00:17:13 does anyone here know if majesticbank.sc are reliable/trustworthy? 01:00:20 They were the highest level of sponsor of Monerokon 3 in Prague last year and AFAIK haven't had any issues yet, the operator is active in some of the monero-related rooms, maybe this one too 01:00:31 They were the highest level sponsor of Monerokon 3 in Prague last year and AFAIK haven't had any issues yet, the operator is active in some of the monero-related rooms, maybe this one too 04:57:38 yo guys 04:58:10 https://www.ebay.com/itm/155679861322 04:58:11 i found this 04:58:11 a goddamn 68 core Xeon Phi 04:58:14 how good would this mine monero? 04:58:26 on one hand it can have a shit load of RAM 04:58:40 on the other hand its from like 2016 04:58:57 buy it and find out 04:59:00 on the other hand wikipedia says it does 3046 GFLOPS 04:59:05 bro you think i got 50 dollars 04:59:22 ...well yeah i do have 50 dollars 04:59:25 i might try that 04:59:25 if i can find an lga 3647 motherboard lmao 04:59:31 wasting 100 dollars for a meme dont sound good but idk 04:59:49 i think it sounds great 04:59:57 also it somehow has 68 CORES (?!) and 272 THREADS (????!!!!) 05:00:06 intel was smoking some shit 05:01:03 mobos for this look expensive 05:02:40 i found this one 05:02:41 https://www.ebay.com/itm/276316164397 05:03:08 its more expensive and probably slightly nerfed compared to the 7250, but it plugs into any normal ass x16 PCIe slot 05:03:28 i REALLY do not know how to estimate this damn thing's mining performance 05:03:38 just buy it 05:03:55 aight lmao 05:04:01 maybe-haps 05:05:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ALySsPXt0 05:05:43 if worst comes to worst i could re-list it 05:05:58 how broke are you lol 05:07:43 i got 20 05:07:46 200 05:07:47 and thats it 05:07:50 oh wait found this one 05:07:51 bay.com/itm/295758066853 05:07:59 ebay.com/itm/295758066853 05:08:12 a solid 28 dollars 05:08:23 still does 1k GFLOPS 05:08:27 i will definitely buy that one 05:08:30 i am not so broke i dont got 28 dollars 05:08:36 > They require active cooling when installed in the system 05:09:57 oh yeah 05:10:03 hmmm i could probably jerry rig something together 05:13:31 this is going to be hilarious if it works 05:16:19 also before i try it 05:16:32 how bad would it be to try and mine monero with only 8GB of RAM 05:16:36 the card only has 8GB 05:16:45 although its a lot higher bandwidth 05:16:53 my miner refuses to use more than like 2G 05:17:21 wait legit 05:17:26 actually more like 10 05:17:35 but its still less than i expected 05:18:56 so 8GB should be like 05:18:58 chill enough? 05:19:07 no idea 05:19:12 especially bcuz of the amazing memory bandwidth and probably good memory timings 05:19:14 oh 05:19:17 eh fuck it its 30 dollars 05:20:25 16 channel RAM is crazy tho 05:20:36 whats the power usage 05:21:57 270W 05:24:02 yeahhhh 05:24:03 a bit power hungry 05:24:08 power thirsty, eve n 05:24:12 power thirsty, even 05:24:15 power consuming, perhaps 05:24:23 power devouring, probably 05:24:45 at least it isnt that one 410W intel CPU that is going to be released 05:24:45 (i9-14900ks) 05:25:34 oh and also fun fact 05:25:37 if GFLOPS is comparable to GFLOPS 05:26:28 than the 31S1P is around the performance of like a i9-10900X 05:27:21 and thats if you cant overclock it 05:27:34 technically the multiplier is locked on a 31S1P 05:27:50 but you might be able to pull some weird shit by doing some jank BCLK (if that is even a thing for a PCIe based card) 05:27:52 to get more FLOPS 06:32:07 I heard they scam 10:01:59 ceetee: Is here a good place to ask about #cakewallet ? I did a wallet recovery with 25 words and it basically works. The main Wallet haz 0 XMR. It haz a subaccount (not a subaddress) with some XMR. But the subaccount does not show up on the recovered device. 10:30:41 There is a dedicated cake wallet room Cake Wallet 10:32:04 Afaik subaccounts are deterministic, that means if you create a new subaccount on the new wallet it should have the same addresses as the subaccount on the other wallet 10:32:33 but I must admit I have little practical experience with cake 15:20:09 Where is the Localmonero room? Can someone link me? 15:21:41 it's dead since I upgraded phone to android 14 15:22:37 Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: 15:23:55 App just suicide when I launch it. 15:23:55 Did try clearing cache and data, then it "work" until I press the skip button, it seam to show the market tab for 1/10 of a second then it kill itself again 15:24:34 All others app on the phone did survive the update 16:14:22 localmonero has a matrix space hm 16:14:44 https://matrix.to/#/#localmonero--agoradesk-official-matrix-space:agoradesk.com RavFX 🤐 18:03:28 Does xmrig have a recommended amount of ram per thread or is it the same for everything? 18:06:40 RTFM https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/randomx-optimization-guide 18:16:37 Friends, I have questions. Please answer clearly and correctly. There are 4 types of keys in the Monero wallet. These are private spend key, public spend key, private view key and public view key. What is the function of these 4 addresses? For example, which key type is sufficient when restoring a wallet? Explain the function of these 4 keys. I do not know. 18:18:00 I searched on Google. I couldn't find a source. 18:18:13 Plz answer me 18:19:33 Heyyyy 18:19:36 Why is no answer 18:20:07 you breath smells funny and everyone left 18:20:11 bro wait 18:21:30 Why did you say so 18:21:35 Friends, I have questions. Please answer clearly and correctly. There are 4 types of keys in the Monero wallet. These are private spend key, public spend key, private view key and public view key. What is the function of these 4 addresses? For example, which key type is sufficient when restoring a wallet? Explain the function of these 4 keys. I do not know. 18:21:39 private spend key 18:22:06 please insert 1 xmr in order to expedite service 18:22:08 all answers are here https://www.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf 18:22:57 spend key allows you to spend your XMR, view key allows you to see incoming transactions 18:25:27 What is the difference between private spend key and public spend key? I have no money. Don't ask me for money. 18:26:11 Heyyy answer meeee 18:26:13 Heyyyy 18:26:20 kek 18:26:27 I want to learn 4 key types 18:26:44 also snex 18:26:50 This starts to sound familiar, doesn't it? 18:27:21 Heyyyy 18:27:24 i realized the intel xeon phi thing was not going to work due to the fact that 18:27:25 well 18:27:31 not enough fucking L3 cache 18:28:01 it appears you need 2MB of L3 cache per thread 18:28:02 What is the difference between private spend key and public spend key? I have no money. Don't ask me for money. 18:28:26 if you have no money then you wait for answers in the free queue 18:28:26 and it only has 28.5MB of L3 cache 18:28:28 stop spamming 18:28:43 but it has 228 threads 18:28:58 and 228*2 is definitely more than 28.5 18:29:18 unless i can figure out a way to collimate the threads/cores 18:29:48 What is the difference between private spend key and public spend key? 18:30:11 but i would need to somehow figure out a way to collimate the like 228 threads into 14.25 threads which would be massive pain in ass 18:30:17 but i would need to somehow figure out a way to collimate the like 228 threads into 14 threads which would be massive pain in ass 18:30:22 use a search engine and stop spamming https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mvcglx/what_is_the_difference_between_a_public_view_key/ 18:31:01 Zero to monero / mastering monero available for you if you have any follow.up.Q's 18:31:54 Somerandomguy_5245 find the monero mining room 18:32:58 monero mining room 18:32:58 ? 18:33:14 coool 18:33:19 public view key and public spend key are not self-explanatory. What do public view key and public spend key do? 18:33:20 i will try to find 18:33:26 too bad it dont got a mirror hooked up here 18:33:32 public view key and public spend key are not self-explanatory. What do public view key and public spend key do? 18:34:01 Plz answer meeee 18:34:15 maybe #monero-pow? 18:34:29 golden0 all the resources you need have been shared. Take a time out and read them 18:34:34 Answer me 18:35:09 or maybe https://old.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/ if you don't mind your Reddit corporate overlords :) 18:35:24 read da sources bro 18:36:14 Why do you get tired of explaining it here? The link you sent is not explanatory enough. 18:36:27 public view key and public spend key are not self-explanatory. What do public view key and public spend key do? 18:36:35 Hello plowsof 18:36:42 Plz help me plowsof 18:36:44 Public view key and public spend key mate, and the offspring become Monero addresses 18:36:55 I love you plowsof 18:37:42 are you telling me that knaccs comment didnt explain anything and that zero to monero / mastering monero has nothing about this? if true then we have some serious problems 18:37:55 thank you for raising this issue golden0 18:38:29 These 4 key types have connections with each other. Explain with examples 18:38:51 i love golden0 for giving the perfect idea for the 24 or 25 spammer 18:39:08 Ah, yes, of course, that was it! 18:39:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You can lead a horse to water,but… 18:39:43 Is it a crime to ask questions and want to learn? 18:39:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or being lazy? 18:40:03 of course not, the answers have been given 18:40:19 These 4 key types have connections with each other. Explain with examples 18:40:41 That went on quite some time. I think we will see the same now. I check back in 1 month :) 18:42:21 These 4 key types have connections with each other. Explain with examples. Hey plowsof answer my question. I want to learn 18:43:21 Hey plowsof answer me 18:43:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Support vampire 18:43:50 there will be consequences for not answering sadly 18:45:00 i suggest every matrix user here now disable image previews / thumbnails in your client if possible / dont click any links from golden0 18:45:11 I want to learn these 4 types of keys. For example, Ethereum and Solana coins do not have them, but Monero coin has 4 types of keys. 18:45:44 gotta love the persistence 18:46:10 Why do u not answer my que 18:46:43 a linked reddit thread has some comments, mastering monero / zero to monero cover the topic extensively 18:46:54 personally? because it was already answered and because its funny seeing you try 18:47:33 plowsof is not a cryptographer 18:49:13 Public spend key = ? Private spend key = ? public view key = ? Private view key = ? Write me what these are and what they do. 18:49:23 Hello sgp 18:49:29 Plz answer me 18:50:39 Hey sgp answer 18:50:40 https://github.com/AnonimaUzanto/monero_worked_example 18:52:53 Is it enough to enter a private spend key to restore my Monero wallet? 18:53:32 Is it enough to enter a private spend key to restore my Monero wallet? 18:53:43 Hey answer me 18:53:47 deterministic wallets can be restored using only the spend key 18:54:16 Is monero wallet deterministic? 18:54:18 so it depends what your wallet software supports 18:54:29 What's the context? You seem like a novice user so I suggest you stick to the mnemonic seed only 18:55:04 Cake monero.com mobile wallet 18:55:40 To restore from keys, you need the address, private/secret spend key, and private/secret view key to restore the wallet. 3 strings. 18:55:40 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/restore_from_keys.html 18:55:57 Is monero wallet deterministic? 18:56:37 Is monero wallet deterministic? 18:56:52 Why are you asking this question 18:56:58 I feel you're still confused 18:57:27 If you don't know what this means, don't worry about it 18:57:30 I want to learn. 18:57:31 Is monero wallet deterministic? 18:58:04 If you want to learn, read and follow this example I sent earlier 19:01:01 Here's some more context on "deterministic." Monero works differently than Bitcoin, which is why it's important that you understand the context of how the keys work so you don't get confused by further questions  19:01:02 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/4zq2h2/deterministic_wallet_not_really_deterministic/ 19:01:30 I want to learn. 19:01:30 Is monero wallet deterministic? Not deterministic or deterministic? 19:02:33 Deterministic in the context you're asking 19:04:35 Are monero and monero wallet deterministic? Clear answer 19:05:44 Hey sgp 19:05:56 Are monero and monero wallet deterministic? Clear answer. 19:06:01 bro wtf 19:06:03 he WILL have his answer 19:06:06 youre not 5 19:06:09 stop acting like it 19:08:18 I not going to reply with you anymore because I already answered that question, and because you can read some documentation elsewhere. For the sake of everyone else, please read the documentation 19:08:28 Why is 1 key enough for Bitcoin to restore, but why is 3 keys enough for Monero? Why is 1 key not enough to restore monero? 19:08:40 thanks for the different question 19:09:29 because monero has stealth addresses and bitcoin does not, that's the short answer. 2 keys are needed to permit this functionality in the way Monero implements it 19:09:50 am back 19:09:52 did it get solved 19:10:00 oh cool 19:11:40 Xeon Phi can do 7 kh/s https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/issues/1164#issuecomment-542383243 19:13:50 For example, let's say I have 1 xMR. If the fraudster knows my private spend key and does not know the private view key and primary address, can he steal my assets or not? 19:14:14 private spend key is enough 19:14:19 all other keys are derived from it 19:14:33 Did you read https://www.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf 19:14:37 All answers are there 19:16:53 Are private view key and primary address derived from private spend key? 19:17:15 Private spend key and private view key and primary address are enough? 19:18:55 But I couldn't restore the cake monero wallet with just the private spend key. 19:19:00 Hey answer me 19:19:30 can i temp mute you for like an hour golden0 so you can collect your thoughts. it depends on what your wallet software supports. but it is entirely possible to restore from just the private spend key. 19:20:22 Hey answer mee 19:20:41 monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-spend-key 19:20:53 monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-spend-key 19:20:59 try it 19:21:18 .remindme 1 hour unmute golden0 19:24:22 hey read the book 19:24:37 or you can only read short tweets and discord memes? 19:39:42 ONLY? 19:39:43 damn 19:39:46 only 7 kh/s 19:40:28 if it scales linearly with it's GFLOPS, than it aint worth it lmao 19:40:46 although it probably dont 19:41:06 O O F 19:48:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Explain with colouring book 20:07:29 corporate usually send in people like golden0 to perform psychological stress tests. we have passed this round. thank you for playing 20:13:26 only 7 kh/s because Phi doesn't have enough cache 20:35:13 lol 20:35:30 feds sent erc 20:37:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We passed the pentest plowsof? 20:37:49 flying colors 20:52:09 I am new to the Monero community and have a question: does talking to other people who have bad OPSEC hurt your OPSEC? 20:52:09 I don't really care about keeping my identity here private. However, if actual anons do care about their OPSEC, and they will not want to talk to people with bad OPSEC, then I will put some effort into staying private. 20:52:09 I say this especially because I plan on becoming a dev for Haveno or maybe Monerujo. Will devs care if they are talking to other devs with bad OPSEC? 21:13:49 Yes, it does. 21:13:49 Best you can do is disclose selectively. 21:13:50 Or disappear from the world, which is impossible. 21:14:48 So if I use my real name and am open about everyhting then anons don't want to talk to me? 21:15:12 oh nvm you are in the Hack Liberty room 21:15:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> If they are anon then all they link to you is a nick 21:15:43 I don't get how it matters 21:18:00 you can do whatever you want 21:18:34 hello i had an issue sending as soon as i sent to an address on monero its like it never existed it changed and i didnt get the funds any idea why that happened 21:21:46 I don't care about what can be linked to back to me. I would not say anything that I would not say IRL. 21:22:14 What did the address change to and does it appear when entered into a.search engine yamazapatos 21:22:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No to them 21:23:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> When you are finger printed they link you to them, but if there opsec is good it will just be a nick. 21:24:08 So will they not want to talk to me if my opsec is bad? 21:25:28 Who is.they 21:25:56 Anons, just general XMR users and maybe devs, 21:28:04 Depends on the individual. But there are plenty of non-anon devs/contributors 21:29:31 Ok. I want to talk about XMR and TOR in IRL so I don't see the point of trying hide that I talk about it online. 21:30:08 Are there any issues between the anons and the non-anon devs? 21:31:59 I know that fluffypony was a non-anon dev. Was he a good or bad example of what to do? I don't know the details of his arrest and whether it had to do with XMR. 21:34:41 His arrest had to do with something he was accused of doing in 2011 21:34:55 way before XMR 21:35:35 So was he a good example of how to be a non-anon dev? 21:40:13 Some people dont like to be the subject matter randomly. I dont recall him claiming to set the standard for a non-anon dev neither 21:48:10 Im not aware of any drift between anons/non anons.. as long as you both set boundaries early on in your relationship... Avoid google links and you should be ok 22:43:53 also 22:44:01 does anyone remember that monero ASIC fiasco a while ago? 22:44:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Bitmain? 22:45:13 ya 22:45:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> There still on fire 22:45:45 it was not actually an ASIC, yes? 22:46:11 Motherboards with a few cpus on them.stacked on top of each other 22:46:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No wasnt asic 22:46:42 ah 22:46:42 it made me think tho 22:46:46 whats the chance that someone actually makes an ASIC for it? 22:47:13 they already did make an asic for it. its called a general purpose cpu 22:47:26 a bit nervous that some big brain figures out how to break RandomX and then proceeds to smoke everyone with pure hashrate 22:47:39 oh 22:48:06 ahhh 22:48:14 well hopefully it stays like that 22:49:02 i dont see how youd make an asic when the nature of randomX is that you dont know what its going to send you 22:49:58 No need for 'oh" and "ahh" messages to increase the backlog 22:51:09 what backlog 22:51:11 we have a fucking backlog?