02:37:58 ``` 02:37:58 anonymous-inbound=YOUR_I2P_ADDRESS:34565,,64 02:37:59 ``` 02:37:59 is wrong 02:38:14 ``` 02:38:14 anonymous-inbound=YOUR_I2P_ADDRESS,,64 02:38:15 ``` 02:38:15 is right 02:38:54 ``` 02:38:54 anonymous-inbound=YOUR_I2P_ADDRESS:0,,64 02:38:54 ``` 02:38:55 is what it would be if our implementation wasnt broken 02:43:06 interesting, thanks! 02:46:47 ``` 02:46:48 # Data directory (blockchain db and indices) 02:46:48 data-dir=$BITMONERO 02:46:49 # Log file 02:46:49 log-file=$MONERO/logs/ 02:46:50 #max-log-file-size=0 # Prevent monerod from creating log files 02:46:50 #Peer ban list 02:46:51 #ban-list=$NODE_CONFIG/block.txt 02:46:51 # Database management (most of these settings are efficiency settings for Android use) 02:46:52 #block-sync-size=50 # default 0 02:46:52 #prune-blockchain=1 # 1 to prune 02:46:53 #sync-pruned-blocks=1 # Sync already pruned blocks 02:46:53 #db-sync-mode=fast:async:25000000 # Switch to db-sync-mode=safe for slow, more reliable db writes, though also more wear and tear 02:46:54 #block-download-max-size=90000000 # max cache of 90mb 02:46:54 #max-concurrency=2 # Max threads. Avoid overheating (default 4) 02:46:55 # P2P (seeding) binds With this commented out, monerod automatically uses port 18080 for p2p network 02:46:55 #p2p-bind-ip= # Bind to local interface. Default is 02:46:56 #p2p-bind-port=18080 # Bind to default port 02:47:08 Sorry irc 02:48:54 https://paste.debian.net/hidden/8419e7a7/ 02:49:56 this has the i2p port set (even though ports in i2p dont exist(?)) https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/ANONYMITY_NETWORKS.md 02:50:12 under inbound connections 02:50:58 Yeah, its wrong af 02:51:06 The implementation is broken too 02:51:22 I2p doesnt use ports > every port is valid 02:52:28 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8918 02:54:32 https://www.reddit.com/r/i2p/comments/owzc37/help_me_understand_i2p_i2p_vs_i2pd_ports_bob_vs/h7k3r6s/ 02:54:34 #4 02:55:58 Allows spamming peerlists simply by changing the advertised port 02:57:12 So you can connect to the same node multiple times 02:57:12 Perhaps `--max-connections-per-ip` helps 02:57:48 eitherway, the fix is in here ^, and btc had the same problem 02:58:58 if we ignore it will the problem go away? 02:59:10 ``` 02:59:10 Confirming that I also form multiple i2p connections to the same (non-self) node but with different port numbers. Poking around the peer list, there are multiple entries for many if not most addresses. For example: 02:59:10 s3l6ke4ed3df466khuebb4poienoingwof7oxtbo6j4n56sghe3a.b32.i2p:0 02:59:11 s3l6ke4ed3df466khuebb4poienoingwof7oxtbo6j4n56sghe3a.b32.i2p:18080:0 02:59:11 s3l6ke4ed3df466khuebb4poienoingwof7oxtbo6j4n56sghe3a.b32.i2p:28081:0 02:59:12 ``` 03:00:19 ``` 03:00:19 Im not sure what conditions must be met, but in certain circumstances it will broadcast 18080 as the port. 03:00:19 ``` 03:00:20 ``` 03:00:20 monerod sometimes broadcasting 18080 as the port as I was connected to myself on 18080 despite never supplying a port to anonymous-inbound. 03:00:21 ``` 03:02:25 Also: I2pzero guide, does not suggest a port. 03:02:25 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/node-i2p-zero.html 03:02:26 `--anonymous-inbound XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.b32.i2p,` 03:03:53 Tldr: peer lists should only store 1 entry and 1 port (port 0) 03:04:44 i have connected to myself, which is retarded 03:05:03 Because then im relaying tx to myself anonymously. Lol 03:06:55 churning?? 03:12:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tldr 06:23:57 how would I run monerod behind TOR but still allow regular connections over my local network? 08:20:02 uhm 08:20:44 someone correct me if im wrong but probably something in the proxy setup? 08:21:27 tor proxy can see the destination IP, so it can just connect directly to LAN addresses 08:21:35 probably 08:27:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> as long as the rpc bind address isn't 10:56:36 Hey how can i run monerod docker and do p2p via torsocks? 10:57:01 Isn't that a local host loop back address? 10:57:19 Idk docker too well 11:14:16 > Isn't that a local host loop back address? 11:14:16 Hence, don't use if you are looking to access from LAN 😉 11:48:15 so is the genesis block mismatch the result of a node from another crypto network trying to connect? 11:49:40 oh it looks like the daemon might already be blocking these attepts... "host XXX block time updated." 11:50:11 oh wait thats on the RPC0 thread... so not a p2p connection? 11:56:07 though the same IP keeps getting that genesis block mismatch and gets their ban time increase but is still able to attempt 13:13:48 gingeropolous: This here may be a candidate, probably the latest fork, after quite some time without any: https://nevocoin . org/ 14:38:23 https://matrix.to/#/!eBgZCVRnRRkKchiYzS:monero.social/$LNt68hmyRW0gvUiqMJTmaBp_ez2NuD9ukNQcbLZA3lE?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 14:43:32 youll want these flags 14:43:32 ``` 14:43:32 --p2p-bind-ip # local p2p only 14:43:33 --proxy # tor blockchain sync 14:43:33 --tx-proxy tor,,disable_noise # tx relay out 14:43:34 --anonymous-inbound your.onion:18084, # tx relay ij 14:43:34 --restricted-rpc-bind-ip # wallet over lan 14:43:35 --restricted-rpc-bind-port 18089 # wallet over lan 14:43:35 ``` 14:57:50 youll want these flags 14:57:50 --p2p-bind-ip # local p2p only 14:57:51 --proxy # tor blockchain sync 14:57:51 --tx-proxy tor,,disable_noise # tx relay out 14:57:52 --anonymous-inbound your.onion:18084, # tx relay in 14:57:52 --rpc-restricted-bind-ip # wallet over lan 14:57:53 --rpc-restricted-bind-port 18089 # wallet over lan 14:57:53 ``` 16:03:07 🤣ofrnxmr: 16:03:07 ``` 16:03:07 --p2p-bind-ip # local p2p only 16:03:08 --proxy # tor blockchain sync 16:03:08 --tx-proxy tor,,disable_noise # tx relay out 16:03:09 --anonymous-inbound your.onion:18084, # tx relay in 16:03:09 --rpc-restricted-bind-ip # wallet over lan 16:03:10 --rpc-restricted-bind-port 18089 # wallet over lan 16:03:10 ``` 16:03:57 whats funny 16:05:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/vvkwqtxsFtvysIgULxgFgWMm 16:06:30 Element screwed the formatting? 16:07:22 Yeah, I know. It's a bitch. 16:07:22 I'm on element, BTW. 16:08:02 i see the black box on Element X but not element 16:09:24 element last 2 versions on mobile, when editing a message it drops the formatting. have to copy the msg before editing.  16:09:24 i think the original msg was formatted correctly 16:09:32 Being on outdated versions of OS and other software has advantages. 16:09:52 Element X doesnt have the issue, but is unreliable to receive messages in order 16:11:58 I don't even know what Element X is. I'm on Element 1.7.23. Any later version refuses to launch on Windows 8.1 😎 16:14:46 X is the "new" version that uses their new features, like sliding sync 16:14:58 Pretty sure element regular is going to be EOL after X is stable 16:17:47 Sounds fancy. Should I care, receiving messages out of sync, shitty formatting and no spell correction. 16:17:47 I need a new laptop, to upgrade to a recent OS, until then, I'm good. 16:18:14 No spell correction isnt elements fault :D 16:18:27 Shitty formatting IS elements fault 16:18:27 fixed on X 16:18:29 I know. 16:18:47 And not broken on older versions of Element 16:19:13 I'm on older version :) 16:19:39 I may roll back if they dont stop breaking it 16:20:15 1.6.5 for mobile made syncing slow as molasses, broke edit function, notifications are unreliable 16:23:44 Both VS Code, Firefox and Google have stopped updating for Win 8.1, so I have pre broken versions of those things 😆 16:23:44 Most of the tools I use, is more than 10-15 years old, and I don't expect new "Windows 11" versions being released. 16:39:25 file image.png too big to download (1101827 > allowed size: 1000000) 16:39:25 image.png 16:39:38 Showing my desktop, can you spot anything newish? 16:39:38 I'm sitting behind a rather aggressive DMZ, if you should wonder. 17:11:52 my eyes 17:12:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/envs.net/d1b700ffc711d710afa8f48f2fe472732daa8ea31723025971528859648 17:13:00 goddamn 17:58:23 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/LattEfGzlsFRZzGtZvxzJKjt 17:59:01 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/FDUEhGGSoMmylURuEcNcUCCS 18:03:51 If you have Windows 10+, The AV that come with Windows is the best choice now that it's competent enough. installing extra / other AV not a good idea. 18:04:27 i used to like using AVG , was free (unlike Norton) 18:05:56 interloper: I think I have more in a sub folder. Let me check. 18:06:01 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/lwVunIDxzBqwbmZKpBPmDcXz 18:06:17 i then realised that anti viruses where a sham and the Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard so i removed it. i noticed a performance boost whilst playing games also (was a windowsXP machine) 18:07:46 Mostly 18:07:47 But the point is that the one that come with windows is one of the most performing one, is free and very supported. And it's very good at detecting treats. 18:07:47 The only reason you would need another AV is say to protect you're mail client or for there scammy "internet security" services 18:09:27 plowsof: You are partly correct. Anti-virus programs can only warn you about known problem, they can't protect you from yourself. 18:10:08 They do a good job of stealing the infected binary when you try to run it 😂 18:10:09 Then you have to dig in the quarantine to get it back 18:10:37 They do a good job of stealing the infected / false positive binary when you try to run it 😂 18:10:37 Then you have to dig in the quarantine to get it back 18:12:12 I had to save monerod from wipe quite a few time, and I have whitelisted that bitch many times already, 18:12:12 if all nodes in the network agree to prune their nodes does that mean that utxos older than the prune point is gone forever 18:12:55 No, it's not how pruning work. 18:12:55 node prune different stuff, add all pruned nodes together and you have everything 18:13:09 like 1/3 ratio or something like that 18:13:51 Blockchain explores only work with full nodes. 18:15:29 can utxos as old as 2018 still be used 18:15:32 can utxos as old as 2018 still be used in the current hardfork? 18:15:55 like the ones before pederson commits\ 18:15:57 like the ones before pederson commits 18:16:16 I remember when people were pissed about how bad Ghosts was, but if it were to be released today people would praise activision 18:17:32 yep, same with xmrig 😂 18:18:29 Yeah, that one too 👍️ 18:19:09 ceruleous: Yes 18:21:03 interloper: I'm kinda old. I like old shit. 18:21:24 The older games were better anyway 18:22:31 I wouldn't know. The new ones wont play on my computer. 18:22:46 I think what rucknium means to say is "everyone else is offtopic" 18:22:52 yes 18:23:27 Shit. Are we drifting off topic here? 18:24:12 this is the call of duty room, right? 18:24:45 It will be, soon 🖕 18:26:11 Anyone have anything on-topic they feel is more important, don't be shy. 18:30:44 On Zulu-time, it's like 18:30, and I'm Z+7, and on my last glass of wine..