00:01:20 thats false. coinjoins offer 0 privacy they only give anonymity 00:01:47 all coinjoin activity is public to see 00:01:57 thats not privacy dumbass 00:02:53 Yah, but that’s the general perception they want price to not nose dive and still have anonymity 00:03:35 the only reason theyre using bitcoin is because all of it goes on cex. monero is not listed on most ce 00:03:37 the only reason theyre using bitcoin is because all of it goes on cex. monero is not listed on most cex 00:03:59 liquditity is dry for monero for these hackers. they move billions which is more than the marketcap of monero 00:04:17 it has nothing to do with privacy 00:04:29 How do you add billions in liquidity to xmr without cex ? 00:05:01 you cant 00:05:27 So what’s the conclusion? 00:05:36 you have to eliminate fiat and create a circular economy according to the xmr ideal 00:06:11 Circular economy needs working light wallet, LWS is wip for how many years ? 00:07:34 Normal wallet work just fine. 00:07:35 for POS, just leave the wallet... Open? 00:07:35 For normal user, Sync won't be a problem if they use the currency regularly (If they open there phone / PC wallet at least one time a week ... Or leave it open too) 00:07:46 you can also use remote node without sync 00:07:57 its as fast as light wallet 00:08:15 I never tried that with monero. But I assume I could try with my local node 00:08:24 very minimum syncing 00:08:32 No they need instant sync wallets without consuming 10s of gb a month 00:08:38 uh lws isnt wip lol 00:08:48 On their mobile device 00:08:51 what are ppl even arguing over 00:09:00 your ignoring remote nodes 00:09:06 you dont need to sync gigabytes 00:09:40 😂 only if users knew which was a working remote node last week 00:09:41 endogenic its skepticism sunday so any criticism 00:10:06 wallets like feather automatically connect retard 00:10:06 Mine was working just fine ;) 00:10:07 even over tor 00:10:07 You need, with remote node also you need to dl blocks 00:10:10 ... aaany criticism??? 00:10:17 You are not normal 00:10:23 lol 00:10:34 Is your node included in default list of most mobile wallets ? 00:10:44 Nop, only in Feather 00:11:24 yes and on bitcoin/eth instead of spending money on data to download some blocks, you spend hundreds in fees : 00:11:58 your criticisms are against crypto in general 00:12:00 not specific to monero 00:12:23 Fees has nothing to do with how monero wallet can be better with lws 00:12:34 lol 00:12:50 remote nodes work well for this purpose 00:12:54 monero has lws support 00:13:06 They work till most public nodes are under stress 00:13:14 and when bitcoin/eth is under stress what happens? 00:13:18 dave do you not run a lws? 00:13:32 go pay $50 for a single tx 00:13:49 100s of electrum nodes , don’t tell me you never used btc 00:13:49 cant wait to spend $49 on groceries and be left with $0 and 0 groceries 00:14:06 i have used btc and under stress the mempool is fucked 00:14:20 And the fees moon easily in the 30's 00:14:20 transactions have taken me 24 hours+ for one confirmation 00:14:32 Again nothing to do with nodes , that’s their block size issue 00:14:39 I got TX that got stuck in the constipator for over 40 hours 00:14:51 dave wen u hosting lws??? 00:14:56 there are 100s of monero nodes 00:15:01 make TX with max fee, BTC TX flood begin... hooo nooo, I guess my swap will fail 😂 00:15:34 during high congestion i use rbf like 10 times 00:15:46 $10 fee -> $20 -> $30 -> $35 -> $40 -> $50 00:15:48 Which are not public nor simple mode on gui that would have worked on this case 00:16:04 Yeah, that's the way to go, always enable RBF 00:16:07 literally feather wallet it comes default 00:16:26 you click use remote node and it selects a working one 00:16:27 just like electrum 00:17:19 There are plenty of flaws with monero, just saying all is well isn’t going to make ppl adopt it. 00:17:51 Then short it with max leverage 00:17:53 no one is going to adopt it now. it goe sback to my point of this being too early 00:18:01 the flaws are being addressed but this takes time 00:18:19 devs are trying their hardest. the work they do aint easy 00:18:31 The "attack" was nice stress test, I which it lasted a little more as I did improve my node 00:18:44 The "attack" was nice stress test, I wish it lasted a little more as I did improve my node 00:19:14 again this is with all crypto 00:19:26 if there were perfect crypto none of us would be here and there wouldnt be 10K+ coins trying to do something 00:19:46 xmr is one of thousands and the best one for privacy right now 00:20:18 Binance took away coin margin to do that 😂 00:20:39 There other exchanges 00:20:46 like MEXC 00:21:01 why using Margin, just use Futures 00:21:26 Allows xmr as margin ? 00:21:28 binance futures still exists for xmr even though its delisted 00:21:29 You don’t short with stables 00:21:29 You long it 00:21:36 Coin-M 00:21:39 Oh, did not know that 00:22:05 shut up fucking liar 00:22:13 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/HLTeepLsxWDpoVCAWhkMbjhn 00:22:37 Liar? I didn’t say you can’t lol, learn to read 00:22:52 liar 00:23:01 you can still trade margin with futures on binance with xmr 00:23:37 You are stupid like your name, you don’t short with usdt because you can get liquidated, if you 1x short with xmr you can never get liquidated 00:24:03 Monero going to zero (dollars)... once there are zero dollars circulating in the world. 00:24:07 you can get liquidated with coin shorts you retard 00:24:58 lol go try short 1x btc on btc perp and see what’s the liquidation 00:25:07 this sounds like.. what... something for #monero-markets maybe? 00:25:23 dave went off topic because his points are shit 00:25:42 what ever happened to scholarly work 00:26:00 lol keep dreaming 00:26:03 surely anyone's claims can be modeled or monitored and analyzed 00:26:14 And hope monero can adopt without radical changes 00:26:26 Can be adopted * 00:26:32 ^ 00:26:32 monero is adopted 00:26:41 and will continue to be 00:26:45 but it has some technical issues 00:28:18 these technical issues will take years to fix 00:28:28 the real ones, yes 00:28:34 which is fine by me because were early 00:28:39 not anymore 00:28:44 im willing to take that risk 00:28:51 Yep, can rush it all in one months. 00:28:52 Fine for me too, the more time it take the more I accumulate 00:28:54 fcmp and seraphis are 5 years minimum 00:29:34 ravfx do u think you may have an incentive therefore to slow or disrupt monero's ... what 00:29:38 development? 00:30:00 the marketcap is only $2 billion 00:30:02 Like triptych 00:30:03 [[Citation needed]] 00:30:05 citation is @dave.jp:matrix.org 00:30:20 Non, it's fine if it moon right now. But I won't complain if I can accumulate more 00:30:31 for you, for sure 00:30:47 I was actually referring to this claim of yours 00:30:49 but one wonders sometimes 00:30:57 this is not my claim 00:31:09 ^ 00:31:13 sorry it wasnt dave hes a retard 00:31:18 it was syntehticbird 00:31:23 MRL logs 00:32:35 but yes 5 years is a long time 00:32:36 in crypto thats a fucking long time 00:32:38 Everyone can see who it is 00:32:53 5 years in crypto is like 10 real life yars 00:32:55 seraphis isnt the issue 00:32:58 They might get FCMP before Seraphis if it's possible, I think I did read that in the dev stuff lately 00:33:09 I recall reading a "2 years" figure while skimming the last mrl meeting, from an actual researcher - not some rando's ass 00:33:18 yes ukoe said its min 1.5 years fcmp + ring 00:33:19 But what do I know 00:33:25 thats with ring signatures dumb ass 00:33:25 Read again 00:33:33 with seraphis its 5 years+ years 00:33:36 seraphis + fcmp 00:33:53 ring + fcmp approx 1. 5 years 00:34:23 Such a chill and civil attitude... almost sounds familiar 00:34:42 when you argue with @dave.jp:matrix.org for 2 hours straight the civil attitude goes 00:34:50 Anyway 00:34:55 also the retard in monero community saying dog coins are better than monro 00:35:16 Thin skin no material 00:35:28 also free ofrnxmr 00:35:46 Ok ofrn 00:35:58 ofrn is saving monero 00:36:00 Clowns are free to go wherever they please 00:36:14 Doesn't mean we have to listen to them 00:36:23 And buying wow 00:36:29 unfortunately today we do 00:36:37 its skepticism sunday 00:37:05 you take things too seriously. ofrn is working hard on atomic swaps with basicswap and other monero issues 00:38:03 Not denying that, Mormons can’t differentiate 00:38:03 are you a wow shill? 00:38:04 Normies * 00:39:28 Ah yes, making alts to spam garbage - that will show everyone you're better 00:39:32 shouldve listened to coffee 00:39:46 im not ofrnxmr just respecting genius devs on monero nothing wrong with that 00:39:50 No I don’t shill dog coins 00:40:24 ofrnxmr is too busy to make alt and speak to imbeciles like dave 00:41:00 then why are you here? you seem to hate xmr think its incompetent but dont offer any alternatives? 00:41:49 I wish Musk did not lie, I would have got that starlink thing if he did accept that stupid dog coin like he said he would 00:42:09 I hold xmr since 2016/17 , I know what xmr is right now ; I don’t need hopium dreams 00:42:12 I own 0 doge coin 00:42:21 just swap to pay with that dog poop 00:42:37 make sense now you bought top and sad 00:43:07 lucky i cam to monero 2019 00:43:20 16/17 was top ? Take your meds 00:43:57 you liar 00:44:15 2017 - early 2018 was one of the top at $400 00:44:17 you dont know shit liar 00:44:21 2k18 was the top 00:44:31 and 2k21 00:44:37 Are you a kid ? 00:44:45 ur a liar 00:44:47 wait non actually end of 2k17 00:44:51 if you bought not during the top you wouldnt be here 00:45:01 you bought end of 2017 i know 00:45:09 it rug for 2017 christmas like btc 00:45:39 freeofrnxmr 00:45:43 I began to load in 2k19 00:45:59 same here 00:46:05 Make some sense before raising slogans 00:46:16 top buyer 00:46:33 i wish this had feature to change nickname of other users. i would change yours from dave to "top buyer" 00:47:11 and this why they ban price discussion because it becomes stupidity 00:47:24 Boring 00:47:25 contain all of it to xmrtrader and the markets channel 00:47:45 You brought the price talk in here 00:47:50 your points were boring. hopefully someone smart comes one day to criticize and know what they talk about 00:48:07 ^^^^ 00:48:08 And you couldn’t argue 00:48:31 keep crying kiddo)))) 00:48:36 It’s not price talk 00:49:01 go to sleep good night 00:49:18 Ok go to bed sleep tight in your bunker 00:49:24 How about you both stop polluting the channel with your nonsense. If you wanna fight, take it to DMs 00:49:30 freeofrn and i stop 00:49:38 He lies and lies and lies, that's all a salesman does, he's a salesman. 00:49:40 all this started pollution after ofrn got banned 00:49:51 ofrn saved monero and the chat 00:49:53 I know, iot's an asshole 00:49:55 UNBAN OFRN 00:49:56 ofrn is a genius 00:50:18 Ofrn was banned before the spam ? 00:50:23 I really try to get that starlink last week, it was on sale and I would like a third redondancy for my internet 00:50:39 and noticed he only accept scam cc 00:50:39 after ofrn got banned this spam started 00:50:43 This isn't a negotiation 00:50:51 when ofrn was here no spam 00:50:52 So are you saying he is behind it ? 00:50:58 By someone totally not ofrn ;) 00:50:59 except 24/25 but that wasnt ofrn 00:51:17 no im not ofrn the spam is not him maybe the person starting the spam likes ofrn but its not him 00:51:18 If no onion peers are available after setting --tx-proxy, the TX is held for sending later (hopefully onion peers become available) 00:51:22 read how ofrn talks hes not like me 00:51:38 wait, are you ofrn? you don't have a right to vote 00:51:38 everyone else, react with a 卐 if you want ofrn ubanned 00:51:43 How do you know it, do you read his mind ? 00:52:08 even if you choose one onion? 00:52:11 Use --proxy which proxies all connections in the same manner as torsocks. For better or worse this uses tor exit nodes instead of hidden services atm 00:52:32 ^^ 00:52:56 I think the questions were already answered, but couldn't hurt to reiterate 00:53:16 Ofrn confirmed, doesn’t stay behind from helping plebs 00:53:23 🫡 00:56:11 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> i understood that proxy doesn't work this way as it will still make calls to clearweb? 00:57:54 You must have at least one outbound tor connection for it to send 01:00:38 It makes calls to clearweb via tor exit nodes. So tor is the VPN, no different than how tor+Firefox work when browsing the clearnet. 01:01:37 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> oh perfect, thanks! 01:03:57 <5​m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de> Do i need any other configuration or is closing the firewall, setting the onion service on the RPC port for wallet to connect to. pruned blockchain and the proxy enough? 01:59:21 Are some limit in place, on how many can be on r/monero at any given time, because the overspill is becoming ridiculous. 04:40:57 dave.jp How much liquidity do you guys need 🤔 04:40:57 If you need to buy another lambo, just use https://shopinbit.com/ or https://proxysto.re/ 04:40:58 You need a big bank wire or cash and want it quick? Just use https://allark.app/ 04:40:58 I think we're pretty covered for now ;) 08:37:10 im not ofrn. how sgp allowed unban but ofrn still banned? this is not fair. the ban was not made public either. FREE OFRN NOW OR THE SPAM CONTINUE 08:37:42 price of monero will go to 0 if ofrn is left banned 08:39:38 BILLIONS is needed. shopinbit gives amazon items and proxysto.re sells old computer and fax machine. allark looks like a scam that gives max 250k 08:40:20 this why bitcoin and other coin really used by big criminal 08:41:18 Big criminals use fiat still i think, not sure on the stats 08:41:44 i posting about crypto. i sent graph from chainanalysis report and most of crime not even in monero 08:42:08 lot of them send direct to cex lol 08:42:28 Criminals can use KYCed platforms registered to drops anyway. 08:46:04 Dont BS companies advise people to pay in BTC (e.g. for ransomware. Some of whom offer discounts for paying in monero) 08:46:48 yes because of liquidity 08:47:04 most of them end up paying bitcoin because it easier to get for company 08:49:35 The surveillance company who will help you track/lock/block your funds advise you to use btc not because of liquidity. Although liquidity is one reason 08:50:34 when the attacker is someone like north korea or from jurisdiction like russia it dont matter about what they can find 08:50:35 it all about liquidity 08:53:53 Cant be all if chainalysis advise people to not pay in monero 08:54:06 https://qu.ax/QflF.jpg 08:54:31 it dont matter they will go from xmr to btc/usdt/eth anyway 08:55:17 @plowsof:matrix.org scam link 08:55:23 downloads malware 09:01:52 Successfully compiled Monero CLI wallet on OpenBSD, it just took a very long time, because Core 2 Duo. On NetBSD it's uncompilable. And on FreeBSD it's readily available in the repository, so no need to compile on that. 09:17:54 @jack_ma_blabla:matrix.org i did it. sold all gone. price went down lots big surprise))) good luck and good night 朋友 09:18:03 fuck this shit coin finally free 09:43:26 Thank you 09:59:48 https://x.com/ofrnxmr/status/1774606554135703904 10:01:16 Still want to wait Months or years to upgrade ringsize n fee bump ? Because this is not a immediate threat lol 10:01:59 Xmr keeps getting cheaper while this circus plays and cheaper to attack without any consensus change 10:30:49 remiliascarlet, nice openbsd 10:56:21 I don't think xmrig is compilable, because no hyperthreading on OpenBSD. Although it might be possible if that's not required. 11:39:58 https://qu.ax/zwFZ.jpg 12:53:39 Wtf are you talking about. Both shopinbit and proxystore offer anonymous concierge services. So you can buy pretty much anything through them. 12:53:40 Also shopinbit offers a travel agency so you can even book a vacation with crypto. 12:53:40 Also last year in november was the first time XMR had more volume than BTC at shopinbit. 14:51:36 The only thing that matter from them is the concierge services 14:51:36 There is also https://sovereignstack.tools/rerouter 14:51:37 We need more of theses. 14:51:37 Only way so far to obtain expensive scientific equipment. 14:51:38 For car and amazon things I can just use cash (and I think shipinbit is mostly limited to EU except for there concierge service) 15:48:24 what is the difference between https://unstoppableswap.net/ and https://basicswapdex.com/ ? 15:50:23 unstoppble only do BTC to XMR (if you are taker) and XMR to BTC if you are Maker 15:50:23 Unstoppable is also fully automated 15:50:24 * you take the order, send the fund and just wait for the confirmation / auto exchange shenanigans 15:50:24 * You make an order, it will show in the orderbook until a taker bite then you eventually get bitcoin in your ASB wallet 15:51:34 Also there is no need of having node or syncing stuff with Unstoppable 15:51:50 It's just a totally different system. 15:51:50 But Basicswap offer a lot more pairs 15:54:57 hi all 15:56:09 is it right, that monero isn't anymore supported on binance? 15:56:42 i can't get a monero address on binance to send my xmr to 15:56:46 binance 15:57:06 Yes, you have to use another CEX if maybe a DEX 15:57:07 You can use for example tradeogre or MEXC 15:57:11 on deposit wallets there is no choice for XMR 15:57:14 both of these don't require KYC 15:57:35 great 15:58:36 bribe all the way, use fake identities etc. But idk how it works in sanctioned countries tho (more eyes). 16:01:41 thx and cu 16:08:58 MEXC website looks like some chinese phishing site 16:09:13 also tradeorge is for swapping 16:09:22 you can't buy using fiat 16:10:10 Yeah, if you want fiat you do to localmonero I guess lol 16:10:10 Or Kraken? 16:14:20 I think MEXC mines crypto on your browser 16:14:23 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZGedtJuolvJOuQKZdtmlZUuF 16:14:32 wtf 16:16:15 just don't stay on MEXC for more than necessary lol, But I did not notice that on my side lol. 16:16:15 I assume you also have a bunch of tabs open for 1.6GB worth of browser :p 16:18:14 oh wait, non, I think that side just packed with shit, maybe just the average page that have way to much JS lol 16:18:33 depending of where you go and how much crap there is on the page the load vary a lot 16:21:59 CPU usage 16:21:59 MEXC Futs > MEXC landing page > MEXC Spot 16:22:00 Page just bloated, to many flashy thing I guess 16:30:50 anyone know the admins of monero.social? 16:47:40 homepage 16:51:48 Yeah, the "landing page" / "Home page" use a lot 16:51:48 I assume it's because it's full of crap because.. Web && 2024 16:51:48 But it could be something shady mining lol 16:52:11 if you look at the permission, Plowsof & xmrscott 16:52:45 they are admin here so they can probably tell you who is actually admin admin of the monero.social thing 16:55:22 he probably meant sysadmins 16:55:50 Yeah, asking the "admin" might tell who is the sysadmin lol 17:02:20 plowsof? 18:40:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nah 18:41:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Cyperstack 18:43:15 c0mmando I am a sysadmin for monero.social 18:43:38 yes through Cypherstack 18:47:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Matrix is the only homeserver with issues yeah? 18:50:24 Yes matrix.org does not process incoming messages for several other servers including monero.social properly because of an issue they have. 20:41:10 IRC uptime, 124,526 days and counting 20:51:03 90's tech best tech 20:51:03 More reliable and more efficient 21:16:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So no updates? 21:17:36 will uodate by 1 day tomorrow 21:29:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How many cves on that uptime? 21:32:40 damn I can't type ne more 21:32:45 the end is near 21:38:48 can you still get off the toilet unassisted? 21:40:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Toliet lift 21:43:16 great_taste: yes :) 22:36:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Dont do an elvis