00:07:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vaulwarden for homelab people 00:07:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof wont use it cause its in rust 01:12:43 downloaded the app image and it asks for email address. no thanks. 02:10:07 KeePassXC, or self host bitwarden with vaultwarden 02:50:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Email is for login? 02:59:07 pass w/tomb + security key bois, fuck all the cruft 03:01:26 https://github.com/android-password-store/Android-Password-Store 03:01:27 https://github.com/roddhjav/pass-tomb 03:01:28 https://www.passwordstore.org/ 03:01:29 https://github.com/dyne/Tomb 03:02:59 one can always have a safe mail 03:12:30 `proxychains ssh gunter⊙ko 'cat kyun.tomb.key' | tomb open kyun.tomb -k -` 03:12:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I write on paper and burn after reading 03:18:05 imma be real, trurkish coffee is rubbish. i don't care what anyone says. 04:34:38 BlueyHealer: "Smartphone first" is a common way of saying "fuck you, desktop users!". 04:37:50 When I make websites/webbackends, I take the opposite approach: CLI browser first, and GUI (desktop) browser second. Most of the time, it automatically gets to look nice on mobile browsers too that way. 04:38:31 It only doesn't if I use HTML tables though. 05:01:46 lol nice 08:53:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/rvSUoeLkGxnorviDYeJJWQmV 08:53:24 Really have something against CCs thats for sure 09:23:18 KeepassXC and Bitwarden have different purposes 09:23:48 the formal is offline and the latter is cloud based 11:20:41 Who's gonna in prag this june ? 11:20:44 Who's gonna be in prag this june ? 11:23:01 Who's gonna be in prague this june ? 11:23:14 Who's gonna be in prague this june for monerokon ? 12:25:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/goxKeIyEXNwCNVrTTMAivetE 12:32:12 not all presenters will be going to prague 14:43:31 expected locking it much earlier 14:43:59 lmao 14:44:17 payback 14:45:20 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/chwOGQygIemUOVcTVwSmZIcI 14:46:04 State of monero. 17:48:15 https://eylenburg.github.io/payments.htm 18:41:13 https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1775193016363356238 19:17:15 Old 21:54:59 does monero have a status page? plowsof 21:55:18 for all services 21:58:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You ask to many questions…. That how people disappear here 21:59:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or banned or muted or both 22:00:09 ....... 22:33:09 Hey is there any data that indicates monero being undervalued? A statistic. 22:33:47 Dont worry about this 22:34:46 market determines the value, everything is else is just theoretical and impractical 22:39:18 But statistically speaking, the only thing that matters in finance is the "return to average" concept. The rest is abstraction. And the 200 day moving average rn is around 153 usd. So statistically speaking monero is 16% "undervalued" 22:39:51 Maybe you're referring to the rumored price of 1500$ XMR. I don't remember the name but someone on r/monero linked to a chart showing that monero did follow law stating that transaction volume setup prices. At the moment Binance took over XMR, price stopped following predicition of this same law 22:40:54 Likely sign of price manipulation or paper xmr according to this user 22:42:34 But IMHO price doesn't matter for crypto, but its use. Monero is undervalued right now because only few people use it. Businesses should see value in adopting monero as payment. This is what matters 22:43:41 Bitcoin-backed banks my ass 22:44:28 Every legal institution have to pay their bills. Until they are able to seamlessly transition from XMR to fiat they have no interest at adopting monero. 23:04:14 binance price suppression with paper monero lololol 23:04:39 I was promised a delisting pump by those people 23:04:51 seemed to be the opposite 23:07:55 for business to accept it, they need easy convertibility/liquidity + ease of use 23:08:47 one thing about privacy is that its never easy 23:09:16 using tor is hard ? 23:09:17 the price itself is not that important, but local price stability is important because you don't want the value of the currency to change over the course of the transaction 23:10:22 I mean, between privacy and convenience, people will mostly chose convenience 23:10:32 they can put a buffer/markup price 23:10:47 and privacy is not a static thing, more like cat and mouse 23:10:52 And governments will make everything they can to make it not convenient to use a privacy coin 23:10:58 thats what fixedfloat type of exchanges do 23:11:03 Thats why they are pushing bitcoin on ETFs and so 23:11:55 make it as convinenent as possible, waiting for your wallet to sync is so old, lws is in works for half a deacde ; imagine if bitcoin had similar ux 23:12:04 make it as convinenent as possible, waiting for your wallet to sync is so old, lws is in works for half a decade ; imagine if bitcoin had similar ux 23:12:15 i always assumed tor and i2p were pretty broken. privacy on the network layer is very difficult. tor acts like a nice free DNS and VPN though (albeit slow) as long as you only need TCP... 23:18:04 Yea I agree about the sync thing. But thats the thing about having custody over your money, you just don't accept what the bank says you own. You check it (actually your processor but you get what i mean) 23:19:23 I never understood why when you're syncing and you're close to the last blocks, it syncs like 20 blocks at a time. Should be more... 23:19:25 lws? 23:19:28 whats that 23:20:30 will work like a light wallet, scans in the background as it has your view keys 23:21:01 there are some services that do this 23:21:40 LWS light wallet server 23:22:17 you will be able to run your own or for others that trust you, view keys after all 23:23:07 no need to sync as it's always synced 23:23:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Matrix user nioc 23:23:40 jack is going to help with it :D 23:23:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Aka LN user 23:23:52 good morning Dan 23:24:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Jack of all, master of none 23:24:31 Cat is the master 23:24:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hello how is NK today 23:24:48 raining 23:25:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cats and dogs? 23:25:17 yeap 23:26:45 FCMP incoming :) 23:27:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> GF slush fund ? 23:27:26 MRL slush fund 23:27:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Blank cheque 23:27:34 GF will contribute 23:27:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I dont think it should be open ended 23:28:16 I don't believe it will be 23:28:58 it's not kovri lol 23:29:18 or a front end 23:30:46 at least the GF will be used for once 23:31:03 https://github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws 23:32:46 If lws was widely used, we would have already updated to a higher ringsize. But no, we look at shiny new things all the time and forget basic things that can be completed right now. 23:33:06 youre insane 23:33:11 lws doesn't solve verification time issues on the node side 23:33:12 oh that seems really unsafe 23:33:12 lws has existed since 2014 23:33:28 and besides, blame yourswlf for once 23:33:38 What unsafe ? run your own LWS 23:33:43 it's still running a daemon all the time with your view keys 23:33:45 host it at your home, connect to it via tor on your mobile device 23:33:53 i have had zero help on releasing the updates but have had my disclosures run off with lol 23:33:57 so just cut the nonsense 23:34:03 all you seem to do is complain 23:34:06 admittedly not as bad as giving it your spendkeys 23:34:10 become a dev 23:34:18 it's not as hard as convincing others to help you 23:34:24 so ? view keys just gives access to incoming txs nothing else ; secure your device if you are so paranoid about your view key 23:34:24 or themselves 23:34:35 but isn't it easier just to run an ordinary node, and then patch your light wallet to intermittently sync in the background 23:35:04 no, your wallet still needs to go through all the blocks everytime you open 23:35:18 oh I see 23:35:30 hmm well I guess it's not that bad 23:35:34 no, your wallet still needs to go through all the latest blocks everytime you open 23:35:40 you could give the background process your viewkeys 23:35:56 not all the blocks, just the ones since last time you opened it 23:36:17 you can, if your wallet is capable of handeling mulitple viewkeys & doesnt need to redownload same blocks again and again for each wallet 23:36:36 you can intermittently sync your wallet ofc 23:36:41 you can, if your wallet is capable of handling mulitple viewkeys & doesn't need to redownload same blocks again and again for each wallet 23:37:32 instead with LWS all your wallets are instant synched when you open, you dont need to dl blocks on your device which has your wallet keys 23:37:57 maybe after 5yrs we will have LWS 23:37:59 yeah I guess lws is better if you run your own daemon 23:38:22 a incentive for users to run their own nodes at home 23:38:31 and not depend on remote nodes 23:38:35 LWS brings convenience, you guys wanted convenience right? 23:38:55 jack, get to work 23:38:59 I kinda get the impression that most people don't want to run any daemons though. The only thing that could get me to run a daemon myself is if they add payment channels 23:39:36 and even then, it's like you lose internet for too long and they can close the channel on you 23:39:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use vtnerds lws 23:39:49 there is no incentive to run your own node, they still need to dl blocks on their mobile either it someone else running a remote node or their own node 23:39:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not updates tho 23:40:04 with lws they will run their own node 23:40:07 or their frnds node 23:40:13 more nodes everywhere 23:40:31 yeah 23:40:53 what if there was another type of key lower than a viewkey 23:40:59 like an "identify" key 23:41:08 seraphis has light wallets with better privacy 23:41:10 same as viewkey but you couldn't see the amounts 23:42:51 That comes with serpahis, which might come in 2030 23:43:01 we need a fix now 23:43:07 yeah hopefully they fix the viewkeys someday 23:43:12 cause you cant view the outputs 23:43:23 so its kinda lame 23:43:24 that isnt going to change anytime soon 23:44:48 LWS also puts mymonero honeypot out of buisness 23:45:06 maybe that is a reason development is so slow 23:45:21 I guess mymonero is like if you're stuck on an iphone and can only run webapps... 23:45:54 jack the mymonero partners literally funded the creation of the open source lws for free 23:45:57 so wtf is your deal 23:46:29 dev is so slow 23:46:33 youre complaining? 23:47:12 youre either one of the people disrupting it or you have zero clue as to most of monero's history 23:47:26 learn how to contribute 23:47:49 no mymonero is a lucrative app for plebs who want instant sync wallets like every other crypto coin they use, but they dont understand they are giving away their view keys 23:48:06 oh so youre privvy to their finances are you 23:48:23 mymonero must have hundreds of thousands of view keys by now 23:48:26 i stayed in a basement and on the street after losing my past savings and relationships just to listen to this shit 23:55:20 nobfg9000: The lame part is that you clearly fail to grasp how view/spend keys work. 23:56:06 @endogenic we are yet to see your product you have been talking about for months now 23:57:08 Isnt there private and public view keys? 23:58:02 f is your point jack? you just being selfish or what 23:58:10 or just intentionally mean? 23:58:16 we have no place for either here 23:58:29 kjeks yes but you need your sec view key to scan via lws 23:58:31 kjeks: in theory you could store it clientside with localStorage 23:58:37 the pub key is literally in the addr 23:59:01 the problem with webapps is that the site can change the code while you're not paying attention 23:59:16 it would be cool if phones and stuff supported "offline webapps" basicially just viewing an html file