02:27:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/JJarhzBbSemnYQVYBWmdqbFt 02:27:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You kill me Diego 02:29:05 So close. Yet so far? 02:30:20 Is it not syncing further? 02:41:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> It was syncd yesterday lol 02:51:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Longest .01 ever. Reminds me of windows xp download percentage 05:58:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Return to defcon 5, i am syncd! 13:07:40 Load the message only now 13:07:40 lol my matrix client is little bit stooned 16:12:54 Hi, I'm using monero-wallet-rpc on k8s and I'm failing to get my wallet files loaded. Depending on the arguments I provide, I get a mix of "No wallet found" from a curl, "wallet.keys is opened by another program", "the password file specified could not be read" and the container simply failing to start because of an error like the files themselves not being found outright 16:13:14 Does this group offer any support for this issue? Or should I try another room? 16:14:44 I'm specifically using this docker image: `ghcr.io/sethforprivacy/simple-monero-wallet-rpc:v0.18.3.1` because it's used by moneropay and my goal with monero-wallet-rpc is to connect it to moneropay. 16:16:35 The entry command I'm using for my container that runs wallet-rpc is 16:16:35 ``` 16:16:35 command: ["/entrypoint.sh", "--wallet-file", "wallet", "--password-file", "wallet.passwd", "--disable-rpc-login", "--rpc-bind-port=28081", "--daemon-host=${MONERO_DAEMON_RPC_HOSTNAME}", "--daemon-port=18081", "--max-log-files=1", "--max-log-file-size=1"] 16:16:36 ``` 16:17:29 the daemon-host is a valid public node since I'm just trying to get wallet rpc working at all for the time being 16:18:11 the working directory when calling `/entrypoint.sh/` is /home/monero/wallet`, which also contains `wallet`, `wallet.keys` and `wallet.passwd` 16:19:17 `wallet` and `wallet.keys` are files I copied from monero-wallet-gui, they seem to be valid. I did rename them though, to `wallet` rather than the actual wallet name 16:19:25 take a look at my payment gateway: https://github.com/snex/xpg 16:19:27 on suggestion by the people over at moneropay 16:20:14 unless you need the bells and whistles of moneropay (and the bloat that comes with them), this will work without all that fuss 16:21:04 I mostly just need an easy way to make a "pay with monero" button work via http requests, I can do all the logging of invoices on my own 16:21:36 yeah thats what mine is designed for. zero logs. zero "lets calculate taxes and currency conversions for you" 16:22:08 ideally I'd be able to deploy it via k8s ready and set up, without me having to go to xpg's webui to set up the wallet 16:22:56 you always need to set up a wallet no matter what system you use 16:23:10 this does all the hard stuff for you. you just tell it your view key 16:23:40 yeah ik, that's not the issue I'm facing or the request I want to make 16:23:57 I want to be able to configure what wallet xpg will use from my deployment 16:24:54 I'll check your software out though 16:25:24 i can look into what it would take to import wallets via the docker config 16:25:25 do you have a path where it'll read files from? or is there some kind of out of the box experience that'll try to ask for a wallet first 16:26:08 its out of the box in the sense that you follow the README and it should be ready to go 16:26:11 ideally I could just provide a file from a k8s secret and have that loaded in a mountpoint which is then read by xpg 16:30:26 what's the storage requirement like? I'm probably gonna have to put it in a PVC so that configurations/wallets are kept across deployments 16:30:33 you said it doesn't log which is good 16:31:27 storage is basically nothing but whatever the size of your view-only wallets plus the app plus a tiny database where records get wiped after payments are completed 16:32:15 200MiB should be fine then 16:32:28 if not I can just expand it 16:32:33 and then you'll know the answer 16:33:32 this looks like it'll scale horizontally much better than moneropay does, which is also nice 16:34:08 im currently running a demo version of it on a Le Potato. its taking up around 650MB 16:34:32 well, i actually had some issues making it scale horizontally 16:34:56 you can certainly add many copies of it but youd have to add the wallet to each of them 16:35:09 I'm running it behind haproxy so what I'll probably end up doing is just stick table'ing the traffic of a user to a specific instance of xpg 16:35:22 they wont be able to share data 16:35:25 this is why being able to add the wallet files via deployment would be nice ;) 16:35:36 even then they wouldnt be able to share data 16:35:40 they don't need to, do they? 16:35:55 yes, they need to know if a payment was already witnessed, etc 16:36:01 if they all read the wallet files from the same PVC via mountMany then it should be fine 16:36:14 they would need to share the internal postgres db 16:36:18 it'll be user bound, one instance will never communicate with a user that isn't destind to connect with it 16:36:26 that's fine to do 16:36:31 otherwise xpg1 wont know that xpg2 has already processed that payment 16:36:37 haha youd think so but i ran into lots of issues 16:36:45 I c 16:37:22 wouldn't xpg1 not need to know that xpg2 processed a payment? if a user gets sticked in a transaction to xpg1, why would xpg2 need to know anything about that interaction? 16:37:27 however unless you are doing like amazon levels of business i doubt youd need to scale this very much 16:37:42 I mostly just need HA 16:37:50 so running a replicaset will probably be fine 16:38:47 i dont think youd be able to do that stickying unless its 1 app/wallet per xpg 16:39:12 that was the original plan, yeah 16:39:20 ok then it should work 16:39:34 user gets load balanced to any of x instances running and stickied to that 16:39:45 xpg will then be stickied to that instance 16:39:59 they'll share redis and postres 16:40:17 or does that pose a problem 16:40:31 so - you can definitely make it do that but then you wont want to use my docker images 16:40:55 wasn't planning on it, I was going to write a deployment based off of it 16:40:59 just pull source and do your custom setup 16:41:00 yeah 16:41:27 i would suggest set it up, see if it can do what you need, and just throw away if not. it should all be very simple 16:42:03 yep, will do 18:58:44 wanted to let you know, running your compose will make it complain about missing a gem for redis 19:02:56 makes me unable to view the webui 19:02:59 I can see that nginx requests are getting through 19:23:30 what bloat? foreman in your docker container perhaps? 19:39:31 Jesus https://github.com/snex/xpg/blob/master/Dockerfile how much bloat. MoneroPay is a 15 MiB container. So a lot more modular for custom solutions than having this hacked together alpine image being 135.63 MB in size 19:39:55 Research what you call bloat 😉 19:40:16 Due to the lack of transparency and botched vote at #haveno:monero.social , we are considering to fork it. You can provide naming ideas for the new fork. 19:40:16 So far we have : Malobei (disobey in Esperanto) and Sekura (Safe in Esperanto) 19:40:17 Reply me with other name idea(s) if you have. 19:40:43 All responses from moneropay api also have custom header indicating its primary address so you can use it inside a custom LB. Have as many MoneroPay instances as you want 19:40:59 All responses from moneropay api also have custom header indicating itswallets primary address so you can use it inside a custom LB. Have as many MoneroPay instances as you want 19:45:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Distro is bloat 19:45:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Run on thin air 19:46:38 Distroless (scratch) containers exist. And we put a lot of time into that bloat 19:49:30 I'm sure both of your services are good in their own way 19:50:32 I can't even get xpg to run without needing to build the container myself because the gem required for redis functionality is commented out in the gemfile 19:50:42 I can't get wallet rpc to work which means I can't use moneropay 19:50:55 because I'm still having these aforementioned issues 19:51:48 wallet rpc also has calls to load a wallet file via rpc itself 19:51:58 try looking into those as well 19:52:30 Also make sure wallet files are writable 19:52:36 Also make sure wallet files are writable RW FS 19:52:39 Also make sure wallet files are writable RW fs 19:52:46 it has a umask of 777 19:52:50 I can't change the owner to monero though 19:52:59 cause it's a mounted secret 19:53:24 can secrets be modified?? 19:53:30 no 19:53:30 can secrets be modified by container?? 19:53:45 Thats your issue right there 19:53:47 they can be read and executed 19:53:47 it has to be RW 19:53:48 mfw 19:53:52 back to trying to get a pvc to work then 19:53:54 wallet files contain subaddress info 19:54:04 thank our monero core team 19:54:11 for such amaizng architeture 19:54:14 it's w/e 19:54:26 I can work around it, if it would behave 19:54:43 I did already try an approach where the service starts with a local copy of the secret 19:54:48 have them in a volume 19:54:49 I.E. where it actually is the owner of the files 19:54:56 and has a umask of 777 19:55:04 only wallet file needs to have RW. passwd and keys files do not change 19:55:07 but it *still* gave me erros like "File is opened by another wallet application" 19:55:27 I believe its a large try catch statement with generic error 19:55:55 undoubtedly 19:58:04 but the issue remains that I can't run that container 19:58:04 which is odd considering your compose uses it 20:02:20 what happened here? https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/utxobr-monero-k8s-operator.html 20:03:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ran away 20:03:33 Safe to say that someone can apply to take over that ccs as its abandoned 20:04:02 Sounds like a disaster lol 20:04:44 hey is bitcoin's architecture any worse 20:04:49 I gotta support both 20:04:50 so I just wanna know ahead of time whether or not this is more pain or not 20:06:34 BTC seems just as bad also much much larger node size 20:09:45 :) hurray 20:11:44 Shuroii: You could use BTCPay Server or BitCart if you wanted a combined XMR + BTC solution. Did you look at those options? 20:12:00 I did look at btcpay server 20:12:14 but idt it supports monero does it? 20:12:18 bit odd if it did, considering the name 20:12:49 Yes it supports Monero and some other coins. I've used it for XMR + BTC 20:13:28 https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/accepting-monero-via-btcpay-server/ 20:14:15 I don't mean to push you away from MoneroPay, but MoneroPay won't help you accept BTC 20:14:34 I don't intend to use moneropay for that purpose anyway 20:14:52 from what I read, btcpay doesn't support monero, so I intended to set up both btcpay and moneropay 20:15:00 btcpay supporting monero is news to me 20:15:20 BTCPayServer if you get it to run on Kubernetes Ill give you a medal 20:15:35 It has invasive bash deployment scripts 20:15:42 would not recommend it to anyone 20:16:02 We have BTCPay with XMR and BTC set up on http://monerofund.org/ (click the orange donate button to test) 20:16:31 "It has invasive bash deployment scripts" I agree with this. It wants you to run the deploy script as root 20:16:38 lmao 20:16:38 yeah their flowchart isn't confidence inspiring 20:16:48 and it destroys your linux install 20:16:51 it will attempt to install deprecated docker-compose 20:16:56 lmao 20:17:13 overwrites /usr/bin with a bunch of garbage 20:17:14 I'm on alpine so I'm gonna have to rewrite the entire thing anyway gg 20:17:14 also its in C# 20:17:15 suicide deluxe 20:17:30 I don't mind that, I can just firewall off everything I don't need 20:18:24 stellar 20:18:45 I'm on alpine so I'm gonna have to rewrite the entire deployment anyway gg 20:18:58 You can look at https://bitcart.ai . I haven't tried it. The main dev is somewhere here in Monero channels. 20:19:13 considering the bitcoin community's size, I'd have expected there to be decent tooling 20:19:21 does *nobody* run anything on k8s? 20:19:32 my setup can't be *that* esoteric 20:19:40 mrnaif is the bitcart dev 20:19:53 Siren the k8s ccs, asking amount was 9~xmr, but went to funding for over 22 (not sure what happened there) but 0 xmr has paid out. and its slated as being 35 hours of work 20:20:22 I can try in a week or so. Learning for CKA, CKAD anyway. 20:20:49 I can try in a week or sooner. Learning for CKA, CKAD anyway. 20:21:27 If I get it to work cover my CKA and CKAD 😅 20:21:52 Its like 300 Bucks or so 20:21:52 No numbers match lol 20:21:53 no can do, but I can race you to it 20:23:42 bitcart seems like a nightmare to get running on k8s from a glance, too 20:24:11 I'm here 20:24:32 nice 20:24:39 anyone ever ran bitcart on k8s before yet? 20:24:49 or is this gonna be uncharted territory again 20:24:57 I think someone experimented with creating config, let me check history 20:25:07 payments id reeee 20:25:12 payment id reeee 20:25:13 I got yaml files for wallet-rpc and moneropay that *almost* work 20:25:25 is it like BTCPay Server? 20:25:28 like it's so close to working 20:25:35 https://t.me/bitcart/27942 not sure if you can view the archive, I think someone created config files 20:25:46 drop those files over here 20:25:57 mmm, a zip file 20:26:00 confidence inspiring 20:26:11 I mean I can unpack it for you and send, lol 20:26:17 Should I? 20:26:29 that'd be nice, since I can't download it without an account 20:27:17 rando: AFAIK BitCart is similar to BTCPay Server 20:27:43 it has many terraform files inside. I don't know, can I sent zip here or what's the preferred way 20:27:58 similar but similarities ended long time ago when we went different ways 20:28:10 docker setup is similar, though they use outdated stuff like compose v1 20:28:25 moneropay deployment: 20:28:25 ```yaml 20:28:26 apiVersion: apps/v1 20:28:26 kind: Deployment 20:28:27 metadata: 20:28:27 name: moneropay 20:28:28 namespace: payment 20:28:28 spec: 20:28:29 replicas: 1 20:28:29 selector: 20:28:30 matchLabels: 20:28:30 app: moneropay 20:28:31 template: 20:28:31 metadata: 20:28:32 labels: 20:28:32 app: moneropay 20:28:33 spec: 20:28:33 containers: 20:28:49 I'm unfamiliar with terraform, but you can just send the zip here 20:28:58 that's good 20:29:08 mrnaif: is there any live demo? 20:29:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/JpwEdZJEBsJLDfPYrScKQzPT 20:29:20 I like the direction that people are going with rootless containers these days 20:29:29 https://admin.bitcart.ai is the live demo + https://store.bitcart.ai and https://api.bitcart.ai 20:29:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rip irc 20:29:34 lol 20:29:53 I mean yeah, it was quite hard to set up but worth it afterwards 20:29:54 irc gets to see my beautiful yaml files 20:30:00 yeah 20:30:41 anyway, so to explain the chaos that is the wallet rpc deployment file I posted 20:30:53 the secret contains the wallet, wallet keys file and wallet password file 20:30:55 so I mount it 20:31:06 Thanks 20:31:06 copy over the files from that mounted secret in an init container to the pvc 20:31:13 then I mount the pvc in the final container 20:31:38 this way the ownership of the wallet file is the same as the user that runs the script that runs wallet-rpc 20:32:07 unfortunately, despite my best efforts, even this was not enough to make wallet rpc able to use the wallet files 20:32:29 mrnaif: I couldn't find that it supports xmr on the main web page and the docs 20:32:43 I'm also unsure of how well the moneropay yaml works 20:32:46 literally untested 20:32:48 ik it does by testing out the dmo 20:33:10 Ignore moneropay for now first get wallet to run :D 20:33:28 yeah that was the idea lol 20:33:32 but I did everything I could at this point 20:33:33 https://bitcart.ai/coins, here is the dynamic list 20:33:48 Test if it runs with https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#get_balance or something 20:33:52 I've even made a new wallet and copied that over 20:33:54 it just doesn't work 20:33:57 as for docs, we need help in that aspect so it doesn't display it :D 20:34:02 that's how I tested, yeah 20:34:12 check the post I made about it earlier that started this convo 20:34:25 it'll return wallet not found or something like that 20:35:24 mrnaif: sadly, the zip file you sent is useless 20:35:32 it doesn't actually contain anything in regards to setting up bitcart 20:35:49 it's literally just for preparing a cluster to maybe accept a workload like bitcart 20:35:49 if you spawn a shell in that container do you see the wallet files in correct places> 20:35:50 I mean I remember someone used those terraform files and actually launched it 20:35:50 hmm, localization would be great addition 20:36:01 yes 20:36:05 but it was contributed by a user, not me so not sure 20:36:14 owned by the correct user 20:36:15 with the correct umask 20:36:17 like, everything *looks* like it should work 20:36:24 which is why I'm so confused at why it doesn;t 20:36:25 which is why I'm so confused at why it doesn't 20:37:21 I'm still reading through it 20:37:37 there's sprinklings of seemingly correct deployments 20:38:07 maybe it's my lack of experience with terraform, I'm just quite doubtful that it'll come alive from this 20:42:19 that said, knowing that this isn't *completely* uncharted territory is nice 20:42:52 I'm quite annoyed at how I can't get the rpc wallet to work though 20:43:52 as described earlier, wallet-rpc *runs*, it just doesn't *work* 20:47:47 actually I should probably turn that into a thread, huh 20:48:13 I'm specifically using this docker image: `ghcr.io/sethforprivacy/simple-monero-wallet-rpc:v0.18.3.1` because it's used by moneropay and my goal with monero-wallet-rpc is to connect it to moneropay. 20:48:37 The entry command I'm using for my container that runs wallet-rpc is: 20:48:37 ``` 20:48:37 command: ["/entrypoint.sh", "--wallet-file", "wallet", "--password-file", "wallet.passwd", "--disable-rpc-login", "--rpc-bind-port=28081", "--daemon-host=${MONERO_DAEMON_RPC_HOSTNAME}", "--daemon-port=18081", "--max-log-files=1", "--max-log-file-size=1"] 20:48:38 ``` 20:48:44 the daemon-host is a valid public node since I'm just trying to get wallet rpc working at all for the time being 20:48:59 the working directory when calling `/entrypoint.sh/` is /home/monero/wallet`, which also contains `wallet`, `wallet.keys`and`wallet.passwd` 20:49:13 the working directory when calling `/entrypoint.sh/` is /home/monero/wallet`, which also contains `wallet`, `wallet.keys` and `wallet.passwd` 20:49:50 the working directory when calling `/entrypoint.sh` is `/home/monero/wallet`, which also contains `wallet`, `wallet.keys`and`wallet.passwd` 20:49:59 Ok lets rain it in a little. Pasting large texts that should be on a paste bin..matrix "threads" that dont translate over to irc so just look like totally offtopic chatter between the normal.flow 20:50:09 `wallet` and `wallet.keys` are files I copied from monero-wallet-gui, they seem to be valid. I did rename them though, to wallet rather than the actual wallet name 20:50:41 oh yeah I forgot about bridge users 20:50:44 And editing of those large comments 20:51:47 This particular issue os out of scope for monero core devs also 20:52:07 I did ask whether or not this was the right place to ask 20:52:17 but the only replies I got were people trying to help me 20:52:27 (which is appreciated) 20:53:07 Oh ignore the last comment, i thought this was -dev 20:53:26 alr 20:54:07 now that we're talking about reigning this in a little, I'm not sure a pastebin or similar would really help with this anyway 20:54:19 it's not that large of a message set 20:54:42 and most of the messages are context for the issue at hand 20:54:54 but I'm not here to debate that 20:55:07 I'd just like to get wallet-rpc working :) 20:55:36 and then cope later when I gotta pick out a software package that can do the same but for bitcoin instead 20:56:02 Get Wallet rpc.working in your bespoke setup? :) 20:56:14 it's not *that* exotic 20:56:24 it's just kubernetes 20:57:00 We need to fund someone to take.over the k8s ccs and figure it out 20:57:53 well, the issue I'm having isn't directly kubernetes related 20:58:55 I think my last resort solution would be to run an init container that wget's the wallet files instead of doing anything with a pvc or secret 20:59:00 which is mega cursed 20:59:22 and I'd really like to not do that 21:00:15 I could set up something like https://github.com/svenstaro/miniserve on an nfs share 21:00:15 maybe try alternative wallet rpc docker images? 21:00:17 and wget that 21:00:43 could work, do you recommend any? 21:00:57 https://github.com/cornfeedhobo/docker-monero 21:01:29 gonna give that a try tomorrow then 21:03:52 what about just having a persistent volume on /home/monero/wallet ? 21:03:57 no init containers 21:04:07 something's gotta populate that pvc 21:04:11 something's gotta populate that pv 21:04:36 and the final container *does* mount the pv in /home/monero/wallet 21:05:41 I will try it out it can't be that difficult :D Docker literally does the same but it works 21:06:17 haha I wish docker literally did the same 21:06:29 if I could use docker/podman instead of kubernetes I would 21:07:09 I will spin it up on k3s tomorrow and see if it works for me 21:09:17 Gl 21:09:27 GL 21:30:57 s​huroii - looking now. redis-client gem should absolutely be included as a dependency of sidekiq.. do you have an output log you can show me? 21:31:09 i see redis-client in the Gemfile.lock 23:18:01 I will eventually be publishing a helm chart for running that monero daemon. Hopefully that will make situations like this easier. 23:18:43 hi