00:19:48 Holy science! Monero's core team is using Windows for development and infrastructure maintenance. This, gentlemen, perhaps the worst that could happen to a privacy-oriented project. On top of that, they are on IRC pretending they're hackers and know what they're doing (not really, no). 00:19:48 00:19:48 luigi1111: GTFO to Discord you gamer scum and go get pwned by malware there like other web3 plebs. Stop bringing shame to this community please. It's no more possible to take Monero seriously because of you. 00:22:29 left again, oh well 00:30:10 plowsof, are you a bot to comment whether I left or joined? Maybe you have anything interesting to add instead? I know you don't, because you are not better than luigi, my dear MacOS user and closed-source software believer. Tayvano simps like you are literal zombies and shouldn't be considered. Just stay silent next time. 00:32:30 plowsof: yeah bots r fast 00:32:57 XD 00:33:33 that would be a cool addition to n1oc lol 00:35:02 can we contact a linguistics expert. seems to be the same person who wrote that anonymous letter 00:38:41 fuk probably just dusting off their harass scripts 00:39:01 harass.sh 00:39:11 plowsof: I would say no 00:40:13 thanks, false alarm 01:03:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nioc send cat to find them 01:04:42 *Cat 01:05:01 oh, u r on phone 01:52:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> To monero support? 03:51:02 Why do they keep pinging plowsof instead of ofrnxmr 03:51:43 Plowsof IS better than luigi 03:51:48 Shows what you know. Noob 03:52:31 And plowsof doesnt use macos 03:52:31 that shit is expensive. Hes poor 03:53:47 I wonder if they setup tor for their libera login, or if they trolled from clearnet. LOLOL 05:19:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ping plowsof -t 09:56:39 Првиет 10:11:08 Привет. Может кто подсказать чайнику=) 10:13:59 I need help. How can I restore access to Monero? 10:15:10 Describe what you think should happen, and what happens. 10:17:17 I lost access to the password from the mnemonic phrase wallet the same no 10:17:58 Is this a password for the wallet or an offset you used with the mnemonic phrase ? 10:21:30 Access to the password is lost, access to the mnemonic phrase is lost. There is only the transaction id and the key file. 10:21:59 If you lost both, you cannot get your monero back. 10:22:33 Unless you start brute forcing the password I guess. It might be possible if your password was simple. 10:23:25 I believe there's a program that facilitates brute forcing a wallet's password. I don't know where though. Try checking github.com/monero-ecosystem 10:27:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Dictionary attack? 10:35:12 Brute forcing Monero wallet is not fast because it involves calculating Cryptonight hash each time 14:41:24 If fluffy agrees to share his half of the master key, we could restore his wallet, for a decent share. 20:35:02 Holy science! Monero's core team is using Windows for development and infrastructure maintenance. This, gentlemen, perhaps the worst that could happen to a privacy-oriented project. On top of that, they are on IRC pretending they're hackers and know what they're doing (not really, no). 20:35:02 20:35:02 luigi1111: GTFO to Discord you gamer scum and go get pwned by malware there like other web3 plebs. Stop bringing shame to this community please. It's no more possible to take Monero seriously because of you. 20:35:02 20:35:04 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/923 - what have been done in regards to this? exactly - NOTHING. luigi1111 is pretty comfortable with his backdoored Windows instance. 20:35:11 20:35:13 plowsof you are quite retarded btw. 20:37:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> EHLO 20:37:43 Spamer entry to spam 20:38:04 its funny how all the unknowns are crawling out of their holes 20:38:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Do they have a 🏆 20:38:55 mtwain you should look into discreet, I heard they are a reaaaally good privacy coin 20:42:24 no point replying to the spammer as they join post and leave in a few seconds 20:42:32 *spammers 20:42:48 expect ofc to educate others :) 20:43:44 can't see people leaving on the matrix side 20:45:24 lol they updated the harass script to callout plowsof 20:49:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ban all irc except nioc 20:54:37 Yep 20:54:50 Yep 20:55:36 Ban all irc except me.... And nioc. 21:02:32 👍 21:06:35 So IRC really got emojis integrated now? 21:06:36 I see two "squares" for nioc emoji message 21:10:07 The joys of windows :D 21:10:21 Was a thumbs up 21:12:00 Please don't ban me 21:27:34 Emojigate #mrll 22:53:59 i almost forgot to say that mtwain left btw 23:13:03 hi 23:44:24 <00chuchu00> hi