00:31:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not if your lazy 00:45:48 You're wrong because it had an active maintainer. It was removed because "all crypto is scam!!!1!!" 00:46:41 He was willing to maintain it and that was the only package he maintained afaik 00:46:57 Anybody can contribute to Void repos so nobody's time is really wasted 00:47:26 Unless you're that Monero package maintainer, then Void people wasted your time and effort 00:48:19 Just short void and be happy with Alpine, Arch, Artix and Gentoo :D 00:49:03 And if you are really serious, you should use the download from the project site and verify the signature. 00:49:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Noooooo 00:50:09 Correction: compile it yourself or use a docker container to compile it 00:51:24 I trust distro repos (except void because they can't be trusted) more than the site honestly 00:51:41 That work to, just don't trust the *any* distrib package manager with your networt. If you do use there package, at least, use an hardware wallet 00:51:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You dont trust the fluffy? 00:51:58 Yeah, the site got compromised in the past right 00:52:51 I use an hardware wallet anyway, most issue solved 😁 00:53:06 Yeah and they "hardened" the server after the incident. By dockerizing and using Wazuh for monitoring... Oh wait 00:53:37 Wazuh can't monitor within containers 🤦‍♀️ 00:53:44 lol 00:53:53 Need eBPF or kernel module 00:54:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Deepthreat mapper 00:54:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Does 06:43:26 hi 06:43:32 monero is good 06:43:42 i buy groceries with monero sometimes 06:44:05 best crypto IMO 07:04:21 www.banmonero.com 07:20:21 this has to be satire 07:20:30 or high-quality troll bait 07:20:40 i refuse to believe otherwise 07:20:48 k 07:21:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/catgirl.cloud/ec8bff5cbe0048a7d6edbd3a9b137fdb5dbae6f01761290128082337792 07:21:11 this line specifically 07:21:23 makes me think it's troll bait or satire 07:21:51 I have never heard of any leftist or rightist who believes all three of these at ones 07:21:57 I have never heard of any leftist or rightist who believes all three of these at once 07:22:12 maybe a liberal hmmm 07:22:41 i guess if its some kind of liberal then maybe but those arent really right or left tbh 07:22:51 center-right maybe 07:24:29 I have never heard of any leftist or rightist who believes both of these at once 07:28:55 just face facts, you are enabling criminality 07:32:11 maybe even a criminal yourself 07:47:33 Lmao 07:48:33 can we ban snex from advertising his banmonero link too often 07:48:50 same joke over and over 07:48:56 Carriers, Text messages, stupid people and fiat is enabling too. I hear about people losing their money all the time and often they don't get it back. 07:48:57 what is the allowed frequency 07:50:11 i have no concept of time so maybe no one else has a problem with it. it is _your_ website so perhaps disclosing that would be ideal (as it contains a donation address) 07:50:28 thats a black hole to nowhere 07:50:31 you cant prove i own it 07:51:03 The 'dont buy monero' meme to me  was just the opposite of Bitcoins. To me in meant research it and earn or mine it 07:51:35 me when using monero to buy groceries off amazon (it's taxed) is criminality: 💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️ 07:52:55 its ok i wont expose ur scam 07:53:02 well not even really a scam 07:53:04 its a legal scam 07:53:08 maybe 07:53:35 but the people willing to donate to that link deserve the scam so 07:53:46 i hope you're rolling in the big buck buddy 07:53:52 i hope you're rolling in the big bucks buddy 07:54:32 huge iq play btw 07:55:06 "donate to this monero wallet address it's a black hole wallet i promise i wont spend your monero on a yacht" 07:57:58 scamming the anti-monero people out of their monero is a big brain play 07:58:24 lol 07:59:01 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/azxBwhLLNgDkLCGTEJIxmcJI 07:59:31 lmfao 07:59:36 Needs to be banned here 07:59:38 i agree its my website. but you cant prove i own that black hole address 08:00:13 Your spam is enough to ban you 08:00:20 "spam" 08:00:25 i almost wanna keep him around because its funny seeing him try scamming the anti-monero crowd out of their monero 08:00:26 i dont think you know what that word means 08:00:29 but i understand if u wanna ban him 08:00:54 Stfu is what I mean 08:01:01 no u 08:01:17 Not as many as I thought it would be. 08:01:37 You are spamming in the wrong place, go and spam in Binance groups 08:10:54 your messages are unwanted by me, therefore YOU are spamming 08:30:46 Go post it on fediverse instead of spamming here lol 08:30:53 fr 08:31:24 There's a huge anti crypto mob there 08:32:50 sadly 08:32:59 i think it's just the one person actually 08:37:26 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/qyErVRcjGIjmgoWsfFNXfSOG 08:39:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sounds like cash 08:40:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> *US government walks into the room 08:40:06 Maybe we should consider muting snex (free speech enables hate speech & misinformation) 08:40:55 Yeah what a dumb argument. We should ban pentesting and security research/tools too in that case. It enables cyber crime. 08:41:03 Maybe we should consider covering snex's mouth with flex tape (free speech enables hate speech & misinformation) 08:42:39 This page needs to be updated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monero 08:43:26 The publicity section only has stuff until 2020 08:56:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Email julian ? 09:03:52 No publicity stunts since 2020 ? 09:06:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> September? 09:22:42 lol 11:36:17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Monero siren the blockexplorer cronicals.that ofrnxmr noticed is fun. Every for profit company trying to get their URL clicks..localmonero sneaked there way onto it now xD 15:11:35 Yeah seen 15:53:25 MoneroKon planning meeting today @ 17:00 UTC https://agenda.monerokon.org 18:51:15 ppl 18:51:18 I wanna buy xmr 18:51:33 am I in the right place 💀 18:55:24 Localmonero 18:55:56 ... 18:56:23 is that some kind of code to "go mine it yourself" or sth? 💀 18:56:45 DuckDuckGo 18:56:56 bruh T-T 18:56:59 thx 18:58:31 This should be the best resource for you.. if not then we need to fix it https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 18:59:21 thx 19:32:58 hmm wonder if monero site has a glossary 20:34:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/gFFBeCSWByLlWuClWCSFDlTx 20:34:16 Nature is healing. 20:46:31 Is monerujo reasonably secure wallet if I don't have access to any non-windows desktop atm? 21:01:49 It is, for my own definition of "reasonably secure" at lest. Just make sure to still have your seeds should you lose your phone, which will happen more often than losing your desktop :) 21:04:30 and make sure that the seed you write down is correct :( 21:04:46 monerujo or cake wallet? 21:05:04 Definitely "or". 21:05:49 Monerujo is barely getting updates 21:06:00 Why, would it need any? 21:06:40 https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/issues 21:07:42 https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/issues and now? 21:09:05 https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/commits/master/ 21:09:32 1m - 2m - 6m - 10m 21:10:04 Cake is a company with over 10 employees, Monerujo is as far as I know 2 lone warriors. And still they manage to make a decent wallet. You don't have to like it however, and be happy with Cake ever after :) 21:10:48 I don't like cake wallet either lol 21:10:57 Ok 21:11:40 need feather wallet on mobile 21:11:58 And have the sole dev burn out in the process? 21:12:36 Often you are successful exactly because you don't try to dance on every party 21:13:05 Clone yourself? 21:14:19 Cake is really simple to new users 21:14:22 Who knows, maybe the Monerujo guy is busy writing the new iOS wallet in Flutter. The PoC is already financed by donations quite some time ago. 21:14:40 i had so many issues with monerujo so i switched to cake 21:14:59 damaged wallet 21:14:59 resync 21:15:00 with cake it just works 21:15:11 but i like monerujo more 21:15:27 You guys will flip over when you see what I'm working on - Mymonero dev 21:16:02 ex MyMonero dev 21:16:17 rbrunner, lol 21:26:07 'damaged wallet' is concerning. Maybe I will stay with cake still 21:32:29 weird. i had lots of issues with cake on android (ios one worked fine) and had to switch to monerujo 21:36:53 always had a good experience with monerujo, been using it for years 21:36:59 tried cake, didn't like it at all 21:37:31 It’s fair to assume software with small development teams may have issues at times. 21:37:31 I think most wallets are generally stable but I swap between different wallets when necessary from time to time. 21:37:32 Personally, I use cake wallet, & stack wallet primarily. 21:37:32 It’s also helpful to report any bugs, & issues, & document what occurred before the issue arose. 21:37:33 I’ve noticed most bugs are usually minor, or get fixed quickly. 21:39:23 So spreading risk, but lean on cake's strength in numbers? Reasonably safe approach, no? 21:40:43 I use cake for day to day transactions, & stack for the HODL in most cases. 21:41:42 Regardless of what software you use the seed is the most important aspect, & should always be written down if confidence in different softwares starts to sway. 21:44:05 why use cake for day to day and stack for hodl 21:46:52 what risks do you want to counter tisktisk 21:47:09 Because I started off with cake, it’s what I’m more familiar with, but I’ve also happened to notice that in my personal experience that stack wallet is designed nice as well. 21:47:10 I think cake is the best tool to get people used to crypto, like Robinhood in a way. 21:47:10 Then you use something more advanced like feather wallet / Webull. 21:47:11 Then you go for the most difficult Core/ Fidelity/Charles Schwab/ E-trade, etc. 21:48:38 is feather wallet advanced? 21:48:51 yes, pretty good 21:49:46 when you say HODL on stack? can you describe what that means / entails? 21:49:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i use gui to keep selsta in a job 21:49:57 I mean the fact you can’t use it on your phone means it is advanced in my honest opinion. 21:49:57 Normal people don’t have PCs anymore since the phone fulfills 95% of needs, and wants. 21:51:19 does feather only work on PC's? 21:52:01 I mean, that I am certain that their software development won’t bug out in a major way. 21:52:02 That I am confident enough to put my primary non-circulation supply of monero into their wallet. 21:52:02 I treat monero like normal money, I plan on retiring one day. 21:52:51 so your advice for others is to store their primary non-circulation supply of monero in a mobile wallet? 21:52:53 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/xRggEBVPuUNiFcKFJpJCnSrL 21:53:00 a hot mobile wallet* 21:53:17 and the only important thing is that the seed is on paper? 21:53:50 just as many unknowns as possible. I'm still researching how real 'damaged wallets' are 21:54:00 how are we going to start FUDbusters when we need to fact check you 21:55:34 For me personally, I take that risk but no I would advise someone to do the nerd opsec thing. 21:55:35 And use an airgapped device offline, etc., etc. 21:55:35 Unfortunately, I don’t currently have the luxury to use the optimal tools. 21:56:38 what are the optimal tools? 21:59:34 an old android phone for cold storage (ANON+NERO)? is this too nerdy? maybe a trezor/ledger which can pair to your phone with bluetooth? (does monerujo still support this?) 21:59:50 A dedicated device ideally a pc with its network card, and other wireless communications disabled/removed. 21:59:50 You would download a verified PGP signed software wallet. 21:59:51 And use an offline copy of a seed generator. 22:01:03 That’s another route too. 22:01:39 monero wallets are not pgp signed 22:02:12 monero cli/gui? i think bitcoin core is pgp signed by several devs iirc 22:02:45 It depends on the persons threat model. 22:02:45 Depends if you’re more worried about hardware being hacked, or being stolen. 22:02:46 No one is going to steal an old android phone, but it would be easier to hack. 22:33:39 my HODL wallet is CLI 22:34:05 my daily is CLI 22:34:13 why even maintain a digital HODL wallet 22:35:09 restore from seed when you need to send from it, then delete it back to paper 22:35:10 well created there 22:35:30 or use a deck of cards instead of seed phrases 22:39:18 Is the following statement correct? every wallet is based off of the CLI 22:39:36 not sure what that means 22:40:03 the underlying code 22:40:10 wallet2 22:40:19 yes 22:40:26 i doubt it since they arent all in C 22:45:18 Yeah, PC wallet are based on wallet2 mostly. afaik. But phone wallet probably use something else. 22:46:19 You can feet the blockchain the some neuralnet to get hint about pattern that different wallet implementation can leave