00:20:53 ? 00:23:58 https://xmr-tw.org/xmr-eta/ 00:24:29 I do not speak that language 00:24:46 thats ok its all text. no sound 00:25:14 I do not know that language 00:26:17 the graphs are in English and chrome will translate 00:26:34 I don't use chrome 00:30:27 so is it good? 00:31:06 its starting to clog up right now. literally after you asked. maybe its your fault 00:32:23 is there a fix to this issue? 00:32:38 its not an issue. its more monero being used 02:06:37 so not that deep? 02:08:43 if monero is to be global money, its gonna need to support a whole lot more than this 02:11:06 but is there an issue or not 02:11:35 higher volume cant be an issue, by definition 02:14:25 alright 02:14:40 will monero maintain its speed? 02:15:18 1 block gets processed every 2 minutes 02:16:36 on average 02:16:39 so? 02:16:56 so how is it slow 02:17:03 its always 1 block per 2 minutes 02:35:03 I think the only problem is that fees are slightly higher than some people would like. It also takes a little bit longer to sync your wallet than usual. 02:35:30 fees never topped 1 penny 02:38:09 So yeah this all seems like no big deal. 02:40:32 It could be someone genuinely trying to flood the network, but seems futile unless they want to keep it up for 70 to 140 days. But after reading some of the other people's comments it cuold be something related to dark net markets? Or maybe the feds know there is a big naughty transaction flow going down from a criminal in their sights and they are trying to lower effective ring s 02:40:33 ize as much as possible? 02:41:09 if you run your own node then wallet sync speeds shouldn't be too different 02:41:48 public nodes used by multiple people were indeed slower due to being overloaded 02:42:35 my node on a le-potato slowed down slightly 02:43:58 yeah it's noticeably but not bad. It's only longer because there are more transactions that's all 02:44:11 up your fee 02:44:21 yeah it's noticeable but not bad. It's only longer because there are more transactions that's all 02:44:43 mate we are talking about sync not about getting a tx mined lol 02:54:20 I have a (completely unsupported) feeling that this is the beginning of a long-term bloat attack 02:54:48 so then start mining 02:55:01 You realize they can at maximum 1.7x the block-size every 70 days 02:55:03 I am, and that doesn't prevent bloating anyway 02:55:14 no it just lets you get paid for it 02:55:25 yeah snex mining has nothing to do with chain bloat lol 02:55:31 or has little to do with it 02:56:03 it has everything to do. "attacks" spend fees. fees go to miners 02:56:15 The medium-term limit is set way higher than the short term limit. IIRC currently its 30mb 02:56:21 I think only a government would have the financial resources to spam the network for more than 3 months straight without letting the blocksize contract and reset 02:56:40 or fiatjak or however you spell his name 02:56:45 yeah you are right about that snex 02:57:15 And I wouldn't be surprised if this attack lasts more than long enough to influence the long term limit 02:57:20 but fees arent all that tasty to bring in sidelined hashrate as things currently stand 02:57:43 government has the money to do an attack but not the brainpower 02:57:58 Maybe even indefinitely. fiatjak might have a steady income stream to keep spamming until the "goal" is accomplished 02:58:04 I am skeptical and even if it does, then it will just force us to reassess the algorithms governing dynamic expansion. 02:58:27 I think you might be trolling lol you sound really scared, but this should be a nothing burger 02:59:07 not scared, just thinking adversarially 02:59:12 Always assume the worst 02:59:37 US government could trivially mine empty blocks within a days time if they so chose to allocate cpu core's to that purpose that they control. But there's nothing we can do about that. Just if that happens you'll have to pay big fees to get black market miners to fill your transactions 03:00:17 Honestly I don't think a government is responsible for this 03:00:34 the 5 people who work for the US government who even know what monero is are all friendly to it 03:00:36 yes monero is a threat to their power but frankly they have bigger threats to worry abbout 03:00:37 ok, so what is your suggestion since you are concerned? I think if it turns out to be an attack and has lasted more than 3 months then it's worth thinking about. Otherwise not really that interesting. We aren't even 100% sure it is an attack yet 03:01:23 I honestly think we should immediately release software with a soft limit on blocksize 03:01:40 that is, no consensus restrictions, but monerod won't mine blocks above X bytes 03:01:43 configurable by the miner 03:02:04 government and bug in code are biggest risks to monero in my opinion. or most probable threats that have largest negative ramifications if they manifest. But I'm not trying to fud at all. Just people will have to pay big fees if censorship of entire chain happens 03:02:05 sounds like youre looking for bitcoin 03:02:30 Nope, bitcoin has a hard 1mb limit 03:02:31 i agree you are worried about something that has been possible for a long time 03:02:35 hard vs soft limit might sound minor but its a massive difference 03:02:53 thats what she said 03:03:11 I am a big blocker, but successful big blocks need the appropriate adoption, not spam 03:03:13 seems stupid to me. Why would you want to introduce a soft-limit? The blocksize is performing as programmed. Why change it? 03:03:31 @snex :( 03:04:13 The default limit could be like 750kb to 1mb or something 03:04:32 To prevent a bloat attack? 03:05:50 how would you know when to remove the soft-limit? How do you know for certain this a bloat attack and not genuine usage. These issues make your suggestion seem kinda moot 03:06:06 what if we just let them keep wasting money until they have no more 03:06:28 the whole point of the dynamic algo's is to remove the need for us to constantly manually intervene and limit or loosen blocks lol 03:06:36 Bitcoin had soft limits at (IIRC) 100kb, 250kb, and 900kb. The limit only stopped being easily raised once they reached the hard 1mb limit 03:07:10 How do you know their budget is small? 03:07:27 who cares what the budget is? the bigger it is, the higher xmr goes 03:08:05 At best, the current $/gb of spam is $3000 03:08:24 liberally say nodes spend $0.1 per gb 03:08:38 yeah 03:09:25 (30k nodes are theoretically feasible, but in reality rewards will be distributed to less than half a dozen) 03:13:15 And I forgot to mention that users will have to download blocks for scanning too, not just full nodes 03:13:55 your average user downloads 1TB of tiktoks per day 03:14:00 i think we will be ok 03:42:28 does anyone know of a way of getting in touch with the alaska anon guy that is usually on doug tuman's monerotopia show in the viewers on stage segment 04:10:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> might be here 04:12:12 I wanted to try to send him a simplex link at some stage to ask him a couple of questions if he is in here or has a protonmail account or something 05:06:45 Are there any solutions being worked on to mitigate attacks on the network? 05:07:16 https://x.com/MaxiDerangement/status/1766359413734961165 05:07:31 more tx is not "attacking the network" 05:08:26 Search Alaskanon on Matrix and send him a message. 05:08:26 so it's not? 05:08:52 What is happening that you believe needs to be mitigated? 05:10:01 https://libreddit.projectsegfau.lt/r/Monero/comments/1b9mqlb/current_attack_only_costs_2_xmrday/ 05:10:27 https://libreddit.projectsegfau.lt/r/Monero/comments/1bar2ov/how_the_spam_affects_network_traffic_on_a_public/ 05:12:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> rip network usage 05:13:15 I trust u/sparlocktats to squeeze some more performance out of their setup. 05:13:17 https://x.com/DontTraceMeBruh/status/1766455973223317843 05:15:28 Well, that is not correct. 05:15:51 At full capacity Monero will grow at 21.6 GB per day. 05:16:42 At least that is the hard ceiling until the long term median adjusts. 05:19:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> my proposal is we go POS and i am the only validator 05:19:27 no me 05:19:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> take turns 05:20:50 If this is indeed an attack, how much would the block size increase at this rate over one year, and what would be the associated cost? 05:21:37 If this is indeed an attack, how much would the block size and blockchain increase at this rate over one year, and what would be the associated cost? 05:22:57 To project what is happening over one year is (and I don't mean to be rude) patently absurd. The scaling algorithm has barely been touched. Block size has increased by less than 1/3rd, and the difficulty of maintaining this volume is ever increasing. 05:23:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i told cloduflare its ok 05:23:23 But if you want projections about what is possible I am happy to give those numbers. 05:23:47 this attack will destroy monero entirely. you should all shut down your nodes and mining rigs. we had a good run boys but its time to move on 05:29:57 Assuming this supposed attack is costing $400 a day, a straightforward calculation would be to multiply that by 365, which equals $146,000 a year. 05:29:57 However, that doesn't paint the whole picture because it doesn't account for the 1.5kb increase every 50 blocks, which would raise the amount of spam needed to sustain the attack and consequently increase the cost of the attack as well. 05:29:58 It also ignores the fee changes after new medium and long term meadians are calculated. 05:30:12 I'm curious about these numbers to predict a potential cost of a long term attack and also prevent futures ones of this nature, by knowing in advance how much TB would be needed for x amount of years. 05:31:46 fee change after a new medium term median? 05:32:10 I think they drop a bit, don't they? 05:32:29 The scaling algorithm has a short term and long term median. Fees can only drop after the long term median increases. 05:32:43 If you say Monerotopia this weekend I asked ArticMine to speak on this, since it has been a source of so much confusion. 05:32:51 No fee changes have occurred. 05:33:04 No fee changes will occur for about 70 days, no matter what happens. 05:33:19 *If you saw Monerotopia 05:33:20 OK 05:40:47 It is very difficult to try to imagine where things are going. In my opinion we simply have not seen enough to know what is coming. 05:42:36 A decent argument could be made that we are seeing this end right now. 05:43:04 And another decent argument could be made that this will continue past the next week. 05:47:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> really need to get rid of the malicious nodes 05:51:42 Yeah, I guess I'm overly anxious and cautious. Personally, I think Monero has a real use case by providing privacy for online payments. This has many implications and could threaten a number of groups, namely, banks and Bitcoiners. 05:51:43 If Monero is indeed that good, it's not far-fetched to assume these groups, Bitcoiners in particular, will keep trying to undermine Monero's capabilities regardless of the costs. After all, if Monero succeeds in the long run, their products are as good as paperweights. 05:52:23 eekk: are you familiar with Python? 05:52:56 Not much, I learned a bit of HTML, CSS and JS 05:54:31 Ahh, no worries. I feel like I've mentioned this too many times recently, but I wrote a simulation for the scaling algorithm that people can use to run whatever situation they might want to see. 05:54:31 Was going to point you to it, but I don't think there is really any need to go hands-on with that sort of thing unless you really want to. 05:58:15 Something I have seen but not understood; Are we not supposed to directly post images in matrix/element because it messes with IRC? 05:58:28 it doesnt mess with irc, we get a link 05:58:48 Got it, thanks 06:00:18 For now, normal users are still getting transactions included in the blocks, and the attack seems to be losing steam. I think the best approach is to wait and see. I suppose we should consider this a dangerous attack if it persists for more than three months, that would be proof of ample funding and unwavering intent to undermine the network. 06:00:26 For now, normal users are still getting transactions included in the blocks, and the attack seems to be losing steam. I think the best approach is to wait and see. I suppose we should consider this a dangerous attack if it persists for more than three months, that would be proof of ample funding and unwavering intent to undermine the network. 06:13:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/OvAaurTePSEHFYZvHOWjZMqH 06:13:18 We are tantalizingly close to seeing the penalty median decrease for the first time in a while. 06:13:36 That plot shows the block size of the last 100 blocks on chain (with the center of the plot being the median) 06:32:15 Right on, penalty median is decreasing. 06:32:26 ...and I'm realizing that I am watching this way too closely. 06:38:02 IS the attack losing steam though? still seing 372kB blocks - which if all are full is like 165 000 tx/day 06:39:02 Maybe, maybe not. There are some signs of relaxation: https://localmonero.co/blocks/stats/block-medians 06:52:26 Is blocksize already down to 324 KB now? 06:53:16 Maybe less "organic" transactions on this quiet Sunday morning UTC, and the spammer is more or less alone, and bringing only a low fee total per block? 06:55:33 I'm seeing the penalty median at 333 or 341 kB depending on if you like you kB 1024 or 1000. 06:55:43 A sizeable step down, regardless. 06:58:41 I wonder whether there is a very simple criterium hidden somewhere that allows the spammer to trivially see which enotes are theirs, e.g. the same payment id for everything. We wouldn't know, right, because it's encrypted? 07:00:29 Sounds above my pay grade. I can go check for mordinals, I guess. 07:48:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/FLWhhYjmeIIJrBZPjNtWsauy 07:48:40 What it look like, for the people who dont know. Node doing just fine digesting all of that 07:50:06 Man, give us a warning before posting nsfw 🥵 07:53:01 Also: sauce? 07:59:53 Here, have more 07:59:53 First one was last 6 hours. 07:59:54 The one i'm going to paste is past two days 08:00:00 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/pfIdaqZyoVPxGJnDlpWhjTyt 08:00:28 Sorry for the oups 08:00:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/NSWVqAHHLRlTocHgrFXWhxzC 08:10:33 can you please share how do you minotor your monero node? I am interested in this grafana dashboard 08:11:03 can you please share how do you monitor your monero node? I am interested in this grafana dashboard 08:12:56 https://github.com/lalanza808/docker-monero-node 08:12:57 It is that one. 08:13:07 Note that the map part is broken for now, but the rest just work 08:13:45 by default, unrestricted rpc is 18081 and restricted is 18083, you might need to adjust that (or adjust your router) 08:15:21 by default, restricted rpc is 18081 and unrestricted is 18083, you might need to adjust that (or adjust your router) 08:16:14 edit : restricted on 18081 and unrestricted on 18083 is the default) 08:16:47 Isn't restricted on 18089, and unrestricted on 18081? 08:17:52 Yes, but the default configuration for that one is restricted 18081 and unrestricted 18083 (don't ask me why) 08:17:53 You can change these in the .env or set your router to 1808{1,3} -> 18081 and route nothing to 18083 08:17:58 Yes, but the default configuration for that one is restricted 18081 and unrestricted 18083 (don't ask me why) 08:17:58 You can change these in the .env or set your router to 1808{1,9} -> 18081 and route nothing to 18083 08:18:23 Oh, that's what the dashboard expects - gotcha 10:15:15 How do i check that the ports are open for monero 10:15:50 I opened 18080 TCP - 18081 TCP 10:16:09 Go to ip:18081/get_info 10:16:09 Not sure if i need to mess with my router 10:16:15 you need if you have NAT 10:19:26 Seems to be closed 10:23:53 Need to forward ports in your router. Involves knowing the local ip of the machine/device monerod is running on also. 10:31:46 Yeah ive done it before 10:31:56 Ill get around to it eventually 10:42:39 lakshmana port forwarding on your router is not a thing with Tor. GL on your node hosting journey. 10:43:20 should i run the node trough tor? 10:43:34 Tor needs more nodes too 10:45:11 Make sure you don't expose the unrestricted rpc port of your node to the whole internet 10:45:22 Otherwise, anyone could mess with your node 11:56:44 Leaks Demo Group 11:56:44 https://t.me/+jcvB_vS0hX43YWNk 12:00:03 Real question: since when the Monero community started to degradate and became one of the most dumb and manipulated communities in crypto? 12:00:04 12:00:04 Allowing people like Luigi to continue after the CCS incident who is slowly fucking all of you here is beyond me. By the way, Luigi0122712 did you finish eating your thanksgiving turkey and finally got some time for incident response or not yet? Incompetent MSWIN-backdoored idiot. 12:00:06 12:00:10 ofrnxmr: you are also a total disgrace here since you were easily manipulated and changed your strong "no" vote to "yes" just because CCS got some XMR back. Why did you stop questioning Luigi's opsec? Another real question. 12:01:43 plowsof: 12:06:31 He stopped calling luigi a gamer at least 13:04:57 I would say the dumb person in this channel is the one who thinks the world is black and white. You should maybe go out and touch grass instead of spitting your copy pasted opinions on the monero community 13:10:52 Leaks Demo Group 13:10:52 https://t.me/+jcvB_vS0hX43YWNk 13:13:14 lmao didn't kow banhammer was in the channel 14:08:02 where to buy prepaid visa with monero 14:19:46 malswas: I Used to use coinsbee for card, they had cards and limit was 2500$ 14:19:47 Lately they did disable Bitcoin et XMR payment (two last time I used it). Now I don't know, you have to test it if they re-enabled the only one. 14:31:04 iirc cakewallet give prepaid visa 14:45:34 is this true ? 14:49:31 trocador.app 14:49:42 https://trocador.app/en/prepaidcards/ 15:07:52 *Successfully spreading misinformation * 15:07:58 *Successfully spreading misinformation* 15:30:54 Lol no 15:32:46 There are a handful of sites. I can't remember them off the top of my head and I kind of broke the HDD I had all my resources saved on a few weeks ago, so.... yea... they're out there though... 15:32:46 Also as SyntheticBird said, Cakewallet does them too I think but idk if they require KYC 15:33:15 cake doesnt require kyc 15:33:23 Anyway, I came here to ask just how impactful is this spamming on the anonymity of users of the Monero network? 15:33:34 Good to know. 15:33:35 what spamming? 15:33:45 do you mean the increased usage of monero? 15:34:35 I mean the massive amount of TXs that are going through the network which is unusually high to be called "increased usage" 15:35:55 Others are calling it an "attack," but there have also been other theories as well. All I know is it seems suspect in one way or another and is causing network congestion. 15:35:55 What are the impacts on anonymity? I am still trying to wrap my head around this... 15:41:55 depends what the source of this increased traffic is 15:42:33 ringsize has gone from 5>7>11>16 15:42:41 over the years 15:42:52 how much is enough? 15:44:47 infinity 15:45:24 ringCT was the best idea at the time but we now have better stuff. we should use it 15:45:41 soon™ 15:47:59 only 200 txs in the mempool and median blocksize is smaller than it was when I went to sleep 15:51:32 What is the name of the new stuff? I heard of something called "membership proof?" What is this exactly?? 15:54:17 i dont pretend to understand the math but iirc its a way to prove your output is SOMEWHERE among all outputs 15:57:14 so what is this attack about ? or are all of these normal transactions? 15:58:36 define "normal transaction" 15:58:56 anyone can send monero to anyone they want for any reason they want. what makes one spend normal and another not? 16:00:07 hello, i've checked monero-dev channel, why devs aren't talking about this spam much? is there any planned solution? 16:00:30 what makes it spam? because you dont like people spending monero? 16:00:42 because it's obviously spam 16:00:44 look at chart 16:01:01 a chart cant tell you whether something is spam or not. thats purely your opinion 16:01:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/OCRXFLPtoJiPKtbEcGuhxcKI 16:01:32 from 20k transactions a day to more than 140k 16:01:32 usage going up. we should celebrate 16:01:46 no, it's not legit usage 16:01:47 fire up your mining rigs 16:01:56 you dont get to tell people what kind of usage is legit or not 16:02:02 do you really believe that monero usage has increased by 7x overnight? 16:02:10 wallet A sends monero to wallet B. this is always legit 16:02:11 snex: Your default coin is now set to XMR. Change with coins command. 16:02:11 snex: ≈$0.0097 • ≈ value of: 1 A • Source: cmc/ccc/altm 16:03:20 there was a interview with articmine yesterday on monerotopia, there is plenty of discussion https://twitter.com/monerotopia/status/1766496273119805740 16:04:24 5 hours and 41 mins wtf 16:05:10 plenty of theories to go around, but so far nothing seems broken, as far as we know, so no immediate need to act I guess 16:06:24 nothing seems broken... but in the long term, this spam attack will make running a daemon or synchronizing a wallet much slower. 16:06:47 it might even hurt the privacy 16:06:47 just like monero becoming the world's money will do that 16:06:55 so i guess we should just shut the whole project down 16:07:34 it's not about handling legit transactions 16:07:35 these are spam transactions 16:07:35 not real world adoption 16:07:44 are we really closing the project ? i need to sell coins before it does 16:07:46 huh? 16:07:46 and not acting is like funding the attacker 16:07:54 if larger blockchain is bad then its always bad 16:07:58 you are not making any sense 16:08:03 ignore him... 16:08:10 nobody closing monero 16:08:17 who is snex ? 16:08:36 im snex 16:08:38 who are you 16:08:47 🐍 16:09:07 i am xi's pa 16:09:33 what part of "you dont get to define what counts as legitimate use" dont you get? 16:09:42 you are not the king of monero 16:10:06 if people want to churn their own wallets 140,000 times per day and pay all the fees for that, then they can 16:11:01 do they really want to do that ? i churn only 1400 times 16:11:22 i have no idea 16:11:26 because monero is private 16:15:24 so why do we want to close the project ? or were you trolling ? please dont waste my time 16:18:26 it cant handle increased volume 16:18:30 assume(heIsTrolling == true); 16:18:54 We are getting plenty of update and all wallets are going to release fix (some already did) 16:19:37 all the people saying this is spam or an attack or whatever seem to think that if the increased volume were "legit" that things wouldnt be "slow" 16:20:00 but the network doesnt distinguish between "spam" or "legit." it just processes the tx people give it 16:21:19 For me it feel whoever did did noticed he was causing harm to the network and put the breaks on 16:21:20 That's also an assumption (without know who is doing that for what motive, we can only assume) 16:21:43 so who's txs are we censoring? 16:22:57 We are not censoring anything afaik. 16:22:57 the "attacker" could have just lowered his TX rate 16:23:08 Anyway, i'm going to breakfast now! 16:24:41 you took it the wrong way :) 16:24:48 poor jack, imagine you arrive in this channel for answer you find snex instead 16:26:11 all answers come from within 16:26:35 they come from connections 16:28:21 someone ping "got 1 and ok" and tell them to msg me somwhere i can respond 16:29:12 "> ofrnxmr: you are also a total disgrace here since you were easily manipulated and changed your strong "no" vote to "yes" just because CCS got some XMR back. Why did you stop questioning Luigi's opsec? Another real question." 16:29:27 "Allowing people like Luigi to continue after the CCS incident who is slowly fucking all of you here is beyond me. By the way, Luigi0122712 did you finish eating your thanksgiving turkey and finally got some time for incident response or not yet? Incompetent MSWIN-backdoored idiot." 16:29:54 "Real question: since when the Monero community started to degradate and became one of the most dumb and manipulated communities in crypto?" 16:30:08 wat 16:31:02 I got pinged hours ago with that. - why did i stop? I was banned the day after merges 16:31:17 from the spammer a few hrs ago 16:31:23 this channel makes no sense 16:31:27 Were supposed to have a new wallet holder in under 20 days, but, still banned so who tf knows whats going on 16:31:32 it's been a while since he's been here 16:32:45 yeah @synthetic those msgs are quotes from earlier. My dma are open on all platforms. If anyone wants to page me, please dm 16:33:16 ah ok 16:33:39 you must read every post in all channels :D 16:47:05 Har har, those daemons with same network id as Monero but different genesis block are now already 5 years ahead. 16:47:43 For a short time my daemon thought it has only 70% of the blockchain :) 16:57:43 Rbrunner : I see them now and them, like three days ago I got 3 incident during the night 16:58:47 we are falling behind? 16:58:59 we need to catch up! 17:07:37 rbrunner: i have (almost) all of them in by blocklist 17:07:39 my 17:08:00 https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block.txt 17:08:46 I switch to that blocklist last night (and rebooted & bumped my node specs) 17:09:32 once in a while a new one shows up that is 4+ years ahead but rarely 17:09:34 Did not see any bogus nodes when I looked in the log so far 17:10:45 How many of them are there, give or take? Those +5 years daemons I mean 17:17:19 15? didn't count them 17:28:46 Does anyone know what they are? I'd assume its some kind of private testnet 17:30:38 unclear, either someone trolling or someone who tried to fork incorrectly 17:32:32 Only 15 or so? That's not many. 18:35:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> In 24hrs i had 29k hits in pfblocker 18:37:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also i sent ofrn the asn list, hes going to sit on the phone to hertzner,digital ocean,ovh and ccp to get them removed. 18:45:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Even put co ordinates for drone strike if they dont take it done 😬 20:03:17 Binaries for Monero v0.18.3.2 are now available at www.getmonero.org 21:03:02 Rucknium has the Dynamic block size failed us? are we small blockers now? 21:04:17 What if I told you...the original big blockers wanted miners to self-limit their block sizes 21:06:17 i dont even know who i am anymore 21:06:20 I recalled that a minority of BCH protocol developers didn't want the BCH dynamic block algorithm to go into effect this May since they believed that miners would self-limit. Huge blocks do not propagate well. That means that miners producing huge blocks have a greater probability of their block being orphaned. That's the self-interested reason that miners would self-limit. 21:12:05 I am not a big fan of Reddit votes, but this one might be a good check for people's sentiment. It's about Monero's fees: 21:12:07 https://www.reddit.com/poll/1bb4oj9?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Monero&utm_content=t3_1bb4oj9 21:12:23 If enough people vote, that is ... 21:12:56 Since when we make technical decisions by voting? 21:13:16 lol 21:13:38 Next vote, is should we rewrite Monero in Rust? 21:13:42 Are we a bit jumpy today? :) The title of the vote is "What are your thoughts ..." Thinking is ok 21:14:20 Why, don't we do already, with Cuprate? 21:14:24 Fees are a bit on the edge between technical and economical issue though 21:14:54 They are needed to prevent spam, but they can also be calculated (not voted) to a proper level. So it's more of a technical issue 21:15:03 If we know what people think, we know better where the gaps in knowledge and education are, no? 21:15:15 And then we can inform properly 21:15:31 Also, what looks "low" now may be not "low" in the future when Monero price increases 21:16:40 its only a real vote if its on X and from elon otherwise i wouldnt trust it to be accurate 21:18:17 I found the lead so far of "Fees are ok" a bit surprising. I would have expected more people that worry now would say they think higher fees are needed 21:23:00 We already 5x the fees in August 2022 21:24:46 are we talking about fees in terms of xmr or fiat? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 21:54:00 in terms of xmr 21:55:25 I meant the pole :) 21:56:16 also the poll lol 22:05:56 https://x.com/MaxiDerangement/status/1766359413734961165 have you guys seen this ? 22:11:41 how many times is this going to get posted 22:15:58 i didnt see it, so i posted here 22:16:24 would be good to see open source code, so we can build something to avoid it 22:17:48 but with btc at a million in future and monero in sub hundreds can we really stop the spam attacks keeping fees sub cent 22:25:13 so pump monero's fiat price 22:25:19 thanks in advance 22:27:40 what they are trying to do is make the fee adjustable without human intervention 22:27:45 sorry its not possible its a currency which gets exchanged for usdt or btc as monero is unstable 22:28:14 setting it to adjust to usd doesn't work 22:28:30 it = fee 22:28:42 so they are just making it expensive to transact ? i see many users panicing because their transactions are not confirming 22:29:14 once they update to v0.18.3.2 auto fee will work and they will confirm quickly 22:29:16 okay, so we live with this ? 22:29:28 great 22:29:28 they are confirming, it just takes longer than expected 22:29:53 will the attacker also not use the same update though ? 22:29:55 if they update now they won't have to wait 22:30:39 if they use the update and auto fee they will pay higher fees 22:31:19 I updated and chose unimportant as I can wait 22:31:41 if the "attacker" can wait then they will do the same 22:32:11 so it will be a spiral ? 22:32:14 we are still just guessing at this point 22:32:15 Transactions will confirm in about 30 minutes now when paying the lowest fee. Not as fast as the usual 2 minutes, but not a crisis, either. 22:32:45 Rucknium: yes, but users are used to 2-3min confirmations with monero so some panic 22:32:58 plus there is 20min wait time to spend again 22:33:20 so its hampering the money flow in short 22:33:30 which was already slow 22:33:52 If you want fast, you've got to pay. Convenience costs. 22:34:23 Anyway, the situation is being monitored. 22:34:33 Action is being taken 22:34:34 so new update, will automatically have higher priority fees ? 22:34:45 if you select automatic fees yes 22:34:56 depending on how much backlog of transcations there is 22:35:23 it seems that the CLI defaults to auto 22:35:30 What wallet are they using? 22:35:37 thats good to know, hopefully all wallets update it 22:35:41 Feather released their update 22:35:49 mobile wallets 22:35:51 or normal 22:35:56 difficult to tell 22:36:04 ok which? We can get released out in a few more hrs 22:36:29 cake, stack, mysu (anonero already updated) 22:36:57 i use cake, i use medium to transact but users dont know about it yet so its set to auto 22:37:01 what I'm going to have to pay 2 cents for a tx now? 22:37:03 omg 22:37:07 Cake will be updated in a few hrs 22:37:13 thx ofrnxmr 22:37:52 Cat needs to play with the mouse, its not about 2 cents make it 20 cents so they cant spam 🤣 22:38:07 That happens if blocks grow 22:38:18 or if price goes up 22:38:54 Cat caught a mouse 2 nights ago, was lovely seeing the tail sticky out the side of her mouth 22:39:44 while* blocks grow 22:40:56 price isnt going to go 10x, blocks might 22:41:43 Huh? 22:42:20 Is 10x not 2c > 20c? And what if both happen.c 10x * 10x 22:44:41 i meant transaction fees 23:27:05 Any news from Monerujo? 23:32:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Out of copyright too 2017-2021