12:33:34 Hi there. 12:33:35 I am from Fluence Labs project where we are using RandomX code to make Proof of Capacity. I am curious if I can introduce SIMD, replacing `mov` with SIMD, e.g. `movdqa` here? 12:33:35 https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/src/jit_compiler_x86_static.asm#L141 12:51:57 sech1 is that a question for #monero-pow / dev? 12:55:18 technically you could, but first you'd need to move data from r8-r15 to SIMD registers 12:55:34 I'm not sure it would be faster 12:56:52 Did I get it right that r8-r15 contents changes every loop? 12:58:31 It looks like it doesn't. There is a call somewhere into AlignedAllocator bytecode that doesn't change r8-r15. But I might need to debug it to see if the registers contents change. 13:04:48 It does. That code is just a template, there's a JIT generated code filled in before storing r8-r15 13:09:14 Makes sense. Moreover SIMD there doesn't make sense. I tried to estimate the outcome of SIMD there and I see that CPU backend stalls even if I treat r8-r15 as a constant data. 13:29:16 Im quite new to monero but I'm a Cloud Security consultant and i would like to help in the project 13:29:33 But not where 13:30:04 I have a lots of experience with incident and response and hardening and siems 13:30:20 And security policy of course 13:32:30 I was also thinking of developing online courses to teach people about monero 13:33:20 Let me know where you guys can use me 😉 14:03:48 These three are good starting places to check out to see if anything needs development. 14:03:48 CCS: 14:03:49 https://ccs.getmonero.org/ 14:03:49 Monero Bounties: 14:03:50 https://bounties.monero.social/ 14:03:50 Monero Forums WIP: 14:03:51 https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress 14:07:15 Honestly, I just recommend on working on something you’re interested in, or finding projects that you want to contribute to. 14:07:15 https://youtu.be/5nY_cy8zcO4 14:11:53 This video is totally clickbait. 14:12:53 Yeah, I know but he lays out interesting points. 15:00:52 As far as developing learning resources, you may want to reach out to anhdres, he’s developing a resource called Monero garden. 15:00:52 Anhdres Website: 15:00:52 https://anhdres.com/ 15:00:53 Monero Observer report on Monero Garden: 15:00:53 https://monero.observer/anhdres-ccs-proposal-monero-garden-educational-website/#fn:1 15:00:54 Monero Garden CCS: 15:00:54 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/anhdres-monero-garden.html 15:06:02 Thanks jordan_sanchez: much appreciated the extensive info 18:53:15 You’re welcome, I think everyone can contribute to monero however they want. 18:53:16 Directly or indirectly. 18:53:16 For me, I have zero art or programming skills but I’m making memes, and building a website, so I tell everyone contribute however they want, in what way they want. 18:53:17 Work on FOSS, & accept XMR Donations, start a business that accepts XMR, donate, tell people about monero, anything helps. 18:58:10 call your lawmakers and tell them to ban monero. its only for criminals. www.banmonero.com 19:05:39 That's funny since banning it is a good way to make that actually true 19:18:12 haha nice way to get people to dump their xmr into your wallet 19:23:53 Curious mind wants to know why "monerica.com" did not also get a "DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK" warning on that nice website. 19:24:53 because you have to click it to know all the sites inside it so you can report them to the police 19:26:27 Excellent argument!