03:07:55 @proice zeph 03:08:09 jfc... sorry 06:18:49 hi! 07:25:42 tbh I got tired of it and went away for a bit. When I look on my computer for Monero files, I only see monero-gui-mac-x64-v0.18.3.1.dmg, and a Monero folder with two files, one with the wallet name, and one with a key. Is there a CLI prompt I can use to get some other parts, like the LMDB? At this point, I have not set up the light node option of recommended Feather wallet, and t 07:25:43 he Monero Gui still loads the blockchain but not the wallet 07:27:34 If "the Monero Gui still loads the blockchain", you alrady have "the LMDB". Maybe not up to date though, in which case just letting monerod run till it's synced will update it. 07:27:58 To load the wallet: monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file /path/to/your/wallet/filename 07:28:19 With the GUI, it should prominently display a request to input the filename I assume. 07:28:30 You would need to remember your wallet password. 07:30:26 I have wallet password and seedphrase. Just cant get the wallet to sync. The blockchain does. Ill look for the "LMDB" some more. What does that stand for, other than DataBase? 07:32:54 Lightning Memory Mapped Database. 07:33:15 It would be in ~/.bitmonero/lmdb if you've left the defaults. 07:45:01 You can do like the Sith Lord, ban his own nodes 😂 07:53:50 Thank you. There it is. Has Data and Lock mdb 07:59:26 It is useless the way it is now, so I may as well try deleting stuff again and re sync to see how far it goes. If I delete the LMDB then open the Gui will it auto, or prompt for the necessary additions? 08:02:04 It should automatically run monerod, which will try to sync it again. You should not have to delete it first, unless it's corrupted. 08:20:14 I want to delete everything and start again. Other than the .bitmonero, and the monero wallet file and key. Are there default files elsewhere I could find to be sure it's all gone? 08:25:56 Aha shared-ringdb 08:29:53 hmm.. which key do I need to remove this one? override r-------- XXXXX/staff for .bitmonero/rpc_ssl.key? 08:31:25 You can nuke everyhting in ~/.bitmomero unless you put your wallet in there. 08:36:49 Oh, I thought it was asking me for a key to be able to overide then delete. I just needed to put Y a couple times. Thanks. 09:16:38 hello, is it possible to build p2pool 3.8 on ubuntu 18? 09:22:13 yes, why not 09:23:11 build instructions https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool#ubuntu-2004 should work on 18 09:24:24 oh thanks, I will check out that right now 09:24:50 oh well, no that doesn't work for me 09:25:09 cmake 3.12 is required and ubuntu 14 has 3.1 09:25:19 I'm sorry I meand Ubuntu 18 09:38:20 3.5 is required https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L1 09:39:27 https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.12.1/cmake-3.12.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz 09:39:34 Not that sorry 09:39:36 this one 09:39:44 CMake 3.12 or higher is required.  You are running version 3.10.2 09:40:07 that I receive after running cmake .. on last p2pool version 09:41:13 p2pool requires 3.5. What's the full output when you run "cmake .."? 09:41:39 I mean when you follow p2pool build instructions 09:43:04 Make Error at external/src/miniupnp/miniupnpc/CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required): 09:43:05   CMake 3.12 or higher is required.  You are running version 3.10.2 09:43:23 -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! 09:43:23 See also "/home/hetzner_user/GIT/p2pool/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". 09:44:06 and that is the first line of CMakeLists: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR) 09:47:47 Ah, so it's miniupnp dependency 09:48:12 you can try to build p2pool with -DWITH_UPNP=OFF in cmake command line 09:48:29 or try something like https://milicendev.netlify.app/article/install-the-latest-cmake-version-in-ubuntu-18-04-bionic/ 09:49:58 with -DWITH_UPNP=OFF it works, what am I missing with this? 09:50:43 automatic port forwarding 09:50:56 you'll have to configure your router manually (if you have one) 09:51:07 that's ok 09:52:08 actually it didn't work 09:52:20 is stopped at 96% 09:52:36 p2pool/external/src/RandomX/src/dataset.cpp: In function ‘initCache’: 09:52:53 p2pool/external/src/RandomX/src/superscalar.cpp:703:5: error: assuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying conditional to constant [-Werror=strict-overflow] 09:53:07 if (scheduleCycle < 0) { 09:53:08      ^ 09:59:50 I have the same result after installing cmake 3.12.1 and trying again 10:03:19 tried also with cmake 3.5.2, same error and failed compilation 10:22:40 You probably need a newer GCC version 10:23:36 I probably missed the minimum required version for p2pool 10:24:33 That's a RandomX compilation error though 10:24:56 It shouldn't treat warnings as errors, I think I enabled it only for p2pool itself 10:27:07 I'm starting to think there are no more ubuntu 18 systems with built from source 3.8 p2pool 10:37:32 You can try to add -DWITH_LTO=OFF to cmake 13:30:36 yay 22:33:34 -Syu