07:28:12 Hey 07:28:12 Guyz i have few methods and Softwares which i Got somehow in my Life . Selling few of them . 07:28:13 1. (RAT.) Hack Any android device by sending a Text ..  20$ 07:28:13 2 . BITCOIN STELEAR AND SPAMMING TOOL  10$ 07:28:14 3, CHATGPT (HACKERSMODE) access   5$ 07:28:14 4.Control Any android device from apk  (Tool) 15$ 07:28:15 5. BLTools CHECKER ( using for checking logs file for most of the sites )  10$ 07:28:15 6, Signal jamming tool or Deauthrizer tool (tutorial) 10$ 07:52:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can i jam bitcoin too? 07:54:50 Yeah yeah Even the best part is You Can Spread That jam on a bread Too and eat that bread to just jam Ur self 07:54:52 Chatgpt H4c3rsm0d3 07:55:14 So multiple Benifits are Included With Jam 08:01:12 You can type the word simple As fuck 08:01:54 Atleast These Things kid Hates Now a days .. 08:15:46 can i hacc north korean gov and steal their bitcoin? 08:17:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> North Korea use eth 08:19:55 See you are a genius 08:20:50 We have to Jam It Right 🙃 08:21:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 08:21:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Jam the 7 validators too 08:21:50 Pass The J first 14:52:07 There's a lot of votes bots onr/monero 14:52:12 There's a lot of votes bots on r/monero 14:52:15 https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/Monero/comments/1awxqh9/requesting_all_haveno_resources/ 15:14:12 Monero is on sale lol. 15:15:17 Do people trade their XMR to BTC to prevent it from loseing value? I like XMR but BTC seems more stable. 15:17:03 Ppl see xmrbtc chart and puke their xmr for digital rock 15:25:26 i hope they puke it to me 15:49:22 Just keep your buy orders they will puke 15:50:51 "puke"? 15:51:42 Sell asap 15:53:12 I'm not following...? 15:58:52 puking == dumping a lot 15:59:06 same when you puke, you dump all content... 15:59:59 I also absorb all the "puke" I can 16:02:19 Alrighty... I asume slang for selling all XMR? 16:03:32 Yes dont buy is monero slogan which is seriously taken by everyone, use it 16:03:56 Wash your dirt 16:04:01 Sell your goods 16:04:05 But end up with rocks 16:04:18 Bullish case for monero 16:04:19 dont buy monero. ban it. www.banmonero.com 16:05:08 It’s silly to ban a washing tool 16:05:43 Xmr.to started it all 16:06:02 And we are all eating it’s fruit 16:06:06 Use it dump it 16:06:08 Enjoy 16:59:15 binance halted futures trading? 17:02:03 https://coinalyze.net/monero/usdt/binance/xmrusdt_perp/price-chart-live/ 17:06:02 strane 17:06:04 strange 17:06:05 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WIgmBAJcoadRmAIBvKKvpRAe 17:08:13 ok i'm an idiot, it was spot trading in binance app 17:08:17 it was too good to be true :D 17:29:58 holy fuck thanks for the chuckle 18:03:37 snex: LMAO. Weird that void removed monero though, kinda doubt the validity. 18:05:35 ? 18:09:17 compile it yourself 18:10:31 What validity are you doubting? 18:28:32 Void removed all crypto stuff I think. 18:28:32 Then reversed partially to re-add bitcorn, I think. 18:28:33 Just use Alpine, fix everything (no GNU bloat and it have updated monero) 18:37:19 gentoo 18:37:57 Or use gentoo and maintain an ebuild 18:38:10 Though it's unlikely monero is going anywhere 18:38:21 Why did void remove crypto stuff? 18:43:50 It was taking too much time from the maintainers. The same reason Void has only Chromium and Firefox as oficial browsers. 18:44:23 sounds like they arent actually prepared for maintaining a linux distro 18:45:25 That's the main critique. I used it for a month and it's a skeleton distro. Everything you need is there, but it's the bare minimum. 18:46:23 It has the potential to be better than arch, but most people don't want to work to make it that when they can just use arch 18:51:24 It is better than Arch since it doesn't use systemd, hahaha. 23:55:21 Shouldn't most distros be skeleton distros?