00:22:06 With decoys, there are usually 2 outputs? And therefore, when you sweep a UTXO, it sticks out like a sore thumb? 00:22:06 Likewise, when multiple utxos are spent together, they effectively defeat any decoys concerning those UXTOs because the joint spend is obviously the real spend? 06:16:58 wtf did i miss 06:17:53 literally everything 06:18:12 13.7 billion years ago, the universe came into existence 06:18:12 tldr? 06:18:21 on a scale of 1 to 10, how much drama was there while i was gone? 06:18:34 finally it expanded enough for stars to form 06:18:49 uh oh 06:18:51 also whast the tldr 06:18:55 legit 06:18:55 5 billion years ago our solar system coalesced from a supernova 06:18:59 also whats the tldr 06:19:03 oh no 06:19:07 i dont know when you left 06:19:16 oh uh 06:19:32 around 3 billion years ago, life formed (we dont know how yet) 06:19:40 i was last here like 2 days ago 06:19:51 and i came back to you burning some guy 06:19:58 oh thats just normal 06:22:01 oh 06:25:14 why you burn him tho 06:25:40 he asked for help, i gave help, then he was a dick about it 06:25:47 O O F 06:25:58 that is a veritable 2x OOF 15:34:51 is anyone atm project working? 15:35:15 "any atm" sorry for my english 15:37:08 this is being developed https://atm.monero.is/ 15:37:52 oh he left :( 15:39:15 thank you 15:40:42 this is a future project.i want  to buy one and to use in my shop! 15:41:09 a real one not theory 15:44:13 siren stnby, makeleio wants to buy an assembled monero atm / plug and play no manuals, just freedom 15:46:21 2 or 1 way one? KYC requirements? Budget? 15:51:31 no kyc 15:51:47 budget you know better 15:52:02 1way no problem 17:45:13 why does monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-keys require private view key? 17:45:19 can't it be recovered from spend key? 17:45:26 how do i get private view key from spend key 17:54:20 I know that valdracs monero wallet sdk only requires spend key to restore a wallet 17:57:25 In the beginning, Monero key/wallet generation was non-deterministic, so it would generate the two private keys independently 17:58:36 ok, but why its still asking view key 17:58:48 akahow can i derive view key from spend key manually? 17:59:38 Because the software has no idea if your keys were generated with the new deterministic process, or if they weren't (in which case you *must* provide both, otherwise you can't recover the wallet) 17:59:44 So it asks for both 17:59:56 how can i derive view key from spend key manually? 17:59:58 You should recover from the seed, if you can 18:00:12 i can't 18:00:12 i lost seed, only have spend key and address 18:00:20 Thanks endor, yes, "deterministic" wallet rings a bell 18:01:08 Nothing new/specific to monero wallet sdk* 18:01:41 Then you need to look for a wallet software that has the option to regenerate the view key from the spend key using the deterministic process 18:01:59 Or, alternatively, look for a script/something that can do that for you 18:02:15 (There are probably some tools in some library somewhere, but I don't recall which/where off the top of my head) 18:03:01 Oh, Feather wallet should be able to do that I think 18:03:11 https://xmr.llcoins.net/ 18:03:48 (or at least, I see that option in version 2.4.9 - but it should be in the latest as well) 18:04:06 wait, view key can be derived from spend key via keccak256? 18:04:31 Create a new wallet -> Restore wallet from keys -> Wallet type: Spendable -> Paste your spend key and main address 18:04:57 Better use Feather wallet and keep things offline 18:05:35 (Or at the very least: avoid pasting your private spend key into a *web browser* if you can) 18:06:10 i dont see option to derive view key from spend key from that site 18:06:23 but maybe im blind 18:06:37 I think theres another page on that site, i cant remember the path 18:07:33 https://xmr.llcoins.net/addresstests.html 18:07:48 (ymmv, i didnt look before sending)