi, i was wondering if i could have some help with people who are strongly against furries? 16:12:32 my name is kyah and my pronouns are he him idk if i should have said that first 16:13:38 hi? 16:16:39 because its the wrong room. This one is about monero 16:17:06 I think #monero-pools is a better room for this kind of requests 16:18:27 what does -pools mean anyway? I've always assumed mining pools but that does not match the content 16:18:52 Well, sometimes it's about mining and mining pools 16:20:24 😄 16:21:38 I still wouldn't recommend ATM as the very first option to acquire xmr 😅 16:22:06 omg thanks sorry have a good day :) 16:22:12 Especially not in the UK where it's already banned from exchanges lol 16:22:20 Shane has been around for a while 16:23:01 In that case it's ok I guess 16:30:33 muh pronouns 🤣 17:05:25 I broke the installation of the Official Monero Wallet on my Debian Linux machine. Can anyone assist with instructions on how to wipe it all out and re-install clean without re-imaging my entire OS? 17:07:07 You extracted the tarball somewhere, presumably ? 17:08:13 If so, all files should be in a directory named something like monero-foo, so you can just delete this. 17:08:41 The tar output should show filenames it created, assuming you did not disable this. 17:09:26 To reinstall, cd /wherever you want it in, then extract again. It'll still be placed in that monero-foo directory. 17:10:10 Thanks, I'll give that a shot and try re-installing via appImage 17:12:27 Error recieved from AppImage run: 17:12:30 Warning: Could not start program '/home/networkr/monero-gui-v0.18.3.1/monero-wallet-gui.AppImage' with arguments ''. 17:12:30 Warning: execve: Exec format error 17:21:59 Synchronizing, restoring from passphrase, thanks alot moneromooo 17:23:49 FWIW, that error is likely trying to use a binary on the wrong architecture. 17:24:00 That, or a corrupted binary. 19:46:28 I know in a 25 word Monero seed, the last word is like a checksum, which appears two times (24+1). But is it possible that another word from the 24 is appearing two times? 19:48:05 yes and it's ok 19:48:31 so it's possible for a word to appear 3 times :) 19:52:45 cool! Thank you 19:52:58 hundehausen: There is a larger number of possible permutations if you allow words to repeat. The larger number of permutations means that it is harder to brute force. (However, IIRC Monero's cryptography doesn't fully exhaust all those 25 words in its n-bit security.) 19:53:49 Doesn't fully exhaust the entropy available in the 25 words, I mean. 20:02:24 I have another question. When I want to add public Monero Onion nodes to my monerod, I use the flags --add-peer and add-priority-node. Those nodes are normally on port 18083, which is the Tor P2P port. When I now connect my wallet to my node that has --tx-proxy to Tor proxy, then it should forward my transaction to a random onion node over the tor network. Is the connection on Por 20:02:24 t 18083 used for this as well or does it use an rpc port like 18081 or 18089? 20:18:59 hundehausen: add-peer is not necessary when you already use add-priority-node 20:20:28 It uses the RPC port to send the transaction from your wallet to your monerod, and afterwards it goes through the Tor network to another Tor peer 20:21:21 Thank you selsta 20:22:09 since when the Monero team consists of noobs like luigi1111w who use MS Windows? 20:22:09 fluffypony, couldn't you delegate the whole infra to someone a bit more security-conscious instead of a noob running Windows 10 and playing with NPM and Go packages with 3000 dependencies using unsandboxed environment? 20:22:09 you guys either lost your head or the Web3 degenerate influence got you, no wonder why Tayvano is now the honored part of this community 20:22:15 expect the worst if you team up with owned soymilk drinkers spilling their tears due to not being able to protect themselves from malware 20:22:16 note that MS Windows users are the same people who defend the idea that Intel ME isn't a backdoor... with all this mentality you risk being owned not by some APT next time, but by some federal agency given that it's easy to infiltrate this community now 20:26:35 ivanmladek left lol 20:27:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sus 21:46:00 I don't think it was announced anywhere, but at of end of Oct the monero.space sysadmin(s) activated experimental Sliding Sync so any folk w/ a m.s account who were previously barred from using a newer client like Element X should no longer be barred 21:46:42 s/.space/.social