04:42:33 The guy has a point. Anon transactions were a thing. Now it’s a problem. Every attempt to make privacy stronger makes governments try harder to prevent it. It’s like a radar detector in a car. A game of cat and mouse until the mouse finally gives up because it realizes it cannot win no matter how hard it try’s. 04:43:37 But if nioc has the cat, who is the mouse? 04:43:38 Privacy coins are an ideal source of personal banking but the world cannot and mostly will not accept it. It’s not mainstream yet and probably won’t be for a long time. 04:43:46 Theyre the ones running from us. 04:43:52 Hiding from us 04:44:00 Pretending we dont exist 04:44:12 Theyre the rats 04:44:13 lol governments are not running from small scale crypto projects. Open your eyes in 2023 04:44:19 Yes they are 04:44:37 2023. Exactly. I identify as a cat 04:44:42 I’m not a fan of government oversight one bit 04:44:51 Oxymoron? 04:44:59 Oh wait 04:45:13 do you mean, governments spying on us? Or us spying on them? 04:45:20 Privacy is a right 04:45:27 Haha 04:45:34 Tell that to george carlin 04:45:37 Death is a right 04:45:39 lol 04:45:42 Life is not 04:45:48 Death is a right of passage 04:45:50 Nothing in life is free 04:46:05 The air you breath is free 04:46:07 death is your _only_ guarantee 04:46:22 But not free from chemicals and things that can kill you 04:46:24 Where in the world can you go and breathe for free? 04:46:39 You must oay for right of passage to this "free" air 04:46:56 Nobody pays to breath 04:47:00 You must earn your meals to survive long enough to breathe 04:47:01 But you pay for death 04:47:21 air is not libre 04:47:31 Nacho is libre 04:47:48 it's closed-source (you don't know what cancer-inducing chemicals it contains without specialized reverse-engineering equipment) 04:47:54 🌮 04:48:19 and some bastard named o'hare wants to monopolize its distribution 04:48:26 Just enough oxygen to keep you alive and working for capitalist pig bob 04:49:01 Im a nudist. I use btc. Privacy isnt a right, neither is exhibitionism 04:49:27 these are rules made by corrupt adults. "rights", yeah, as long as it suits your government 04:49:31 Nudist why. Your choice to be that is free 04:50:00 choice != right 04:50:16 And yes, privacy is a choice 04:50:39 Crypto is still in its infancy. Nothing works until large scale adoption 04:50:42 And the ability to choose, is a cost or a benefit, depending on how well your brain works 04:50:54 Choosing isnt free 04:51:35 In some governments it is 04:52:00 Lala land 04:52:03 who? Biden? 04:52:11 I dont listen to 90 year old 04:52:18 I spoo feed them applesauce 04:52:24 He shit himself again? 04:52:43 He wears diapers. Of course he did 04:53:05 I think Mitch shit himself then had a stroke thinking of how to handle the situation 04:53:05 Nothing to be ashamed if at that age 04:53:24 Anybody use simplex? 04:53:36 lol anyone who is 90 shouldn’t be ashamed of anything 04:53:49 Except of his life 04:53:50 Median life expectancy is like 64yrs old 04:54:00 Unkess your a politician 04:54:08 Right 04:54:09 Then you just stay in office forever 04:54:23 Isnt mitch the youngest 04:54:35 No desantis is 04:54:36 Pekost like 91, biden like 81 (second youngest) 04:55:25 Meh they’re all too old to make the best decisions for 258 million people 04:55:45 i swear prince phillip was just a corpse they hauled around for months 04:56:16 He hasn’t been in the news a lot recently. Maybe he visited Gaza or something 04:56:34 Or Ukraine front lines 04:56:52 I swear it’s like Yugoslavia 1999 over there 04:57:06 Kosovo 04:57:29 Most guns = holds most power 04:57:31 Offttopic 04:57:32 https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-02/9/14/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-04/sub-buzz-15347-1549739600-7.jpg 04:57:47 lol nice pic 04:57:51 My typa leader 04:57:57 Vampire confirmed 04:58:10 The queen was rowdy in bed 04:58:17 Give that guy a liter of blood or something jeesh 04:58:20 Beat this man up 04:59:21 Poor British people, knowing they are being ruled by a walking corpse 04:59:57 How can Brit’s stand living in that culture for 600 years 05:01:04 Oh well enough of that ranting 05:01:12 Going to go get me some free sleep 05:02:27 Did what’s his nuts ever find the seed to his sunken treasure usb stick with wallet? 05:04:55 Charge you $300 for a usb stick 05:06:44 Whats his nuts isnt ringing any bells 05:06:44 Lost monero? 05:10:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> might find jet fund with it too 05:19:38 Bruh fluffy https://x.com/nahuhhxmr/status/1729257439059665264 05:20:12 Is he in jail now or still free on bail? 05:21:35 Hes in the background there ^ just cant see him 05:22:06 (thats his jail) 05:23:02 Lmk how much you can get before you have to start earning it again