01:18:40 Binance delists XMR, Basic Swap steps in as an Atomic Swap-based unstoppable on-ramp w/Dr. Kapil & CG / (MT #299) 01:18:41 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman catches up with Dr. Kapil and CG of the BasicSwap team. Basicswap participated in last years MoneroTopia and we hope to have them again this year in Argentina. 01:18:41 In this episode they discuss the progress that has been made since presenting at MoneroTopia23, the latest functionality and the roadmap of the BasicSwap decentralized exchange (DEX). They provide an overview of the team, the atomic swap implementation that basic swap uses, user experience, and plans to improve accessibility. 01:18:42 Key metrics about usage and liquidity are shared, as well as thoughts on driving adoption into the future. Special thanks to BasicSwap for being one of the first to build the decentralized bridges Monero needs to flourish, in-spite of the delistings from centralized exchanges. 01:18:42 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/7bhQNgVoeq8 01:18:43 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/binance-delists-xmr%2C-basicswap-steps-in:f 01:18:43 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-kapil-basicswap-epi-299 01:18:44 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 01:18:44 Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos 01:18:45 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 01:18:45 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 01:18:46 Monero Talk possible! 01:18:46 Podcasts 🎧 : 01:18:47 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 01:18:47 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ 01:18:48 If you enjoy our show please Subscribe, Like, Share, Rate our YouTube Channel & Podcasts. This will help us grow and spread Monero content! 01:53:32 Still listed on kraken exchange :-) 02:16:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I thought combarlin was doing monerotalk marketing 02:38:57 https://anonshop.app/ 10:51:40 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Can monero note work only over tor? 10:51:43 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Can monero node work only over tor? 10:53:46 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> like not for mining but for processing transactions 11:02:00 Can work over clearnet and anonymity networks like tor/i2p 11:38:25 is coinsbee (dot) com safe? 15:15:20 Yea 15:33:51 very sus indeed 15:33:56 so i should buy there? 15:33:58 shouldnt* 15:34:02 Is running `monerod --proxy --tx-proxy tor,,10` equivalent to running `monerod` with `torsocks` like specified in the README file? 15:40:48 I'm only looking to sync the Monero blockchain through Tor, which means no transactions whatsoever. 15:42:38 The command above runs fine though I'm not sure whether it's actually functionally the same as running `monerod` with `torsocks`. 16:28:44 Yes 16:30:29 --proxy hasnt been updated on that doc since its been added 16:33:04 Oh okay 16:33:13 Thanks a lot for answering my question 16:33:21 Appreciate it 16:35:03 No prob. I also set --in-peers=0 --disable-rpc-ban=1 --p2p-bind-ip= --hide-my-port=1 16:36:08 Are these options necessary to increase your privacy? 16:36:39 I dont think so, just redundancy 16:36:59 --in-peers=0 = inpeers are already disabled when using --proxy 16:37:23 But the log prints "no incoming peers, open your firewall", adding the flag changes the log to "incoming peers disabled" 16:38:02 --disable-rpc-ban stops monerod from prematurely banning rpc access over tor, which may seem to timeout etc. 16:38:48 --p2p-bind-ip just ensures you arent binding to 16:40:05 --hide-my-port doesn't advertise a port to other nodes, even if its the wrong ip (tor exit ip) 16:41:40 These other flags can be used on a clearnet node, but if im going to use them. I imagine that a few of them were made to account for torsocks, as torsocks doesnt do anything but send everything as-is, through tor 16:56:02 --disable-rpc-ban to stop localhost from being banned 😅 17:07:21 Cake pay has no fees. cards are sold at face value 17:27:05 Unrelated but does the relay bot relay reactions? 18:23:30 No 20:15:31 Missed Monerotopia Episode (#154)? Check out the Price, News & DEV / Reports here! 20:15:32 Price Report: 20:15:32 Youtube: https://youtu.be/CLpNcBvQpgo 20:15:33 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/xmr-delisting-minute-by-minute-breakdown:f 20:15:33 News Segment: 20:15:34 Youtube: https://youtu.be/AVVvENXSCcs 20:15:34 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/binance-delists-xmr%2C-zen-becomes-non:a 20:15:35 Monero Development: 20:15:35 Youtube: https://youtu.be/QzbkoWAzbIg 20:15:36 ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/when-mainnet%2C-tari-02-10-24-%28dev-epi:8 22:51:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> RavFX 🤐 ^ 22:52:26 Yes