03:49:50 Join us TUESDAY, Feb 20th at 8AM-EST/2PM-CET for the Binance Delisting Party! + Price Report📈 w/ @BawdyAnarchist_, News🗞️ w/ @tony_huszar & MORE! 03:49:50 JOIN US ON STAGE HERE ➡️: https://streamyard.com/dfv2nqs9z3 03:49:51 WATCH THE SHOW HERE via YOUTUBE ➡️: https://www.youtube.com/live/WplCWzY9Dd4?si=lJL5lbuL8f5F8iKN 03:49:51 WATCH THE SHOW LIVE HERE via TWITCH ➡️: https://www.twitch.tv/monerotalk 03:49:52 (The videos will be synced onto Odysee (https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8) about an 1/2 hour or so after it premieres LIVE for those who want to watch there afterwards ;)) 03:49:52 FOLLOW US ON https://monero.town/u/monerotopia & https://mastodon.social/@monerotopia 03:49:53 Guest segment & Report sponsored by 🍰 u/cakelabs & u/LocalMoneroCo" 04:09:12 hi guys! anyone know what happened to Monerujo room? it glitched and started showing twice on my rooms list, i tried to leave and re-join, but now that i left i can't find it on matrix 04:24:00 Not sure, you left the room. 04:24:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rq 05:01:52 which one? 05:28:30 Monerujo 05:29:20 ah, yes, i did. the question is how to join it again? 05:34:13 #monerujo:monero.social annwyn 05:35:03 Thanks a million! 05:42:47 Don't tell your mom. 05:48:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Zero knowledge proofs 09:12:17 MoneroKon submission deadline is 15th March - https://x.com/monerokon/status/1758780130413904191?s=61 09:13:02 Want to do a talk or host a workshop, send proposals here: https://apply.monerokon.org 09:58:38 :-D 12:25:22 that's still a loss 12:25:29 I'm here to make profit 12:29:01 So, find free electricity elsewhere 😬 12:29:17 Solar panels 12:29:50 They are not exactly free either. 12:31:01 Taxes for sun? 12:32:40 Solar panels are not free. Where did the tax part come from? 12:37:10 Not the the initial cost 12:46:31 You got the numbers and can calculate your ROI. 13:48:24 I consider solar panel free 13:48:25 Considered I'm normally on the exponential pricing bracket for the utility, they paid themself back after only two years. 13:50:41 probably going to be the best investment ever 13:51:53 Yeah for sure 14:43:07 monero is only used for drugs 14:47:29 I'm sure you have the data to back that claim 14:47:35 please post it 14:49:10 lmao 14:51:33 sdfgsdfg: nothing wrong with drugs 14:51:39 they make the world go 'round 14:54:35 bad 14:55:12 i get my salary in xmr 14:55:19 not drugs related 14:55:19 :D 14:55:24 for last 5 years 14:55:57 client wanted to pay me in btc, i requested xmr 14:56:25 uncle_rae that's my man 14:57:03 Same actually. 14:57:03 It's just money 14:57:16 No XMR? no code 14:57:16 Easy 14:57:35 funny thing is that drug dealers are using more usdt and btc than xmr 14:57:40 converting to cash 14:57:42 Not going to pay btc scamfee everytime I want to pay a bill or something 14:57:49 or moving cash to btc/usdt to move around the money 14:58:17 talking of btc scamfee, anyone noticed BTC scamfee since the pump? 14:58:18 It's extremely low (Usually when it's bullish it's over 5$ full time) 14:59:04 so anyone who's talking shit about xmr, they are just kiddos who read gov news :D good luck when they get cdbc and track your money 14:59:14 and define how much u can spend 14:59:15 they done that already in EU, when they introduced ATM withdrawal limits 14:59:22 or when you deposit 10k in the bank and try to withdraw, they ask you "why do u need 10k?" 14:59:30 gtfo that's my money 14:59:32 so that's monero <3 14:59:44 my main currency 15:01:54 https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/suggestion-elaborate-how-to-get-monero/16817/4 15:02:02 do you guys agree with that reply? 15:12:12 not really. 15:12:12 Just buy them on Localmonero using using local payment methods (stay away from crap maker that sell the XMR in exchange of Western Union, Scampal or other "international" payment method). 15:12:12 Or use Haveno (soon™️) and local payment method. 15:12:13 If you are in a free country, you likely are able to buy XMR in random convenient store. Cash by mail seam to be only viable option is scammy dystopia land. 15:12:13 Option 4 is for "first world" dystopia mostly, imo 15:12:14 Note that it's untrue that there is more fee. Yes fees can be higher, but if you are in a region with a very low amount of participants on Localmonero or Haveno, then buying LTC then converting to XMR will be cheaper than buying on Localmonero/Haveno. 15:13:15 In a region well deserved by makers on LM, you can get monero at spot price 15:14:33 UK is a dystopia, as Canada, USA... EU less bad so far bit it's getting scary too 15:18:59 >stay away from crap maker that sell the XMR in exchange of Western Union, Scampal or other "international" payment method). 15:18:59 lmao that's only the option available 15:19:15 Yeah, in dystopia it's the only option available :p 15:20:16 I buy myt monero at the convenient store 15:20:16 And when I dump, money flow from random bank atm of my choice... 15:20:17 That's on localmonero, usually less than 5-10 for the contact to do his thing. 15:20:17 But I live in the "third world" 15:20:27 I buy my monero at the convenient store 15:20:28 And when I dump, money flow from random bank atm of my choice... 15:20:28 That's on localmonero, usually less than 5-10 for the contact to do his thing. 15:20:29 But I live in the "third world" 15:21:22 I buy my monero at the convenient store 15:21:22 And when I dump, money flow from random bank atm of my choice... 15:21:23 That's on localmonero, usually less than 5-10 min (average, sometime they are slower) for the contact to do his thing. 15:21:23 But I live in the "third world" 15:21:42 interesting that you could buy monero in a ""third world" store 15:21:55 Paying 20% markup on localmonero is a joke. 15:22:07 Just choose "bank deposit" on LM then go deposit cash in a random convenient store 15:22:45 paying less than 1% markup yeah 15:22:46 worst rate is the cash at ATM option, it's like 2% 15:22:59 paying less than 1% markup yeah 15:22:59 worst rate is the cash at ATM option, it's like 2-5% 15:23:24 20% on local monero is because of the lack of market participants so the few makers are just milking the takers 15:23:43 I do the same on unstoppable swap when I'm the only maker 😂 15:25:14 found the griefer 15:25:31 Hey, I just do what a normal maker do when he is alone 15:26:07 It's why you want more market participants... And why LM become more like real spot price when there competition between the makers 15:27:07 isn't that KYC? 15:27:36 non, I just go to the convenient store, give a pile of cash and give other dude card number 15:28:47 is that the guide you follow? https://archive.org/details/how-to-buy-non-kyc-monero 15:29:04 for the cash at random bank atm. 15:29:05 Contact just give me a code, you go to atm, choose operation without card, type the code... Then cash flow 15:29:41 I don't use crypto ATM, normal bank atm, no kyc needed 15:29:47 crypto ATM don't exist here lol 15:32:58 It was up to you guys to lobby for agoradesk when localbitcoins failed. 15:32:58 It was the perfect trojan horse... Once they try agoradesk they notice that people trading XMR have there reputation number go up faster so most endup doing the monero too. 18:18:35 is https://github.com/mymonero still actively developed? last commit was 2 year ago 18:19:09 Sadly it's pretty much impossible to buy XMR with no KYC at market price. Yea crypto swaps exist but you still have to eat a small percentage 18:19:09 But hey, that's how the world is. 18:23:55 its impossible to buy basically any asset at "market price" 18:24:37 i have a next gen version coming in a sec basses 18:24:41 i am the former director 18:24:44 well 18:24:53 technically still am ;) 18:25:03 anyway it sucks compared to my new hotness 18:25:15 and obstacles are nearly cleared now 18:26:11 it will include major improvements to the clientside and server 18:26:38 people need to know about them so i'm delivering a disclosure of the developments and discoveries as well 18:34:29 hmm, ok 18:35:32 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-app-js/pulls 18:35:45 ? 18:35:58 There are many security vulnerabilities not patched 18:36:12 dependencies 18:37:04 and packages 18:38:45 probably, yeah 18:38:54 there's a long story behind that project 18:39:26 let's just say it was supposed to be way more than it was allowed to be 18:39:39 and it used to be so much more important as a tech contributor to monero 18:39:48 ho hum greed breeds disaster 19:42:12 Would anyone be interested in such a talk: https://cfp.monerokon.org/2024/talk/review/GVXFYUJXZFZAK9R7C8S9CXYLF9D3QKCV?. Or this too niche.. 19:44:06 What greed was involved with MyMonero since it was a free service? 19:44:20 lol 19:44:25 ifi told you i'd be in danger 19:44:54 i'm not referring to anything pertaining to the vkeys fwiw 19:45:41 for starters, mymonero was not allowed to be what it was sold as 19:45:53 a free , open, and community first project 19:45:59 by "core devs" lol 19:46:02 by whom? 19:46:18 are you just unaware or are you attempting to rewrite history? 19:46:49 i havent been around that long i have no idea what you're referring to 19:47:27 gotcha 19:47:39 yeah, it's gonna be tough for you to know everything unless I can actually tell you freely which I don't plan on doing 19:47:49 I just don't want people to think that I am aware of any sort of intentional privacy violations because I would've told everybody by now 19:48:14 i'm more talking about contributors lives being ruined and projects being co opted and disrupted for other motives 19:48:28 I have been massively, defamed and disrupted and stolen from, and that's just the beginning 19:48:37 What people don't realize is that the monero project has too 19:48:53 what's more important is the actual work so that's what I'm focusing on right now 19:49:14 it should be known that I left MyMonero before the story that I was fired, was circulated. The facts are obvious in that regard or it never would've happened in the first place. 19:49:27 maybe I can share more at some point but at the moment I don't have any plans to do anything like that 19:51:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Anti climatic 19:51:27 ... parasite? 19:52:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We will find out in the next episode ? 19:52:13 anyway, an anti-climax is better than the monero project having failed 19:52:31 Who is this Bob character anyway? 19:52:41 Is there something you'd like to share with the class? 19:53:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Eves friend 19:53:21 let's keep it that way 19:53:48 Any general advice that could be applicable for Monero dev going forwrd? 19:54:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Curious you seem to say i have this and i have that and i’ll show it soon 19:54:51 jeffro how so? 19:55:23 the more concrete or substantial the more i can get a sense of the q to give a better response 19:55:53 general advice hm 19:55:59 dont tell a lie 19:56:12 present something good to yourself 19:56:26 love yourself? 19:56:38 understand the roots of the project 19:56:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Been smoking something? 19:56:58 yeah suckers like you 19:57:07 learn to be contributive 19:57:19 don't ask for tasks, look at open issues / pull requests and get to work 19:57:35 "the answers are in the problems" 20:00:23 ok one thing 20:00:32 anyone remember how we used to talk about the c4? 20:00:40 The idea was that if we could decide that somebody was a bad actor, then we should expel them 20:01:08 Can't do that. 20:01:12 Permissionless culture, buddy. 20:01:25 Learn to deal with the kind. 20:01:28 it wasn't my idea 20:01:37 and I suppose you're unfamiliar with the history of this project 20:01:51 and the problem is that there is a certain kind that one cannot deal with except by expulsion 20:01:54 All projects are the same, they're all made by humans. 20:02:03 forked from a scam no less! 20:02:05 no, some people do not actually behave like they have human nature 20:02:11 it requires a functioning conscience 20:02:24 The problem is that people can't always tell the difference between those people 20:02:29 they seem to look like humans 20:02:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or it’s not a project problem, but internet problem 20:02:41 we don't want to believe that some people are capable of being predatory 20:02:47 because we want to look to strong people as leaders 20:03:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yep 🚬 20:03:12 that's one reason anyway 20:03:25 anyway, I submit an obvious example for your consideration 20:03:29 loser 20:04:10 people who don't love themselves get triggered by someone who loves them :) 20:04:24 where's that .bbl thing? 20:04:41 ppl who repress lack of self love * 20:04:57 this is the kind of knowledge that the community needs to prevent itself from social attack 20:05:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 🍻 20:05:10 it's not a new warning and I'm not the one who came up with this stuff in the first place 20:05:28 it's just it seems people have forgotten the conversations had by the people who were most closely involved in the development of the project 20:05:38 I imagine a large amount of that stuff is recorded on the Internet, but who on earth is going to go back and really understand it unless they lived it 20:05:51 The C4 thing is not my idea, but it was told by a core team member years ago 20:05:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its hard to decide 🍻or 🚬 20:05:57 cc nioCat "where is the .bbl thing" 20:06:06 .bbl 20:06:10 wen gpt 20:06:42 i hope people here, reading this right now realise that they are witnessing peak #monero 20:06:53 dont say that lol 20:06:59 :D 20:07:00 you guys are going to flip at what I've been working on 20:07:05 I promise 20:07:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> There it is 20:07:28 pics? 20:09:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Got the munches 20:09:55 We should start a petition to change this group name to "Monero soon™️" 20:11:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thats nioc ©️ phrase…. You have to pay royalties to use it 20:37:24 https://twitter.com/anoneroio/status/1757595012143943835 20:38:01 Monero projects keeps getting sabotaged 20:47:23 pics-or-it-didnt-happen.jpg 20:49:27 Self-sabotage, paranoia. 21:10:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> nothing to see here 23:25:08 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> Hello sorry for bothering Y'all, just wanna find out if anyone interested in cannabis and psychedelics products? 23:25:08 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> I’m a supplier of quality cannabis and psychedelics products like shrooms, DMT, Lsd, Mdma, ketamine, chocolate bars, cart vapes,Clone cards, buds, wax, shatter, Edibles,distillates and some chill pills, Cashapp flip and many more products prescribed for patients as well. Let me know if you’re interested by DM🔥🍁 see products in our channel 👇👇👇👇 23:25:09 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> https://t.me/hightime_markert 23:30:23 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/dweDfPJrGqmjZIFZaLsPMXlE 23:31:21 you need a website, pal, telegram sucks 23:31:43 ^(over tor) 23:33:44 heh real use case heh 23:34:09 it's the only way forward Im afraid