11:35:27 ooooh. got my first recidive monthlong ban. you naughty peer 11:37:20 oh surprise surprise the IP is from russia 14:55:43 node? 14:55:48 recidive? 17:15:51 could be other internationals trying to appear russian 21:31:36 I got Monero to fully load, including wallet. Sadly, I must have messed up my seed phrase. No money: ( 22:01:07 Does the primary address / subaddresses match crabwalk? If no then how is your seed phrase messed up? 22:28:01 When I started the node I did so with the seedphrase, but now I look at the seedphrase and it's a new set. So if I try again now with a synced blockchain to restore wallet from seedphrase, will it start again from zero hight? I thought it loaded from seed phrase, but is it better to add the seed after the chain has synced? 22:29:42 I had a few subaddresses, but assumed they would all load under the same seedphrase. EIther way, now I just need it to actually use the seedphrase I enter instead of creating a new one 22:32:03 Can I just add todays date in the restore wallet section of gui? 22:33:19 if you add todays date, it will miss any older transactions 22:33:27 so you should use a date before your first transaction 22:33:55 About two and a half years ago I added most of the money 22:34:27 right so ensure you set a date earlier than the first received transaction 22:34:56 So why didn't it use the seedphrase I entered? If I have to keep loading the blockchain each time I try something, it's going to take weeks or months 22:35:19 how did you create your wallet? 22:38:40 Downloaded the personal node through getmonero website. Used chechsums. Followed prompts and used default settings. Restored wallet from seedphrase. Waited since I last messaged in here..about 13 hours ago. Just finished syncing about half hour ago. But ya when I looked the seedphrase is not the one I put it 22:42:06 Is there an option to bootstrap from the new wallet I just created by mistake? It is fully sync'ed 22:49:11 I don't know really understand your problem, because it seems you're mixing up terms, but I would try again to restore the wallet from seed. You don't have to download the entire blockchain again, but your wallet needs to sync with the blockchain, which is relatively fast compared to downloading. 22:50:42 That's not so bad. Thanks. Syncing wallet is not downloading a separate chain. I see the distinction now 22:53:24 at the screen in GUI where you enter the mnemonic seed you could use e.g. 2000000 (2 million) as restore height, that means your wallet doesn't sync the entire blockchain, but starts approximately in the beginning of the year 2020