00:11:14 The transactions of Monero network pumped from 20k/day to 130k/day. What happened? 00:12:21 It's Monero so nobody knows :D 00:13:41 adoption 00:14:21 People are looking into it which might shed some light but that might take a while 00:14:51 great_taste: imma still waiting to be adopted 00:15:54 stores are ditching paypal in favor of monero lmao 00:41:28 too many 1 input 2 output, i suspect SPAM or deanonymizing attack 00:51:49 Blocksize is back down to the median size that it was b4 the increase 00:52:12 Not a great attack or spam 00:52:37 Gn 01:03:50 You only need a sufficient number of recent outputs to increase your probability of guessing correctly. 01:17:16 and what is that number? 01:19:56 how good does your guess need to be 01:20:07 Cat needs to consult their expert number-crunching researchers. 01:20:24 Cat needs to consult their expert number-crunching researchers. 01:20:31 Cat remains unconcerned 01:20:35 its over 9000 01:20:48 Cat doesnt use monero 01:21:22 actually she bought them by herself 01:21:39 since then she avoids the keyboard 01:21:45 buying and using is different 01:22:57 monero is also a store of value 01:25:14 1 monero = 1 monero thats about it, do our researchers even use monero 02:15:22 Will his conspiracy succeed? 02:44:16 You can always counter spam them 02:44:19 If it increases 02:44:27 After your 'counter-spam' 02:44:43 That would mean a confirmation of a deanonimization attack 03:19:19 nobody wants to confirm it, even if they it wont be public till they finish selling their bags 06:44:32 Man, I've seen more effort from spammers pushing their latest airdrop scheme, than this whole "sky's falling, monero is completely deanonymized by the spam attack" schtick 08:48:32 I started syncing the blockchain a week ago and did half of the pruned blockchain in under 12 hours, later i went again and its gona take 4 days to do the rest 09:00:08 Yes, that's normal. The more recent history has a lot more transactions per block, so it takes longer to verify them all 09:00:28 Also, syncing on an hdd takes *a lot* longer than on an ssd 09:01:20 Note that pruning only reduces the data that you actually store on disk - but you still have to go through downloading and verifying the whole chain 09:05:06 Update to v0.18.3.2 or v0.18.3.3 - they have more recent checkpoints, it will speed up the sync 09:17:52 DAM, i am over halfway through with a pruned blockchain and have enough space for the full blockchain 09:20:23 If markets remove monero, where do we trade it? DNMs? IRC? localmonero? 09:20:45 Some youtubers said it will die. 09:22:02 Can I get monero from getmonero.org? 09:27:07 I think youtubers will die before XMR does 09:32:27 LocalMonero, Serai (soon), Haveno (soon). Plus a bunch of non-kyc centralized exchanges which are not going to remove XMR 09:32:52 Some youtubers can say anything to get those views for monetization 11:06:20 Who stole the moneroj in the CCS Wallet on Sep. 2023? 11:24:23 <0​pim:xmr.se> fluffy 11:57:44 PRs are not supposed to be merged based on "any input / feedback / comments ..." since one of the highest priority for cryptocurrency is to be secure and correct 11:58:14 yeah, this scammer can shove it back where he took it from; also is he going to do coming out soon ? 11:59:11 indeed, it's hard to argue about competency of programmer without reading their code 12:02:03 it isn't a question whether it's that scammer or not 12:02:59 Hello, do I understand correctly that even if I have txid, the address and tx view key, I can prove a transaction happened, but I would still be unable to see the amount? 12:11:15 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> If you have any productive feedback I am all ears. Since in all the benchmarks the rw lock, not performing as good as we expected https://github.com/0xFFFC0000/monero/pull/16 https://i.ibb.co/qpTMvfZ/9181.png 12:12:22 "... or example he debugged a compiler bug, something mj would have never done" Regarding this "fixed" complier which isn't mentioned anywhere, but it's good that you mentioned it 12:12:38 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> And the rw lock part doesn’t directly interact with security related code. Make sure you skim the PR. 12:13:41 "https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8912" created at 20.06.2023 by fresh account; sech1 commented on the same day (20.06.2023) that it's a compiler bug and unrelated to monero; 12:13:53 around 06.2023 this new nickname appears in these chats 12:16:24 0xFFFC is knowledge in websockets/protobuf/IPC and web apps in general, the other certainly isn't. This person doesn't sound like him. 12:18:19 then only at 09.2023 this new nickname leave a comment with a link to existing gcc bug tracker issue https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109666, which was created at 28.04.2023 and solved in gcc upstream at 02.05.2023 12:19:19 <0​pim:xmr.se> https://banmonero.com/ 12:19:33 > <@interestingband:matrix.org> and your proof ? 12:19:34 0xFFFC is knowledgeable in websockets/protobuf/IPC and web apps in general, the other certainly isn't. This person doesn't sound like him. 12:19:35 <0​pim:xmr.se> Stop criminal activity. Don't use Monero it's a scam, virus and everything bad. 12:19:53 <0​pim:xmr.se> Bitcoin is a pure alternative. 12:19:58 oh its this tard again 12:20:10 lel 12:20:22 <0​pim:xmr.se> You follow me because inside you know I'm right. 12:20:31 plowsof: ^ 12:20:41 <0​pim:xmr.se> Monero is a scam. There's an inflation bug but it's not in the code but the protocol. Criminals taking your money idiots. 12:20:57 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8912#issuecomment-1730512431, "This is the simplest case I can find that bug happens https://godbolt.org/z/cq8ThqEf6" this reproduction for the bug is just a copy&paste code from gcc issue comment "https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109666#c0" "Was also able to reproduce it using godbolt on gcc 13.1: https://godbolt.org/z/7nK446P34" 12:21:37 <0​pim:xmr.se> https://banmonero.com/ Read this. Even if @plowsof:matrix.org bans me we're spreading the word everywhere. People don't like Monero and this crowd is growing bigger. 12:21:57 "This is the simplest case I can come up with that bug happens https://godbolt.org/z/cq8ThqEf6" indeed, who would beside that scammer use reproduction of others and demonstrate it as their own work on the bug 12:21:57 <0​pim:xmr.se> Come to your senses and leave Monero now. Sethforprivacy left because he knew Monero was a scam. 12:21:59 nobody cares pal 12:22:07 wrong 12:22:18 <0​pim:xmr.se> Keep coping. 12:22:29 <0​pim:xmr.se> Void linux has removed all Monero related repos. 12:22:36 <0​pim:xmr.se> We're winning. Bitcoin is kept in tact. 12:22:41 who? 12:22:51 <0​pim:xmr.se> https://voidlinux.org/ 12:22:59 But this isn't the most interesting part about this compiler bug 12:23:00 irrelevant distro 12:23:02 hahahaha 12:23:07 <0​pim:xmr.se> Cope again. 12:23:23 it looks like this isn't even fixed yet, even in upstream gcc 12:23:32 <0​pim:xmr.se> It starts with void. Next is Ubuntu, Fedora and every other linux distro. It won't ban it completely as anyone can make a fork but it will make it harder to get and that's what we want. 12:23:50 <0​pim:xmr.se> To save you people. Come to your senses and leave. 12:24:05 which is kind of shame for someone who claims this "My technical background is mostly in Compilers (GCC) and Operating Systems (Linux kernel)" 12:24:07 hahahaha 12:26:04 "he is also familiar with lmdb which mj never touched" regarding this 12:26:10 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Actually if you look a their bugzilla it is upstreamed. IIRC 12:26:32 "https://bugs.openldap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9378#c14", "Thanks to assistance from another user, we've made some progress setting up a KDE test environment to reproduce this issue. ... " 12:26:39 "https://bugs.openldap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9378#c20", "For completeness sake, here are the scripts used to launch baloo_file and kill it repeatedly, which were needed to reproduce the issue." 12:27:45 "https://bugs.openldap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9378#c20" the bash script from this comment is the only visible proof of knowledge in lmdb which turns out to be not the knowledge in lmdb, but ability to write bash script of restart some linux executable many times 12:27:46 hahahahaha 12:28:09 Rowdy crowd today. Anyone who works on Monero has my appreciation. 12:28:13 <0​pim:xmr.se> Criminal 12:28:27 "but generally different writing style, he works on different parts of the codebase, also more dedicated" regarding this 12:28:36 <0​pim:xmr.se> I called my state rep the other day to complain about Monero. This will become a legal issue. 12:28:55 <0​pim:xmr.se> We are making it known that you people are scamming criminal liars who deserve nothing but justice. 12:29:17 <0​pim:xmr.se> Innocent people use Bitcoin. 12:29:38 everyone who has worked closer with mj will tell you they are not the same person 12:30:07 but you are so obsessed with the idea that he is back you can't even look at the situation in a neutral way 12:30:23 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, "Improve Doxygen documentation. Improve general documentation of the codebase." exactly the same as that scammer was doing 12:30:52 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, " ... Like removing dead code, and simplifying the codebase, especially the epee module." exactly the same as that scammer was doing 12:31:19 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, "Analyze existing static analyzers (clangd-based analyzer, NASA/ikos, Facebook/infer, etc) ..." exactly the same as that scammer was doing 12:33:30 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7610, old nickname of scammer, touching logging and suggesting to use something from boost 12:33:43 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9092, new nickname of scammer, touching logging againg and suggesting to use something from boost again 12:35:22 did you even compare the two issues? 12:35:47 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, "With the help of @selsta, I am managing labels for all the incoming PRs and issues on our repo too."; he isn't competent even for this kind of work since how are you going to set proper label for issues/prs without knowing/reading the code 12:36:06 one is adding compression with boost, the other is a completely different logging infrastructure 12:36:26 two completely different suggestions 12:38:44 who pinged me and wtf is this drama 12:39:51 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, "But over time I realized that I wanted to work on crypto, because I believe in Monero's mission. " indeed, someone who has enourmous experience in compliers and linux kernel, and wants to work on crypto, starts with doxygen, github labels 12:42:17 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/429, "But I have always followed cryptography and now I am switching to cryptocurrency as my long-term career plan." there is no carrer in cryptocurrency, it was supposed to provide alternative to status quo instead of becoming another hierarchy with incompetent morons like you inside 12:42:59 Then show your PRs to Monero github repo, competent moron 12:44:07 i was forced to work with mj, giving him tasks rarely resulted in him doing anything. 0xfffc on the other hand is dedicated in completing what i give him. they are not the same person, no matter what "evidence" you show like both mentioning boost in an issue. 12:45:27 Boost is an endless source of issues 12:46:44 Even if they are the same, as long as results are produced, do we really care? Focus not on who, but what is done 12:47:24 they are not the same, i would never work with mj again 12:47:30 didn't he want to sue me lol 12:47:50 I mean, I don't care _who_ 12:47:53 wait someone is saying that mj and 0xfffc are the same person? all I have to say is lololol 12:47:58 I care about results 12:48:20 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> If you have any feedback on https://github.com/0xFFFC0000/monero/pull/16 instead of wasting everybody’s time for stupid arguments? 12:48:36 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> I am all ears. 12:51:21 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9212, and clown, this unit test with reproduction was written for a bug; and you instead of reading/learning actual code of monero is debugging that reproduction like a black box 12:53:22 "for example he debugged a compiler bug, something mj would have never done" to be precise, paraphrased existing comments from issue in gcc bug tracker 12:53:54 but turns out that that bug isn't fixed (I managed to reproduce it locally within few hours) 12:54:11 ahhh, it's you back again https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commit/ded2f3aa85da4d34457069a498913f610ec55e72 12:54:16 fvking scammer 12:54:17 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Clown, it fails in master. Even with non-code PR. Which means either the test case is broken or the core blockchain code. 12:54:17 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Which, means even if the blockchain broken you have to debug test case to find out whats going on. 12:54:36 Maybe you're good at writing code, but you're shit at communicating 12:55:38 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Interesting. Because GCC bugzilla states it has been fixed with that PR, and I did confirm it. If you have anything else, I am all ears. We can report to them. 12:56:35 Pretty cool that you're finding compiler bugs 12:57:03 Finding compiler bugs is not that hard, unfortunately 13:03:42 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> interestingband: FYI https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109666#c15 13:09:04 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> interestingband: I have a question. This is a benchmark https://github.com/0xFFFC0000/benchmark-project 13:09:04 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> That creates N wallets, creating N node, (private testnet). And mine with those node to those wallet. At next step, I shutdown all nodes. Only leave one. And have N wallet-rpc doing parallel iterations of (open_wallet / refresh / rescan / close_wallet) and measuring. Right now I just use boost.process to spawn process and kill. But that is extremely ugly. And buggy. Eventually I w 13:09:05 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> ant to port it to use monero libraries. for daemon I believe I have to use node_server and wallet2 for wallet. Now any feedback? Do you think this kind of benchmark worth it? N wallets / nodes. “I” iterations. 13:25:35 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Are you retarded or something? Where did I say I came up with that reproduction? 13:25:44 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bcrXmrSBhPeLFkUJKwatlSXD 13:26:32 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> This is the simplest case I can find that bug happens https://godbolt.org/z/cq8ThqEf6 13:26:32 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> I did even put a link to exactly same bug report at GCC bug zilla. 13:26:33 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8912#issuecomment-1730512431 13:26:51 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> My exact word: “This is the simplest case I can find that bug happens https://godbolt.org/z/cq8ThqEf6 “ 13:26:51 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> I did even put a link to exactly same bug report at GCC bug zilla. 13:26:52 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8912#issuecomment-1730512431 14:41:09 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2162#issuecomment-2004082264 14:41:34 Why do people trust Web based wallets such as MyMonero and Edge? 14:53:11 why wouldnt they 14:54:27 why do you trust any other wallet isnt doing this? did you read every line of source code, compile from that source, and validate the compiled binary? did you get out an electron microscope and trace every path in your CPU? 14:56:57 Feather wallet 14:57:56 >why do you trust any other wallet isnt doing this 14:57:56 Talking here about web based attack vectors 14:57:58 What does it matter what kind of wallet you use as long as you use a decent hardware wallet to sign? 16:09:19 Anyone know a Kubernetes service provider that accept XMR? 16:38:09 why is #no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social not part of monero's matrix space ? 16:49:04 theres a space? i can only find individual rooms 16:49:28 #monerospace:monero.social 16:49:45 added it nowSyntheticBird 16:50:36 thats just another room 16:52:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/JnhpgeeVYRVlgQniGuRgUfLW 16:52:23 Should show something like that 16:53:02 https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 16:53:02 it's the correct one 16:53:32 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/VYQFLsHLOXEJcJUyXVsNxtRv 16:54:12 strange. element treats it like a room but when you click join it does indeed work as a space 17:38:54 Hello! I've checked the source code but I cannot for the life of me figure out the default value for inbound connections a Monero client accepts. The total b 17:39:26 17:40:32 The default total connection count seems to be 12 (P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT in cryptonote_config.h). 17:47:44 Hello, I just wanted to ask if theres any reason not to prune a local monero node, if so, why not and are there any other ways to download a local node without sacrificing over 200gb of space? 17:49:23 if everyone prunes, theres no more blockchaiin 17:49:27 if everyone prunes, theres no more blockchain 17:52:46 Asides from that, if I wished to host a node for my own personal use, would there be any sacrifices made as opposed to a full node? 17:53:45 unless you have a wallet with some super old outputs in it, probably not 17:56:12 Alright, thanks! 17:57:05 This seems totally right! Reading this is just bizarre. Seems like there is something else going on here below the (psychological) surface. 17:58:35 snex: Your statements about Monero pruning are not correct. Please read some explanations. There is a blog post on getmonero.org about it. 18:07:05 IIRC on a protocol level there's no diff between rooms and spaces. 18:54:34 Matrix served is buggy rn. matrix.monero.social messages are not being propagated to other matrix servers 19:04:29 For a few days people have been responding to messages that I didn't see 19:07:33 When do you notice this happening jeffro256? Within a PM with someone from a specific homeserver? Or you can't send messages in certain public rooms? 19:09:41 I cant send messages in no wallet left behind 19:10:10 Oh yes sorry, im seeing the MRL messages from rbrunner just now. Looks like an admin is looking into it. Thanks 19:10:24 Well I can and they show up for me and other matrix.monero.social users and IRC users, but not for other matrix users 19:10:39 Just noticed it an hour ago 19:23:01 yes, spaces are just a list of rooms ids 19:33:48 nioCat: But being on IRC you are removed one level further still, with yet more things that can go wrong, I would suspect 19:34:11 My user was a "fully native Matrix user" 19:36:55 rbrunner: I saw what I assume are all your messages in NWLB 19:38:30 Just caught up and then posted here about missing messages which are happening in many channels 19:39:06 I see 20:43:27 https://cronokirby.com/posts/2022/03/on-moneros-ring-signatures/ 21:26:29 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1bhoqtb/monerod_running_locally_on_my_nas_how_to/ 21:27:11 can someone reply with https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Jc3wfSj5Ffo ? 21:27:13 I don't have a reddit account lol 22:08:37 Done 22:09:56 I'm now running a full node and mining monero 22:10:29 and i wont stop even if "price performance and other bs is going bad 22:10:35 monero is a real one 22:11:05 we are getting price manipulated dumped on and slandered 22:11:41 and i wont stop even if "price performance" and other bs is going bad 22:12:06 i don't see any other cryptocurrency that is even close to monero 22:12:49 that is actually bad 22:12:54 i don't have any other coins 22:13:05 every time i try to buy one, i find myself buying monero again 22:16:24 Not all synology boxes support docker. I used to just do it over NFS but my NAS is all platters so eventually I switched over to an external SSD 22:20:03 there are problems with the IRC bridge? 22:20:40 I see messages after about 2h ago 22:21:46 based syndrome? 22:46:50 Down Syndrome for you lot 22:46:51 Lmao 22:57:38 there are problem between different matrix servers 22:57:57 the bridge is ok 23:56:00 https://www.devever.net/~hl/webcrypto 23:56:16 Whats the benefit of using matrix 23:56:16 web-based cryptocurrency wallet. 23:57:01 >web-based cryptocurrency wallet. 23:58:12 its more discord-like in features 23:58:30 images, emojis, etc 23:58:36 for me, history persistence 23:58:40 clients sucks though 23:59:10 i wish there was a usable tui client 23:59:13 element? 23:59:33 i think weechat supports it 23:59:45 My irc bouncer to the job for history 23:59:46 With nice **deleted** resistance