00:01:01 I have this group of hacker friends that I am in a chat with and one of the funny things that we've recently started talking about is just when exactly our world branched into the cursed timeline. Was it just a single event, or was it actually a series of events. And was it in reaction to any particular thing? 00:06:08 https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ 00:07:01 endogenic: https://mastodon.social/@hyc/111033145725345702 00:07:18 what this 00:07:26 *clicks* 00:09:35 were you 0-15 in the 1970s by chance 00:09:52 social stagnation lol 00:10:46 hm, 0-15, yeah I guess so 00:10:50 i used to think that way honestly. it's only true in very specific ways. i used to think physics was going the wrong way but i simply didnt know enough about how advanced it actually is already. i was simply told early on that it wasnt so advanced by a number of ppl 00:10:59 imho 00:11:34 i do fret about normalcy bias and our addiction to comfort and bias to mass ignorance 00:11:40 any tech can be used for good or bad 00:18:49 people often externalize the cause of why we dont have utopia with safety from the earth via spacefaring infra but we also are the ones who didnt exactly choose it 00:19:13 when humanity is ready, it will find amazing things in its own history 01:45:21 "I’ve never gone looking for a counterargument to wtfh1971, but this one looks decent https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/16igh9t/the_bad_economics_of_wtfhappenedin1971/ 04:46:39 man its crazy watching all these ips from the same block tryin to connect to my node 04:48:46 like, why are you trying to connect from 20+ different IP addresses 05:22:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> oops :) 05:49:10 which block? 06:06:28 > p​olar9669: ...why LWS development has been kept suppressed knowing how good it can make monero experience 😅 uncle lws everywhere fast and easy wallets 06:10:12 i won't speculate but it is a shame that it's been available all along but implemented for proprietary reasons 06:10:43 all along? 06:12:09 s/all along/for a while/ 06:13:26 couple/few mos dude 06:13:34 so you dont know 06:13:39 if it were ready, it'd be in your habds 06:13:40 hands 06:13:53 and hardly proprietary. it'll all be virtually free to you 06:13:56 i don't think you understood me 06:13:59 maybe not 06:21:39 im referring to the lightwallet implementations that exist which are kept secret as to maintain business intellectual property 06:21:52 ah 12:36:46 hello 12:37:01 does anyone know how to install the seed signer? 12:37:04 wtf 12:37:15 the steps here dont make sense to me 12:37:38 https://seedsigner.com/quick-installation/ 12:38:34 i do dd if=seedsigner.img of=/dev/sdx 12:38:48 why does it tell me to install raspi? 13:46:07 slave_blocker: " why does it tell me to install raspi?" Not sure what you mean. Because the SeedSigner software runs on top of Raspberry Pi OS? 13:51:15 it should not be like that 13:51:48 the image i burn to the sd card should already have a unique sha256sum 13:51:58 i am very disapointed 13:52:26 I see 18:45:49 i installed the raspi buster 10 18:46:38 then over it, i installed the seedsigner 18:47:01 and it gave me an error with numpy 18:47:06 ... 18:47:26 now the display does not go on 18:47:32 :| 18:48:43 Hey, 18:48:44 @everyone 18:48:44 Welcome to Infinite Options, 18:48:45 Looking to earn some extra money while learning how to trade the markets ?? It's free joining. 18:48:45 You need to join this professional and highly profitable trading chat room.It will help to improve your trading results.!!! 18:48:46 >> Real-Time Charting, Mentoring & Training >> 18:48:46 * Day trading 18:48:47 * Option-trading 18:48:47 * Crypto-trading 18:48:48 * Swing-trading 18:48:48 * Stock-trading 18:48:49 * Long term investor 18:48:49 Feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Thanks and Happy Trading. 18:48:50 18:48:50 @here https://discord.gg/umuxXWH2UV