08:04:23 I use feather wallet to finish a cold-and-watch only transaction. one of the step is to import key images. My question is whether it is risky to expose key images to a remote node? 08:06:25 I use the feather wallet to finish a cold-and-watch only transaction. one of the steps is to import key images. My question is whether it is risky to expose key images to a remote node? 09:15:24 Why would any node see your key images? You export them from the cold wallet and import them directly into the view-only hot wallet. Or does the hot wallet ask the node if the imported images have been spent anywhere? (I don't remember this step, someone cross-check me please) 11:32:02 Thank you. 11:32:16 after i imported the key images into the view-only wallet, There was a pop-up remaindering that exposing keys images to an untrusted node would harm your privacy or something like that 11:33:16 And asked me would you want to continue or not. 11:34:34 So i am confused whether it is risky to import the key images into the view only wallet 12:39:00 Ok, then the wallet might indeed contact a node to ask if your images are spent or not 12:44:02 In that case, a malicious node could keep a log of that request and make an association between your key images and your ip address (unless you're going over i2p/tor), and between your key images - i.e. they know that all those images, and all past and future transactions where they might show up, belong to the same person/entity (though they would not know who you are or who you' 12:44:03 re transacting with from on-chain data alone) 12:46:51 Also, most public nodes don't have tls set up, in which case your isp or anyone in the middle could intercept your communication with the remote node 12:47:29 But if you have a node ran by someone you trust, over a secure connection, then it should be fine 15:28:22 Hey what is the best web miner for monero currently? I want to try webmining on my xbox 15:40:23 web mining Monero is so inefficient it's not practical https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/comments/1azvh7u/bet_youve_never_seen_an_xbox_mining_crypto/ 15:40:50 https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=Microsoft+Xbox+One+CPUxD 15:41:04 https://xmrig.com/benchmark?cpu=Microsoft+Xbox+One+CPU sorry 15:41:22 24 hashes sick 15:54:22 Lol even a rasperry pi is better😁 15:57:31 what if you root the xbox, install linux, and xmrig? 15:57:42 can we get it to 30? 15:58:52 what can we do with redstone? 16:07:51 I think its possible but not worth it 16:07:52 Its better to buy a few old all in one desktop PCs and mine on them 16:15:00 For discussion: OpenAlias v2 specification https://github.com/openalias/openalias-spec/pull/1 16:15:01 Join us in #openalias:matrix.org (#openalias for Libera) 17:40:43 Someone needs to update the website https://openalias.org/ 17:40:48 google+ acc (dead) and copyright date 17:40:52 mentions monero forum which is dead too... 17:50:14 how's openalias any better than opennic? 17:56:50 OpenNIC appears to be a DNS network. OpenAlias isn't a DNS network; it's a spec for how to use DNS for address resolution 17:57:23 ah so they're different things outright 17:57:23 fair enough 18:02:21 Yup 18:02:37 [13:30] s​huroii - looking now. redis-client gem should absolutely be included as a dependency of sidekiq.. do you have an output log you can show me? 18:02:38 You could likely do OpenAlias over OpenNIC 18:03:23 I already tossed the directory, sorry 18:03:33 I just used your latest docker.io container in my yaml 18:03:36 I just used your latest docker.io container 18:16:24 ok i was able to reproduce.. im guessing some gem update added a hidden dependency. thx for notifying 18:16:46 np 18:20:52 note to self, dont assume that just because github shows green image build that it actually works :( 18:22:08 yeah I don't trust it until I've seen it work on my machine either xd 20:25:04 https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/r/Monero/comments/1als853/share_your_experience_with_instantswap_providers/kpm67ed/ 20:25:27 >ChangeNow and FixedFloat disable XMR pairs availability when they detect Tor exit IP addresses. They are members of CryptoSafe Alliance where all its members constantly provide big lists of XMR hashes and addresses (including customer/swap data) to each other in order to help LE investigations and funds flow tracking. 20:25:27 For instance, here are some other CryptoSafe Alliance members: Binance, Kraken, KuCoin, Chainalysis, Elliptic, SlowMist, AMLBot and some delegated FBI agents. 21:04:57 i for one have lost all trust in Chainalysis having heard that theyre in the CryptoSafe Alliance 23:17:57 @shuroii the current image should work now in case you are interested 23:23:54 I'll check it out 23:24:47 Looking forward to what Siren Stnby are cooking up with my yamls 23:38:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sounds kinky