00:02:12 Guys what do you think of other anonymous/privacy-respecting cryptocurrencies? 00:02:43 such as? 00:11:48 there aren't any other anonymous cryptocurrencies ... 00:15:55 wow is as anonymous as monero 00:16:28 hmm, maybe so. but it has a weakened PoW algo. 00:16:45 [GRIN](https://grin.mw/) is interesting but i wouldn't use it if i needed strong privacy guarantees at this time. its output linkability at low transaction volumes is a work in progress, though at higher volumes it might not be an issue 00:18:44 at low volumes it is easy to see what output is spent to what input, however since there are no addresses or amounts written onchain, only EC points, that's not as damning as with bitcoin based chains. at high volumes its native coinjoin block format would make that linkability hueristics arguably even less useful 00:19:31 at low volumes it is easy to see what output is spent to what input, however since there are no addresses or amounts written onchain, only EC points, that's not as damning as with bitcoin based chains. at high volumes its native coinjoin block format would make those linkability hueristics arguably even less useful 00:19:56 grin ? ever heard of logging nodes ? 00:19:59 what makes GRIN interesting is it offers substantially better privacy and scalability than Bitcoin, while it's codebase is about 10% the size 00:20:31 yes, it's a known issue since the protocol design, and it's not a new retort 00:20:43 hence why i said i wouldn't use it if i needed strong privacy now 00:21:02 so. not anonymous, not really "respecting| privacy. 00:21:33 privacy is one priority for GRIN, alongside scability and simplicity 00:21:40 there's plenty of garbage out there that paid lip service to privacy 00:22:16 i think comparing a unique codebase that achieves the same security model in 1/10 the code size, while still being more private than bitcoin, to garbage is a bit unfair 00:22:25 if you prefer other coins you can just send all your monero to me. ive never had any 00:22:37 1/10th code doesnt mean they should compromise on privacy lol 00:22:37 too bad. you yourself just admitted you wouldn't use it if you actually needed privacy 00:22:55 i said it's interesting, not that it's better than monero 00:23:39 it's not useful in any situation where you actually need digital cash. therefore it's not interesting. 00:24:04 perhaps we have different interests 00:24:13 grin is was a good experiment 00:24:21 the question was about "anonymous and privacy-respecting" 00:24:29 grin is/was a good experiment 00:24:33 privacy isn't binary, it's a spectrum 00:24:34 it doesn't answer the requuest. 00:25:02 perfect is the enemy of good 00:25:20 "privacy is a spectrum" is a cop-out. yes, there are stronger and weaker crypto mechanisms. Like nobody uses 56-bit DES any more. 00:25:27 jesus man, take your shitcoin with you and go away 00:25:31 so btc coinjoins are also good ? 00:25:34 GRIN is a good project even if it's not perfect privacy. if they resolve their issue without sacrificing their other strengths it'll be a real privacy coin competitor 00:25:50 if you can't get XMR, then yes BTC coinjoins are better than nothing 00:25:51 but there is no reason to use known-bad approaches when known-good ones are available. 00:25:52 yall are being absolutists 00:25:55 no, it's not, nobody knows about it because its tech is probably the worst around 00:26:05 its not a competitor its a experiment 00:26:26 hate to break it to you but all of crypto is an experiment 00:26:33 unbelievable that people in the official monero irc are monero absolutists 00:26:42 weird huh 00:26:43 why you cant get XMR ? atomic swaps exist 00:27:03 Everything that mankind has created is an experiment if you think about it that way 00:27:13 wow slippery slope much 00:27:21 😉 00:27:21 grin starts from the get-go saying "oh yeah, we have this gaping wide privacy hole in our design" 00:27:29 how do you even use words with so much uncertainty about everything created 00:27:49 I'm joking, I wasn't serious 00:27:49 they have more than one proposed solution but won't mandate any that break their other core values 00:27:59 all things are processes 00:28:12 it's like saying "here's our cool new design, and by the way we use 32bit RC4 encryption" 00:28:15 but we wont fix it for years/decades till inflation goes low 🤣 00:28:34 hyc i respect the hell out of you but i feel that's disingenuous 00:29:11 Grin's technology is based on Harry Potter books, literally. What a joke. 00:29:22 I don't think that matters 00:29:36 if you cant tell the difference between branding and protocol design then you should hit da books kid 00:29:37 The virgin Grin: based on Harry Potter books. 00:29:37 The chad Monero: based on a language that is going to conquer the world by surprise - Esperanto. 00:29:40 Get lost loser! 00:30:00 Lol, the stupidity 00:30:07 so grin was all about branding and taking donations ? 00:30:30 If branding is what you are looking for... not sure why you are here 00:30:34 what are you talking about lol 00:31:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/YBtdPiUrugiVQlqMOxmPxDed 00:31:19 HarrypotterCoin 00:31:21 how is grin preserving privacy in its current form ? 00:31:39 Mimblewimble does have some credibility behind it afaik, but I don't know too much about it 00:32:06 privacy is a spectrum, not a bit. designing a protocol without addresses, and using confidential transactions to hide amounts, is more private than literally 99% of the garbage in this space 00:32:21 MW is good for sidechains, but even that needs improvements like beam has done. But its a scamy ico coin. 00:32:23 Yeah, that is just a matter of fact 00:32:46 BEAM improved it by tacking on lelantus, and thus lost MW cutthrough capabilities, meaning its no longer scalable 00:32:48 Mimblewimble is a protocol, no? Not a coin? 00:32:54 GRIN's team is balancing priorities 00:33:01 no addresses sounds amazing for privacy. also no computers, no electricity, no photons 00:33:20 MW is a protocol, and MWCoin is a coin that forked GRIN and added a hardcap and "veteran awards" 00:33:21 oh, so that's what they mean by virtual currency. there's nothing real there 00:33:23 ie its a scam 00:33:28 its just the most well known one 00:33:52 Thanks for clarifying 00:34:00 of course! 00:34:22 are you from Grin team ? 00:34:28 nope 00:34:36 i just hold a lil, albeit the smallest bag i have 00:34:37 a bag holder ? 00:34:47 not in comparison to my monero lol 00:35:10 i am sure you hold more Grins than XMR 00:35:11 how much monero do you have? and whats your address so i can donate to you? 00:35:13 I think there was a talk about MW at MoneroKon 00:35:50 so, tell me, yasabi , now that we know that you're from Grin's dev team, tell us if your coin is listed somewhere, can I buy it with BTC right no? 00:35:53 technically true, tho i was speaking of dollar value input 00:36:07 GRIN's about three cents so 00:36:14 the language being tossed around about "scalability is a priority" tells all you need to know, the designers are clowns. 00:36:31 have you looked at Cuckoo Cycle hyc? 00:36:32 So yes, a bigger bag 00:36:42 it's like small startup companies putting all their infratructure on Kubernetes because "it scales" 00:36:57 even though they have nowhere near the workloads yet that would demand anything like a scaling solution 00:37:02 as a proof-of-work designer i'd be shocked if you didn't think it was noteworthy 00:37:14 and real designers understand that *efficiency* is what matters. scalability i a side-effect of that 00:37:24 hyc kubernetes is the most popular flavor of cancer around, you shouldn't trash talk it like that 00:37:28 cuckoo cycle is junk. already ASIC'd 00:37:52 it was designed for ASICs so i don't see how that's a counterargument 00:37:54 yasabi we looked at it in depth back in 2017 or 2018 00:37:56 i put all my 40 line bash scripts onto kubernetes clusters 00:37:58 that doesn't make it not noteworthy 00:38:29 42 lines of code for an implementation, a single PoW that can scale up in memory many factors without any changes 00:38:30 WHAT? You either got it, or you don't. That sounds pretty binary to me. There's no such thing as "good enough privacy". Spectrum 🤣 00:38:31 they love their ASICs and i dont mind that either, someone keeping their price up from collapsing to zero. 00:38:33 thats unique in the space 00:38:53 for our purposes, it is not noteworthy 00:39:04 yeah i wouldn't want it in monero either 00:39:07 I guess it depends on how you're using the word 00:39:08 i prefer ASIC resistance 00:39:19 but even fluffy was willing to push SHA-3 if RandomX didn't work out 00:39:31 i woudnt mind asics, if they were readily available 00:40:13 fluffy was hedging his bets because nobody had a provablly ASIC-resistant design at that time 00:40:14 and Cuckoo is designed long-term in the hope of commodity ASICs - tho i am skeptical that will work out 00:40:15 you cant make a readily available asic that also solves problems hard enough to matter for PoW 00:40:31 you can buy a GRIN ASIC on amazon tho 00:40:41 governments can always "regulate" these asics 00:40:43 it's so smallcap it hasn't been hijacked by Wu and his cabal 00:41:11 but who will want to buy one? The only way mining gets ubiquitous is if it works on things people already on. not if they have to go out and buy some new gadget. 00:41:15 where can I buy your coin, yasabi ? 00:41:31 as if you know what % of hashrate come from a single warehouse 00:41:47 yasabicoin will be launching soon on BSC, will let ya know 00:41:50 as if he knew what the word "cabal" means 00:41:55 tradeogre and gate 00:42:07 ok, checking it out 00:42:23 oh you meant GRIN 00:42:33 not my coin, but i don't recommend buying for speculation 00:42:52 its linearly disinflationary and the rate of emission is still high for another few years 00:43:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/hylilWInzQECnddQPUYEkiCq 00:43:26 i own a bit cuz i like the project and played with it, but it will not make me any dollars anytime soon 00:43:45 another one of its ethos that it shares with XMR 00:43:53 price talk is discouraged 00:44:12 how many other tradeogre listed coins do you own 00:44:27 y u making shit about me bruh 00:44:49 all that matters for XMR is taht you can actually conduct commerce with it. speculation is irrelevant to the goal. 00:45:01 i agree hyc 00:45:02 just want to know, what other coins to buy for moon 🤣 00:45:11 i don't buy for moons 00:45:16 moonbois are cancer 00:45:28 where do you use Grin ? 00:45:41 with other people who like GRIN 00:45:58 i've donated with it, commissioned art with it, and written scripts that interface with it 00:46:00 nice a circular economy, xmr needs it 00:46:07 yeah no shit 00:47:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/LazHDBRCFJdkNKTCmlaKhKYz 00:47:51 LIES, no grin coin 00:47:51 atleast GriN got that right :) 00:48:32 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/grin/ 00:48:48 This is not an exchange. Cringe. 00:55:11 just gonna leave this here for now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e_OZvfwP3Y 00:55:24 pin it 00:55:29 maximalism of any kind hurts the entire cryptocurrency experiment 00:55:41 Yes, of course 00:55:45 we're fighting a millennia of legacy finance 00:55:58 'I think elaryan is a 'troll' or something 00:55:59 shitting on eachother isn't gonna get us anywhere in that fight 00:57:03 You are thinking wrong. 00:57:23 monero is by far and without question the best solution for the moment, and most likely will be for some time, esp when FCMP drop 00:58:10 but there's no guarantee it is the best solution forever, and refusing to admit that gives power back to those who captured our entire society and extort us to death from their position 00:59:03 it is good to be critical, but refusing to entertain alternatives is for sure a death sentence 00:59:47 All I'm saying is your coin is dead. 00:59:50 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/IPrBPzjkWFfuDsdldWyBLsnV 00:59:57 it's fine 01:00:07 Price in fiat doesn't matter too much 01:00:08 don't worry about xmr 01:00:21 just go buy bonk 01:00:21 doge 01:00:23 I don't know if it is dead or not though 01:00:25 it does tho 01:00:28 seems the problem is you are not rich 01:00:44 nearly all maximalism is ppl who are overleveraged 01:00:47 Good for you. 01:01:01 Sure, in regards to evaluating certain aspects of its popularity depending on how the coin is obtained 01:01:04 don't spend money on crypto that you need and you'll keep rational 01:01:16 On exchanges that will have a market cap, the price will play a factor 01:01:31 But XMR price for example, is manipulated quite hard. I would assume the same for grin, but not sure 01:01:33 No, if it is inflationary or scammy in other ways, low price may be a symptom of that. 01:01:57 Also "Harry Potter" 😖 cringe 01:02:00 Sure, it really depends on how much info you get from the coin 01:02:17 i also dislike harry potter 01:02:17 Total supply, block reward, and things like that 01:02:22 pepe is for you 01:02:46 fwiw they ditched a lot of the HP shit a few years ago when JKR started on her shit 01:03:14 but the names are kinda in stone already so 01:03:15 Pepe has a frog, Doge has a cool doggo, Monero has Monerchan... Grin has harry potter 😖 01:03:15 hindsight is a bitch lol 01:03:36 You mean when she became based? 01:03:41 seems like grin is being pump/dump shit 01:03:51 i believe it was when she said boys have a penis, girls have a vagina 01:04:04 you cant say such things in the modern era 01:04:08 having 1 mil $ volume daily it just spikes up and down 01:04:12 i won't but your shit 01:04:16 oh gosh 01:04:17 CAN'T SAY THAT 01:04:18 gnight all 01:04:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> That went sideways 01:04:46 * m-relay realizes yasabi has mangina 01:06:03 why do woke leftists always say woke leftist things in a way that assumes everyone else theyre talking to is a woke leftist, and then act shocked when thats not the case 01:06:27 snex because Obama won 01:07:54 and Klaus Schwab walking on da beach dressed as a bride 01:09:10 btw Big Mike 2024 ✌️🍆 01:09:36 at least you know how to get them to stop talking about their shitcoin 01:30:53 1 coin/sec forever works too 03:32:16 Depends on block time, sure 05:03:02 Hi,I withdrew from binance to monero wallet but I never received it.Binance customer service said it has been withdrawn to the address I filled but I really didn't receive it, can anyone tell me who I should contact. Can anyone tell me who I should contact. thanks. 05:03:19 11a1bd6a22c8d383c39e6e4ca6f1fb15921987cf18e395855bffa101147c3d0c 05:03:44 tell them to provide the tx proof 05:04:32 this tx is real 05:04:51 Yes 08:04:25 https://xmrchain.net/search?value=11a1bd6a22c8d383c39e6e4ca6f1fb15921987cf18e395855bffa101147c3d0c 08:04:25 If you go to the "Decode outputs" section, you can input the same wallet address you gave Binance, plus your *private view key*, and it will show you if any of the tx outputs belong to you 08:04:44 NOTE: this will send your private view key to the xmrchain server 08:05:43 Otherwise, if you're using the Monero Gui wallet software, there should be a function that allows you to input your txid and rescan it for incoming Monero 08:05:50 (This is the best option) 08:06:37 So, after this exercise, you'd probably want to migrate to a fresh wallet, just in case. 17:34:31 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/620459189097201669/1214264721218207815/f58bc747-57c9-455a-b80d-7759aae1f9bf.png?ex=65f87b25&is=65e60625&hm=02a9b5a3bbdc530b980dc29d0a8f11af74b73c48b2f4573b08c041b109ccd7fe& 17:34:40 What does this mean? 17:35:36 it means you just gave us all your credit card number. thx 18:35:05 fill the other fields and send the pic 👍️ 21:22:17 Inako what's your pornstar name? it's a combination of your last and name your CC expiry date 21:22:33 Inako what's your pornstar name? it's a combination of your last name and your CC expiry date 21:27:20 Hey guys, I have a question: Let's say I have a wallet that is 1 year old and I sent 10 transactions worth 1xmr each to it. If I now send all 10 XMR back to myself today, can I set the restore height of my wallet to today and not have issues? 21:27:54 Sorry, I sent the 10 1xmr transactions to the wallet 1 year ago* 21:28:04 sure, if you don't need to keep the record of that in your most recent wallet history 21:28:17 merging all transactions at once though is bad for your privacy and your wallet will warn you as such 21:28:35 Okay sweet, that's what I thought! 21:28:45 Would it be better to do it in batches then? 21:29:04 yes, in random temporal intervals 21:29:14 Thank you 🙏 21:29:19 of course! 23:21:07 Hey, I saw on the keystone hardware wallet reddit (Most secure hardware wallet apparently) That they have tried to reach out to monero GUI and other wallets so they can work on monero integration. Has there been any answer from the monero side of things? 23:22:08 https://lr.vern.cc/r/KeystoneWallet/comments/164ym15/monero_support/ 23:22:30 https://lr.vern.cc/r/KeystoneWallet/comments/13uj9ja/monero_wallets_gui_and_cli/ 23:22:45 they said in that last link that they are in talks with moneroujo team thats in may 29 2023 23:22:49 1 year ago 23:23:10 ledger and trezor are the only ones supporting monero right now 23:23:30 would be cool to have keystone wallet too especially since they expressed they are trying to get it done 23:24:32 note the links above are reddit, but from a privacy viewer because reddit super annoying with requiring login just to see their website if you use vpn 23:25:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Did they send email to hardware⊙go? 23:25:54 they did write somehwere on their reddit that they emailed the monero gui team but never mentionned which email 23:35:45 Soooo is there anyone here that can help with this? 23:37:41 Are there any websites out there for buying and selling property, but you know, for crypto people, or more specifically, monero people? Is that even possible, to circumvent banks and governments in this exchange? I imagine that it would have to be a contract with a symbolic sum, but that the _actual_ transaction happens away from prying eyes. I'd love to know more about this. 23:37:52 Goatskey: Ask them to ask in #monero-dev:monero.social 23:38:33 Or #monero-gui:monero.social 23:43:54 ill contact their customer support team hopefully they can escalate it and all 23:44:45 or can someone type it on their reddit? I dont have a reddit account 23:48:20 Well, you won't find that in Australia and Europe, afaik, they made it a crime to buy land or even cars outside of the banking system. 23:48:20 Your best bets are Argentina and El Salvador. 23:48:21 why is it getmonero, makes it look like a scam 23:48:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thats the “offical” 23:48:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Cakes owns monero.com 23:49:04 what about monero.org 23:49:12 instead of getmonero.org 23:50:35 monero.org is owned by a domain squatter who tried to get 10K XMR from the team for it 23:50:54 no one knows who they are, don't download anything from the site or you could get pwnt 23:50:58 wtf, thats the website I use 23:51:02 for downloading shit 23:51:06 welp 23:51:11 you should do more research 23:51:23 oh wait no 23:51:25 I just checked 23:51:31 I always used getmonero.org 23:51:35 I just never noticed 23:51:45 good to hear! 23:51:47 I realized now because javascript is only enabled on getmonero not on monero.org 23:51:57 alright cool thanks 23:52:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Should be no js on getmonero.orgy 23:52:33 you may want to consider switching to using a package manager instead of installing things from websites 23:52:56 I know but the icons dont load without js so I enable it on some website just for looks 23:53:15 never heard of this will look into it 23:53:47 MacOS has homebrew, windows prolly has something but you shouldn't use windows regardless lol 23:55:26 looks like windows has winget, but the version of monero in it is way out of date 23:55:33 it won't work on the current network 23:55:41 why not? yeah its winget I used that before 23:56:11 it's by far the most invasive and least secure operating system 23:57:26 its the best UI though, is there any linux system with similar UI? Also windows has the most support across all applications 23:58:38 sent them the email and told them they can join element devs chat as well. We'll see. 23:59:04 KDE Plasma is basically the Windows UI, though obviously not as polished