07:44:43 is it still safe to buy monero from binance ? 07:45:25 as its put on watchlist , could they stop withdrawals any time ? 07:53:18 they usually give a grace period (at least when removing fiat pairings) but im wondering if you are asking 'is it safe to hold my coins on an exchange long term' ? 07:59:49 Never ever keep your coins on an exchange. 08:00:03 Not your keys not your neros. 08:02:31 iit depends, i download new mouse pointers (animated ones that sparkle) and pay an offshore tech company to protect me against foreign ip viruses. im currently busy removing the 'download more ram exe' with 'remove the download more ram.exe' from a sponsored google link. 08:07:29 i have an old laptop and a phone though, i heard i could keep my coins in "cold storage" , does anyone have any recommendations? i could buy a hardware wallet (e.g. trezor safe 3 or ledger nano plus but i read some terrible things about them online and dont have the funds to make the purchase right now) 08:07:58 Do the feathernero thing 08:08:28 https://4rkal.eu.org/posts/feathernero 08:08:34 the feathernero thing? hey i think ive heard about featherwallet before 08:09:00 Bonus points for using an old thinkpad (corebooted) x230 + no ethernet/wifi + tailsOS 08:09:18 thank you for the link mr k4r4b3y i will take a look! it looks perfect for my situation 08:10:25 (is this how reddit marketing works, am i doing it right) 08:17:17 <9​_11_01> will a monero node run good on an enterprise grade hard drive? 08:17:35 <9​_11_01> like the western digital gold 08:41:12 RavFX^ 08:47:13 <9​_11_01> gonna do a raid 0 08:51:14 why would you even do a RAID system for a monero node? 08:51:46 Just rsync your local blockchain data to some microSD card once a week, or month. 08:57:22 <9​_11_01> no 08:57:29 <9​_11_01> dude :kek: 08:57:40 <9​_11_01> raid 0 is a stripped volume 08:57:44 <9​_11_01> :kek: 08:58:33 <9​_11_01> its not meant for backing up data, its meant to combine two drives together and improve preformance 09:15:27 no , i am not asking about keeping coins on the exchange , i never kept coins on an exchange for more than a week 😅 09:18:38 kevino : then go for it. XMR is on sale. 09:18:58 Pull your neros to your own wallet as quick as possible. 09:26:00 yes 11:09:46 Do we have a full chain membership proofs focused discussion room? 11:09:55 Like we have "no wallet left behind" 12:51:25 No 12:51:56 FCMP almost didnt happen. #monero-research-lab is the room 13:06:35 Alright, I am lurking in that room. 13:06:45 "almost didn't happen" what are you talking about? 13:25:51 I assume he is talking about the debate about merging the retroactive funding CCS, retroactive is usually not done 13:26:04 it was merged and funded 13:26:19 kayaba said that work would continue regardless of that CCS being funded 13:26:35 I agree that it should have been funded 13:31:11 yeah 13:34:14 I withdrew fine last week 13:36:31 We have any proof of this? 13:43:05 How? 13:43:40 Not him, but I also have never used a cex. LocalMonero is the place to buy. 13:53:26 `almost didnt happed` look at how long it took to merge due to folks trying to block the ccs 13:57:14 Every step of the proposal had questionable conditions. People anti-retroactive (vs vaporware / purgatory ccs), giving the ccs "12 weeks to raise up to a max, but if raising less you must accept less" vs "this is essential software and GF will donate, then the hack pushed it back another 3 months 13:59:01 were almost 10 months from the time the work started, and nearly half of them have been spent deciding if were going to pay for / accept the proposal. Probably more days talking than it took kaya to write the code 14:00:09 Half of them > them = the months 14:09:31 FCMP almost not happening is not the same as the retroactive CCS not happening 14:09:49 According to what KN said 14:13:37 Will it quicken the process? Can only help 14:14:46 Were their participant(s) in MRL that were against it as presented? Yes 14:14:58 Anyway old news 14:15:16 Onwards and upwards 14:16:57 Thx for advocating for it 14:32:27 Thanks. I had forgotten about that service. 15:14:59 <9​_11_01> yo is this hard drive good for a monero node?https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RNFN6S9?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_40RJ40WRVZSBMJSC575X&language=en-US 15:15:00 <9​_11_01> just gonna make a small volume for it 15:15:35 any SSD >= 250 GB is good 15:15:39 HDD is not good (too slow) 15:23:57 <9​_11_01> bro, enterprise hard drives are the fastest 💀💀💀 15:24:35 <9​_11_01> you arent even checking out the specs, you are just saying its bad because its not solid state 15:25:11 are they the fastes for I/O ? random 15:28:16 "its bad because its not solid state" exactly 15:28:23 I don't need to check specs 15:28:58 Blockchain syncing requires A LOT of IOPS 15:37:28 peak IOPS for a fast HDD is around 100. peak IOPS for an SSD is around 1000000 15:37:30 no contest 15:46:58 (Renewed) (?) 15:55:35 <9​_11_01> renewed is better than new most of the time 16:01:38 Have you compared a comparatively priced SSD? And then combine this with the feedback already received here. Let us know your next steps 16:04:21 to get more IOPS an HDD needs much faster RPMs https://serverfault.com/questions/512386/hdd-performance-differences-between-7-2k-sata-and-15k-sas 17:49:16 👋 quick possibly stupid q, is combining the --rpc-ssl enabled flag with a tor node incorrect usage 17:50:01 👋 quick possibly stupid q, is combining the --rpc-ssl enabled flag with a tor node incorrect usage for monerod 17:50:53 👋 quick possibly stupid q, is combining the --rpc-ssl enabled flag with a tor node incorrect usage for monerod? I'm assuming it's unnecessary because tor has it's own shenanigans going on, but I'm trying to figure out the least jank way to still require ssl on the clearnet side 18:05:41 should be fine 18:07:12 Should've specified, I'm asking because I've yet to manage to connect to a node successfully over tor with ssl-enabled as true 18:07:27 "tor node" must be mis-stated. Using an onion on rpc doesnt require any monero node config changes 18:08:26 Should've specified, I'm asking because I've yet to manage to connect to a node successfully over tor with ssl-enabled as true. Clearnet ssl works, if I use autodetect rather than enabled it works because I assume the comm between the local tor instance and the monero instance doesn't use ssl or anything 18:08:52 https://ofrnxmrqhjqb2zwl2zafkyv7cd52k5yrnivlu37mo7a7qsd4a3tva5id.onion:18089/get_info 18:09:55 I have nothing special. Rpc-ssl set to autodetect. Forcing ssl from client side is, example: cake, works fine 18:09:55 Point, but I think there might be additional setup necessary on my end to make my tor instance use SSL when communicating with my monero instance, despite that comm being local, or I'd need to have separate ports for clearnet and tor and then handle clearnet ssl outside of monero 18:11:20 Yeah I mean forcing ssl from the server-side on clearnet 18:11:52 Yeah I mean forcing ssl from the server-side on clearnet, while still providing onion rpc 18:11:53 Im quite sure if i change to --rpc-ssl=autodetect that my node will cont to work 18:11:57 Give me 1 min 18:12:06 Yes my point is if you set it to enabled not autodetect 18:12:20 autodetect works, enabled I think might require additional configuration that I might have missed 18:16:20 Set to enabled now 18:16:23 Works fine 18:16:48 ofrnxmrqhjqb2zwl2zafkyv7cd52k5yrnivlu37mo7a7qsd4a3tva5id.onion port 18089 18:32:00 Using your ssl cert from clear net over tor seems like a bad idea if such a thing is possible to do 18:34:19 Kind of my point I'm trying to figure out if for the purposes of disentangling the two I'd need to use a web server that I put monero behind rather than the current approach 18:35:49 also, no matter what I've tried, I haven't managed to connect to this 18:36:06 also, no matter what I've tried, I haven't managed to connect to this so not really sure what's going on 19:27:42 turn on tor? :P 19:27:52 ty for the help, managed to get it working. had some misconfiguration on tor from the client end 19:28:02 Awesome :D 19:28:05 not that but close enough :P