01:05:47 GeoHotz strikes me as sort of a coomer. "AI girlfriends". ... and stuff. 05:41:00 MoneroKon 2024 tickets now available: https://tickets.monerokon.org 05:41:11 Dates: 7-9 June 2024, Location: Prague, Czech Republic 06:09:51 a question. should u use a sub address to receive money or an integrated address? 06:14:19 Sub address 06:15:05 I have read that integrated addresses are not used anymore or they are replaced by sub addresses. is it true? 06:15:40 Integrated address will be deprecated, one should subaddress only 06:15:52 Integrated address will be deprecated, one should use subaddress only 06:18:02 is there a way to hide "used" sub addresses in your wallet? currently you attempt to reuse the same address for everything there is no overview for it 06:48:52 Generate new addresses every time you want to accept 07:10:24 Feather Wallet has that feature 08:05:42 Good morning/evening nice people. I was wondering what wallet I could use on Android, reliable and open source? 08:06:08 Monerujo is a fine and popular choice 08:06:50 Also available through f-droid, if you want (you have to add the dev's repo) 08:07:51 Thank you so much! I think it's also in the default repository since I see it on my vanilla Fdroid. 08:08:36 There's also an app called "Monero Wallet" (by WooKey). Seems graphically nice. Any idea if it's a good choice as well? 08:10:59 Weird, I don't see it 08:11:22 You might have some custom repo enabled 08:12:30 Oh probably. Their website is this https://wallet.wookey.io/#/ but I'm just using the one you suggested. Thank you again. 08:31:17 any idea for what you need the file rpc_ssl.crt and rpc_ssl.key that are generated in bitmonero? 08:36:04 this is if you want to securely connect to your node's RPC 08:36:42 monerod has --rpc-ssl-* command line parameters 09:08:22 There is also.mysu wallet: http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/ 09:08:29 Quite simle UI, just werks. 09:08:35 Simple* 09:23:28 what is the best pool to mine? 09:36:30 p2pool 09:36:58 check out https://gupax.io 09:37:10 its a community-funded mining gui 09:37:23 you can be all set up and mining in minutes 10:53:59 You need a node yes? 10:54:56 no 10:55:05 there are pre-set nodes already in gupax 10:55:12 but you can set your own node if you have one 10:55:26 starting p2pool can take a few minutes actually 14:01:24 is it profitable to mine monero? what is the best hardware for it? 14:05:43 It depend of the price of electricity in your location. 14:05:44 And obviously if you already own the mining hardware then the cost of that hardware would not add up to the cost to start to mine. 14:10:36 in other words, no, it is not profitable 14:58:54 It's profitable for me. 14:58:54 I use XMR mining to burn my energy production surplus. 14:58:55 It pay in monero dust and my batteries should last longer if there not 100% full from 11AM to 5PM... 15:00:07 I mine less this year so far because of El Nino :/ 16:40:20 People don’t have education 17:18:43 "Depends" is not "no", unless you want to be so reductive to throw away the entire point 18:17:13 I know, I got it. 18:17:34 It's just that people should ask more directly "can I make easy fiat money with this?" The answer is no 18:36:13 So what exactly is the reason for these messages? 18:36:13 > Sync data returned a new top block candidate: 3074797 -> 3419079 [Your node is 344282 blocks (1.3 years) behind] 18:36:13 I was told by selsta to ignore these basically, but why are they happening? 18:38:31 some other node claims they are on block 3419079, your daemon tries to sync off of it and then sees it's invalid and ignores it 18:39:15 why some other node claims to be on 3419079 is not clear, maybe they want to annoy others, maybe they are trying to create a monero fork and don't have it configured correctly, etc. 18:40:07 selsta: what is it that my nodes that convinces it that this is an invalid fork? 18:40:14 *that my node sees 18:43:24 it chooses the chain with more proof of work, since this person does not have more hashrate than the existing monero network the daemon rejects it 18:44:02 Guys, how do you live with the fact that some of our net worth is in something that has value only as long as other people accept it? We could say the same for fiat money but it has legal tender. This is not a critic at all, I just poured some money and already afraid I'll lose everything lol 18:44:24 Guys, how do you live with the fact that some of our net worth is in something that has value only as long as other people accept it? We could say the same for fiat money but it has at least legal tender. This is not a critic at all, I just poured some money and already afraid I'll lose everything lol 18:59:30 I live life knowing that one day I'll lose everything 19:12:13 You should sell it right away and sleep well. 19:29:29 Nah I'm okay just having philosophical useless thoughts 19:39:43 selsta: ah! that's what I thought, but I completely forgot the number of blocks doesn't represent that (the block must be weighed by the difficult of the block) 19:40:23 it's the wording of the message that confused me: "(1.3 years) behind" 19:41:04 really if we're already on a more difficult chain, then that message is clearly misleading 19:41:20 because the weight of the PoW should really be what determines the time, not any timestamps 19:41:38 we can safely ignore all timestamps on a chain with less PoW 19:41:51 so I don't know where it gets that "1.3 years" number from 19:44:05 it assumes 2 minutes per block 19:44:51 ok. so that's the disconnect. that is only a safe assumption on the chain with the most PoW. all other chains with less PoW cannot represent time correctly 21:31:16 The "weight of the pow" means nothing without timestamps though. Difficulty only measures the amount of work done - but that could take years at a very low hashrate, or mere seconds with a supercomputer. You need timestamps to measure how much work was done in a certain amount of time 21:32:24 how much worth of mined xmr do u have 21:32:34 meant to reply here 21:32:42 Idk, how much money do you have in your bank account 21:35:35 Life is a giant gamble. 22:07:20 you almost died