00:40:36 how can i sign up matrix on monero.social 01:10:11 i dont think you can. but you dont need to. you can join any matrix server no matter what your homeserver is (assuming its not banned) 01:38:13 Does "HUGE PAGES: supported" mean that huge pages is enabled? 03:13:08 If you started with admin rights or it shows that it used the huge pages below, yes 03:15:59 `Allocated.. huge pages.. xx%` 03:27:12 Thank you. I just wanted to make sure 07:00:02 I had never seen this type of message from my node, has anyone else seen it? 07:00:02 2024-02-19 06:43:24.561 I [ INC] Sync data returned a new top block candidate: 3087484 -> 3882704 [Your node is 795220 blocks (3.0 years) behind] 07:40:12 Some people have reported it before 07:41:00 Not sure if it's some broken nodes from some fork, or if it's a malicious attacker trying to screw with things 07:41:14 Either way, it should be fine if you ban that peer 07:49:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://search.censys.io/hosts/ 07:49:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> looks like its on hertzner too 08:18:17 kufecure https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/join-monero-matrix.html 11:28:17 thanks a lot 12:03:48 Im freshman is there a tutorial for p2pool miner? 12:36:32 d​ufebo98 you can check out https://p2pool.io/mini/#help or https://gupax.io/ for more user-friendly UI 13:43:22 "update outside of working hours" somehow means 8:30 in the morning.... 13:43:27 * gingeropolous smash 13:57:31 HN redpilled on nokyc 13:57:32 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39421959 14:25:48 comments are all buck broken slaves defending it 14:25:52 lel 14:26:49 I guess it has r*ddit tier moderation 14:46:03 yes, it's cancer 14:46:47 Sometimes I read them, though, just to have a good laugh 14:47:06 tldr are they defending kyc and privacy invasion with "think of the children" and "muh terrorists" 15:00:15 can I dm you something related to cake wallet? vik (Cake) 15:14:12 Is there a reason for adding Twofish? https://bounties.monero.social/posts/91/1-000m-twofish-addition-to-monero. ChaCha20 is considered the best. plowsof 15:28:44 So I've just updated the tor browser and my monero wallet, and there seems to have been a change since the last time I opened the wallet a few months ago. 15:28:44 I have the Monaro wallet set up to use a socks 5 proxy to, So traffic such as checking my balance in USD from Kraken are done through the tor network. 15:28:45 However, after updating both applications, I'm now getting this error from the tour browser in its logs. 15:28:45 [WARN] Rejecting SOCKS request for anonymous connection to private address [scrubbed]. 15:28:46 Anyone know what this is about? I believe it started happening after the tor browser updated and Restarted the application, As when else initially going through the process, the wallet managed to fetch a USD value, However, after Updating tor It can no longer fetch anything. 15:32:49 #cakewallet:monero.social 15:39:47 I don't really have an interest in switching wallets, but thank you. 17:21:50 getmonero.dev is now alive as a replacement for monerodocs.org. GitHub repo: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/getmonero.dev 17:26:35 no dark theme? 17:27:43 wow no dark theme bro just kys r u even srs its literally the current year 17:28:03 any reason for switching from mkdocs material? 17:33:23 easier hosting on github pages is the main reason 17:33:51 Just the Docs doesn't support a dark/light toggle right now, but I can set the default to a dark theme if people prefer that 17:34:11 yep, like cake wallet 17:34:30 that requires 1 line of code change, so how about you open a PR and be the first new contributor for this? :p 17:34:39 there's someone already hosting a mirror of the old docs btw 17:35:51 someone else more experienced could do it ;) 17:36:33 booo :p 17:36:43 pull your weight 😂 17:37:21 https://just-the-docs.com/docs/customization/#color-schemes 17:46:46 contributing to documentation is one of the lowest barriers to entry, and your contributions are immortalized! 18:00:05 you could've spent that time adding it to the actual site code... 18:01:39 so could you 18:34:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Just wear sunglasses 18:35:35 Void Linux removed all cryptocurrency packages including Monero https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/pull/44422 18:35:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lol 18:36:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe cause i had a go at a dev 18:36:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> The other weak 18:36:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They were talking out of there ass about finland tracking monero 18:37:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Week* 18:38:12 The reason behind: some maintainer thinks crypto is scam 18:38:27 There's no technical reason, they're just pushing their life style. 18:38:42 Garbage maintainers 18:39:04 this merge happened last september so i doubt your week old convo had anything to do with it 18:39:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Oh last year 18:40:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tbh void is a pain to deal with 18:40:52 It's unusable now 18:41:02 Let them know by placing a dislike 18:41:15 i dont see why a general purpose distro should have any crypto packages installed by default anyway 18:41:24 if user wants, user can install 18:41:34 Or a comment in the discussion https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/discussions/46087 18:42:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its hard too install unless you have a binary 18:42:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Xbps package manager is limited 18:42:41 so then package maintainers should deal with that 18:42:57 use snaps/appimage/flatpak 18:44:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I only use it for coredns 18:44:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Havnt tried for anything else 18:45:05 I used void for 4 years before switching to nixos 18:45:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah trying that on spare laptop 18:46:02 Literally moments ago opened old laptop and tried to install monero-wallet-gui lol 18:46:13 Then saw that everything monero related is gone 18:46:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Smoke? 18:46:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Flathub still maintained ? 18:46:54 i compile monero from source anyway 18:49:20 flathub monero-wallet-gui still maintained by BigmenPixel (he fixed/worked on a trezor issue just last week) 18:54:33 Why this dip? 18:58:22 when i dip you dip we dip 18:59:02 you when you go to the grocery store and eggs are 10% off: "omg y dip dump eggs 4eva" 19:00:17 how am i meant to know you dont' like cool ranch jalapeno. also -> #monero-markets 19:00:23 If you don't know you could just say that. Or not say anything at all. 19:00:43 or i could point out the absurdity of people complaining about things going on sale 19:01:37 or inflation 19:02:10 yes its definitely the 0.8% (and forever falling towards 0) inflation rate 19:02:13 Monero may be cheaper now, but apples got more expensive. 19:02:54 apples definitely arent inflationary. we have the same apples we always did 19:03:36 Why do I talk to this troll ... 19:04:04 youre the troll. you just dont realize it 19:05:01 You know, the previous dip happened because binance discontinued monero. So there are reasons. 19:05:44 I do'nt see why asking why is trolling. 19:06:03 if you care about the dollar price of crypto, you dont get the point of crypto 19:06:18 darsie: binance is delisting monero in about 8 hrs 19:06:28 it was previously announced 19:06:37 for most ppl "the point of crypto" is get rich quicl 19:06:39 and yes that person is a troll 19:06:40 quick 19:07:16 people who jerk off to getting rich quick deserve to go busto 19:07:30 The point of crypto is not fillign up disk space and wasting energy. It's meant to have value. 19:07:42 monero won't make you rich quick, maybe you should try INJ 19:08:01 AI is becoming the biggest user of energy 19:08:34 it does have value. you can still provably and trustlessly send xmr to anyone you want to, same as yesterday 19:08:51 Yeah, but I'll get fewer apples for it. 19:09:08 thats between you and the apple seller 19:09:33 USD gets you fewer apples than it use to 19:10:04 yeah, and htere are reasons for that, too. 19:10:39 https://www.in2013dollars.com/Apples/price-inflation 19:11:20 vs 1939 lol 19:11:26 what a year 19:11:57 cherry pick apples much 19:12:39 yes point still holds ofc 19:13:16 has gold kept pace with apple inflation? 19:13:22 I was at the supermarket today, but didn't check the price for apples. Pretty sure it's less than $61.36/pound, though. 19:14:24 1939 is the oldest year this website allows 19:14:34 $1.50/lb 19:14:57 and off season 19:15:05 $1.31 is the current avg price it says 19:15:07 this is also the "official" number based on CPI. i dont think its looking at actual apple prices 19:15:44 it means 1.31 in 1939 is worth $61 today 19:16:59 if you want to know how much apples really cost in 1939, befriend a hoarder and find some old newspaper ads in their pile 19:21:45 They removed it from user maintainer repo with no reason provided. Its not preinstalled. 19:22:23 After I updated my packages monero wallet was automatically removed from my system. 19:28:32 > Find a web3 based distributions with NFTs and shit, "crypto people" lol. 19:28:32 > Packages related to cryptocurrencies (wallets, miners, nodes, etc) are not accepted. 19:28:33 Lovely maintainers 19:29:40 First sourcehut, and now a popular Linux distribution censoring Monero 19:31:49 maybe theyre getting contacted by "important people" 19:32:35 Is it removed from the package manager or not installed by default package? 19:32:52 It is removed from the package manager 19:33:37 The packages were actively maintained and the maintainer did respond in the PR to censor it 19:34:06 dumb 19:35:08 so the package manager is effectively 'windows defender' :( 19:38:30 It is alarming that removing cryptocurrency packages/repositories from FOSS projects (or proposals to do so) is becoming popular 19:41:44 that just means its important to get them somewhere they CANT be censored such as i2p 19:43:50 ..... 19:43:59 that's a package manager 19:45:01 wat 19:46:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Who 19:46:55 I confirm Monero is available in the package manager windows people use 19:47:14 That winget / chocolatey thing 19:47:44 If they yaking it out of Linux package managers, it's like the world upside down lol 19:51:38 looks like https://banmonero.com/ is working 19:52:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/LIjqbYOUhGnwcnXVlmzzSMzT 19:52:45 So I will not reinstall Void then (I did plan to retry that distrib eventully) 19:54:51 Yeah don't. Maybe one day an SJW will wipe GIMP from or any other package that you use from Void. 19:55:11 Yeah don't. Maybe one day an SJW will wipe GIMP or any other package that you use from Void. 19:55:23 "gimp" offensive name. deleted 19:56:40 Yeah, I remember whey they began complaining about GIMP... 19:56:53 try tried to rename-fork it afair 19:57:31 Cryptocurrency is their new thing. They go after Monero now. 19:57:51 Gentoo repo still have monero 0.17.x wow seriously 19:58:01 Alpine ftw. No GNU bloat and include Monero 20:03:24 gentoo wiki is made by 4channers 20:51:49 Ubuntu as well 20:52:13 I tried messaging the maintainers multiple times to no avail 20:58:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So we delist void linux? 21:17:11 AFAIK only Alpine Linux has a Monero release in their package manager that is up-to-date 21:18:16 Nope, NixOS also has up-to-date packages https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=23.11&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=monero 21:18:27 And Arch 21:34:35 yes https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9184 21:34:37 I guess easier will also be the excuse for using google docs as hosting for a 8 line table, right? 21:35:16 fwiw, that is a carry-over from before. I didn't make that 21:35:37 it should be remade in markdown, and if you want to help with a PR for that, it would be much appreciated 21:36:03 idk why google was used for that 21:38:14 Lol at https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/pull/44422. "Some people in IRC decided they didn't like cryptocurrencies [citation needed], so we removed every single package related to cryptocurrency, closed pending PRs, and will refuse any new proposals". *merged in 12 days*. 21:38:57 "1 commit into void-linux:master from 0x5c:remove/cryptoshit" the name of that branch tells it all 21:42:56 I wonder how that convo went down between the 3 people on Void Linux's IRC room 21:43:29 he denies that the branch name implies anything https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/discussions/46087#discussioncomment-7310798 21:43:38 this is lame 21:44:14 TrasherDK: you can see the google docs code here: https://github.com/monerodocs/md/blob/master/docs/r/accepting-monero-comparison-matrix.md