13:11:05 Hi! 13:29:14 https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/suggestion-elaborate-how-to-get-monero/16817 13:29:18 thoughts? 13:52:14 There also CEX without KYC ;) 13:52:14 Like MEXC and TradeOgre 13:53:42 For 4. There is also FixedFloat that is quite reliable 13:53:42 And Trocador & intercambio that are kind of meta swapper (they look at many swapper and propose best rate) 13:54:47 Thanks! 14:36:45 https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/Monero/comments/11rinux/fixedfloat_is_holding_my_funds/ 14:38:24 https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/18oh9ol/fixedfloat_have_placed_my_funds_on_hold/kehgmse/ 14:38:57 it is on https://monero.observer/blacklist/ 14:39:06 Is that one from that dude that "got it from Bisq": but never proved to fixed that he got it from Bisq? 14:39:06 Most if not all Swapper do that actually, even the one you listed 14:39:08 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/yCqFJOHpWpKqYMroFecHuThE 14:40:33 Yep 14:41:00 Fixedfloat only has clean btc 14:41:16 Best place to get BTC without KYC... 14:42:08 For cash? Bisq or agoradesk 14:42:40 >Most if not all Swapper do that actually, even the one you listed 14:42:41 hmm every service you mentioned when looped up, there are threads of freeze incidents 14:43:08 hello, those swappers dont freeze, the exchange does 14:43:27 I mean, if you need to spend BTC or LN because the place you shop don't accept monero. 14:43:28 Or if you want to send BTC to a CEX, fixedfloat got you covered. 14:43:28 But yeah if you want to get btc from cash, you have to use bisq or agoradesk, but I would rather just use agoradesk/localmonero and get monero directly, 14:43:30 Theyre just front ends into kraken, binance etc 14:44:17 "I mean, if you need to spend BTC or LN because the place you shop don't accept monero." < yea, i used FF to get clean coins to spend 14:44:38 They never block xmr deposits 14:45:36 XMR are clean by default (assuming you did not steal them from binance to send them directly to the swapper or something like Eve-Alice-Eve) 15:40:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DBviSInmrsehxoDGpLeaLhvW 15:41:01 Maybe few using it. Worth posting anyway 15:57:20 for anyone who mines, the xmrvsbeast hashrate raffle winners are now chosen using the monero blockhash as a seed rather than kernel.rand so they can be independently verified :) 21:32:07 Hi. What is the correct chat room to get help. I cannot get past my firewall to download the Monero stuff 21:34:26 I am running Windows 11 Pro on a laptop 21:41:00 wdym by firewall? 21:41:00 You can't download or windows delete what you download? 21:42:08 I decided to shutdown the Windows firewall temporarily. I am now running Monero GUI. Restarting firewall now 21:42:31 You can add app exclusions in Windows. 21:42:39 mainstream "protection" tools will always report monero related things as malware 21:42:51 Sorry....you are talking to an old fart..... 21:42:52 Yeah, for the antivirus. 21:42:53 I did not know that the firewall could block it, never got me issue 21:43:16 not sure how to add the exclusions 21:43:24 Are you using windows defender? 21:43:45 Open start menu 21:43:45 type exclusion... 21:44:02 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/LiaDAbipjXFSVUtbLYvQdZoT 21:45:13 OK....I am on the page called Virus and Threat protection 21:46:00 click on "Manage settings" under Virus & threat protection settings 21:46:16 Then in the bottom, you can click on "Add or remove exclusions" 21:46:50 Then in there you can add exclusion and specify the folder of your monero stuff (like monero gui, feather wallet and xmrig) 21:47:33 Perfect....I did put stuff in a Monero folder.....so I can just add that.... 21:48:07 OK....I see it in the list. the only thing in the list. 🙂 21:48:24 Thanks so much for your help!! 21:49:32 to make things easier you should download the zip file of monero gui (if using that) and not the installer.exe 21:50:33 so I tried both, and ended up using the monero gui....I got lucky. I am now creating my wallet. Thanks again!! 21:51:52 then you put that zip inside your already-excluded folder.. then you extract it in there (i've helped people in person who are unable to double click their mouse, instead they click..click and drag things around the screen so we need to know what level of 'old fart' you are) 21:53:03 I am LMAO 21:53:28 I am already running the GUI....all good. 21:53:32 but I am an old fart 21:55:01 I appreciate all the support y'all have provided. I would have like the Monero webiste to be a little more helpful....I struggled for a bit because the documentation was not clear on the steps necessary to overcome the firewall issue. 21:55:28 It just said, your firewall/anti-virus might be a problem 21:56:07 I have my recovery phase and now moving forward..... 22:06:22 Wallet is synchronizing.....looks like this will take a while....is that normal? 22:08:13 how many blocks remaining? 22:08:32 3011939 22:09:03 3006539 22:10:12 3000703 22:11:33 will this thing timeout? 22:12:06 If my laptop screen goes to sleep will the synch stop? 22:12:26 Can I go take a nap (remember, I am an old fart)? 22:17:36 laptop sleeping will top the sync yes. i assume you selected advanced mode? 22:25:38 depending on your hardware specs it could take anywhere from an afternoon.. a day.. a week.. month... never to complete the process. having an SSD helps, alot. 22:26:48 if you have an older machine it might be better to point it at a public node