00:10:17 New alpine based image is out. github.com/cornfeedhobo/docker-monero 00:58:29 anyone know what's up with the peers broadcasting ~1.6m more blocks? 01:04:25 cornfeedhobo: like 5.5 years ahead? 01:04:35 indeed 01:05:03 either a fork done incorrectly or .shrug 01:05:13 roger 01:05:14 they have been around for a few weeks 01:07:05 they keep getting further ahead 04:24:07 https://i.postimg.cc/1XZKh31b/enemy.jpg 04:24:19 Something to think about. 06:16:13 will we ever have a monero bitrefill equivalent? 06:23:45 i don't think this will ever be possible. if a centralized bitrefill alternative was released for monero, it will inevitably require KYC, or some form of compliance, which goes against the privacy aspects of monero 06:24:03 i do think it may be possible to have a decentralized P2P marketplace for giftcards only in the future, effectively a decentralized bitrefill, but only time will tell 09:53:02 Bisq2 is released: supporting Monero Swaps: Cross chain atomic swap of BTC <-> XMR 09:53:17 bitcoiner cakepay exists* and looks like bitrefill. not sure what compliance/kyc's are involved though 09:53:59 pcre could you cross post that in #haveno:monero.social please ? 09:55:25 and the drive by offtopic memes to #monero-offtopic:monero.social 10:11:58 this is coming out q3 of 2025 15:03:42 hello good day 15:04:46 there was someone here sugesting using a hdd and some cache stuff such that it is moar efficient 15:06:19 apart from turning off swap with swapoff -a ... 15:07:26 the goal is to buy a hdd instead of an ssd to save some cash 15:08:27 that person was saying that that solution was going to be posted on github 15:09:30 ? 15:13:35 Could have been me. 15:13:36 You use hdd plus ssd cache, with LVM2 15:14:38 32gb nvme cache on last test (3 march), took ~24 hours to sync 15:15:43 you use the cache because of the reads of the ring members right? 15:15:49 I use to have a site with all the details but got issue with that vps provider, have to update and reupload it somewhere 15:17:07 Exactly, and you want write cache (not "normal" or read cache.) 15:17:59 my 250 gb ssd is running out soo... 15:18:37 well there is no rush perhaps next weekend or so i dm you for that? 15:19:53 Sure. Next weekend I can help, you can DM my irc self 15:20:32 Now I'm "away" and only have my phone 15:20:33 but nvme is not an option cause i dont have the m20 interface 15:20:35 ... 15:20:49 Ssd cache work 15:21:32 Anything that have ~0ns latency is fine 15:22:55 or create a github repo with thouse instructions alone 15:23:07 i bet it will be helpfull for many of us 15:23:10 :) 15:23:14 thx 15:35:27 what's up 15:35:28 I set up my ssd read/write cache using ZFS 15:35:51 zfs support on Linux is quite good now days 15:36:01 i've started up my node for the first time in some time and keep getting messages that i'm running one or two blocks behind 15:36:15 yeah me too bro 15:36:15 is this just new blocks being found or something i need to do? 15:36:21 Dont do read cache for node 15:36:45 the server does a lot fo diff stuff plus read cache seems nice for serving RPC requests no? 15:36:47 Else it get contamined by the many read and slow down a lot 15:37:19 server is like 3 diff nodes plus some personal stuff. and the read cache is like over 400 GB :D 15:37:40 pretty sure it makes a big diff 15:37:46 You want the latest data only, in the cache. You dont one that 5 years old tx data you only need one time this week to land there 15:38:03 ZFS cache is a mix of most recently read and most frequently accessed 15:39:35 Yeah, thats the point of the write cache, you get the most recent 32gb worth of blockchain in the ssd, and the older stuff in the hdd. Monero use mostly new tx for decoys. Meaning read cache evict more useful stuff to replace it with less usefull stuff 15:41:41 when I look at the stats 54% of all reads are already in the cache. Most frequently used is 94% of cache and most recently used is only 6%, though that's all handled automatically 15:41:49 are you saying lvm2 will read from the write cache? 15:42:05 You also dont want read from people syncing from your node to poison your cache with old data 15:42:34 if that data is frequently accessed it's not poisoning anything? 15:42:39 Yes, its just that reading stuff wont be cached 15:43:12 ah well zfs is diff the write cache is a seperate thing afaik 15:43:23 Writing stuff add stuff to cache there for read from other people syncing or tx verification that use older data wont poison the cache 15:43:36 like it just commits stuff to SSD before flushing to disk, it's very small 15:43:51 Lvm too, you have to specifically tell im to create the cache as "write cache" 15:44:22 I see 15:44:57 You need to also set parameter so it start to evict the cache when its 95% full and stop evict the cache when its down to 90%... You want to keep it as full as possible of the latest blockchain data 15:45:49 I get ya, though in my case the server is going about half a dozen different things, xmr node is only one 15:46:59 Default for lvm is some read/write cache, and the result of using that is that it take 50 to 100% more time to sync the node. Still faster than no cache but way slower than write cache 15:47:10 Lyza0: from what I remember zfs is not good in combination with monerod, since LMDB is already doing its own caching 15:47:22 I use read/write cache for my gaming drive, work great for that 15:48:32 selsta that's probably true for the ZFS memory caching but the SSD caching is a diff thing. But the mem cache only takes up space not used by other stuff so I don't think it does harm? 15:49:05 Yeah, lmdb cache work better if you have a lot of ram I assume 15:49:35 Lyza0: i remember hyc explaining it a while ago but not sure if I can find it 15:50:57 gotcha. lmbd cache is automatically managed by monero ya? nothing to set? 15:51:04 monerod* 15:52:12 Afaik yes, it will use as much ram as possible 15:52:27 yes you don't have set anything 15:52:30 I gave 64GB to my public node 15:57:56 interesting, mine sitting at like 2 GB, probably zfs hogging the cache 15:58:22 Lyza0: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8500#issuecomment-1216104871 15:58:35 not sure if worth changing since it's not a dedicated node and no performance issues, but maybe something to look into when I rebuild the server 15:58:41 selsta thx 18:21:31 Lmdb caching is based on the OS page file caching 18:22:23 The OS keeps recently used "pages" in memory, and lmdb simply uses a memory map over that 18:26:34 finally, news commits for Monerujo https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/commits/master/ 18:26:44 finally, new commits for Monerujo https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/commits/master/ 18:43:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I added L2 arc which made it sync faster, with zfs. 18:53:48 zfs cache definitely displaces the normal Linux cache -- ZFS ARC is taking up 31 GB while the OS page/cache is left with umm, 1400 MB in memory + 2 GB in the swap file. I could limit the ARC size if that would be more effective but I figure then it's kinda risking caching stuff twice. maybe why zfs is not the best option for Linux eh 18:57:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I had to cause mines on promox with other vms 19:03:47 Is there a site where I can see the block reward in the past? From 2014 onwards. 19:12:23 https://t.afdgo.pro/I96PM3 19:37:42 Testing... 19:54:32 Failed 20:23:39 Hi 20:23:40 I realised that in monero GUI package there is a folder "extras" where is CLI interface too. 20:23:40 Before I was downloading both, using CLI interface to sync and GUI for transactions, but there is no need as I see to have both on Desktop, as you can run `monerod` from the main , extracted folder and `monero-wallet-cli` from "extras" folder to use only CLI interface =) 20:24:20 Hi 20:24:21 I realised that in monero GUI package there is a folder "extras" where is CLI interface too. 20:24:21 Before I was downloading both, using CLI interface to sync and GUI for transactions, but there is no need to have both on Desktop, as you can run `monerod` from the main , extracted folder and `monero-wallet-cli` from "extras" folder to use only CLI interface =) 20:25:27 I never paid attention to that "extras" folder before.. 20:45:44 Is this a new wallet 20:54:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No lol 22:27:43 Guys I restored my wallet on monerowalletgui using the mneumonic seed from cake wallet. Now the mnemonic seed from monerowalletgui is different from the one it originated from. Shouldn't it be the same? 22:48:11 pedrowiski did you make a mistake when pasting the seed over? it should be the same / have the same primary address (beginning with 4) 22:50:59 Well it synced and showed the same balance so I guess yea 22:55:27 i think some wallets are using the new polyseed thing which would give you a different wordlist 22:56:18 the old way of doing it is 25 words, polyseed are 16 22:56:45 Hmm That's probably it then, I restored from a legacy wallet seed. Both should work then? 22:56:57 yup 22:57:09 as long as the wallet supports both 22:57:52 Great! Thx