01:00:53 monero creates toxic capitalism 01:13:11 The best kind there is 01:19:55 capitalism is by itself incredibly toxic, you don't need monero for that. 01:36:22 Monero didnt create me though 01:36:42 i pre-date monero 01:36:42 Monero Offtopic 02:05:09 kimapr: isn't the guy selling tacos on the side of the road capitalism? 02:05:32 Isn't a child's lemonade stand capitalism? 02:05:55 Incredibly toxic... sure buddy. 02:06:23 Go somewhere where everything is controlled by the state and then tell me that capitalism sucks. 02:06:42 jfc... kids these days 03:00:33 Mochi101: Millions are starving while supermarkets are throwing out perfectly edible food, and then lock it so poor people can't take it. That's capitalism. IDK what you're trying to say with tacos and lemonade stands here 03:41:30 Supermarkets arent capitalism 03:42:04 Whats your solution to supermarkets, free "food"? Free gmo/monsanto farmers? Monero Offtopic 03:43:58 If theres nothing to strive for, why would of us who are better than others, strive to be better than those who are better than us? 03:44:49 why would those* of us 03:50:17 Im a communist myself. Not sure why im commenting on capitalism 03:52:06 Maybe because the original framing in this exchange was utterly moronic 🤪 03:57:37 Isn't that kind of an oxymoron, being a communist, while advocating against state control and censorship? 04:33:46 We have the polyseed in beta if anyone wants to try it on cake wallet or monero.com 05:49:08 You Guise are all Gay Fags 06:08:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Guys* 06:25:02 Let's be inclusive here 07:36:40 It takes all kinds. Even little fagots like ibonacci12358 😬 07:37:10 * f​ibonacci12358 :) 07:58:09 fibonacci12358: yes im gayy your right 08:31:13 if you wanna be poor 09:57:57 Hi guys. I'm fairly new in using monero. Is there any advantage for the network in keeping one's node running? Even if I close it and a few days go by it syncs really quickly, so if there is no benefit for the network/community I don't see a point on having the daemon running. How does that work? 11:17:25 PolGZ: Your node syncs really quick because others leave their nodes running so you have something to connect to/sync off. So, what do you think? 11:24:48 What chatroom is this bridged to? 12:33:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Secret 13:22:12 I haven't heard of that one before 13:31:02 Probably because its a secret 16:51:43 file Yoda.jpg too big to download (1906124 > allowed size: 1000000) 16:51:44 Yoda.jpg 16:51:52 That the irony is strong on you 16:51:59 But I get it, thanks 16:53:45 But I get it, thanks 👍️