02:10:11 Where ? 03:07:19 Does anybody know what e​ndogenic is talking about? C4, predators and the LW[S|C] to rule them all. 03:07:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/mBYPNIUhdebjMcwabeLEdgkX 05:11:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nfi 05:11:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> C4 is a bomb 05:14:45 if you want to raise funds, hold lotteries. if you want to scam people with promises of vaporware, beg for donations 05:14:53 raise funds for real projects* 05:43:21 https://old.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/comments/1atm9pe/xmrvsbeastcom_multiply_your_xmr_earnings_up_to_6x/ 06:30:17 Damn, that `monerod` thingy is moving 10G a day. At $ 1 a G, that's rough 😭 06:30:29 ? 06:31:02 ``` 06:31:02 Received 30349069798 bytes (28.26 GB) in 20166160 packets in 3.8 days, average 91.22 kB/s = 4.45% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 06:31:03 Sent 12391900636 bytes (11.54 GB) in 2866236 packets in 3.8 days, average 37.25 kB/s = 1.82% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 06:31:03 ``` 06:33:12 who pays per byte? 06:34:28 Per gigabytes, at hosting in a datacenter. 06:35:57 why do this to yourself? self host 06:37:26 I can't get 64 IP addresses at my home provider. 06:37:38 you only need 1 06:38:11 LOL. Depends on what you are doing. 06:39:34 A long time ago, when I was living in Denmark, I had 2 Class-C ranges. I have since downsized a bit :) 06:41:21 BTW. I'm also running Monero nodes at home. 06:42:36 ``` 06:42:36 ~$ screen -ls 06:42:37 There are screens on: 06:42:37 1956.monerod-mainnet (Detached) 06:42:38 7415.monero-lws-stagenet (Detached) 06:42:38 7423.monero-lws-mainnet (Detached) 06:42:39 2009.monerod-stagenet (Detached) 06:42:39 ``` 08:33:17 trasher: now try running bitcoind :P 15:44:20 I​nge: Nah, I'm good, thank you. 15:44:21 I ran a signet node long ago, and what a mess that was. 16:44:25 It's node stats day? Received 245505735465 bytes (228.65 GB) in 111351478 packets in 1.0 months, aver 16:44:25 age 88.05 kB/s = 1.07% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s 16:44:25 Sent 1614312048567 bytes (1.47 TB) in 97550715 packets in 1.0 months, average 57 16:44:26 8.97 kB/s = 28.27% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 16:47:33 Yes, I think it looks about like this if you have a good connection to the internet, no limits in place and open ports so daemons can reach yours on their own. 16:48:30 No idea what your ISP will tell after some months of over 1 TB uploaded, maybe a limit there would not be a bad idea, depending on your ISP 16:50:23 I'm my own isp so i told myself it's fine :) 16:51:18 wait, how? 16:51:33 you have like IP ranges, upstream connections and stuff like this? 16:51:53 Yes. AS41281 16:51:58 nice 16:54:00 what command is this? 16:56:01 AS41281? I think the id of a network. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_system_(Internet) 16:56:13 print_net_stats 16:56:20 Ah, you mean the statistic? print_net_stats in the daemon console 16:56:34 my print_net_stats only did 13 days 16:56:57 With the daemon running longer already for sure? 16:58:06 Yeah, I think there are circumstances where this can reset when it shouldn't, as can the percentage counter how much still to download 16:58:42 not sure. i run it on a sbpc that reboots whenever it does a kernel update 16:59:10 status should tell the uptime 16:59:13 uptime is 38 days 16:59:51 its possible that monerod restarted 13 days ago tho 17:00:05 i also use needrestart 17:00:24 anyway... Received 81759015685 bytes (76.14 GB) in 27686924 packets in 13.0 days, average 71.01 kB/s = 0.07% of the limit of 97.66 MB/s 17:00:24 Sent 108710113936 bytes (101.24 GB) in 16787814 packets in 13.0 days, average 94.42 kB/s = 4.61% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 17:06:19 ShopInBit and the Monero Circular Economy w/ Lando Rothbardian (MT #300) 17:06:19 TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: 17:06:20 Douglas Tuman interviews Lando Rothbardian, CEO of online retailer ShopInBit, which accepts Bitcoin and Monero for payment. 17:06:20 The discussion explores Lando's background, how ShopInBit started accepting Monero, Monero privacy protections, ShopInBit product offerings, the impacts of exchange delistings, business expansion plans & much more! 17:06:21 Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/Fw3zmIjGl5A 17:06:21 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/shopinbit-and-the-monero-circular:1 17:06:22 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/shopinbit-and-the-monero-circular-economy-w-lando-rothbardian-epi-300 17:06:22 Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today! 17:06:23 Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos 17:06:23 FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk 17:06:24 Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making 17:06:24 Monero Talk possible! 17:06:25 Podcasts 🎧 : 17:06:25 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 17:06:26 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ 17:06:26 If you enjoy our show please Subscribe, Like, Share, Rate our YouTube Channel & Podcasts. This will help us grow and spread Monero content! 20:18:01 https://x.com/HavenoDEX/status/1759310012675977584?s=20 20:18:14 Possible to get this retweeted from the Monero twitter account? 20:19:18 this is definitely a productive avenue for open source software that has had no MVP for years and definitely not scammers scamming 20:19:40 how much donations were spent on this? 20:20:06 why is a supposed no-KYC DEX demanding email addys? 20:21:35 To ensure voting is fair. 20:21:58 ah. so you want an UNFAIR exchange then? 20:22:09 ou ok. 20:22:14 *oh 20:22:28 if my email ensures fairness, then surely the exchange will want it too 20:22:45 and it would be even more fair if you had my name, address, ssn, etc 20:23:03 Email is needed for the voting software so it can send out everyone's vote link 20:23:27 man if only somebody had figured out ways to do such things without emails that deanonymize you 20:23:35 you can use an alias 20:23:42 seriously 20:24:00 i can use an alias how? by giving my name to google for a fresh email? 20:24:12 also to prevent double-voting and abuse. Maybe in the future we can do a small XMR transaction or something idk 20:24:33 have you heard of addy.io or simplelogin? 20:24:44 this is all really beside the point. this is a monumental waste of time. instead of bureaucracy why arent you working on a product 20:24:54 you dont need "council seats" 20:24:57 write the damn code 20:26:33 Who uses goo goo for email? Lol 20:27:05 from the faq: "We hope Haveno will be ready to be deployed by the end of 2022." 20:27:12 LAF 20:29:19 https://twitter.com/officer_cia/status/1759192197704933621 20:29:37 and so? what did you do for it? 20:30:01 why would i do anything? its a scam to harvest donations. i do real work 20:30:55 what donations? 20:31:14 imagine if i wasnt satisfied with my mcdonalds meal and the worker said "oh? why didnt you make it yourself then?" 20:31:15 LOL 20:31:24 what donations? 20:31:34 the donations always being begged for by haveno 20:32:10 JMSU 20:32:49 through out its development the price at which the XMR donations were raised have gone down significantly, causing pauses in the development. 20:33:02 what a joke 20:33:12 make due with less 20:33:16 write the code 20:33:20 deliver mvp 20:33:25 people gotta be able to eat and live. It's not that simple 20:33:27 stop making excuses. nobody else does it 20:33:40 what you want? 20:33:51 The funds were never claimed. so 20:33:53 maybe get mvp out the door instead of "holding votes on council seats" 20:34:27 RavFX 🤐: 20:34:54 >We confirm that there was indeed a hack and theft of funds. We are not yet ready to make public comments on this matter, as we are working to eliminate all possible vulnerabilities, improve security, and investigate. Our service will be available again soon. 20:35:33 maybe get mvp out the door instead of "holding votes on council seats" < +1 20:35:41 man thats exactly the kind of thing id say if i was a scammer but wanted more donations 20:35:49 hey guys sorry i got hacked pls send moar 20:37:02 unrelated: how many of you were excited for The Day Before on steam? any fans of mikki mase or logan paul up in da house? 20:37:58 council is needed to appoint arbitrators. The rest is unrelated to haveno functioning 20:38:20 Haveno isnt a legal entity who is going to get sued for pushing commits 20:38:33 you dont need arbitrators until actual trades are happening 20:38:59 I can't access Haveno's [m] 20:39:03 Can someone invite me? 20:39:12 @haveno:monero.social 20:39:30 #haveno:monero.social sorry 20:40:02 thanks! 21:40:45 hi, I want to ask about mining. 21:40:46 I am always behind a VPN connection and I use P2Pool for mining. I've been wondering if this could negatively affect my rewards 21:41:28 it shouldnt 21:42:03 ok