00:33:59 hello hope you are fine, I've problem with monerod on i2p. in connections are ok but 0 out connections... do you have an idea ? I use --proxy (same on 4444) 00:35:36 you cant use the http proxy 00:36:42 you have to create a server tunnel on your i2p and use that 00:37:12 type SOCKS 00:37:23 https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/node-i2p-zero.html 00:37:31 thanks 00:38:25 Guest0: I found it best to use i2pd, it resulted in the most peers 00:38:26 https://gist.github.com/plowsof/4c379904e04b27a9eb74995254e1fd4a 00:52:20 thanks a lot, I don't want use --tx-proxy because I want all the sync be done on i2p and there is no out connections 01:00:41 Guest0: does I2P have exit nodes? without it, it won't work 01:01:10 you'd be better off with Tor in this case 01:01:56 i2p does not have exits but there are people who run monerod in it and stay synced manually 01:02:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Think its called i2p router 01:02:16 synced manually means? 01:02:49 i sync a clearnet node normally. i run a second node intended for i2p which syncs up with my clearnet node on the LAN 01:03:04 then it can seed to other i2p-only nodes 01:03:41 i don't understand how this would work considering p2p only tries to connect to clearnet IP addresses and not I2P addresses 01:03:51 only tx-proxy can connect to I2P addresses 01:04:06 tx-proxy is for transactions or sync ? 01:04:18 tx-proxy is for transactions 01:04:34 possible to sync on i2p ? 01:04:51 I think because I receive but I can't send 01:04:58 as far as I know no 01:05:27 --proxy should allow connecting to i2p addresses 01:05:39 you will have to manually supply i2p seed nodes as in the link i sent 01:06:05 the block sync code does not connect to i2p nodes so this can't work 01:06:24 unless there is some exit-node like system 01:06:28 the proxy can resolve those addys for you 01:07:11 monero.fail shows people doing it 01:07:39 monero.fail has rpc nodes over i2p, which works 01:08:20 Guest0 has asked about p2p block sync over i2p 01:08:40 those nodes also sync via i2p, im pretty sure. or theyre doing the magic i said with LAN 01:09:29 no they don't sync over i2p 01:10:11 Sorry I mean, my english is not very good... what I try is to receive and send to nodes on i2p, not clearnet 01:10:52 follow the link i posted, just use your regular i2p setup instead of i2pzero 01:11:42 monerod go through i2p, receive but (I don't know why) don't send anything (no outgoing connections) 01:16:07 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/ANONYMITY_NETWORKS.md 01:16:13 > Only handshakes, peer timed syncs and transaction broadcast messages are supported over anonymity networks. 01:16:39 That's why I would be surprised to see someone sync blocks over I2P since it's explicitly not supported in the code 01:17:31 the i2p nodes monero.fail either sync over clearnet, use tor + exit nodes or do this LAN thing 01:18:32 ok thanks, so it's impossible to be in a i2p "bubble" that's it ? 01:18:49 I mean, it's necessary to go on clearnet ? 01:19:19 you can use Tor which in turn will use exit nodes 01:19:27 or a VPN 01:19:44 what do you think about mulvad ? 01:19:47 Hi Folks 01:19:51 hi 01:20:06 I don't know about VPNs, can't recommend anything 01:20:50 the problem with tor is it weak against ddos 01:23:17 What are you trying to do Guest0? 01:25:49 sync over i2p (receive and send) not on clearnet 01:26:01 not about transactions 01:26:08 just sync blockchain 01:26:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Like a node relay? 01:27:19 yes 01:30:11 I'm very new to mining and mining Monero in particular. I had trouble syncing the blockchain and in the end I gave up using the monero-wallet-gui to mine. I'm using XMrig and now I'm just trying out XMrig MO. 01:30:59 I've been mining with those for about 36 hours now. 01:31:20 p2p pool (mini) is cool 01:31:34 huh 01:31:36 Help the network making your node public 01:32:32 Endeeg https://p2pool.io/#pool 01:32:40 I was wondering if it made sense to setup a local p2p pool on my network. Just for myself and then having a single worker represent the pool as 1 worker on a public monero pool. 01:33:35 if you plan to buy more mining rigs, yes 01:34:02 I'm still learning the architecture, so I'm not sure what the implications of making my node public means. 01:34:47 I don't expect to be buying significant hardware. 01:34:59 Right now I'm mining on 3 laptops and a micro desktop. 01:35:10 Getting about 10KH/s 01:36:25 With that sort of (small) horsepower, I think I'd be wasting my time trying to solo mine. Whaddya all think? 01:38:05 yes, you will never get shit solo mining 01:38:25 get on p2pool and donate 1k to the xmrvsbeast raffle 01:39:03 Well its not your time being wasted but those computer's. You can help the network by mining on p2pool. 01:41:08 How is that different than mining on a regular pool like supportxmr 01:41:38 no min payout, no trust, no fee 01:41:46 please stop buy and sell I need to buy more very soon ^^ 01:42:29 but wth someone just put 1 million suddenly 03:42:39 Maybe he’s here, but no one knows it yet ;) 03:54:36 Also to answer some of the i2p questions from a few hours ago: 03:54:36 -I2P has no “exit nodes”; it is a 100% closed network. There are specific i2p services that work as an HTTP proxy, so that would be your best bet (it would be somewhat unsustainable long-term, plus isn’t really helping the network as it puts extra stress on outproxies [if you choose to do this it would be best to setup an http proxy server for yourself to use]) 03:54:37 -You can use i2p nodes in tx-proxy, which would prevent a malicious node from tracing where a transaction was sent from (IP wise ofc; not XMR-wise). ofc this doesn’t prevent your ISP or whoever your Big Brother standin is from seeing that you are using Monero, as you’d still be syncing over clearnet, but it’s better than nothing 03:54:37 -The i2p setup described on the official Monero website is/was written and tailored for I2P-zero, and the “mipseeds”, or discovery nodes, listed are no longer available (or at least I was never able to get them to work; which would make sense as I2P-zero seems to be somewhat abandoned unfortunately) 03:54:38 mandatory tl;dr: i2p with Monero works, but with major caveats. DYOR (However, I will admit that I2P is in the long-term a much more sustainable darknet than Tor) 03:56:29 Another thing to note abt I2P: there (currently) isn’t a way to access I2P on iPhone 03:56:29 I mean, if you care abt that lol 03:57:06 (Correction: you can access it, but you’d have to do some pretty wicked setup to get it working) 04:02:51 yes this guide needs updating https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/node-i2p-zero.html 04:03:16 we should recommend i2pd these days and also it's not necessary to manually specify any seed nodes anymore. 04:04:27 I won’t push for it to get updated until I get my current i2p integration bounty work a bit further 04:04:27 …which will have to wait for me to finish up my pre-existing bounty work on Haveno 04:04:50 Yeah that’s fair 04:04:50 I will say though; i2pd’s past hatred of Monero was kinda scaring me for a bit 04:06:20 Cuz for Monero’s purposes it is basically i2pd or bust (at least for direct integration) unless you are a masochist who wants to inject the Java runtime into even more cursed places 04:07:53 Anyways if my analysis is correct I have another seven hours until woodser checks up on Haveno again, so I’m gonna enter power saving mode until then 04:45:37 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/goya/ 07:45:50 Maybe I don't know enough about i2p, but every single time people talk about integrating i2p with Monero they always talk about integrating a whole i2p node somehow. Why does nobody mention using the SAM library to integrate with an existing node instead? Which works with both i2p and i2pd, and is available in multiple languages 10:35:44 Despair is all I feel for Monero 10:38:17 Why did I waste 8 years of grueling suffering on this coin 10:40:14 okay, bye! 10:40:28 Go buy some Dogecoin then 10:41:34 You are quick to judge. Spare your foolishness for a moment and reread what I have said 10:42:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.se/XFnCTnGJScWFKGtAzrxhEdKt 10:43:58 How about wownero instead 🤔 10:44:13 When you have invested 8 years of your life following the development of a coin that has barely innovated, despair is all one can really feel 10:45:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hmm 10:45:55 I am not here for the basis of price discussion. I need no profits from this coin or any others as I already went through that phase years ago. I am here for idealistic reasons and Monero has failed its purpose 10:46:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So which volcano do i buy again? 10:46:13 plowsof: shouldn't a warning be added? as it is no longer maintained (i2o zero) and I think was replaced by something else or i2pd 10:46:26 i2p zero* 10:46:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I2pd 10:47:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Think Selsta mentioned updating it 10:49:42 Monero is openly being attacked by Chainanalysis and I would not be surprised if a vulnerability report is released in May detailing the attack 10:50:06 Basses is this reg i2p userguide on site? Should be deleted and replaced with i2pd with a 'how to i2pzero->i2pd' extra 10:50:49 https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/node-i2p-zero.html 10:51:13 >How to run a node through I2P with I2P-zero 10:51:14 Ok cool 10:51:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Config wont be on the docs? 10:52:26 @ofrnxmr:monero.social 10:53:43 Yep i2pzero(java) needs to be sent to the memory hole 10:54:08 a well ready tutorial https://redlib.aosus.link/r/Monero/comments/15ikjvw/is_it_possible_to_run_a_node_connected_to_i2pd/juvkenj/ ? 10:55:21 > i2p zero was a massive resource hog. i2pd is way better, uses less than 1/20th as much CPU & RAM. Writing something as low level as a network router in java is just moronic. 10:55:21 > 10:55:22 > i2pd is easy to set up using the configs in the README so not much point doing anything else. 10:56:19 i2p is making it easier for LEO to collect data 10:56:31 why anyone would bother running their node on i2p is a mystery to me 11:00:38 Monero didn't innovate in the last 8 years? lol 11:00:53 lol 11:01:10 Just read the table here https://github.com/monero-project/monero?tab=readme-ov-file#scheduled-softwarenetwork-upgrades 11:01:17 It covers exactly 8 years 11:02:30 proof? 11:02:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Is this going to happen everyday .. 11:03:09 misinfo about i2p? 11:03:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nope 11:03:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Choosing my ngu volcano 11:04:35 I2P makes your IP known to everyone 11:04:55 LEO unmasking who you are is not difficult when they have a freely accessible blacklist 11:06:17 15 forks in the span of 8 years for mostly fixes of the poor token design does not count as innovating and it is why I mentioned Monero has barely innovated, never did I say it has not innovated at all 11:08:27 Monero prefers to use battle-tested cryptography instead of innovating 11:09:53 "Battle-tested cryptography" proves useless when incompetent code has allowed Chainanalysis to spam the blockchain with txs 11:10:40 If anyone lives in Australia, I cam across this blog post 11:10:42 https://blvcksec.com/blog/anonymously-acquiring-monero-xmr-in-australia/ 11:10:55 came* 11:14:04 what incompetent code, lol 11:14:05 Mining rewards are also subpar and the network in its current state can easily be 51% attacked as most of the hashrate is centralized in nanopool 11:14:08 Anyone can spam any network 11:15:19 You know it is hard to plan for every possible attack vector, right? 11:15:28 All the replies I am getting are "what proof?" and when I answer silence follows 11:15:51 After 8 years, no 11:16:06 Ddos/spam will always be a problem 11:16:06 More actually if we consider Monero since its inception 11:17:00 For a coin that strives to perfect its L1, Monero has done a terrible job 11:20:58 Pretty god job 11:21:14 It handles the current flood like it's nothing 11:21:50 Only because Chainanalysis is playing nice 11:22:03 If the attacker was malicious, the network would be dead right now 11:22:18 Yeah yeah 11:22:20 bring it on 11:23:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Same person every night 11:23:03 Monero is open for improvements/suggestions 11:23:05 Calling mining rewards 'subpar' is a very unique way to compliment Monero for its low inflation. 11:23:59 Not a compliment as a low reward disincentives miners from joining. Only botnets and fanatics mine Monero and this ain't stable 11:24:32 Botnets and fanatics are the stablest stable 11:24:47 When price dumpted from 180 to 100, hashrate didn't budge 11:25:11 You're just trolling and spreading lies in every your message 11:25:34 What lies have I spread? 11:26:06 hmm, let me see 11:26:15 If a botnet operator is busted, the hashrate declines. Monero is relying on fraud to run and this never proves to be sustainable in the long term 11:26:17 lies about no innovation in 8 years 11:26:41 lies about botnets not being stable 11:26:48 I never said no innovation. Read my sentence again, I said barely any. You are misconstruing my words 11:27:11 lies about "incompetent code" 11:27:27 Do you know that most crucial parts of Monero cryptography and PoW were audited? 11:27:35 If you consider what I say lies, so be it 11:28:06 lies about that "allowed Chainalysis to spam" - I repeat, anyone can spam any coin 11:28:11 A few people will realize how disastrous Monero has been and hopefully they are enlightened by what I have exposed 11:28:15 you have no proof that it's Chainalysis 11:28:25 Wait until May 11:28:26 and without proof, saying it like it's an established fact, is a lie 11:29:19 What did you expose? 11:29:29 Did you even watch Breaking Monero series? 11:29:45 All these kinds of attacks were known before, and mitigations are known 11:36:53 Trolls get responses? 12:47:03 m-relay:" ./monero-wallet-cli --hw-device Trezor 12:47:04 This is the command line monero wallet. It needs to connect to a monero 12:47:04 daemon to work correctly. 12:47:05 WARNING: Do not reuse your Monero keys on another fork, UNLESS this fork has key reuse mitigations built in. Doing so will harm your privacy. 12:47:05 Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.1-release) 12:47:06 Logging to ./monero-wallet-cli.log 12:47:06 Specify wallet file name (e.g., MyWallet). If the wallet doesn't exist, it will be created. 12:47:07 Wallet file name (or Ctrl-C to quit): test 12:47:07 Wallet and key files found, loading... 12:47:08 Wallet password: 12:47:08 Opened wallet: 471ETYjWVWwX4V1hN7UK2DHjJjKarDCwc4UhNhX5VoymGGgFLsR1eh9WRZmKxve1xXfP5vWGKfAGwCoBVXHRjSEV4i4H993 12:47:09 ********************************************************************** 12:47:09 Use the "help" command to see a simplified list of available commands. 12:47:10 Use "help all" to see the list of all available commands. 12:47:10 Use "help " to see a command's documentation. 12:47:11 ********************************************************************** 12:47:11 Background mining not enabled. Run "set setup-background-mining 1" to change. 12:47:12 Error: wallet failed to connect to daemon: http://localhost:18081. Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or change the daemon address using the 'set_daemon' command. 12:50:09 Error message seems to be giving some advice lacekim 12:52:14 i understand that but "[wallet 471ETY (no daemon)]: set_daemon 12:52:14 Error: usage: set_daemon [:] [trusted|untrusted|this-is-probably-a-spy-node] 12:52:14 [wallet 471ETY (no daemon)]: " 12:55:23 https://thehackernews.com/2024/03/watch-out-these-pypi-python-packages.html 12:55:53 set_daemon node3.monerodevs.org:18089 this-is-probably-a-spy-node 13:04:07 monerdevs is a nice site 13:04:17 monerodevs is a nice site 13:04:56 The beautiful design is from Siren 13:05:11 is it still maintained? 13:05:34 Not currently no 13:05:48 ok 13:17:25 I think I will rewrite monerodevs once again 13:17:30 But this time in Vue.js and I will add events and more community things 13:33:03 https://comfy.guide/server/monerod/#tori2p-setup 13:33:08 plowsof: 13:52:38 look like it is a mirror of this website https://landchad.net/monerod/ 14:35:57 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2277 15:33:50 Oh God debating bitcoin maxis is stressful lol 15:34:33 dont debate people with idiotic positions. just ridicule them 15:35:50 Bitcoin maxis are right. Bitcoin is the only and absolute coin. 15:36:43 Except for Lightning Coin. That's second best. 15:36:47 No, scratch what I said, lightning fails all the time. Liquid. That is. 15:37:03 No, it's got a backdoor... forget everything I said. Only Bitcoin. 15:37:07 But Bitcoin doesn't scale. 15:37:10 Still the best. 15:38:20 I tried not too because it was a public chat and I don't want to make us look like douche bags. I just kept providing the facts and he kept calling it a shitcoin. 15:43:52 heres the thing about people with idiotic beliefs 15:43:58 they think youre a douchebag anyway 15:44:07 so why would you try to not look like one 15:44:13 just expose them for frauds 15:44:39 you arent doing this to change their minds. thats not possible. youre doing it for the benefit of others watching 15:45:28 I remember when i won an argument on the internet, way back in 2001 15:49:18 when i win an argument on the internet the sore loser generally resorts to alcohol and plans a revenge 15:49:22 unproductive for everyone 15:51:14 Lol. Yeah maybe next time. 15:53:19 you arent doing this to change their minds. thats not possible. youre doing it for the benefit of others watching <<>> and it is much appreciated :) 15:55:25 I feel like I did a good job. I was kind of ruthless i just didn't call him names. He called me a retard. 15:56:02 I said "Have fun holding your NFT BTC" 15:56:29 sech#1 15:57:20 Jesus, that must've hurt. 15:57:48 Do you even have a soul, bro? 15:57:49 Jesus Christ. 16:01:27 nothing wrong with NFTs. just admit that thats what they are 16:04:36 Lol. 16:08:45 Totally not fungible since they control where the utxos go and either theycan be spent or not. 16:08:52 Totally not fungible since they control where the utxos go and either they can be spent or not. 16:12:19 Afaik coinjoins are not trustless? so yeah, Bitcoin is doomed in that sense. 16:13:01 Just run a monero node and be done with it. 16:13:03 Easy solution. 16:14:52 His point was this "Xmr is controlled by less than a couple hundred nodes so it's very centralized. It can never scale and due to bitcoin being first will never be anything more than a coin that swaps in and out of bitcoin. 16:14:52 Bitcoin also has this advantage over all other copies of itself 16:14:53 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindy_effect" 16:14:58 I told him do your part and run a node. 16:17:33 a couple hundred nodes is a lot of nodes 16:17:52 his NFT is controlled by a couple dozen mining firms in china 16:18:03 and software devs installed by the CIA 16:23:25 I had to stop arguing it just stressed me out too much. 😫 16:26:12 delta95800: 22,537 IP addresses say they are Monero nodes. Hard to verify that each IP address has its own node. Same with BTC: https://monero.fail/map 16:27:16 Or I guess technically this is number of IP address + port number combination. A single IP address could run multiple nodes on separate ports. 16:27:32 You can run the network crawler yourself. 16:29:00 I wish I knew that before but good to know. 16:30:15 shoulda asked him his source for a few hundred nodes 16:30:46 question is always, how do you know that? 16:32:47 The only link he sourced to back up his claims that it was a "shitcoin" was in this message. 16:32:48 "I don't care. It's always going to be a shitcoin for the weak minded and ignorant. 16:32:48 https://youtu.be/MXKe6VA-DVM 16:32:49 " 16:33:07 So I dropped the Daniel Kim video in response. 16:33:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC9Uu5BUxII 16:33:36 > market cap 16:33:38 great argument 16:35:31 ROFL "not secure cuz asic resistant" 16:35:44 calls other people dunning kruegers 16:36:01 not even gonna bother finishing 16:45:08 if bitcoin were best coin, maxis wouldnt have to change bitcoin's purpose every few years to pump its dollar value 16:58:01 Bitcoin assassination idea: mint an ordinal onto the blockchain that contains the first Mario bros game (which would be around 40 kilobytes) and let Nintendo do what it does best 16:58:01 Disclaimer: this is a joke and in no way implies that I have done, will do, or will have any involvement in doing this 👍 16:58:35 nintendo can try but theres nobody to sue 17:00:05 craig wright 17:01:26 Assassination or not, it would be fun to watch 17:01:59 why not do it then 17:14:06 Please do it. 17:29:06 His two assumptions are incorrect. Monero has thousands of nodes, although fewer than Bitcoin, and its codebase is entirely original. It is not a copy but rather a massive effort to improve privacy and fungibility. 17:51:48 How many Bitcoin nodes are .onions ? There are usually 70-80 Monero nodes on Tor at any given moment. Good luck to any government looking to take down that many onions at once. 17:52:18 all .onions should be assumed to be run by the government until proven otherwise 17:53:03 all *websites* should be assumed to be run by the government, and those that aren't, assume the government is MITM 17:57:22 Of course the real question is not the number of *nodes* but the number of *independent entities* running those nodes. 17:57:22 I suspect XMR nodes are mostly run by people are like me, enthusiast randos who want to help by running a node. 17:57:23 How do I turn mine into a Tor node? I believe it's like 3 lines of config but never bothered 17:57:33 my .onion node is not run by the government 17:57:44 why you like spreading FUD? 17:58:22 All .onions should be assumed to be phishing sites until you've verified the domain 17:59:25 Seth's guide is still accurate well-written & simple 17:59:25 https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/#tor 17:59:58 gfd thats exactly what a fed would say 18:00:41 I'm using lalanza docker monero node 18:01:08 Ugh I don't futz with Docker for servers, just a personal thing 18:02:18 Idually I don't fitz with docker for servers 18:02:18 But ended up using the monero node docker thing for the stats it nicely generate. 18:02:24 https://github.com/sethforprivacy/simple-monerod-docker 18:03:08 guess lalanza one has monitoring python code 18:03:11 But does it look good? 18:03:15 image.png 18:03:39 says it exposes using the normal ports so possibly if you just follow the Tor instructions it will Just Work 18:03:57 It's quite easy to setup a tor node 18:04:22 setup the hidden service and redirect to whatever pour you want (18081/18089 depending of your setup) 18:04:26 Yeah, you just need to set up the Tor address and then have the service bind to the Tor socket locally 18:04:47 It's covered in Seth's above-linked Guide 18:11:45 h 18:52:03 This is true. I've always said that Ethereum problem is not technology but balls itself. They nuke their own privacy tech by limiting it ( see Aztec L2 ) 18:55:17 It's downright depressing. 18:55:48 I didn't expect to see a reply to that message more than six months later. 20:20:21 The choice to "nuke their own privacy tech" is downright depressing. 20:22:14 privacy is for criminals 20:24:18 Sir, this is a Monero's. 20:24:21 we're all criminals here 20:24:33 not me. im here to spy on you and report your crimes 20:26:01 so any time you're taking a shit, showering, having sex, talking with your friends, family, doctors, lawyer, or doing anything else that is completely morally and legally acceptable, you shouldn't have privacy? 20:26:10 elaryan: yes 20:26:21 if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear 20:26:28 snex: if privacy if for criminal, why don't you post you banks statements here? 20:26:37 i'm assume you are not a criminal 20:26:41 i give them to the government, the rightful authorities 20:26:52 same with my shits, showers, sex, etc 20:26:53 But I want them too :D 20:26:58 run for office 20:27:13 We are all criminals, dude. 20:27:32 The average US citizen violates at least three federal laws every day, and that's just the laws the *don't know* they're violating. 20:27:57 list the ones you violated today. into the mic please 20:29:44 How would I be able to list the laws I broke without realizing it? Are you clear on how language works? 20:30:12 you said you violate 3 per day that you DO know about 20:30:15 list below: 20:30:37 snes: read again, he said dont lol 20:31:02 sir im gonna need you to stop resisting 20:31:38 obstruction is a crime. i need to see your ID 20:48:07 batteries-phone.mp4 21:02:29 If nothing else, SIMs can (async) send data once you're on the net again. 21:02:31 Breaking News: »Craig Wright Is Not Satoshi« 21:02:34 or, rather, SIMs can ensure it happens 21:02:43 https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/03/14/craig-wright-not-satoshi-didnt-author-bitcoin-whitepaper-judge-rules/ 21:03:15 "judge rules" k 21:03:25 I wouldn't exactly say that Craig not being Satoshi is breaking news, but the fact a judge ruled it so is breaking news. 21:03:43 judges dont rule things. judges issue opinions 21:03:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Judgement 21:04:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> About Judge dread then? 21:04:24 which has real world consequences 21:04:57 why is this even before a judge\ 21:05:30 ask mr wrong 21:05:39 dunno who that is 21:10:46 Quite a complex joke for a Cat, what theyve done is take the original name 'Craig Wright'. who would be addressed as "Mr Wright" which sounds like "right". so as an insult , Mr Wrong has been used 21:11:23 whats his nick in here 21:11:42 after this ruling, is slander of craig wright (the real satoshi) still against the CoC? 21:16:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Faketoshi 21:19:11 the real satoshi is the friends we made along the way 21:20:59 Craig Wright would not deign to frequent a den of iniquity like this. 21:21:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No friends, just mates 21:22:18 I should probably talk from this end. I like the UI more. 22:45:52 https://www.extremetech.com/computing/amd-ryzen-9-7950x-cpus-are-out-of-stock-thanks-to-crypto-mining 22:49:32 see? monero must be banned for the good of society 22:53:39 monero boiling the oceans 22:55:55 Because Circuses always have side shows 23:44:40 lol is this true? i thought the worst i've done was jaywalked and downloaded linux isos 23:45:36 the fifth amendment states i don't have to tell you shit, copper